Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ 10 Years Later ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Konnichiwa minna-san!!! Well here it is. The next chapter of "crossing paths" and Makoto/Lita is now 16!! *this would make Duo and the g-boys 17 ^_~* Now things are going to get interesting! And thank you to everyone who reviewed!! I couldn't have done it without ya'!! Now on with the chap.

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It has been ten years since Lita had gone back to L2 but she didn't stay there long. She had since moved back to Japan and was attending Juuban Junior High. Right now it was summer time and Makoto (now that she is back in Japan she goes by her Japanese name) is 16. She and her friends (the Scouts) are at Rei's temple discussing what to do for summer vacation.

"Well I think that we should go to the beach! That is always fun. Whatcha' think?"

"We always go to the beach Usagi! Let's go to mall!!" Minako had a very determined look on her face. She had been wanting to go to the mall for the longest time `cause she had just gotten her paycheck and wanted to blow it all on clothes.

" But we can do that any old time! Let us go the Library instead." (Bet you cant guess who said that ^_^) *everybody face vaulted*

"We can also do that any time." Rei thought for a moment and looked up into the sky when a shuttle leaving for one of the colonies caught her eye. "I got it!! Let's go to one of the colonies instead!! We can stay there for like a week and go shopping, the library, and to one of the pools!!"

Everyone seemed to be thinking this over when Ami voiced another question. "Which one would we go to?" This got everyone thinking again but Mako just frowned. She knew that they would want her opinion. The last place that she wanted to be during summer break was up in space.

" Mako-chan what do you think? You used to live on one of the colonies didn't you? Hey maybe we could go to that colony and you could show us all of the best places to visit!!!"

`I knew it! But I can't turn down Usa-chan like that. She looked so happy that she had gotten that idea. Well I guess that it wouldn't hurt to go back for a little while. I might even see-. Nonononono Mako don't think of him! You will just get upset.' Lita was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn't even notice that Usagi was talking to her.

"Ano….Makoto? Are you alright?"

Mako snapped out of her daze. "Uh yeah. Gomen Usa-chan. I would be glad to take you guys on a tour of L2." She tried to look like she really was glad but it wasn't working to well. Usagi noticed this but decided not to push the matter. Instead she just smiled.

"Well then lets go and get ready!"

*A week later*

"Wow I can't believe that we are on a colony out in space!!!!! I never thought that I would one day be here!!!!" Usagi was looking around excitedly. They had finally reached L2 and they were all tired and wanted to go to the hotel.

They got 2 cabs that took them to their hotel and once they were all unpacked Usagi was the first to speak up again. "So what are we going to do now? Can we eat? Are there any good restaurants around Mako-chan?"

Mako smiled at her friend. "Well there is a nice fast food place just down the road called Joy's Dinner. We can go if you are all hungry." The other girls shook their heads `yes' and they all walked out the door and down the street.

On there way there they the passed five boys that all appeared to be about a year older than them. Mako made eye contact with one that had cobalt eyes and what look like long chestnut hair that was pulled back. She thought that she had seen him somewhere before but she could not place him. He seemed to have the same thought on his mind for his eyes held some confusion as he looked back at her.

Once the group of boys had passed Makoto looked back at them and saw that the boy that she had made eye contact with's hair was not just pulled back but it was in a braid. Seeing this made Mako stop in her tracks.

She was about to call out to him when Usagi interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey Mako-chan? What's wrong? One of those bishonen catch you eye?" Usagi had an evil smirk on her face as she watched Makoto blush.

"Well not really…. It is just….well… one of them reminded me of an old friend of mine that I haven't seen in 11 years." Makoto's eyes started to water a little but she pushed them away before they could become tears. " Oh Duo…. I wish that I knew where you were."

The girls all looked at Mako with stunned looks on their faces. They had never seen Makoto look so frail. Usagi, being who she is, couldn't keep her mouth shut and was the first to ask a question.

" Ano… Mako-chan? Who is this `Duo'? Is he one of your old boyfriends?"

Makoto looked up at her friend, " Yeah kinda'. We were only kids though. I was 5 and he was 6 but we still considered ourselves a couple. After the Maxwell Church Massicur though he disappeared. He had been staying at that church."

"But Mako-chan, I thought no one survived that. If he was there…you don't think that he would still be alive…do you?" Ami, after stating her question, realized that it was the wrong thing to say. She didn't mean do be so pessimistic about the situation she just wanted Makoto to be realistic.

"I know that it would look that way Ami…. but. I know Duo and he could get out of anything. I mean, you don't live out on the streets and not know how to take care of yourself in a sticky situation. I've seen him escape from an alliance base unharmed. He has gotten us out of many dangerous situations while I was living with him and Solo!!!! Besides, Duo was Shinigami. I know that he is still alive!!" Makoto looked as if she was about to cry but she didn't. After calming herself down she spoke to her friends. " I'm sorry for getting so emotional. Let's go and get something to eat now….I'm starved!"

With that the group went to Joy's Dinner. While they were there Makoto filled the girls in on some of the finer points of her time with Duo. All of the girls agreed to help Mako find Duo and so their quest/vacation begins.

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Well that took long enough!! Sorry that it took so long for me to get this one out. I was having a writers block and just wasn't in the mood to write. ^_^!! Well that's it! Oh yeah and please R&R!!! Arigato Gozaimasu *bows*