Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Just Like Wufei ❯ Wang Li, Son of Wufei ( Prologue )
Just Like Wufei
By Lady_Allure (Allure_chan)
You know I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon, just the fic! Enjoy!
Note: This is the continuation of my song fic At You Best (You Are Love), so you have to read it before you can read this one. Oh yeah! This is also going to be an unusual story, not your usual SM/GW crossover.
Prologue: Wang Li, Son of Wufei
Wufei sat on the sofa, staring at his newborn son. If was hard to believe he was a father. His clan would continue something Sifu Long had wanted. Wang Li, the name suited the little boy in his arms, meaning Elegant Ruler. Usagi had given him the privilege of naming him, and that name came to mind. Usagi was right, the baby resembled him to the hilt, and even Duo had seconded that. So what? That meant Wang Li was his father's son.
"Wang Li." Wufei smiled slightly, touching the sleeping baby's cheek.
To think, Wufei had been a new father for only two weeks since Wang Li was born. It was a new feeling. To actually hold something that was part of him, not just in looks, but in flesh and blood. He was glad Usagi was the mother of his child. She was the only woman to actually steal his heart without him realizing it.
It was near evening, and Usagi was still out shopping. For some reason, Wang Li could sense when Wufei held him, and it ensured the baby's calmness. When it came to someone other than himself or Usagi holding him, he would throw a fit. It was like that when Duo or Minako held him. If anything, the once Chinese pilot didn't mind taking care of his son, he liked being with him, especially when it was private. Just like this, peaceful and quite.
So caught in the moment of looking into a face identical to his, he didn't even hear the door open and close.
"Wu-chan, I'm back." he heard the familiar voice of his girlfriend.
"Hai." he said, and stood up, carrying his son carefully, making his way into the kitchen, where he knew Usagi was, waiting for him. "Konban wa Usagi-chan." he greeted her by kissing her cheek.
She smiled at him, and then glanced at their son, "I see he's sound asleep ne."
Wufei nodded, glancing at the bundle in his arms then at her. "Hai."
"Why don't you go put him to bed while I put away the groceries, then you can make dinner."
"Usagi." he raised an eyebrow, a slightly amused grin curving his lips, "You need to learn how to cook."
Usagi pouted, "I know......" her voice trailed off as she folded her arms, bowing her head.
Wufei shook his head lightly, chuckling, "Alright, I'll fix dinner."
Usagi smirked playfully, "If you insist." she teased, and began unloading her shopping bags.
"Oi." Wufei rolled his eyes, refusing to give in to her joke as he took his baby son into their bedroom, but he laughed once he was out of earshot, "You mommy really knows how to make me laugh." he looked down at his child, placing him into his crib, "Night my son." he whispered, leaning forward, and kissing the baby's forehead.
"Wu-chan." Usagi whispered into his ear, just as they were about to go to bed.
"Hm." he murmured, half asleep. Still, he could feel her head on his chest, as usual, he knew she preferred to sleep that way rather than using her pillow, and he didn't mind at all.
"It's hard to believe were parents." she said softly.
He nodded, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close, "Yeah, and I couldn't think of anyone else to be a parent with."
"Really." with a yawn, he leaned back into the pillows, and fell asleep, holding Usagi's light form in his arms.
Sometime, in the early hours of the morning, Wufei awoke to the sound of Wang Li's wails, but opened his eyes a bit, to see Usagi tending to him. She lifted him out of the crib and cradled him in her arms, rocking him back and forth.
He could see her shushing him, calming him down so she could feed him. He watched as she sat down on a nearby chair, and began feeding him. This was her private time with the baby, so he allowed himself to go back to sleep, but the picture they made was very precious, and very natural.
The next day........
"Ja Usagi-chan. I'll see you this evening." Wufei waved to her from his car. She waved back with her free hand, in the other she held Wang Li, "I'm sure Wang Li and Luna will keep you company." he teased.
She giggled, glancing at her shoulder, where Luna was sprawled across, then back at him, "Hai. They will. See you later."
With that said, Wufei got into his car, and drove to the Heath Club were he continued to give Wu Shu lessons.
Tokyo was his home now, since he was stationed there with Duo as a Preventer. What exactly did Usagi do to make him fall in love with her? He couldn't figure it out. One day, she just happened to stumble into his training room, and it was then that she stayed on his mind twenty-four seven.
No matter how hard he tried not to, he fell for her, and she had left her long time boyfriend just to be with him. She had defied almost every one of her friends, and at times it unnerved him when Haruka or Setsuna would choose a day to argue. But that was then, Usagi was his now.
When he found out she was expecting a child, his child that had to be the most intense point in his life, to know he was going to be a daddy. Joy was one thing he felt; the other was love towards Usagi. They did have some pretty touchy times during the pregnancy, but they got through it, until finally Usagi gave birth, at the most unlikely place, Yaten and Minako's hotel room. After that, they had gotten him and Usagi their own room, so she could rest up.
Minako did not waste anytime telling everyone. The moment they got back to the apartment, his friends and hers were there to greet them with their congratulations. Even Haruka and Setsuna came; giving her gifts, guess they learned to accept it. Only one person didn't come, and that was Mamoru. Usagi really didn't want him to anyway, so it was no big deal.
Wang Li had certainly changed his life besides Usagi. They made him see that there was more to life than fighting and war. You could say he was no longer the loaner he used to be.
This was what Wufei's mind was focused on rather than his class. He grinned faintly, remembering the past few months since he started living with Usagi, while still teaching the lessons on how to block punch's and kick's.
"Yosh. That's it for today. Make sure you keep practicing till we meet next." he advised the class, and bowed to them, they bowed back.
"Hey Wu-Man." Duo grinned as Wufei entered the braided youths office, with his hair down, still a bit dam, "Haven't seen you in a while, how's Usagi-chan and the baby?"
Wufei scowled, "Maxwell, how many times must I tell you to stop calling me that?"
Duo shrugged, still grinning, leaning back into his chair, "I don't know, maybe infinity." he joked.
"Infinity?" Wufei shook his head, sighing, "They're fine." he answered Duo's earlier question.
"That's good to hear."
"Yeah. Maxwell, I need your opinion."
Duo blinked, "About what?"
"I want to ask Usagi to marry me."
"Nani!" Duo exclaimed, his eyes widening, "Seriously."
Wufei frowned, staring at his American friend with a raised eyebrow, "Yes Seriously. Does it look like I'm joking?"
"Touchy." Duo tilted his head to the side.
"Baka." Wufei chuckled, "What do you think?"
Duo stood up, facing his Chinese partner, "I think it's sugoi! When are you planning to ask her?"
"Did you by her a ring?" Duo asked curiously.
Duo smiled, "Then ask her."
Duo was right, he was a very courageous person, why let a simple question unnerve him. He loved Usagi very much, and it was time that she became his wife. They had been together as a couple for longer than a year, and he knew she was waiting for him to ask, he could see it in her beautiful ocean blue eyes.
Wufei sighed, leaning back into his car seat as he drove back to the apartment, listening to the most popular song, Minako and Yaten's duet song. The lyrics matched how he was feeling, and he had to admit, ht liked the song. Indeed, it was upbeat, and danceable to, like any other pop song, but the words were very meaningful.
He glanced out the window, watching the sunset over the horizon, looking at the few stars that were present in the sky, showing that night would soon cover the blue, orange and yellow colors of the day.
Yaten and Minako, it was hard to believe they had spent so much money on them, buying them the most expensive suite and arranging for a limo to take them back to their apartment, not that they minded it, but it was just too much. Wufei tried to protest, but Minako and Yaten had said the same thing, which was "its only money."
All of Usagi's friends had come to see Wang Li. They all lived elsewhere, meaning that him, Usagi, Duo, Minako, and The Three Lights, lived in Tokyo, not to mention her friends, Haruka, Setsuna, Michiru, and Hotaru. She had told him her other closest friends left after High School, Rei, Ami, and Makoto. Mamoru left the day after Usagi broke it off with him, and there were no indications as to where he went. Of course she didn't care.
Heero, Trowa, and Quatre were stationed throughout space, most likely their own Colonies, him and Duo chose to remain on Earth. Good thing he did or he wouldn't have met Usagi.
Sure Duo had reminded him countless times that she had a boyfriend, but did that stop them. It didn't look like it did it. Usagi had made her choice, and so did he, who cared what anyone else thought.
"And that was Aikyo featuring Yaten Kou of the Three Lights, with their duet song "Don't Waste Your Time." The DJ's cheerful voice announced, bringing Wufei out of his memories, "Next up, Janet Jackson's All For You... "
Wufei chuckled. "Another new popular American song." he said to himself, a small grin gracing his lips. The minute Usagi heard the song; she would give him puppy eyes, hinting for him to buy her the album. The soft voice of the American singer came on a moment later, and he shrugged listening to it.
Humming the new American song, Wufei reached their place a few minutes later, and made his way to their apartment, caring his gym bag.
He would have expected the TV to be on, or the stereo playing music, but the place was silent, strange. Usagi didn't go out that day, at least she didn't tell him she was, and she always informed him about her plans. He looked around the room, frowning. Something bothered him. Where were Usagi and Wang Li?
"Usagi?" Wufei said, calling for her, closing the door behind him. The room was dark, lit only by a lamp in the bedroom, making it hard for him to really see anything. She didn't answer, "Usagi-chan?" he repeated, dropping his gym bag on the couch and walked into their room.
The sight that he was met with froze him in place, stunned. With a gasp, his eyes widened. "Usagi!" he yelled, rushing to her side where Luna was seated beside her.
Wufei kneeled down and held her in his arms. He touched the side of her neck, making sure he could feel a pulse, which he did, and that relieved him. Apparently, chlorine or something other substance had been used on her, she was out cold.
What had happened? Who did this to her? Confused, Wufei lifted her up, and placed her on the bed, turning on a nearby lamp. After making sure she was unharmed, he took a seated beside her, thinking. It was then he realized that his son was nowhere to be seen.
"Wang Li." he whispered, getting up and checking the crib. Sure enough, the baby was not there. "Dame." Wufei shook his head, shaking.
Side Note:
Sifu means teacher in Chinese.
If you've read Anytime, my Minako and Yaten fic, Aikyo is her stage name, and I chose to use it in this fic.
I also mentioned Janet Jackson's new song, because I was listening to it when I wrote this.