Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two to Tango: A Regency tale ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Two to tango": A Regency Tale

Written by Myst Lady []

[SM/GW/Inuyasha crossover - AU/Regency historical] All standard disclaimers apply.

[Warning: Minor OOCness and rating/summary is subject to change. Light lemon will be added in future chapters.] Still looking for a beta-reader! Just email away.

Been there, done that. All of my stories are so horrible cliché. I'm bored and tired of the Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing crossover so I'm making this fic as my last story for this section. I will get the chance to update some of my older stuff depending whenever I feel like it. I seriously feel like I'm doing this for homework. x_x

Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored x 1,000,000,000.

To Venus of Love, thanks bud and you're such a sweet person. This one's for you.

To fellow SM/GW writers/buds, thanks for your continuous support and friendship! (Black Ninja Star, Girl of Darkness, Aino Yuy aka Usagi hater, Siren Silver, SVZ-chan, Ashleigh Kaiba and to others I forgot to mentioned.)


Kagome/Duo: An unwanted marriage forces this runaway bride to flee from home. Her naiveté lands her in a heap of trouble when she winds up with a mischievous bandit named Duo Maxwell…

Raye/Inuyasha: With the disappearance of her twin sister, Raye must embark upon a task to masquerade as Kagome to teach the arrogant Lord Inuyasha. To tame and break his heart but eventually loses her heart in the process…

Miroku/Mina: His wounded pride is hurt when his beloved paramour has left him for another rich Cit. But chivalry demands that he retain back HIS honor! Until, an opportunity comes along on his way…

Rather than facing the possible disgrace, Mina reluctantly becomes Miroku's protégé as part of his on-going wager. To her surprise, Miroku is an utterly charming young man and succumbs to her feelings for him in this unlikely union of love…


Somewhere lost in London, 1810

"How could this have happened?" Kagome wondered, sighing loudly. After all, she was partly to blame herself for all the misfortunes. A normal 18 years old wouldn't dare carry out such audacious plot and bring shame upon her family name.

A gust of cold wind blew around her. Her body shivered as she tightened her jacket. A look of annoyance flashed across her face, wishing that she bundled heavier clothing in this miserable weather. But drastic action must be taken into consideration when you're life is about to be more chaotic and hell break loose…

* * *

"You blackguard!" Kikyo swore to her husband, Jedite of 19 years. Her eyes were blazing with anger and hate. "Have you no shame?" She demanded.

"Aye… Tis' was only a game." His answer was a bit sluggish. He struggled with his speech but evidently that he'd been drinking again. His eyes blinked rapidly and his body swayed. He was very tired and would like to crawl inside a nice warm bed in next minute or so if his wife would stop acting foolishly.

"A game?!" Kikyo exclaimed. She lost her temper and began shouting. "You dolt! Is that all it matters to you? Drinking, whoring and gambling? You'd almost gamble away our precarious finances and nearly got us bankrupt. That was unforgivable but what you did now is worse. Far worst! It was the most grievous sin of all!" She threw him a venomous look.

Jedite winced at the dreadful sound of his wife's high-pitched voice. "Nay, I did not have any money to gamble." He said defensively, making feeble excuses. He tried to avoid looking into his wife's penetrating gaze.

"Yes, for your own selfish reasons at the expense of our daughters!" She screamed furiously, "How dare you?! To let some scheming stranger forced upon Kagome against her will?! What do you hope to accomplish?"

"I have every right to do so as her father!" Jedite spat bitterly. "I will damned do everything as I please. You will heed to remember your place, woman." He said warningly. His eyes became hard and cold.

Kikyo wasn't a bit intimidated. "And I'm also her concerned mother." She retorted. "As your wife, I would never let a man an inch near Kagome for the likes of Lord Inuyasha. He's the most disreputable, ill-mannered and despicable man I'd ever laid my eyes on…."

* * *

Raye sat quietly in a small secluded corner, listening to her parents' argument. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop on her parents. But their loud voices woke her up in the middle of the night. Concerned by the safety and well being of her mother, she rushed downstairs and was shocked by this revelation.

Angry thoughts filled inside her mind. "How could you do this to us, Papa? Why?"

"Oh, Kagome…" Raye was consumed with so many conflicting emotions inside her. She numbly left and headed towards her room. She didn't know how to confront her sister with this terrible news.

As she passed by her sister's room, she noticed how unusually quiet inside Kagome's bedroom. Curiously, she took a peek and Kagome's bed was empty. The room appeared to be untidy and the window was left wide opened…

[To be continued…]