Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fighting Only Brings Pain ❯ One Cold Night She Fought ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

One cold winters night she fought. Not a physical battle but one inside of herself. For the fourth time that month she awoke in a cold sweat.

"Wha happen…?" her roommate Duo asked the darkness of the room, "Shinigami will… Ow… too early in the morning…"

"Shut up Duo." Serena looked at her hands. They had already killed so many what was one more life…. "Hn… I need a break from missions."

"So email the doctors and tell them that you need a break."

"Oh yes that will go over well!" Serena said sarcastically. "I can see the message now: Dr. R, I need a break from missions for awhile so please stop emailing them to me. Thank you. ~MoonWind. Yes Duo that's what I'll do!"

"Dum spiro spera, Sere-chan."


"Yes hope."

Duo smiled as he leaned in for a kiss. Then was rudely interrupted.