Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Generation Extreme ❯ The Prophesy Reveals Itself ( Chapter 7 )
Jupiter: Mercury???
Mercury: Jupiter, I remember mom telling me something.
Jupiter: *whispering* The prophesy?
Mercury: How'd you know!?!?!?!?
Jupiter. Mine told me.
Venus: I heard Ami talking about it with Greg.
Moon: I heard from my mom.
Mars: What?!?!?
Venus: There are three men. One who is good and We Can Trust.
Mercury: The second is nice, but may be evil. He is The Man Who Is Not What He Seems To Be.
Jupiter: The third man is evil, and cannot be trusted, but he appears as the Good Man. He is called the Man Of Betrayl.
Mars: And this means?
Venus: I'm assuming you've guessed when our parents first forsaw this?
Mars: Just tell me. No more riddles!!
Mercury: It was when the Blue Renegade popped up. Did you notice how when Alex came Michael left you, and when Alex turned out to be an ass you met B.R?
Mars: The three men. ^o^
Alex: *muttering* I am not an ass.
Venus: Oh yes you ARE!!
Mars: Alex must be the man we can trust... *draws back* Or maybe not. What if he's one of the others?
Mercury: We KNOW he's not the evil one.
Mars: *demanding* How?
Mercury: The evil one's up there. *points to building*
Moon: Hey!!!!!!! Don't you see what's happening? We're turning against eachother!! We never fight like this. We know our friend Alex would never Betray or trick us. He has to be the good one.
Mars: That would make Scott evil or a trickster. He's not. He's a good guy, and he'd never lie to me.
Venus: How do you know that?
Mars: -_- For The Scout Of Beauty, Love and Faith you seem to be pretty pessimistic.
Venus: *shrugs* Neh.
Mercury: I say we attack- *pauses...* The man on the building-
Mars: *accusingly* You know who he is.
Mercury: NOt for....Not for sure, per say, just an inkling.
Mars: How big is your Inkling?
Mercury: The size Of Russia.
Mars: I guess you won't tell me... *smirks* Ready?
Mercury: Yup. *others nod and form circle* Mercury Power!!
Mars: Mars Power!!
Jupiter: Jupiter Power!!!
Venus: Venus Power!!
Moon: Moon Power!!!!
All: Planet Power!!!!!!! *Tiara's glow and they attack him with a monster attck, but. oddly enough, he just jumps out of the way*
Mars: Oh no.
Jupiter: Here it comes...
Man: I suppose that was supposed to be an attack?
Mars: Humph. I am Sailor Mars, the Sailor Scout Of Fire and Of War. And in the name- *sees man and does an anime fall-over*
Mercury: I am Sailor Mercury, The Scout Of Water in all forms and the Scout of Wisdom!
Venus: I am Sailor Venus, The scout Of Love, Beauty, Faith and in the name of Venus I- *sighs* Mars, are you okay?
Jupiter: I'm Sailor Jupiter!! The Scout of Lightning and Strength!! I will triumph over Evil and right wrongs and bring justice to this Earth.
Moon: I'm Sailor Moon, and I fight for Loooove and Justice, and *does arm thingy* in the name of the Moon we shall Punish you!!!
Mars: Ya, Venus thanks for asking.
Jupiter: What? We warned you to be strong.
Mars: Ya, you also triuph over evil... bladdy blah blah. We're all sailor Scouts, ya'know!! Not just Sailors Moon and Jupiter!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moon: But I love saying that!!!!! T-T
Mercury: So, how'd you know who we were?
Man: *grins* When Mars here got a call and went into the bathroom to talk to a watch. The person... Iris? I believe she called her Mars.
Mars: Is this why you broke up with me?
Michael (dur, if you hadn't guessed already you're a complete baka): O.o No. I broke up with you because you're annoying.
Mars: *anime anger cloud & fireworks, after Venus does an Anime fall-over* You mean to tell me I was dating an evil ENEMY?!?!?! And he dumped me because I'm annoying?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Michael: Pretty Much.... yup. that's it.... ^_~*
Mars: *red with anger and then snatches out a paper* I hate you!! Not just because you're evil, but because you probably never cared about me!!!!!!!! Mars.... Fireball....Charge!!! *tosses onto him* Mars Fire Splash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael: Owie... T_T
Mars: ^o^ Bwahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahha!!! You moron!!!!!!! XD
Michael: >_< I refuse to lose to a group of little girls!!!
Alex: You'll be sorry you EVER said that.
Girls: >________________< LITTLE?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! O_O
Mars: Mars Fire Splash!!!!!
Mercury: Mercury Ice Exploooooooosion!!!!!
Jupiter: *ahhhhhhhh... ^^ the antannae* Jupiter Thunder Storm!!!!!
Venus: *points and her blond hair which is to her waist flies around her* Venus Rope of Faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moon: Moon Winged Angel Strike!!!!!! *at this a big pair of wings explode from a cloud and soar down to knock him over, and he's now covered in chared, cut-up, frozen and seared clothing*
Mars: *pleasently condesending* Little girls?
Mercury: We don't take that from anyone.
Venus: Especially evil exs who killed our parents!!!!
Michael: *breathless* Now hold it right there. I didn't kill your parents!! I didn't even know you or them were important.
Mars: Gee, thanks.
Michael: No, I mean, I had no clue you were Scouts or Pilots. I didn't find out until that day. I may be on the other side, but if I knew her parents were killed on that day I would've never chosen to break up with her that week let alone that day.
Mars: Do you know who did murder them?
Michael; No...
Mars: Mars... Fire....
Michael: Okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I know, I did find out. It was- *sighs and looks up*
Mars: Michael!!!! Tell us now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael: It was this guy named Erryn.
Mars: Know anything else?
Michael: *shaking head* If I did, would I tell you?
Mars: *crouches to come level with him* Yes, because at this range, I'd kill you.
Michael: Ah, but you'd also die.
Mars: Not if I use my second attack.
Michael: You have a - second attack?
Mars: You'll find out soon.
Michael: Look behind you.
Mars: I'm not an idiot.
Venus: Mar-*muffled voice now, and all mars can hear is "mah!!!!!!!!"*
Mars: *spins and stands* What the- *all the scouts are trapped in more domes, and alone {withouit our favorite&most powerful scout} they can't get out*
Michael: Guess you know why I won't tell you.
Mars: It' ambush. *jumps back and gets trapped nonetheless* Alexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex: Mars!!! I can't help you!!!!!
Mars: NOOOOOOOOOO!!! *punches black dome and lightning crackles over her skin**she screams** and falls with her energy sucked away* I can't believe we lost that easily....*loses transformation and passes out*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now wasn't that fuuuuuuuun????? XD I looooooove keeeping ya'll in suspense!!!! FUNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~