Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Immortal Emotions ❯ A New Mission ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*bs-chan pokes her head in and smiled* ossu minna!

Mirai Trunks: don't you have enough stories bs-chan?

Duo: she does, but at least I will be in this one!

Usagi: *squeals and jumps up and down* yes! She loves me! I'm in every one!

Squall: whatever...(translation: *rolls eyes* whatever u say, Usagi)

bs-chan: what's wrong with all of you people!? I just had a new idea! Is there something wrong with that!?

Hotaru: no, but-

Duo: I'm so happy I'm finally in one of bs-chan's fics! Woohoo! Finally a GW/SM fic!

Bs-chan: yes, this is my first attempt at gw/ im sry if things are wrong!

Duo: since im in the story! I'll do the disclaimer!

Usagi: wait! But I'm in it too!

Hotaru: and I will later!

Squall: whatever...(translation: *rolls eyes*)

Duo: Bs-chan does not own Gundam Wing,

Usagi: She does not own Sailor Moon,

Hotaru: she doesn't own us,

Duo/Usagi/Hotaru: but she owns the plot!

Mirai Trunks: did they like rehearse that earlier or something??

Bs-chan: *shrugs* I dunno...

~*Immortal Emotions*~

Chapter 1: A New Mission


I growled and brought out my magnum. I rolled my eyes as I searched for any more soldiers. Great! I have my cover blown! And I am not even done with my mission! All I have to do is get out of this God forbidden place, and blow it to smithereens!

I quickly ducked as more bullets came from behind. I whipped around and started firing. After I killed a few of them, I started to dash towards the exit. When I got to the next corner, I saw five more soldiers with their guns out. They were quickly shooting at me. I ran straight towards them and jumped over them, landing perfectly on my feet. I sprinted out of the building, took a left, and entered the parking lot.

I jumped onto my motorcycle and sped off down the highway. When I reached my next destination, I got off of it and walked inside a restaurant. My friends are the owners of it. Makoto and Motoki. I didn't even bother talking to the girl at the front desk, I quickly walked past her and headed towards the back room. I opened it when I heard a reply from my friend.

Makoto smiled as I walked into the room. Her chestnut brown hair was up in it's usual pony tail. I figured she was taking a break from her work since she was laying back on her chair. She came over to me and gave me a hug, "It was on the news! Luckily they didn't get a picture of you on the television!"

I looked up to her and nodded.

She smiled and put on her apron, "I better be getting back to the kitchens. Last time I wasn't there they almost started a fire," she rolled her eyes, "I'll leave the room all to you."

I glared up at her retreating form, and as soon as she left brought out my laptop from my bag and sat down on the coach.

I growled as I got into my inbox. I quickly read over my new mission:


Getting a little sloppy now, are we? You have to remember to keep your cover, the gundam pilots know about another one of them since you revealed yourself. Make sure it doesn't happen again! For your next mission, you will travel to the Sanq Kingdom, and enroll in the school. Take your gundam to Senshi Headquarters and leave her there. Close to the school, but far enough if someone is looking. On your way to Senshi HQ, hack into the school and join it, and make sure you are with one of the gundam pilots, but be careful, they are all very deadly. Make sure they do NOT know who you are. Or they would kill you, and ask questions later. After you take your first classes, meet the pilots and be friendly. I want you to get as much information from them as you can. Attached to this email is all the information I need you to get from them. And also has your fake life story, read through, memorize a lot that has happened to you, and if they ask about you, use this information. After a while, I will send you a knew mission. You will arrive at the school at 1600 hours.

Master of Senshi Headquarters

"Mission accepted," I quickly looked through my files and saved them with a double coded password.

I looked at my watch, quarter after three. It will take me eight hours to get to Senshi Headquarters, and then three hours after that until the Sanq Kingdom. I would need at least 15 minutes at Senshi HQ. If I left in an hour, I would arrive at three thirty. I packed my bag and headed out to get something to eat. There were a few inside the restaurant, and I ordered mine straight from Makoto, telling her I needed to head off soon. She nodded and gave me my order quickly. She sat down next to me, and she chatted away, I nodded my head or said "hai" or "iie."

"It's four, you better head out," she gave me another quick hug and I left, my motorcycle taking me to my gundam. I placed my motorcycle in a small room I asked especially for in the back. In there was a small refrigerator and a small bed. I plugged in the coordinates on the main screen, and told it to tell me a half hour before we arrive.

Sitting down on my bed, I started up my laptop again. I hacked into the school's computer system and typed in my name, age, sex, birth date, location, and when I would be starting. Next I looked up the dorm rooms and found that the five pilots rooms were right next to each other. I looked at who was with who. Trowa and Wufei were in one room, while Duo, Heero, and Quatre were in another. There was a vacant room next to theirs. Convenient. I typed in my name and looked at the three names, one of them would stay with me, but who? I picked one out and erased their name, placing him into mine.

I turned it off and quickly fell into a nice dream.


I woke up and looked over to the clock, it read eleven thirty. I growled, forty-five minutes until we landed. I groggily looked into the mirror and I redid my hair, pulling it into a french braid which fell down to my hips. I stepped into my black leather pants and brought a black tank top over my head. I smirked in triumph as I had a sudden image of Lara Croft. All I had left to do was put my two magnums in their holders on the sides of my waist.

I walked into my main room as I heard my gundam beep, acting like an alarm clock. I sat down on my leather chair and watched through the windows. My gundam was disguised as a normal jet. If it was in it's gundam form, everyone would be attacking, and I wouldn't want that. I turned around and pressed the play button on my cd player. Hey, I gotta at least have my music. I sat in happiness as "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne came on. One of my all time favorites.

I brought out my laptop and read more on my life story.

It seemed like a few hours after I started reading that I noticed we were landing. I put on my sunglasses and stepped out of my gundam.

Seconds later I heard a squeal and I was engulfed into a hug by my sister. I always smile for her, something I rarely do. She had her trademark bow in her golden spun hair and she had almost the same eyes as I did, but hers were more light blue than a sapphire.

"Hello, Minako," I hugged back.

"How is my favorite sister?"

"Extremely pissed."

She cocked her head to the side, "How come?"

"I have to wear a maroon uniform."

She cracked up laughing, but quickly shut up when I growled. Everyone knows I hate any other color than black.

I turned back to my gundam and saw someone coming out with my motorcycle, "Hey! Why the hell were you-Haruka!?"

The sandy blonde girl winked at me and pushed my bike over to me. "Hey, you always trusted me with your bike before."

I rolled my eyes and entered the gundam. I flew it over to a wall, which opened for me. And I landed it close to the entrance in case I needed it. Which I hope is a negative. I hopped out and gave Minako one last hug.

Setsuna finally decided to emerge, "Good luck, Usagi."

I nodded to her.

"And don't worry about your stuff, it has already been sent in an airplane. All you have to keep is put your laptop in the little case on the side of your bike. Keep your magnums when you are there in your bag at times, because you will never know when you need them, I have already sent five more with your stuff. Goodbye, Usagi."

I brought my leg over the motorcycle gave one last wave to my friends and shot off at 80 mph.


I quickly unlatched my belt for my guns and set them inside of my bike, and I lifted out my laptop case and closed the bag, locking it for safety reasons. I tipped down my glasses and looked for my targets, nowhere to be found. I sighed mentally and walked inside to the main office.

I winced as I saw everyone their disgusting maroon outfits. I shudder to think of wearing them. The boys had it easy, all they had to wear a white shirt and grey pants. How lucky for them. Inside of the office I saw the pacifist herself. She stood up and strained a smile when she saw my outfit, "Usagi Tsukino?"

I nodded in answer.

"Your items arrived earlier and have been placed in your dorm room," she handed my a room key and a schedule. "Your room number is on the third floor, room number 355. And be careful of the guys around your dorm, they can be pretty strange."

I figured she was talking about the gundam pilots.

"Go on to your dorm and I will the one who you will be sharing it with," She stood up from her chair and walked out the door.

Gee, thanks. Thanks a lot for helping me find my way around. Now let's see, third floor. Let's find the stairs now. I walked around for and hour just looking for the stairs. I found one in the cafeteria. In the back. I growled and jogged up the three flights.

I quickly found my room and opened it. My eyes widened at the decorations in the room. It looked more like an old fashioned suit than a dorm room. There was a red three person and very soft couch straight back and a television right in front. There was one room to the right which had two four post beds with intricate carvings on the posts and a red silk canopy which had curtains hanging off of it so you could sleep in private. And there was a bathroom connected with a built in jacuzzi.

Parallel to the bedroom, on the left side of the main room was a small kitchen. With storage where the bathroom would have been.

It was fancier than I had previously expected. On the bed by bathrooms there were boxes with all of my stuff inside. I decided to have this bed, I set down my laptop and opened up one of the boxes. Inside of it there was a small case with a slant in front. I set my hand on top of it and it opened revealing 5 magnums and 20 boxes of bullets. I quickly closed it and put it back in the box. In the next box I found three of the exact same uniform and a lot of black clothes just for normal wear. In the next box were my necessities like shampoo and conditioner, in a small black pouch there was hundreds of dollars for my well being.

I took all of my clothes out and set them inside a handy dresser which was right next to my bed. I took my magnum case and shoved it to the back of one of the drawers. I threw the boxes off of my bed and laid down. And I heard a noise in the dorm next door to me.

"We have a new student and one of you three have to dorm with her," it was Relena's voice, she sounded annoyed.

"Her? So one of us gets to dorm with a girl!?" I heard a male voice.

"Yes, Duo, a girl," Relena sighed, "And not just any girl, she was wearing leather pants and had a Heero look about her."

"Another Heero?" a second voice asked.

"Hn," the third voice retorted.

"How can we have another Heero!?" Duo exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, me, like Heero Yuy? Don't make me laugh. I leaned over closer to the wall so I could hear better.

"You guys go and meet her sometime. Here's the key, and decide which one of you will change dorms, I'm leaving now," I heard the open and the quick shut of a door which meant only she left. I shrugged, got out my laptop and sat down on the coach in the main room. My eyes widened as another email popped up from Senshi HQ. This time it was from Michiru.


Hey! What's up Usagi!? How are you? Well, despite what Setsuna said, I decided to give you some help. Attached to this is a small profile about the gundam pilots and a picture of them and another of their gundams. Be careful, if they know you know who they are, they will destroy you with out a thought. At least Heero Yuy would. Have fun! Haruka, Minako, and I send our love!

Assistant Manager at Senshi Headquarters

I looked through the short files on the gundam boys, my eyes widened as I saw the pictures of the pilots. I shook my head. No Usa, you are trained not to show any of this love emotion. Maybe to your sister, but that's different. I growled as all the information I could find about Heero was about his gundam and his picture. Also Trowa's just showed his picture, his gundam, and that he was in the circus.

All of a sudden the door flew open. I quickly closed out my files and looked up to the intruders.

Three of the gundam pilots were in the doorway, and one of them had his gun pointed towards me. I just smiled.

"Omae o Korosu."


Bs-chan: that's it! Sry if there is anything wrong...its my first time at gw/sm!

Squall: whatever...(translation: Please vote out of heero/quatre/duo for who u want usa to room with! But that doesn't mean that they will be paired up!)

Duo: I want to room with the babe! And maybe we could go out later!

Usagi: maybe, but it all depends on want the readers want!


Bs-chan: *bangs him on the head with a pizza box* baka....

Mirai Trunks: bs-chan accepts flames....but if u flame her...please give her a reason...

Chibi Trunks: a reason.....not that its just a crappy story that no1 would ever read....tell her why! So maybe she can fix it!

Hotaru: please review! U just click on the button at the bottom!

Bs-chan: ONEGAI!!!!!!!!!!

-BabySerenity ^^