Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Games of a Cazed Host ❯ Truth or dare ( Chapter 1 )
SereneFox: Again with the disclaimer, jeez. YOU CANT MAKE ME SAY IT!!!
Duo: Fine, then I will find some way...*walks up and kisses her, then turns and walks away*
SereneFox: *in a daze, giggles * Fine fine I don't own sailor moon, gundam wing, DBZ, or HarryPotter. *walks away happy *
SereneFox: And Now, Lets the fun begin. Our first game for this evening will be.duh duh duh!!!! Truth or Dare!!! But first I need to even things out a bit so some guys have to go.Now who.??? * looks around tries really hard to decide* ok I am sad to say that Harry, Oliver, and Ron have to leave. I am sorry! * snaps and they are gone *
Draco: Why am I still here?
Sfox: Because you are so kawaii and I think I love you! * glomps Draco* so you will be my co-host. Now I need two more females for the equality. I know! *snaps again and Galaxia and Rini appear *
SailorMercury: Oh no! It's Galaxia!!! Scouts get ready to fight!
Galaxia: What the.? Where the fuck am I? * looks at SereneFox* And who the hell are you?
Sfox: I am your beautiful and talented host SereneFox. And this is my handsome co-host Draco. Welcome to my show! Now go sit with whomever you wish. The Sailor senshi * glares at them * will not attack you since you are healed for the purposes of my show.
* Galaxia walks to where Wufei is, sits beside him, Wufei mutters something about weak onna and gets hit in the head by Galaxia*
Rini: Mommy? Daddy? * Sees SailorMoon, being held _still_ by Seiya* MOMMY!!! * runs to Usagi and into her arms* what happened? In the future Mamo-baka is not my daddy anymore, Seiya is.
* Usagi and Seiya glance at each other before Usagi looks away and blushes bright red while Seiya looks very happy *
SailorMoon: We will explain that later. Right now we are on a game show so just be quiet ok and listen to the nice insane lady. * Rini nods*
Sfox: I AM NOT INSANE!!!! * her hair flies around her head, then calms down* Now here's how it goes first I will choose someone to start then after they do their truth or dare, they pick someone else and the-----
Sfox: * looks miffed, glares wickedly at Uranus * Fine, since you all know how to play, Uranus why don't you start us off. Truth or Dare???
Uranus: * looks thoughtful, shrugs * Dare
Sfox: * smiles slyly* Alright then, I dare you to kiss someone.* Uranus looks expectantly at Neptune * OTHER than Neptune!!!! * laughs wickedly as Uranus pales*
Uranus: um ok. No problem. Does it have to be a member of the opposite sex? * SereneFox shakes her head no * Ok then * Uranus walks up to Usagi and plants a wet one on her, walks away proud of herself, muttering something* sorry koneko, always wanted to do that.
SailorMoon: * Looks dazed and confused* wow, she's a good kisser * Haruka hears and smirks, Usagi blushes * I mean ok, lets move on.
Uranus: * looks proud* ok my! * points to Vegeta* truth or dare?
Vegeta: I am a prince I don't have to play this stupid game!
Goku: Aw come one Veggie! Have a lil fun and get the stick outta your ass. * grins* Besides are ya afraid???
Vegeta: I am not afraid Kakkarot! Fine Dare!!!!
Uranus: * Ponders her dare* hmmmm. I dare you to grope your friend there *points to Goku *
Vegeta: WHAT?! NO WAY IN HELL!!!
Sfox: Oh no folks her refused a dare does everyone know what that means? * listens to the audience*
Audience: Wheel of Fate!!!
Sfox: That's right. Heeeeeere we go! * spins the wheel of fate, slows until it lands on 'hang em up by the thumbs' * Ok Bob, come and take our sore player out for his hang time!
* A big bulky guy with a small 'hello my name is Bob' name tag comes out and drags Vegeta kicking and screaming to the rope*
Vegeta: Fine!!! I'll do I'll do it!!!! * screams as he is strung up*
Sfox: Sorry but you had your chance. Well, folks we need money so it is time for a commercial break. See ya in a few! * Winks and walks to talk to Draco, scene fades just as she glomps him while he looks terrified*