Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Learning to feel ❯ Prologue
Disclaimer: I don't own GW or SM
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Usagi sat with her team as they ate lunch.
She only talked to them and they only talked to each other.
Everyone knew the reason, get on any one of the girls good sides or admit a crush and you'd be killed.
Usagi's team consistent of four other girls.
Ami, Minako, Rei and Makoto.
The only friends Usagi was allowed to keep.
They were only cheerful when they weren't doing anything, Usagi never showed emotion in her voice, emotions were for the weak and she was the elite.
So every emotion was null and ignored.
They're eyes were, surprisingly, still filled with hopes and small glints of happiness every now and then.
"Cadets stop," the general shouted.
They all put down their spoons and stood.
"Sir yes sir!" rang throughout the mess hall.
"We have a special guest today from Peacecraft academy," he said.
A woman stepped out with five other boys.
"Hello am Relena Peacecraft," she said.
Usagi felt like sitting back down.
Maybe all emotions weren't destroyed, boredom and anger had survived and often love came but disappeared too quickly for her to know what it was.
The woman began talking a lot and the five boys who were supposed to be protecting her eyes began to wander.
`Weaklings,' Usagi thought.
One boy stayed on task; he stood by her side with a monotone expression.
"Hey Wu-man look!" the boy with the braid shouted.
"MY NAME IS NOT WU-MAN! IT'S WUFEI!" He shouted bringing out his katana.
The one with the braid ran while the one with the katana chased.
Every table laughed excepted Usagi's.
They ran past her and she grabbed Duo's braid and Rei grabbed Wufei's katana.
"Good work Cadet 001 and 003. As for the rest of you, 30 extra sit ups during practice today," the general said.
Usagi let go of Duo's braid and he fell face first.
"Give me back my katana onna," Wufei growled.
Rei let go and he sheathed it.
"Don't call me onna," she said.
Wufei growled as him and Duo went back to where they were.
Relena speech lasted for an hour and when she was finally finished no one clapped.
They had either fallen asleep standing up or busy thinking of something else.
Usagi sure as hell wasn't going to clap; this woman had just tortured her worse than they did in training.
"You are all dismissed," the general said and they walked out of the mess hall.
"Cadets 001, 002, 003, 004 and 005, stay where you are at," he shouted. Usagi's entire table stayed.
"What do you think going on?" Minako asked.
"I don't know," Rei said.
"Me neither," Makoto said.
"I haven't a clue," Ami said.
"Hn," Usagi said (Translation: If I knew, I would've told you).
They all understood, Usagi talked she would get punished.
"Don't worry you're not in trouble," Relena said smiling.
"You five girls are the pilots of those new Gundams," Wufei said in disbelief.
"You five will go with them and help protect queen Relena," the general said.
"Yes sir," they said.
"Go get your things pack up and follow them out the camp," the general said.
"We get five cute babes," Duo said cheerfully.
The girls kept quiet and walked to their room.
"I must warn you, the girls each have special powers. They can control elements whenever they want to," the general said.
"How big a problem can that be?" Relena asked.
He brought out a file and opened it. It revealed five pictures.
"Is that them?" Quatre asked.
"Yes, these were the ages they were recruited. Cadet 001 was recruited when she was 4. She was advance for a child so she has had the longest out of all the girls, the top one we have. Cadet 002 was recruited when she was 5. Cadet 003 was recruited when she was 5. Cadet 004 was recruited when she was 5. And Cadet 005 was recruited when she was 5. They takes orders without any back talk or sassy," the general said.
"How could Cadet 001 start when she was four?" Duo asked.
"We started her with basics. By the time she was five she was at the level of where a 10 years of training would be. When she was young we did have some problems and a lot of weaklings were lost but she makes up for them," the general said.
"What do you mean a lot of weaklings were lost?" Relena asked.
"Obstacle course when she was 6. Her and the other girls were all in the lead; there was another girl with them, 006. She had problem swimming and 001 helped her over the lake, she had to dispose of. She was a weakness to 001," the general said pulling out another picture.
It showed Usagi being held by a girl with black hair in the same style as Usagi.
"She was her sister," Hiiro said.
"We knew one of them would had to go and Usagi was the better one. After that 001 stopped talking completely, refuse to say anything to any except `Sir yes sir' or a grunt," the general said.
The girls came back with their bags over their shoulders ready to go.
"Good luck," the general said and they left the camp.
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