Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Howdy-hody to ya all! I am here to tell you all that this is either the last or second to last chapter of `Crossing Paths'. I have finally reached the end of it!!! yaya! I am also going to point out some things that I realize I should have specified sooner. Ya see I knew it in my mind but…as the readers…you guys probably had no clue. This point is that Makoto and her friends are speaking Japanese since, besides Makoto and Mina, none of them know English. The same goes with Motoki and the G-boys. Since Motoki is originally from Japan, he is more comfortable speaking Jap….so that is how he talks to the G-boys as well as Makoto and her friends. Yes, I also realize that this is all taking place on an American colony and I am sorry if this confused any of you. You have my deepest apologies. If you are wondering why I am saying all of this…well…you will just have to read the chapter. ^_~. Now, I do not own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing. So…yeah…on with the chapter!!

(……..) author's notes

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"What do you mean a no trespassing zone?!!! You are here as well!" Makoto was a little miffed at the fact that someone was trying to tell her to leave a place that was so dear to her without a good reason. She was so angry that she didn't really pay any attention to what the person looked like.

"Didn't you people see the fence AND the sign?? I would think that anyone with half a brain would figure that they were put up so that no one would come in!" Duo was also getting pissed off at this girl that thought that she could just waltz into his old home without any reason. And to top it all off, she was arguing with him!

"We have every right to be here as you do! My friends said that they wanted to see this place so I am showing them around!"

"I don't see that as a right to be here! This ground is full of haunted souls that wish to be left in peace! They do not need you tourists coming here and trampling on their death bed!" By this time Duo was seething with anger. His family had been killed here. This place was sacred to him. It was because of this place and what happened here that he met and lost her…..the only one that he had ever cared enough for that he would even give his life for her.

Makoto was just as angry and getting worse by the second. For like Duo, her family had also been killed here and it was where she and met and lost the one that she had held most dear to her.

"Do you want to know why I have the right to be here?! I'll tell you! Because I used to live here! You hear me? So if anyone doesn't have the right to be here it is you!"


"Excuse me?" The boys comment had caught her off guard. Why on earth would this boy be calling her a liar? It did not make any sense.

"I said that you were a liar. There is no way that you can be who you claim to be! No way!!!!!" Duo almost couldn't take it. This girl….this annoying girl was claiming to be his lost friend. There was no way that it could be true. She had moved to Earth 11 years ago, never to return. He had waited for her but she never came back. `How could she….It has gotten more expensive to travel from the Earth to the colonies nowadays.'

"How would you know? There is no way in heck that you could possibly know who I am let alone my past! Tell me what makes you so sure?" There was silence between the two, silence so thick that you could cut it with a knife. It was because of this that both of them snapped.

"ANSWER ME DAMN IT!" Makoto could take no more. She charged at the boy with lightning fast speed.

"WHY SHOULD I?" Duo had seen the girls approach and prepared for it. When she had thrown a punch at his face he easily caught it. "Hn. Is that all you go-" Duo stopped in mid sentence. With the girl so close to him (and practically growling in his face ^_^) he could see her features better. He saw her long brown hair pulled back in a pony-tail and beautiful green eyes. `Those eyes….they look just like' Duo immediately dropped his eyes to the arm that he was holding. He turned it over but cursed softly at the fact that she was wearing long sleeves. Taking his other hand, he pulled back the sleeve to reveal a long scar. He gasped.. `she has a scar just like mine…only on the opposite arm. She must be..'

Duo was about to voice his findings when Makoto took advantage of his unguarded state. She pulled her hand out of his grasp and punched him in the stomach. Duo winced only a little as he looked back at her.

She stared at him with anger in her eyes. "You shouldn't drop your guard just yet."

"Neither should you."

Everyone turned in the direction that the voice hade come from, and out from the darkness walked four boys. They were the very ones that the girls had previously met at the arcade.

"What are you four doing here? I thought that you all went looking four your friend?" Minako stared directly at the green eyed boy in front of her as she said this. She knew the she and her friends were aloud in here because of Makoto but what reason did these boys have? It didn't really make any sense to her.

To her surprise, Trowa answered her. "We were looking for our friend….and we found him." Trowa looked at Duo who just grinned back at him. "What are YOU five doing here?"

At this moment Makoto decided that she would speak up. "They came to help me but it got late and they wanted to do a little sight seeing. This was the closest place."

"THIS IS NOT A TOURIST ATTRACTION!!! WHY DO YOU THINK THE FENCE IS UP!?" Duo had stated this before only now with more anger. How dare this girl come into his old home and say that her and her friends were just sightseeing! She had no respect, no respect at all.

"The fence wasn't up. It had been forced into so the gate was wide open. Anyone could have walked in her and wrecked the place." Makoto's voice was calm and quiet. None of the girls have ever heard her use this tone before….it was just very unlike her not to be at one extreme or the other. "But I must wonder…how did the gate get open? It wouldn't have been you, would it? It was, wasn't it? Hmm just as I thought, I think that you need to practice what you preach."

"What would you know about preaching?" Duo's voice was now as calm as hers. He fixed her with a hard glare before going on. "For you information, little miss, I used to live here. I am one of the two soul survivors of the horrible tragedy that happened here. So, because of this, I have every reason to be here."

"You lie!"

"Do I? Can you prove that I didn't? You see, with all of this fighting that has been going on it has come to my attention that what you had said earlier about living here is true."

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" Makoto was beginning to get impatient as well as anxious. `Could he be….?'

Duo smirked at Makoto. He could see very plainly in her eyes that the wheels in her head were starting to turn. "I knew that you looked familiar to me when I passed you in the street today. That is why I left the arcade early, to go looking for you. After a while, I started to run out of places to look and finally decided to come here. I thought that if you where who I thought you were, you would eventually come here. And I was right."

"I'm not following. Just who did you think I was?"

He closed his eyes as if in deep thought, a small smile gracing his lips. "A very dear friend of mine, one that I had not seen in about 11 years and not to mention the only girl that could come close to matching me in stealth as well as strength." As if to get his point across, Duo switched from the Japanese that he normally spoke to his friends with to the English that seemed long forgotten. "Wouldn't you agree, Lita?"

Makoto gasped. It had been so long since someone had called her that. In turn, she answered back to him in English. "wa-...bu-… do you know that name?"

Duo simply smirked at her and walked over to where she was standing. He put his face close to hers and reached down for her arm. Looking her in the eyes, he pulled up her sleeve to reveal her scar. Duo looked down at it and smiled even wider. "I know because of my memories but especially because of this cut"

He then pulled up his sleeve and pressed his arm to hers. "See what I mean?"

Makoto looked at their two arms and what she saw caused her to shed tears for the first time in 12 years. With their arms pressed together, both of their scars made a single one that went across both of their arms. They matched perfectly. There was no mistaking who he was now or how he knew who she was.

He brought up his other hand to wipe away her tears but still they came down. "Duo I….I can't believe that…well…that you are still alive." Makoto couldn't take it anymore and flung her arms around Duo's neck and cried freely. "I thought that I would never see you again"

Duo petted her head to calm her. "Yeah I know. I was starting to loose hope." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head and Makoto smiled into his neck

"I really missed you. Never leave me again."

He smiled into her hair knowing that he would have to leave to go on another mission for the Preventers, but decided not to say anything about it. "Don't worry Lita; I will never truly leave you. I love you too much to just get up and leave you behind."

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Well I hope that you all liked it and that the entire language thing is a little bit clearer. If not, well, once again you have my apologies. I am thinking of putting one more chapter where Makoto and Duo explain everything that just happened ( well not everything…just an overview) for those that did not know English. *shrugs* I'm Not sure if I should though…so tell me what you all think. Should I or shouldn't I? Well please R&R! Ja!
