Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ I am an Imaginary Living Body ❯ File 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I am an Imaginary Living Body

By Dreama Tsuki

File 2

Hey all! I didn't think that I would get such a reaction so fast! ^_^ I'm expecting the same turn out for this chapter. I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon, nor does the song I am an Imaginary Living Body, that belongs to Be-Papas. Let the show begin!

"Incandescent darkness

and birthed puppets
Are named,


excerpt from the song I am an Imaginary Living Body (don't worry, you'll get more of it in the next chapter or you could just go to if you can't wait that long).

Hiiro watched as the young girl slept on the small bed in the hotel room he had rented for the night. What kind of mission was this? Watch over some girl until he was done fighting! It was insane, she was a liability. Not only that, but he would be killed if he failed this mission.

She whimpered in her sleep and rolled over, causing the bed to creak. Life sure was hell for Hiiro Yui, and he was sure that Usagi Tsukino's was that same hell now that OZ wanted her back. And to make things worse: the couch Hiiro was trying to sleep on had that distinct smell of hot wax.

He sighed and went into what most would refer to a bathroom (a toilet and a bathtub that needed to be filled with a hose running out of the sink) and splashed his face with cold water, the smell of the couch had made him nauseous and gave him a horrible headache. When he came out of the bathroom, he noticed that the couch was less inviting then before. He looked to where Usagi lay, if she didn't like him sleeping in the same bed, she would have to get over it or sleep outside in the rain. Besides, he doubted a girl like her would appreciate him getting sick all over her.

He slowly laid on the bed so she would not wake up and got himself comfortable. She cuddled up against him and he tried to push her away, but unfortunately that may involve waking her up and her crying more. He decided that the bed wasn't any better then the couch, it smelled strikingly of kerosene. He slowly got up and opened the door to let in some fresh air. It was then he realized it wasn't the bed that smelled, it was coming from outside.

A figure in the dark was pouring the smelly, flammable liquid all over the cars. He saw Hiiro and laughed insanely, "May God have pity on your soul for protecting what those men who played God created!" With that he lit a lighter and dropped it on the ground, the place went up in flames in mere seconds.

"Kuso," Hiiro cursed as he ran back in, grabbed the sleeping Usagi and ran out.

"What's going on?" Usagi questioned as Hiiro was cornered by the flames, "Hiiro! Everything's on fire!"

"I realize that!" he snapped, "just be quiet so I can get us out of this."

He looked around for a way out. Already sirens could be heard down the road, there was no way in hell that he was going to get caught this early. He guessed that there was only one thing to do.

"What are you doing?" Usagi demanded as Hiiro hoisted her over his shoulder.

"Trust me," he said as he knelt down and leapt to an impossible height over the flames and landed with near perfect grace if it weren't for the fact that his leg was burned.

"Are you alright?" Usagi asked with concern.

"Yes," he said as he put her down, "Just keep running!" They quickly found a car that was not on fire which Hiiro hot wired and used for them to get away. Of course Hiiro's driving did not make Usagi feel any better.

"Trust him he says," she mumbled as she slid down in her seat.

The next morning, Usagi woke from her makeshift bed in the back seat and saw that Hiiro was still driving. "Where are we going?" she asked with a yawn.

"Can't tell you," he said monotonously.

"Why not," she demanded, "I'm the one with half of the army after me."

"Just live with it," he said, "You want some breakfast?"

"Aren't you afraid we will get caught?" she said as she crawled up in the passenger seat.

"Only if you attract attention to us like you are now," he said as some college whooped at Usagi whose rear end was sticking up as she was still trying to get in the front seat.

"Humph," said Usagi as she sat in the seat, "ecchis."

"They can't help it that you are a girl who is flashing her panties everywhere," said Hiiro coldly.

"How kind of you to notice Hiiro," said Usagi

"So do you want breakfast or not?" he asked growing a tad impatient with the girl.

"Fine," she said, "but I am just wearing the shirt you loaned me." Indeed, the only thing she was wearing was a small white shirt that Hiiro let her wear for the night and her undergarments.

"Wait here," he said as he pulled into a Wall-Mart parking lot, covered Usagi with a blanket ("Hey!" she cried) and walked into the store, soon returning dressed in a new green shirt and jeans and a bag containing shocking pink pants with rose print and a light pink tank top for Usagi complete with black boots.

"Change, now." He ordered.

"Not unless you turn around ecchi," she hissed.

"fine," he said and turned.

"Jeeze," Usagi complained, "How girly do you think I am? At least the shoes aren't pink, but boots?"

"I guess I can take them back and you can starve if you don't like them," he growled back.

"No," Usagi nearly panicked, "they're great!"

"Are you finished getting dressed?" he asked with the very slightest hint of impatience.

"Almost," she said, "keep you pants on."

Hiiro glared at some passers by who looked at him and immediately began to talk in whispers. This was nuts. How long did it take for a girl to get clothes on? He turned around just as Usagi finished pulling on her shirt.

"You ecchi," she blurted out, "You're lucky that I am dressed otherwise I would have screamed."

"Go ahead," Hiiro warned as he got in the car, "quicker way to get yourself caught by OZ and for me to get you out of my hair."

Usagi raised her hands in defeat, "Just kidding!"

"Good," he said as he started the car and drove a little down the street to pull into a small café.

"We're not staying long," he said as he turned off the ignition and got out.

"Okay," Usagi said as she got out and jogged after him, "You know Hiiro…"

"What?" he asked as the waitress led them to their table.

"Aren't you kind of worried that someone other then OZ knows about me?" she asked quietly as she opened her menu.

"Probably an information leak that he heard about," he said, "It happens a lot."

"But how did he know where we were?" she asked.

Now she had him there, how the heck would anyone know that? If someone had found them last night, how hard would it have been for them to find them now?

Hiiro glanced outside and sure enough, there were soldiers from OZ walking in.

"Hiiro!" she cried as the soldiers asked the head waitress for permission to look around.

He thought for a moment, why he did the next thing he did he would never know. He grabbed Usagi's shoulders and pulled her into an earth shattering kiss.

To be continued!

He he! I am evil! I know it is really short, but I really need to do some other stuff. I will try to get the next chapter out next week, but only if I get another 15-20 reviews, note: the total reviews received for chapter 1 was 23, so in order for me to add chapter 3 it has to say 38-40, just for those who are confused. Why do I keep asking for so many? Because it is so hard to get a response out of you guys! Well that's all for now. Don't forget to review if you want to know what happens next. Bai bai! ::Dreama goes back to her place in the sky::