Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Long Awaited ❯ when he could laugh ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Awaited

AN: Yeah I know these are definitely getting boring aren't they? So right onto the story!

When He Could Laugh

He reached for the nearest scrap of metal and lifted it up. It was rather heavy and many people would have dropped it. As it was he was not paying attention to the grease that coated it. So it dropped square on his foot. "DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!" He shouted as he flung it at the garage door. It just was not his day.

Sighing to himself, he walked back over to the scrap and hefted it again. "Sorry about that" he muttered.

He strode over to the nearest pile of next to useless junk and set it on the top. Praying to his god that….


From across the street a loud crash could be herd, as well as some equally loud curses. Smilling to herself, Hilde skipped across to the garage knowing what she would find.

And there he was, sprawled under countless pounds of metal scrap. She laughed at the site of him, it was just to funny. "Well I am glad you find this funny" came the muffled voice from under the pile. "But as amusing as this must be, do you think you can help me out of it?"

Still laughing Hilde hurried to comply. "What were you doing under there?" She asked as she pulled him out of the mess.

He didn't answer instead he reached for the peace of metal that had caused him so much trouble, "Hilde can this be made into a bullet?" He asked.

For a second she was stunned but then, "Well yeah, what kind I can make it for you if you want."

But he only shook his head, "Nah I better make it myself" he muttered walking off. She stood there for a moment thinking of why he would want to make something like that for.

He shaped it and made the bullet in record time, and whispered to himself, "You and I are going to be best friends when this war is over." The only one who can end the life of shinnagami is shinnagami. He thought, it would be a fitting end to his building legacy.

He knew that the others were worrying about him, especially Quatre, but they couldn't help him. No one could help him anymore. Once maybe, there had been a time when he would have laughed at himself for thinking about ending his life, but that was another time, when he could laugh. Now that certain characteristic had disappeared.

No that was not true either. He still laughed, but it was not the fun laughter that filled up peoples lives. Hilde knew, she had watched him slowly but surely fall into the darkness that seemed to follow him close at his heels.

What is this life anyway? He thought to himself, There will be other lives than these, better lives where I can fight again.

Well what's wrong with this fight? A part of him asked.

It's just, getting old, he thought, that Is all, it was getting old really fast and he had lost sight of whatever the hell they were fighting for.

Fighting just for the sake of fighting could get boring.

At that thought he smirked the laughed his new, hallow laugh that echoed to the front of the room where Hilde stood.

Oh Duo, I hate that, why cant you laugh like you used to?

AN: Okay so I said it would be a lighter story, well I lied! Sorry but I just like the way that came out.. ^_^ now it is time for a well deserved break don't you think?.




oaky whatever, just don't forget to read and review.

