Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Arrange Marriages ❯ First day together! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own SM or GW.

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

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Minako, Usagi, Makoto and Rei got out their cars and walked up to Ami.

"We want all the details," Minako said.

"I," Ami began.

"Hn," Usagi grunted.

"Ok demo inside?" Makoto asked.

They all walked inside and made themselves comfortable in Quatre's living room.

Usagi sat with her checking her e-mail with Duo next to her trying to read them, Hiiro sat hacking into OZ bases with Minako sitting by him, Makoto was leaning against a wall while Wufei was practicing swordplay, Trowa leaned against another wall while Rei sat in front of the fire and Ami and Quatre were sitting in front of the piano playing.

Usagi dug in her bag and pulled out some headphones and a CD. She put them on and drowned out the piano.

"Oi!" Minako shouted. "What are you listening too?"

She put her ears close to the headphones to hear the song.

"The perfect soldier listens to No Doubt," Minako said. "Bathwater, I'm beginning to rub off on you Usa-chan!"

Usagi took off her headphones and gave them to Minako grabbed her laptop and stood.

"Where are you going?" Duo asked.

"Training," Usagi said and left the room.

"Won't work this time!" Minako shouted.

"What won't work?" Quatre asked.

"Whenever Minako says `I'm rubbing off on you' Usagi goes and trains to be the perfect soldier," Ami explained.

"Oh," Quatre said and began playing the piano again then stopped. "She's not like that all the time, ne?"

"Iie, at times she'll talk," Rei said.

"Why doesn't Makoto talk?" Duo asked.

"I talk," Makoto said.

"She and Usagi both began earlier than us and something happened to them while they were inside their Gundams," Minako said.

"You have Gundams?" Wufei asked.

"Hai mine is Ai no Megami, Makoto's is Mori Inazuma, Rei's is Akai Ryuu, Ami's is Kori Hime and Usa's is Gi Tenshi (AN: For translations look at the bottom)," Minako said.

"No onna could pilot a Gundam," Wufei said.

"We do! And don't call us that!" Rei yelled.

"What'cha going to do about it onna?" Wufei asked.

Rei got up withdrew her kendo stick and bopped Wufei on the head.

"Onna!" Wufei shouted covering his head.

"Otoko!" Rei shouted and whacked him once more.

"Yamette!" Wufei shouted.

They began arguing until Rei took out her katana and bopped him on the head.

Usagi left the training room and began to look for her room.

"Hello, Miss Usagi," Quatre greeted.

"Where's my Room?" Usagi said.

"Where Duo's room is, Dr. J said for us to share rooms," Quatre said. "I'll show you the way."

They stopped in front of a room and Quatre opened the door.

"As you can see Duo isn't very tidy," Quatre said.

Usagi walked in and saw her bags sat on a clean spot of the room.

"The maids are afraid to come in," Quatre said. "I'm really sorry about this, I can get Duo to clean it."

"No, it's ok," Usagi, said putting her hair in a bun.

"Ok, be careful," Quatre, said. "Just in case."

Quatre handed her a clip for her gun before leaving.

Usagi began picking up his manga comics and stacked them neatly on the nightstand.

She found a garbage bag and began to fill it up with trash and food.

A few minutes later she was nearly done, the floor was visible and clean when she heard a low growl coming from under the bed

Several minutes later…

Now all she had to do was organize and make their bed.

As Usagi began on the bed her thoughts drift off to Duo.

`Why on earth would they make me marry him?' she thought.

She finished the bed as Duo came in.

"You cleaned my room?" he asked.

"Hai," Usagi said reading a manga comic.

"Why are there bullet holes and juice on the floor?" Duo asked curiously.

"Those fruits things tried to bite me," Usagi said in monotone.

Duo looked in his garbage can to see two apples and an orange with bullet hole through them and one pear that looked like it had been stomped.

He sat on the bed and grabbed a manga comic from his stack and began to read but stopped. "Usagi," he said.

"What?" Usagi asked.

"You don't like me, do you?" he asked.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Usagi asked not taking her eyes off the comic.

"No," Duo said sadly.


Rei sat on Trowa's bed glaring at the wall.

"Anything wrong?" Trowa finally asked.

He was afraid if she kept glaring at the wall it would go up in flames.

"Wufei! He is such an egotistical, male chauvinistic pig! Saying a woman can't pilot a Gundam! I have you know that we've used our Gundam hundreds of times and are masters of them!" Rei shouted.

"Maybe you have problems with men," Trowa said.

"I do not have problems with men! I have plenty of crushes and it's his fault! He's an insult to the male race!" Rei continued.

Trowa leaned back in the bed listening to her rants about Wufei's attitude towards woman.

On the other side of the wall…

"What did you do to my incenses onna?" Wufei asked.

"Rid," Makoto said.

"What?!" Wufei shouted.

"Allergic," Makoto said.

"You better get some allergy medicine," Wufei said.

"No," Makoto said.

Wufei grunted and lie down on the floor while Makoto took the bed.

Right above…

Minako ate a bag of skittles in the bed watching TV while Hiiro sat on the other side hacking as usual.

"Can you turn that down?" Hiiro asked in monotone.

Minako turned the TV down and then looked at Hiiro.

"Want some?" Minako asked holding out the bag to him.

"No," Hiiro said.

"They're good," Minako said.

"No," Hiiro said.

"They have red ones," Minako said.

"No," Hiiro said.

"Please?" Minako asked.

"No," Hiiro said.

"Pretty please with sugar on top and sprinkles?" Minako asked.

"Fine," Hiiro said and ate one.

"Was it that bad?" Minako asked.

"Was it that hard," Hiiro corrected.

"Only two letters off, I'm getting better," Minako said.

Hiiro grabbed a handful and ate some before going back to hacking.

Down the hall…

Ami sat listening to Quatre play the violin in the windowsill.

He stopped and looked at Ami to see her staring at him.

"Did I disturb your reading?" Quatre asked turning a light pink. "I'll stop if I did."

"No, you play beautifully Quatre," Ami said with red stained cheeks. "I was wondering if you would play for me?"

"Of course," Quatre said. "Ami."

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Ai no Megami: Goddess of Love

Gi Tenshi: Sliver angel

Mori Inazuma: Forest Lighting

Kori Hime: Ice princess

Akai Ryuu: Red dragon

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