Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Destructional Assassins ❯ 2nd Encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon.

"Why are you doing this? Don't you understand that you could accomplish more in life if your joined us?" Heero demanded.

"If are asking why I took up the job of an assassin, then the answer if quite simple. It was the highest paying job that I could find that was not related to sleeping with a man. I did try to join the preventers, but I got turned down. Anything else?" Hotaru answered him.

"Yes. Why do I feel as if I know you?"

"That is none of your business, but just to satisfy your curiosity, you do know me. Next time, I suggest you not to be so sloppy on your work." She coldly replied, and then threw the ropes that had binded her at Heero, then back flipping over the chair, kicking it at him, and then running the opposite direction. When she reached a fork, she looked up to see a ventilation system. Knowing that there were probably hidden lasers in front of it, Hotaru completely ignored the possible escape route. She heard the footsteps of many soldiers coming from the left, so she ran to the right. As she passed by a group of windows, the corner of her eye spotted a tiny carrot at the edge of the windowsill. "Perfect." She thought. Normally she would have been angry that her companion had followed her on her single mission, but this time she was glad. Noticing that the carrot was starting to glow pink, Hotaru leapt high in the air and grabbed onto a pipe. Pulling herself up, she used her feline injected genes to scurry across to the other side of the pipe, a good 50 feet away. Quickly jumping down from her high position and crouching as close to the wall as possible, she covered her head as the carrot started to make a beeping noise. Half a second later, the carrot exploded, taking the window and chunks of the wall with it. Running with inhuman speed, she reached the area where the carrot had been and jumped through the hole, falling rapidly down the 35th floor that she had been on. Flipping herself so that she appeared to be lying on her back, she prepared for her landing. Surprisingly, she saw with her excellent eyesight, Heero look over and see her fall. She smirked…they would meet again. Using her abdominal muscles, she straightened herself to where she appeared to be standing. As she prepared to land into the water, a light caught her eye. She saw fire burning at one of the buildings. Her eyes widened. Something had happened that was not meant to. Casting out her original plan, Hotaru pulled out her remote control and pressed the button for her helicopter to fly to her on the tracking device. As it flew above her, Hotaru's arm shot out and grabbed the ladder. As she hastily flipped into her helicopter. She took on last look at the fire. Something had happened to Blaze.

"Alright, someone tell me what the hell just happened back there! If I remember correctly, it was a one person mission, so why did two UNAUTHORIZED people tag along?" Yelled the furious commander.

Destruction put on one of her uncaring masks and looked away while Bunny calmly answered, "Listen, Time, it wasn't her fault so don't bother her. Blaze and I are fully prepared for the consequence." Love smirked as she rubbed in, "Oh boy, are you in for it! I was being a good little assassin and stayed at the compound." "Wait." Said Destruction. "It wasn't even their mission so why do they have to be disciplined? If anyone should be punished for a failed murder attempt, it should be me because I did not research the mission well." Chuckling softly, Time answered, "You girls take me so seriously…no one will be punished. Now, lets just go back home and get some rest. We can talk more tomorrow." With a nod, the five people left the conference room and entered the garage.

Time got into her black car and took off, leaving the four girls walking towards their own rides. As Blaze took out a black bag from her red convertible, Destruction asked, "So, you're going back to that club?" When Blaze took out a black miniskirt and a low halter-top, Destruction added, "Sorry, but I'm not going with you tonight. I have other things to attend to." Before Blaze could ask why, Destruction had put on her black helmet and had already gotten on her black motorcycle with purple flames. Shaking her head, Blaze looked over at Bunny and Love. "So are you guys game?" Nodding their heads enthusiastically, Bunny and Love pulled out bags of their own, each holding their outfit.

When Blaze and Bunny got home, Time was already asleep, but Destruction was not. Saying goodnight to their friend, they went upstairs. When Love got home, Time, Blaze, and Bunny were asleep, but Destruction was still typing furiously at her laptop. Cocking her head to the side, Love peered over Destruction's shoulder and saw everything typed in an ancient language. "I don't understand why you translate everything on your laptop to the old Athenian language…no one can read that stuff!" "Precisely." Came the short answer. Then, with more humor in her voice, "So what was he like?" Love started to blush and said, "You know…brown hair, blue eyes, great in bed…how did you know?" Destruction sighed and hit her head against the table constantly. "If you weren't with a guy, then you wouldn't be sneaking into the house at 5 in the morning. I won't be like Blaze and say that all men are weak, but I will say that what you are going is not good for you." Tired of hearing Destruction's lectures, Love proceeded to walk out the door. "Wait." Called back Destruction. "I don't mean to seem so harsh on your habits, but I just want you to know that you don't always have to sleep with a guy for some extra pocket money. Just ask Time for a raise. Better yet, I'll ask for you." Smiling at her concerned friend, Love nodded and entered her own room. Shaking her head from frustration, Destruction turned back to her laptop. After a few more hours, Destruction decided to go to her room to get a few minutes sleep. As she walked into her dark room, her eyes subconsciously changed shape to that of a feline. With her enhanced vision, Destruction saw something on her pillow. Curious, Destruction walked up to it and picked up the note. Walking up to one of her lamps, Destruction read the note.

"Hey! Just wanted to remind you that we have another major mission day after tomorrow. Time said that she forgot to tell you that we all have tomorrow off. Spend that time sleeping, okay? ~Love." Clearly touched by her friend's note, Destruction went back downstairs to fix everyone breakfast. It wasn't everyday that she got a note from another assassin. Sure, they all we as close as sisters, but few wrote notes to each other, reminding of the next day's events.


Author's notes. Sorry to everyone who feels like they are being bombarded by assassin stories. With so many out there, I figure, why not write one myself?! Jk…really, I am! I just got this idea while coming home from shopping today. This might turnout to be romance, but for now it's general, okay? IF and only if I decide to continue, it will be Hotaru/Heero, Rei/Wufei, Usagi/Duo, Setsuna/Trowa, and Minako/Quarte. I'm not sure. If no one likes this, then I will just delete this…so, please review to let me know whether or not to keep this! The deadline is FRIDAY!!!!!

Outline for reviews for this story:

I read your fanfic, and I [like, don't like] it. I [could, couldn't] tell who the people were by their code names. The plot was [crappy, good, great] and the ending [stunk, was good, was okay, could have been better.] I [like, don't like, don't care about] the couples. It [should, shouldn't] be a romance. I think that you [should, shouldn't] continue writing this story.

Thank you for taking your time reading this.