Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Generation Extreme ❯ Realization ( Chapter 20 )
Yay! Recap? If you'd do the honors, Please-
Tamika: Okay!! ^-^ The Waress is back, as a Second-level Goddess! Rini and Sarie are back in Goddess form- Sarie's a 2nd. Alex has been released by Hope and the girls after Clovererss brought him to their home to watch Hope, and Kaze and Hope have found a new friendship within their rilvalry. Michael came back to Hope, a Lucifer is spying on them in the woods, Erryn is Mariemaia's son (YAY!!! *huggle*), and Duo has sent a guard to find Alex, but Alex isn't there! Duo wants to use Alex as his Seer.
Ready? Alllllllllright, Ladies and Gentleman, Goddesses and Lucifers, reese's cups and post-it notes!!! Chapter 21!!!!!!!
Chapter21: Realization
Hope: *releases Michael* Let's go back to the house. *grabs his hand and steps through a portal*
Gina: I think it's about time you left, Alex.
Alex: Right.
*portal appears*
Hope: GUYS!!!! Look!!!!
Michael: Got room for me?
Erryn sat up, wiping his brow, and looking around.
Erryn: Michael..... *runs upstairs and stares* You..... you were dead. I saw you die.
Michael: Sad you didn't get rid of me?
Erryn: Glad that he didn't get rid of you. *looks at Hope* You're clutching him. Let the man have a little space, kid.
Hope: Like hell. Nyah. >.< :P
Erryn: Children.
Alex: Erryn-
Erryn: Don't talk to me. I saved you simply and only because of your parents. Thank Relena you're a Prince when you go back to your castle.
Alex: You're kinda one too-
Erryn: Shut up.
Alex: Khushreinada.
Hope: You- you're....
Michael: Twerp. *grabs Alex* I never said I wouldn't kill you. I'll do it here and now-
Hope: Michael.
Michael: *sighs* Right. You don't deserve to live, though. *drops him* You hurt Hope. You hurt them all, you hurt Kaze, and now Er. You on some sort of SICK RAMPAGE, little man!?
Hope: Michael, please-
Michael: You can't show compassion for him! You're kidding!
Hope: I don't. I just agree with Erryn. If we kill him- it all goes to hell.
Alex: Hope- thanks. Looks like you keep on saving me.
Hope: Then promise me something.
Alex: What?
Hope: You'll not tell them anything you acquired tonight. None of this information. If you say you came they'd get mad anyway. You're not supposed to leave, and to come here and not kill us-? You'd be in trouble also. So, this night never happened. Do we need Sandy to correct your memory or can you handle it?
Alex: I can-
Iris: Sandy- maybe you should anyway.
Sandy: It's so risky, though. I could erase things I didn't mean to.
Hope: Then we'll do it the old fashioned way. *picks up Alex and pushes him, and presses his back to a wall* Tell them and I kill you. And not NICELY, either. I'm talking slow torture and major pain. Got it? And I won't use magic. I'll use whatever is around. I'll improvise, which will make it all the worse because you'll have to sit and wait while I ponder how I'd torture you with this item, and then that one. You'll think up so many terrible things I'll not only physically but also successfully mentally harm you. Do_you_get_that???
Alex: H-h-hai......
Hope: Good. Kaz! He's alllll~lll yours. Remember, Alex. Don't get me angry.
Alex: I'll remember...
Kaze: ^ ^ C'mon, Alex!! *grabs his arm and disappears*
Rini: Khushreinada? Wasn't Treize dead? There'd be no way for you to exist-
Hope: Mariemaia.
Iris: *drops fist in open hand, looking as though she'd just and only forgotten an egg in her cake, rather than forget Erryn's own mother's very existance* Ooooooh, right. Mariemaia.
Hope: You- don't belong to those people we lived wi- our family.
Erryn: Nope.
Hope: I wonder how they are....
Erryn: Not good. We've been gone for so long....
Hope: *portal appears* I'm going to go tell them I'm alive. J-
Erryn: Can I come too? I don't want them to worry.
Hope: ...? ... ^ ^ *holds out hand and he takes it and she walks into a portal, and he follows*
She knocked on the door.
It opened,
Mom: Hello-? *stares, and tears gather in her fair blue eyes* You..... Hope, and Barry-
Dad: What? Is something wrong, Jules? *comes over and smiles* Come in, come in.
Julie: Where on Earth have you been?
Hope: Just about everywhere. I'm sorry, but I had to go. I had to.
Erryn: I did too.
Timathy: Tell us what's going on. Do you owe money, or something?
Hope: No. * looks at Erryn and sighs* Dad, you remember Sailor Moon and The Sailor Scouts?
Tim: Yeah, I do.
Hope: I'm Mars. I left with the other girls to fight evil.
Barry: My name's Erryn, and I'm an assasin.
Tim: *blinks* ....What!?!?! *glares* This is the worst lie YET, Hope!! You-
Hope: *leaps up and pulls out her transformation Wand* I call upon the Warfire of MARSS!!!!!! *transforms* I don't lie ALL the time, Dad.
Tim: *stares* Then....
Julie: Your friends..... they....
Tim: It's dangerous, isn't it? Idon't want you in danger-
Julie: How'd this happen? How'd YOU become-
Waress: My parents were Heero Yuy and Rei of the Hikawata Shrine. She was Sailor Mars, and she passed it on to me.
Tim: Then...... Jules, I TOLD you that the adoption agency we'd had for Barry also got us Hope!
Julie: Yes, well...... and you, Barry- you, an assasin? You couldn't hurt a spider web! (them fragile likkle thingies! she's not only implying he's so weak he couldn't break the strands of a web, that he's too kind to destroy a little spider's home, but also that he'd be too scared to go near it. If you were confused by that.....)
Erryn: You'd be surprised.
Waress: *disspells* I just wanted to tell you I'm alive- that you shouldn't worry.
Julie: *stands* Hope.... *hugs her* We'll still worry.
Tim: *puts a hand on Erryn's shoulder* We'll worry for both of you.
Julie: Because we love you.
Hope: I love you guys too.
Erryn: Yeah...... uhm....... *looks around nervously* eh...... Ditto....?
Tim: *goes over to Hope, adn Julie walks over to hug Erryn, who nervously kinda-hugs her back* You'll have to finish school.
Hope: I intend to. *smiles when he hugs her* I love you, Dad.
Erryn&Hope: Ja! *waves* *portal appears*
Julie&Tim: Sayonara!!! *wave back*
Lucifer of Aqua: Heh! Waress!
Hope: Noooo!!!! *Erryn holds her back back when the Lucifer casts her spell and their parents fall, and she breaks away from his hold, to transform* Why!?!!?
Lucifer: To teach you a lesson. Your life here is over. Your life is with the Assasin. Leave them, Alex and you past alone. They're gone, over, and you'll never retreive it. ANY OF IT. It's all gone! Ha-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah!! *jumps up and a whirlpool envelopes her*
Waress: no..... *runs over and stares, touching their wet, cold faces*
Erryn walked over: Downed. She drowned them. Hope. We need to get out of here. We need to leave.
Waress: NO!! I won't leave!! We have to do the funeral, and bury them, and pay our respects!!! We have to HONOR them!!!!!
Erryn: Hope, no. We have to-
Waress: *strokes back Julie's hair* They loved us. We have to take care of it.
Erryn: What'll we say? How do we explain this!?!?! WHAT WOULD WE DO!?!?!
Waress: *shakes her head* I dunno- but I can't possibly....... I can't leave them like this!
Erryn: We can come back. We can say we were off- I was on a business trip. You went to Alex's with your friends. It'll work. A few lies and we can make it look like we were never here. Like we just found out. We can't let them know we were witnessess. It'll all fall apart!
Waress: You're right. Of course you are, but....... *sighs* they-
Erryn: *picks her up and walks through the portal, with her kicking and screaming to go back the whole time*
Iris: No. You're- you're kidding. That's horrible.....
Erryn: *still holding Hope in his arms, and Michael is watching him closely nearby* Yeah. It is terrible, now isn't it?
Kaze: *shrugs* On a different, more interesting note, we now know Eryn's deep, dark secret.
Erryn: What? That I'm a Khush-
Kaze: Not.... quite. The fact that you love our little Hope more than a brother should. Her little boyfriend is standing over there- while you sit here and hold her. You know, since you aren't actually related in ANY way, shape, or form, it's legal, and moral, but-
Erryn: What're you babbling about now?
Kaze: That the three men from the prophesy have to exist still. Scott's gone, and you've taken the place of- or maybe it was all switched around. Michael is and always was the one you can trust- the Good Man. The Man of Betrayl- guess hard, girls.
Iris: Alex?
Kaze: Bingo! Then, the Man Who Is Not What He Seems To Be. Who could that be?
the Scouts all looked at Erryn.
Erryn: What did I seem to be?
Sarie: Julie and Tim's son, an assasin who keeps to his word, a strategist-
Kaze: He's still a strategist, and an assasin.
Iris: He seemed to hate us. To hate...... Hope.
Kaze: So, theron and so-forth, what must be?
Senshi: He has to love Hope!
Michael: He grew up as her brother. There's no way-
Sarie: Looks like a Sara and Setsuna case if you ask me. (reference to Angel Sanctuary. Sara and Setsuna are blood relatives- brother and sister. They fall in love. Incest..... *shudders*)
Erryn: What?
Sarie: Anime in which the brother and sister fall in love and become lovers!! ^-^;;;
Erryn: WHAT!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
Sarie: Although they WERE in fact blood relatives.......
Sarie: *puts fists on hips* Yes! It has a good plot!! That's not the plot!!! And, if I wanna see a new A.S. ep I can watch how you look at Hope!!! *begins to laugh*
Michael: Sarie! Shut UP!!!
Sarie: What? I thought it was funny...... *pouts*
Rini: Erryn, do you love Hope? We should know- they could use it against you, like using your parents.
Erryn: *looks down at her* No.
Kaze: *mutters something about liars and how the early assasin gets the whore and leaves the room*
Michael: Now what?
Gina: The Lucifer- what was her power?
Erryn: Water.
Gina: Come on. Let's go get a picture for the computer to remember.
Michael: *walks over and picks up Hope and sits down* I can't believe it. I remember those people. They hated me so much. I tried my damndest to have 'em like me, but....... They just always thought I was this terrible influence, which I was, but still..... I still loved her- er, liked her. I'd never hurt her. Not like Alex. I could never do that. I'd kill myself before hurt her.
Iris: *smiles* We know, Mike. We know.
Michael: And here Alex is, sending out Lucifers like that- right after she saved him- twice! From you and from me! Then she threatened him- aw damn. The little bastard'll get his. He's gonna DIE. Damn. She told him to not make her mad. She warned him and everything....
Iris: I can't wait to see that. She'll have SO much fun with it!! I'll ahve fun, too. Even if I'm not a part of it.....
Sarie: He's such a LIAR. What a backstabber! *she puched the wall and a Lucifer appeared*
Lucifer: Where's Kaze? Where is Cloveress?
Sarie: Why?
Hope stood, transforming. She looked at the Lucifer in disdain and attacked.
Lucifer: Ack! Hey-!
Waress: *mercilessly:* You *attack* killed *attack* my *attack* parents *attack.* You work for Alex. Alex killed my parents- ALL of my parents. Killed OUR parents. That will not be forgivvin. Not EVER!!!! *attacks one last time*
A/N: Okay, this is all I have now, I decided to get it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL up here, so.... yeah. As to the reference at the beginning to Tamika she is the Announcer in Real Bout Highschool. Yay!!! I'll get more soon. Ja!