Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing Through It All ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Island Sweetheart- Hey ya'll! Just here to bring ya'll a new story! Feeling like dancing and, if my memory serves me correctly, Lita (and the other Scouts) had entered a Princess class thing and she (and Ami) made it in. Plus, I read some where's she was a great dancer! SO GO WITH THE FLOW!

Dancing Through It All

"Uh-Oh…" Serena felt herself sweating from fear. She could feel it, that power again. Serena took out her brooch but the power got to her first and had her on her knees before a word could escape from her lips.

Serena was standing out on a deserted street, pitch-black night surrounded her and her clothes torn to mere rags. She was fighting an evil and it was winning.

"I want the girl!" The power shouted.

"Like hell," Serena shouted, "Your never going to get her!"

"Ah, my dear. She is something of beauty that can fuel the energy that I need. For she is the Princess of Jupiter."

Serena felt an unbearable pain hitting her right in the heart until she felt it suddenly disappear. Daring to open her eyes, Serena slowly did. As she did, she saw her mother and Sailor Pluto.

"Mother… Pluto?" Serena took on a look of confusion.

"Darling," Queen Serenity took her daughters face in her hands, "She's safe."

Serena closed her eyes in relief, "Good."

Sailor Pluto spoke, "But she's not at all finished with the danger. She needs to be protected." Serena's eyes flew open, "That's what me and the girls are doing!"

"Which isn't enough," Queen Serenity felt her own eyes sting. It was bad enough that someone threatens her power but it was worse when evil played games with her daughters. Yes, Serenity thought, Lita and the other girls were like her daughters. She loved them all as much as she loved Serena.

Serena felt her tears fall, "Okay. She needs us to be strong," Serena gripped her brooch, "Where is she going to be sent to?"

Trowa couldn't sleep, his head was still banging from pain the he picked up during his mission with Heero.

"What the hell," Trowa growled as he squinted, seeing dim light through his eyelids. Trowa, thinking it was Duo, opened his eyes. His mouth dropped opened in total surprise to see a beautiful olive-skinned woman with long dark green hair.

Trowa scrambled to his feet. "Who? How?" Trowa stammered quickly.

"I am Sailor Pluto, Time keeper and Guardian to it's gates. I'm here to tell you that someone will be arriving here in need of your protection and see to it that you watch carefully. Its destiny being fulfilled and I can not tell you anymore."

"Wait! Protection? Who? When?" Trowa shouted.

Pluto took one good look at Trowa and said simply, "She'll be arriving tomorrow." And then she vanished.

Trowa, not knowing what to do, slid back into bed. "Dreams… I hate those things," he murmured.

She ran. As fast as she can, she ran far, long and hard. Her clothes were torn and her hair falling loose. She had smears of dirt across her pale cheeks and mud on her shoes and legs. Her legs pounded pain but her head screamed 'death if you stop'. She felt her mouth dry and dehydrated. It was dark out and she couldn't see anything or anyone. Not a single light, speck of hope or a thing of life.

"Keep running," she told herself, "Just keep running…"

She could feel the power creeping out behind her but she kept on going. She almost screamed a cry of joy once she saw a bright light. With the last of her energy, she sprinted off into the bright light… thus leaving the evil behind her.

She felt herself falling, falling…


Trowa's eyes flew open, sweat covering his body. "Damn dreams," Trowa muttered to himself, "Hate those things…"

Trowa stood up and walked to his window. He was a crackle of lightning and black clouds.

"Bad Storm," Trowa's curiosity got the best of him and he went out of his room.

He was staying with his co-pilots of the Gundams' in an abandoned Trowa needed fresh air so he decided to go outside before it started to rain. Trowa opened the front door to the house and saw the rain pour down. Trowa sighed but just as he saw a bolt of lightning hit across the sky and blinded everything he took a step forward and hit something with his toe. Another bolt of light hit the sky and the sound of thunder. He looked down and there laid a girl.

Trowa kneeled down and rolled the girl over. Her clothes were torn, she wore no shoes and dirt was smeared across her legs and cheeks. Trowa poked at the girl and was relieved to see that she moved. Trowa placed his hands behind her back to support her up. With her head fallen back, she started to speak softly.

"Kino… dreaming, running…" Her eyes fluttered opened slowly and they spotted Trowa.

"Who are you?" Trowa asked, lifting the girl up a ways.

"Kino. Kino Lita. I've… been," she felt faint.

"Oh no you don't," Trowa shook her lightly, "Been what?"

"Sent to be… protected…"