Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ground Zero ❯ Hunter and Hunted ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"STOP!" Someone screamed.

I was pummeled to the ground as someone crashed into me and they stood up beside me. "Kuso." I cussed as I picked myself up. I blinked when I found myself face to face with a gun. I looked up with my eyes to see a boy with brown hair in a tumble, and cold Prussian eyes looking into mine.

"It's you…" I whispered as I stood up. `The trained assassin.'

"And you…" He smirked back.

I growled and said, "If you don't lower that gun…I'll lower you!"

He smirked and shook his head.

"Fine…have it your way…" I spun in a circle unexpectedly and kicked him in the stomach. "You might have been hired by the pacifists, but I was born to kill and I won't stop until I kill all the men that killed my family and friends!" I screamed as I jumped over him and punched him in the face.

He groaned as he stumbled back.


The boy looked up and jumped on the table with me.

"Heero Yuy…we will meet again…until then, sayonara!" I smashed the window, grabbed Duo around the waist and jumped out of the window. I did a mid air flip and landed softly on my feet. "Let's beat it!" I said as I started to run full speed toward the train station.

Duo followed close behind me as I leapt into the on going train and hid in the shadow.

I pulled him in and sat against the wall.

"That was weird…" Duo whispered as he lay down next to me.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Uh…Shawn?" He whispered a little while later.

I opened my eyes and looked down at him.

"You know just as well as I do that I won't be able to follow you forever…" He started.

I nodded as I pushed myself up and pulled my legs to my chest.

"So I decided I might as well leave now…I met up with this doctor or something and he's working on a new mobile suit. I was gonna see if I could pilot it…and he wanted me to start in a week from now…"

I blinked and said, "Alright." I looked out the train and stood up. I kneeled down in front of him and kissed him gently. "I'll see you later." I said as I walked back to the open train door.

"Oh, Shawn?" He whispered.

I turned to him and nodded.

"Any advice?"

"Yeah, if you end up on the other side, don't get paired up against me." I smirked as I leapt off the train and rolled to the ground. I watched the rest of it go rolling by, shaking the ground. I nodded and ran through the grass. `He'll get matched up against me…just like Heero. But I'll beat both of them. I will conquer my enemies.' I thought to myself as I ran through the tall weeds and leaped over a barbed fence.

When I got back to headquarters, I found it trashed. My mouth dropped open when I saw the once pure white walls stained red with holes. I slowly stepped over a huge hole where there must have been a bomb and walked to Artemus's lair. `God, let them be ok.' I thought as I pressed the button and the door shot up. I slowly stepped into the room to find it untouched. No holes in the walls and no red stains. I stepped into the circle of the room and to the table in the middle.

"Artemus?" I whispered as I looked around. The screen popped up from the table and there came a scratchy voice. "Artemus?" I asked as I ran to him and started to type on it.

"Tigress? Good, you're ok. They found our lair but we got out before they got to us. Hawk and Silverstone are here with me and are fine. But listen, you need to go to space and to the colony L4 and trash their headquarters." Artemus said.

I smirked and said, "Alright. Mission: accepted."

He smiled and said, "Over and out." The computer shut down into the computer, and disappeared. I sighed as I turned back to the door and left headquarters.

"They will pay…" I growled as I walked down the city street. "But first I need to find a way to space." I pulled my trench coat tighter and went up to the space station.

"Can I help you?" Asked the lady at the counter. I nodded and said, "I need a ticket to colony L4."

She blinked and said, "Name?"

"Shawn Aino." She blinked and nodded, handing me a ticket.

"Have an enjoyable ride." She said as I walked away.

When the ship I was riding in finally let the people board, I was the first one to get in. I went to first class and sat down by the exit. After a few hours, the ship finally landed. I jumped out of the ship and started to walk the streets.

I pulled out a device to help me find the enemies headquarters, and soon found it. I took out a pen looking device and yelled, "Luna pen, transform me into an OZ soldier!" Swirls and ribbons surrounded me and my clothes changed to that of an OZ soldier. My blonde hair turned black and was put up in a high bun. I ran into the base and looked around. "This place is huge…" I whispered as I looked around. `Now, to find the control room.' I knew I couldn't do this alone, but what other choices did I have?

"You could do this with me." I turned around to see Heero walking up to me.

"What are you doing here?!" I snapped.

"A mission." He said as he looked to me.

I groaned and said, "Fine. Now, just kill everyone and destroy everything. I appreciate it." I turned from him and ran to the weaponry room. I opened the door and started to type on the computer. I grabbed some bombs and laid them throughout the base.

When I met up with Heero, I led him to the control room. I pressed a button and all the bombs exploded at the same time.

People came running out of the control room and ran to different parts of the base.

Heero followed me into the room as I jumped in before the door shut and pointed a gun at the person in the room. There were two more, but Heero got them.

"Just kill them." He said to me.

I sighed and said, "To easy." I turned to the man and said, "Lock the door."

He gulped and slowly started to type on the computer, and I heard the door lock.

"Good, now I hope you have a good time in hell for what you did to my friends and family." I shot the gun and it went right through his skull.

He fell forward and lay dead on the ground in front of me. When I saw Heero still talking to the other men, I put up my gun and shot both of them.

"Hey!" Heero snapped.

"Shut up Yuy and watch the door." I said as I sat down at the huge computer and started to type on it. Pulling, pushing, and switching levers and buttons I finally set off the alarms, which had already gone off.

Then I went to the room they held the mobile suits in with the video camera and commanded self-destruct on them all. I crashed their system and ran out of the base.

"Good job." Heero said to me as I was reloading my gun.

"Thanks." I said back as I snapped the gun up and put it in my pocket.

"It's just too bad I won't be able to get to do more missions with you." I blinked and looked up.

One of his eyes was looking into the aiming hole and the other was closed. And when the shot went off, I covered my ears and closed my eyes.

But nothing hit me. I looked up to see Heero griping his hand, swearing and trying to point his gun. I looked up to see Wufei pulling back his gun.

But I didn't say anything to him; I simply leaped up and ran out of his sight.

From that day on, I never heard from Artemus, Silverstone, or Hawkins again. I figured they were killed, maybe from OZ, the Alliance, or maybe even the pacifist group. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was the last of the secret forces and I had to get revenge for them. Simply destroying their base wasn't enough. And the matter of Heero was still at hand. Was he my friend, or foe? One day, when I was in seventh grade at MVCS, something went terribly wrong.

I was in PE, actually horsemanship, riding a black horse named T.J. when there came a huge boom. All the horses freaked, but I was the only one to get my horse under control in less then ten seconds after the noise. I clicked to him and cantered him to where the noise came from. I looked around to see the grass where there once stood a caboose, and saw it in ruins. There was a huge whole and the caboose was torn and burnt.

"Shit." I whispered as I looked around. I saw three retreating forms running up the road, and knew I had to go after them. I kicked T.J. and he broke into a canter. I dodged the gawking people and soon caught up with the three boys.

"Stop right there!" I yelled as I jumped off the running horse and landed in front of them. I put up my gun and growled.

They gulped and stood frozen.

"What the hell was that for?!" I snapped.

They looked at each, nodded, and took off in different directions.

"Hey!" I yelled as I tried to figure out which I should find first. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Never mind them, they aren't exactly my problem right now. Well, actually they are. But I have to find OZ." I groaned and got back on T.J.

I clicked to him and turned him around. But I didn't expect what happened next. One of the boys had come back, and hit me with a pipe. I groaned and fell off the horse.

He caught me before I hit the ground and hit the horse so it went running.

I looked up at him as he started to walk towards the parking lot, and whispered something to him before I slipped into unconsciousness. "I'll kill you…I swear I'll get rid of all of you…"

But he only rolled his eyes.

I groaned as I slowly looked up through my hair that was in my face. The blood on my face made my hair stick to my cheeks so I couldn't move it from my eyes.

"Who are you?" A man asked. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

`Where am I?'

"Won't talk with ya? Well we have people that deal with people like you!" He snapped.

A second later, a guy in all black walked in.

"Make her talk." The man smirked.

The boy walked to me, but he just stared.

"I know her…" He whispered. "

What? Well what's her name?!" The man yelled.

I opened my eyes as my head fell to my chin and I looked up with my eyes narrowed.

The boy took a deep breath and shook his head.

I straightened my back against the chair and whispered, "I am flame…flame is light. I am fire…fire is sight…"

The man growled and slapped me.

"Talk damn it!" He yelled.

I groaned and turned my head to the side, making a cracking sound. I turned back and started to whisper something.