Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Sailor Moon ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
Hey I'm WingZero Girl and I made this story
Sorry I don't own any of the Sailor Moon Characters or Gundam Wing but I do own 6 of the characters that are in here like Angel, Sakura Moon no she is not Serena's Sister or child, Dylan Moon, Dave Rousay, Brad L'Homme, and Andrew Ambis and some other character that are in the story3.
This is my Second Story so I hope u like it here goes
Chapter One
Far in the depth of Crystal Tokyo Queen Serenity was having her second Child Angel Moon. Angel was born but not known to the King and Queen that this Doctor was the doctor they had hired he was really a bad guy told them that the child had died at birth when Serenity heard the news she was so sad that she stayed in my bedroom chamber without food for a week and u know how Serenity is with out food. Years pasts and Serenity forgot about its. Angel grows up with people when she was left on a door step.
"Angel, Angel GET OVER HERE NOW" called a woman
YA, YA, YA I'm coming Mother!!!! Yelled Angel "what do u want"
"Noting I just wanted to tell u that ur friends called and said that they were going to pick u up in 10 minutes" replied Angel's mother
Angel went to her room and changed in to her school cloths when she heard the doorbell ring
"IM COMING!!!!!!!!! Bye mom see u after school ends next year" Angel ran out the door only to see Sakura her best Friend
"Hey come on I heard that were getting 7 new student today and I also heard that there all hotties" Sakura Told Angel
"Really I can't wait come on" with that Angel started to ran towards the school when she tripped and fell on someone (A.N. u can tell that she Serena's Child)
"aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" shouted a boy
"Oh im sorry I didn't mean to, u see im going to be late for school sorry I have to go" replied Angel
"Hey wait maybe u can tell us were the school is we seem to be lost" said the boy "oh by the way im Bradly L'Homme this is Dave Rousay and the short one over there is Andrew Ambis"
"Oh hello im Angel but my friends calls me Kitty or just Angel all of them work" said Angel
"ow man that's a lot of names" replied Dave
"Ya I know but anyway we have to get going or im going to be really late" said Cat
"um… but what about us" asked Andrew
"the resin y ur not going to be late is cuz ur new and u have to get put in your classes and rooms if u have a dorm there" replied Angel
"what about u don't u have a dorm" asked Brad
"ya I do but I was on Vacation for a few weeks"
They finely made it and Angel showed them where the office was when she started to go to her first class a boy with a bread bump in to her and fell (A.N guess who)
"oh im sorry I wasn't looking were I was going im sorry" said Angel
"oh no it was my entire fault" he replied
Angel look at her watch and started to ran "hey sorry mister I can't stay but im totally LATEEEEEE!!!! Bye" Angel Replied as she ran
"man weird girl…………" thought Duo
"who was that Duo" asked boy with blonde hair
"don't really know I bumped in to her when I was walking but MAN…….. she was HOT!!!!!!!!" Replied Duo
As soon as he said that him and the whole Gundam Boys went to the office only to see three other boys there
"Man this is boring I wish I could see that Angel again" said Duo
just then the principal came out and gave the three boys 3 keys (A.N. Meaning that they have to share a room but they each have a key) and also gave one to Quatre and told him he was going to share a room with Trowa, also gave one to Wufie and told him he was going to share with Duo….. (A.N. I know putting these two together is a bad idea but…meh) and also gave on to Heero and was about to tell him he was share a room too but was interrupted by Duo
"NO!!!! if u would have let me finish Mr. Yuy well be share a room with a student in the school and don't worry the student cant be as bad as him as a matter of fact the stundent just ran out of the office" replied the principal and pointed at Duo " u will find that all your bags have been sent up to ur room already and u can start ur schooling tomorrow"
Gundam Pilots walked out of the room and went to there rooms
Heero was having trouble finding his room and started to walk around the school looking for any clues on y Dr. J sent him there when he saw a girl walking in the hallway and overheard her talking to herself
"OH Great I can't get in to my class cuz this guy bumps in to me and I get In trouble" sighed Sakura (A.N. she bumped into Quatre on her way to class and helped him find his friends) she saw Heero staring at her and walked over to him and asked if he needed any help of course Heero needs help to find his room that he asked her for help. Sakura helped Heero find his room. "Well here it is 313 the room that ur going to be staying in. well be seeing u around". Said Sakura
Minutes Later……
"Hey! Angel how r u" shouted Sakura "where have u been I just met two cute guy u wont believe me"
"really that's kewl but I met 3 cute guy ya I helped them get to the office and the principal gave me a slip that told my teacher why I was late, and then I bumped in to another guy on my way to class" reply Angel
"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! Ur joking right!!!!! U have all the luck" yelled Sakura
"oh well come on lets go get some lunch ok"
"ya sure y not its been a boring day anyway" reply Sakura
The girls went to the lunch room and started to talk about there Vacation
"So ya that's what happened on my vacation" said Sakura "wat about urs Angel"
"Ohhhhh….. don't remind me! It was the must boring trip I have ever been on, there were no cute guys and all these ugly guy kept trying to get my number god ewww…" reply Angel
Without the girls knowing a person was behind the tree listening to wat they were saying when all of the sudden Angel does this really cool flip and land right behind a boy with short hair and with glassed on his face.
"WHAT THE HELL DO U THINK YOUR DOING BEHIND A TREE SPYING ON US" yelled Angel "Jeezz!!!? Angel u don't have to scream in my ear god!!!" said the boy
"severs u right for trying to listen to us in the first place Dylan" yelled Sakura "God I know that u have a crush on my best friend but to spy on us that's just not ur style so… WHO PUT U UP TO THIS???" shouted Sakura
*Dylan tried to think of someone to say that put him up to that but he couldn't think of anyone and then he say a boy with rugged brown hair walk by(A.N. guess who) and pointed to him*
*Sakura look at the boy and saw that he was the same boy that she helped to get to his new room and then she though that he could've asked her brother to spy on Angel but before she could say anything Angel ran up to him and Slapped him in the face*
"Who do u think u r telling someone to spy one me?" Angel asked. *Heero was giving her his Famous Death Glare when Duo showed up*
"HEY!!! Heero aren't u going to introduce me to your lovely friend here" ask Duo
"Hn" reply Heero "what a minute ur the Angel I bumped into this morning" said Duo
*Angel looked at him and then apologised* "oh im so sorry I didn't see u and plus I was late for class im really sorry but any way back to business why did u send that ASSHOLE TO SPY ON ME???" Angel replied *at that time Sakura go to angel to tell her that her brother was lying and that that boy didn't send him to spy on her* "ANGEL!!! WOULD U LISTEN TO ME!!!?" Shouted Sakura in angels ear "what is it that u had to scream in my ear for" reply Angel madly "Heero didn't ask my brother to spy on u he was lying to us to try to get away" Sakura told Angel "ooppss ummm… im really sorry I didn't know im really sorry *mumbles* when I get me hands on that asshole im going to kill him" *Angel apologised and tried to walk away but was stopped by Heero grading her hand making Angel turn around* "I said I was sorry wat more would u want?" Angel said
"How about u show me around the school" Reply Heero in a monotone voice
*Duo just blinked cuz not even Relena got that much out of him he wondered y Heero was talking to her when she was almost as annoying as Relena but hotter*
"Ummm… I have to think about it ok" replied Angel nervously
"Hn" was all u heared Heero say as they walked away
Sakura looked at Angel in the most Strangest way ever and ask her if she was going to say "yes" to what Heero asked and but Angel just reply that she didn't know when all of the subben someone called Angels Name out
"Angel, Hey Angel wait up" yelled Brad
"Oh! Hello I didn't know that ur had school today I thought that u started tomorrow don't you" asked Angel "ummm… ya I do but I just thought that maybe u would like to go out with me tonight?" replied Brad "ummm…excuse the interruption but who r you ?" asked Sakura "oh! I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself to u i'm brad i'm new here" Brad told Sakura "and when did u met Angel?" asked Sakura *Angel sweatdroped* "SAKURA!!! Sorry about my friend, Brad but sure I would love to go out with u…" Angel was interrupted by Sakura "BUT U SAID U WOULD SHOW HEERO AROUND" … "NO I DIDN'T I SAID I WAS GOING TO THINK ABOUT IT … I NEVER SAID YES" *Sakura and Angel were yelling at each other so much that brad walk away and let them fight a couple of minutes past and they decided that they should chick out there new room not that they were in a new grade so …. They went to Sakura's Dorm first and saw how lovely it was that Angel wanted to go see her room now they locked the door and Sakura ask Angel what Number her new room was*
"so Angel what Number is ur new Dorm"
"its 313 I think let me chick"
"what did u say 313 we can't go in there?"
*they made it to Angel new Room and then Sakura block the door way*
"Sakura get out of the way I want to see my new room come on what's wrong with u"
"I just remember that that room is Hunted" lied Sakura
"oh come on that's not true it's just a lie to scear us remember the teachers had this room for a teachers lunge but they changed it in to a dorm… I also heard that it has a Kitchen in it isn't that cool"
"ya it is but I can't let u go in there"
*the girl fought infornt of the doorway when Duo showed up with the rest of the Pilots*
"Hey girl! What's up y r u 2 fighting" asked Duo
"Injustice I tell u I can't believe I have to share a room with this baka" mumbled Wufie
"the resune why were fighting is cuz Sakura wont let me in my room" reply Angel
"Oh hello Sakura I didn't see u there how r u since this mornig" asked a boy with blonde hair "Oh!!! Quatra! Good and u?" replied Sakura "ummm… excuse me but I don't know who u r but I don't really care right now all I care about is to see my room" with that Angel pushed Sakura out of the way and opened the door " see I told u that there were no ghost in my room" "I think I know that Im just worried that u may not like wats inside that's all" Thought Sakura when Angel finshed wat she said there was a gun pointing at her……
Hope u like my Story and hope u like the first Chapter of the A New Sailor Moon…