Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Long Way From Home ❯ Chapter 2
Chapter Two
Duo was in his bed. He didn't know how he got there. The last thing he remembered would be finding out he was royalty. Rolling out of bed he made his way downstairs where his new found mother was sitting with his friends. He sat down in a chair. He studied her for a minute.
"Did I have any brothers or sisters?" Duo asked looking at his mother.
"Two sisters. One was reborn here, she has been awakened, you will meet her soon. The other is in the other dimension. Her name is Tomoh Hotaru, Sailor Saturn, your twin sister." she told him looking out the window. "Come, your powers must be awakened. We have little time." She stood up. Her staff materialized out of thin air. When it was finished she grabbed it. She stomped it on the ground three times and light shot out of the miniature Earth on her staff making them all vanish.
"Where are we?" Hero asked.
"That is a very good question." answered Trowa. They looked around them. All around was and endless mist. "Where'd she go?" There was a flash in the distance and an enlarging sphere of brown and silver light was heading straight for them. They dodged instinctively, scattering in all directions. It exploded when it hit the ground where they were previously standing.
Hero fired in the direction the ball had come from. In response to the bullets, two identical daggers came flying and landed at his feet sticking out of the ground. Light exploded from the daggers encompassing Hero and Quatre, who was standing next to him.
"Hero, Quatre!!!" the others screamed running towards them. The two were screaming in pain. The symbol of Saturn appeared on the back of their left hands. Purple armor trimmed in gold, much like Endymion's, appeared on their bodies. The pain stopped. While Trowa, Wufie and Duo were running an identical sphere of energy as before came flying at them from behind. They noticed to late and were soon in the same pain as Hero and Quatre were only minutes before. Symbols of Saturn appeared on Trowa and Wufie's left hands and on Duo's forehead. Armors identical to the one's that Hero and Quatre wore appeared on Wufie and Trowa while purple, lavender and black appeared on Duo.
After the pain stopped and they were able, they stood from where they fell on the ground when they were hit. They surrounded Duo instinctively, in an attempt to protect him.
"You let your guard down." stated Sailor Pluto. She became visible as she walked closer. "It will be the death of you one day. I am Sailor Pluto, Sailor of Time and Space, guardian of the Time Gates."
"Were you the one that attacked us?!" demanded Wufie.
"No, it was not me. I was making my way to the Dimensional Gate to ask Sailor Earth if the barrier was broken yet. I see she awakened all of your powers. Prince Duo, my I inquire of the ware abouts of your mother?" Duo just shrugged.
"I'm right here, Pluto." Sailor Earth said as she bent over to retrieve her daggers. Sheathing them she spoke to Sailor Pluto, "It broke but a few moments past. Gather my daughters and the others. This is going to be one hell of a fight."