Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Long Awaited ❯ What is your name ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Awaited

AN: Hey hey everyone! Taiyoukai_Tenshi here! Well here is your update. Enjoy! Oh, AND I WANT A REVIEW!

Chapter 9: What is your name?

Usagi's eyes watched the scenery fly past. Reluctantly she had agreed to come with Relena, but only if that Duo character called ahead.

She didn't want to be held at gunpoint again anytime soon. So she had forced him to call, or rather Relena had yelled at him to call his friends and have one of them come and pick them up. Apparently it was a long way to wherever they were going.

She sighed. It was a mournful sigh. How could she have bared her past to that stranger? She would have and should have chosen to die instead of baring her soul. `No. I needed to get it out. And I am not ready to die.' Her eyes reflected the gray streets that where full of busy people who paid no mind to the rain that continued to fall.

She was bored.


Relena glanced over at her friend and realized that she needed to do something. Fast. A bored Usagi was ranked at the same level as a uranium bomb being dropped, in short, the results would be catastrophic.

Anxiously she looked in the front seat praying that she would find something, anything, which would keep Usagi occupied. However, her hopes were shot down when she realized that it was Trowa who was driving the car. Since he was not much of a talker he would not do as a distraction for her bubbly blonde friend. And in the passenger seat was Duo. Immediately he was ruled out because it seemed that Usagi would have nothing to do with him, which disturbed Relena greatly. Under normal circumstances Usagi would have already forgiven and forgotten the boy. But the situation was not normal, of course she could see where Usagi was coming from but she wanted desperately for her friend to get on with life. After all, everyone had a bad past. Everyone had a set of bones in there closet, if there was such a person who didn't their life would be shallow.

After a while she began to tap on the side of her seat. The silence was just unbearable. `Please someone say something before I burst!'


Duo glanced back at the sullen forms who sat in the back seat. "It's quiet," he mumbled, then because he just couldn't resist he was about to say-

"Too quiet."

He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard that girl speak, the one with the weird hairstyle.

Glancing back he saw her facing the window, the most bored expression on her face. He would have laughed. He did.

"Yeah isn't it? Do you like music?" He asked trying to bridge the gap he had created in the thirty minutes he had known her.

Usagi nodded, "Yep who doesn't? Do you have any usa-rock. Not very many people do." At this Relena had a small grin on her face next to Usagi's goofy smile.

Confused Duo had to ask, "What is Usa-Rock?" That earned him a bright smile that brought him a lot of relief. `Maybe she doesn't hate me.' He thought happily. For some reason he thought that he would have to be the scum of scum to deserve her anger. Somewhere he knew that her hate would be justified, after all hadn't he just pulled a gun on her in her own apartment?

Smiling Usagi said, "It is real music but it never had a category. I mean Dido isn't really pop, and she is not really rock or metal. Same with Evanesence and all of these other groups you know?" (IN MY STORY THESE BANDS STILL EXIST)

Nodding Duo said, "I know what you mean. I am more of a metals fan, what about you Trow-Man?" At the nickname Usagi giggled yet Duo received no response from his acrobatic friend. Not deterred, Duo looked at Relena, "And what about you pretty-lady?"

Blushing gracefully Relena said, "Well mostly I listen to Happy music, like So Yesterday. Have you heard that one?" However at the name of the song everyone had lost interest in what she liked. "Usagi for someone who is as cheerful as you are you sure don't like that sort of music."

"Well," Usagi started then stopped. `Why should I explain myself? Do I have to make excuses for what I like?'

I just want to feel

Safe in my own skin

I just want to be

Happy again

A hand cam to rest on her shoulder, "I am sorry if I am imposing Usagi." Relena apologized. Usagi shook her head,

"Don't I was just being silly about it, that's all!" Usagi said with a bright smile, "I just was dozing off that's all!"


Trowa looked back at her, the loud girl with the weirdest hairstyle he had ever seen was putting on a good face, but it didn't belong. This girl struck him as a carefree spirit, much like he had been before he had gotten involved with the war. Only difference was how pure and forgiving this girl was. Either that or she was very naive, and since he was a pessimist, he was more inclined to believe in the later.

I just want to feel

Deep in my own world

But I am so lonely

I don't even want to be with myself


`This world has been deprived of pure souls, not one of them could live through this war.' He thought to himself. His eyes darted to his right as a hand snaked its way forward, it was soon followed by Usagi's upper body. As soon as he had seen the hand, Trowa had pulled forth one of his many hand guns.

She gave a small groan as she was introduced to yet another Bereta hand gun. "I was only trying to turn on the radio." She said sadly as she sat back down next to a very startled Foreign Minister.

Duo threw a cold disbelieving look at Trowa who had put his gun away. `Man now it will take even more time to regain her trust after I promised her that that wouldn't happen!' Duo thought to himself. Out loud he said, "Dude, cool it before someone gets hurt!"

On a different day

If I was safe in my own skin

Then I wouldn't feel

Lost and so frightened

`Yeah me,' Usagi thought coldly.

To Relena she asked, "What is up with these guys anyways? Are they the gundam pilots or something? Or maybe they are spies for Oz?"

She waited for a reply and it was long in coming. Yet when it did come it was in the form of another gun.

"What is up with you guys!" She cried out desperately her eyes blazing anger at the silent man, Trowa, who held her at gunpoint, the car was pulled over. "That's it! Let me out now!" She said as she reached for the door handle. Just as her fingers gripped the leather surface a resounding `click' echoed throughout the car.

Eyes blazing with the fury of a caged animal she growled, "Let. Me. Out."

Trowa gazed back at her, his emotionless mask on. She switched her glare from him to Duo who was looking at her strangely. "Please." She added pitifully. This only made him more uncomfortable as he condemned her.

"I can't."

But this is today

And I am lost in my own skin

And I'm so lonely

I don't even want to be with myself



Relena was still arguing with the two gundam pilots as Usagi was pulled out of the car, wincing at the sight of her tied hands. Usagi lowered her head, `What am I going to do?'

"But she didn't know that you all where the Gundam Pilots!" Relena cried as Usagi was led to the gate of a ridiculously large mansion. "She was only joking! Let her go!" However her please fell on def ears.

Yet Duo was uncertain `How could Usagi have known that we were the Gundam Pilots?' He thought to himself as Trowa pushed the girl into Quatre's house.

Heero was there, waiting.

Steel Prussian eyes met with outraged cerulean orbs that seemed to shout, You have ruined my life!

But then the strangest thing seemed to happen. The blondes eyes, which seconds before had been clouded with anger slowly, ever so slowly changed into a gaze of sorrow and pity. For him. For all of them. It was then that it became clear to Heero. This girl knew about him and the others, about being the Gundam Pilots.

With his knowledge, Heero pulled forth his pistol and aimed it at the girl. He steeled himself from Relena's cries and from Duo's unsure eyes as he readied himself to pull the trigger and end the girls life.


Usagi knew what was about to happen. She saw a look come into the boy that stood before her and she knew.

`He must be another pilot'. She thought sadly, `Think of all the death they have dealt, the death they have seen. It is just so,…'

The boy presented another gun and aimed it between her eyes, `It is just too bad,' She thought in pity even as she heard Relena scream.

Usagi hung her head in defeat. `This is it.' She was going to die without avenging her parents.

As soon as that thought entered her head she realized that she had so much more to do in life! `I can't give up!' She cried silently as she lifted her head to stare into the eyes of a killer.

Franticaly she searched the boys eyes for some trace of humanity, some trace of emotion. `I CAN'T DIE YET!'


Heero saw her inner struggle with death. He gave her a small amount of time to come to terms with dying, and when she hung her head in defeat he prepared to fire.

Her struggle with life and death, the look in her eyes. Heero had ended countless lives, had watched as each and everyone of his victims succumbed to death. But this girl just wouldn't give up. He saw her square her shoulders and lift her head as she screamed mentally for life.

Unlike her, Heero had no such ties to life. He did not care for his nor anyone else's. `No one else' He thought as he glanced at Relena who had fainted at his feet. He turned back to the girl who was searching his eyes, `She will find nothing.' He assured himself as he prepared to pull the trigger.

He became cold and emotionless again, and began to squeeze the trigger ever so slightly.

"What is your name?"….


This wasn't right. Deep in his bones, deep in his gut he could feel the wrongness of this event that was taking place before him. It just screamed of sin. It just screamed of eternal damnation.

And Duo knew all about eternal damnation and hell. Duo knew that if Heero shot this girl, he would go to hell. Never mind that that is probably where they would end up anyway.

After all, they, the Gundam Pilots, did have countless deaths on there hands. Still this one just seemed to be wrong.

` Usagi doesn't deserve to die.' Duo thought to himself as Relena fainted near Heero. `Not like this.' But he knew that nothing would change Heero's mind. He was going to kill Usagi in cold blood, he was going to murder her while she watched. And it felt so disgustingly evil.

Still, even at a time like this Duo could and did see the irony in this situation. He had come into the girls house and threatened to kill her. Then he promised that she would be safe around him, and then Trowa tries to kill her and instead brings her to Quatre's house err.. Mansion, now Heero would be the one to do Usagi in.

And in the back of his mind he knew that it was all of his fault. Forget the fact that Heero was going to kill her. He, Duo, had signed her death warrant by handing her over to a murderer.

In all of his years of being a Gundam Pilot, the deed had never made him feel so dirty as it did now. `After Heero, after he is done I will be taken a long talk with my bullet friend' He thought to himself grimely.

He brought his attention back to the drama that was unfolding before him. Heero was giving her time to come to terms with death. Others saw this as playing with your victim, they saw it as sickening. But for Heero, it developed a personal connection between himself and the people he killed. It was Heero's way of mercy.

Duo preferred to keep it, killing, all business, he didn't want to care about the people he killed. Which came as a surprise to him, he always thought of Heero as the cold blooded killer, and he was, just he had expected Heero not to care.

Duo spared a painful glance at the girl who was Usagi. And was surprised to find her shoulders squared and ready for battle. It seemed that the bubble headed girl would not give up and die.

'What is she holding onto in this life?' He asked himself, `Everyone she cares about is dead! So why doesn't she just let go of life?'

Indeed it puzzled Duo more so then it seemed to bother Heero Yue. And Heero held her life in his hands.

He watched as Usagi grasped for a hold on life, he saw how she gasped for it as if she had been drowning.

He stared as the blonde before him inhaled life itself, and draw it into her blood and heart. It captivated him. How could she swim out of the sea that is death? How can this slip of a girl, evade and elude the grasp of eternal sleep. How could she walk away from it where he ran into it willingly?

He saw her work her throat as she drew in the essence of hope and desperation, and with a def ear he watched as she pushed the life out of her lips and work it into four little words…

"What is your name?"….


Trowa knew nothing of Duo's uncertainties. All he knew was that he could never face Catherine with his bloodstained hands. Glancing down at his hands he reminisced about his own misgivings.

He felt cursed, and something about this girl was making hime second guess his earlier decisions, and that was something he had never done before. It was something he didn't want to do now.

He stared at the Vice Foreign Minister Darlin, she had gone as far as to hit Heero in order to get him to release the girl Usagi. It was obvious to him that the fainted Relena would grieve for the blonde when she realized she was gone.

`Will anyone mourn my passing?' He thought to himself. Quatre would, as would Catherine. But they would mourn anyone's death. And if they were present right now, they might be on the floor with Ms. Peacecraft.

He looked over to Heero who seemed to be giving the girl time to think about her demise. He glanced at Usagi who's head was hung down. Perhaps she had come to terms with death. Like so many others. Like he too would do.

Strangely, he did not want to be around when Heero pulled the trigger, ending Usagi's life. So he left the killer Heero, the condemned Usagi, the fainted Relena, and the struggling Duo Maxwell in the foyer and carried himself upstairs and into the music room.

Pushing the double doors of the music room open, he realized that this room was located directely above the foyer. Close enough to hear the girls dying breath.

All he thought was, `So much death has been added to a name I will never know,' He did not speak of Usagi, he spoke of himself, of the name he would never know about. He spoke of his name that he had long forgotten.

`Catherine knows what it is,' a part of him said.

What would she say if she could see him now? What words would she scream if she could see him walking away from a defenseless girl in the hands of Heero Yue?

He trailed his hands over the silver keys of the flute he often played along with Quatre. Closing his visible eye, as well as the eye that was hidden behind his bangs, he could almost hear Catherine and Quatre now….

"What is your name?"….


Three heads jerked up simultaneously. And three pairs of eyes opened wide.

"Please tell me," Usagi whispered quietly hoping beyond hope that he would hear her and answer.

Seconds passed by like hours and she began to think that she would never hear someone speak ever again.

"Heero Yue."

Once again she hung her head in defeat. Life seemed to laugh at her. It mocked her until she thought she heard the door of the mansion open. Some hero he is.


"What the hell is going on here?"


Wufei was having one hell of a day. Most of which was spent on sitting for hours upon hours in front of a rather large monitor. He had been assigned to research Oz files and gather as much information as he could on the mysterious new production of mobile dolls. As well as finding any information on a group of unnamed pilots.

So far all he had to go on was news clippings. And that was pretty pathetic.

The article he had printed off was that of a Newspaper published on L-3. Apparently four Mobile suits believed to be made of gundanium alloy, attacked a Relay Center for Oz communications.

The four Pilots seemed to have done a lot of financial damage to Oz Foundation and have been pursuing larger targets. The scientists who had created the Gundams have labeled these four as a threat.

But that had been four hours ago. Now the Chinese boy was heading over to a coffee shop to pick up Quatre who had been checking out the local stations for similar information. When he had last checked though, Quatre had come up with nothing useful.

With a sigh Wufei stuck his keys into the Porsche Quatre owned. All the time the Arabian boy said nothing, knowing that it would be safer to just buckle his seatbelt, tight.

Wufei Chang put the car into gear and drove off down the street back towards his companions' mansion. Quatre had insisted on having them stay in one place. And surprisingly the scientists had agreed saying, "It would be more strategic for us to have a base of operations."

They rarely heard from the scientists anymore. Instead they hacked and slashed into Oz's mainframe and followed the courses that Oz planed. It was a simple game of cat and dog.

The wind tugged on his hair that was put up in his usual painfully tight ponytail as Quatre and him proceeded to speed dangerously down the freeway.

He glanced over at the platinum haired boy and noticed with disgust that he was turning green. "Winner! What is wrong with you?"

Quatre released his death grip on his seat arm. "N-nothing Wufei I just am a little carsick."

Wufei snorted, "Weak."

They continued on in silence until they were about 200 yards from his mansion. When they reached that point Quatre grabbed his head in nausea.

"Winner. You can stop that now, we are not even going that fast!" Wufei shouted in his ear.

Quatre merely shook his head in sickness, "No", he gasped.

Wufei became worried then, he had heard of Quatre's maniac double. The one that became death and blood thirsty. He did not want that to emerge while he was stuck with the weak ass boy in the car!

In response to Quatre's status, Wufei sped down the road as if the devil was upon him.


Quatre was lost in himself.

He felt as if he was drowning, as if there was no way to breath. A shadow seemed to encircle its hands around his heart and squeeze.

She was going to die and no one would care, she was going to drown and burn. She was going to scream. He did.

Clutching his heart Quatre tried to sort out the emotions that sifted through his mind. This was his curse and his blessing, he was an empathic. He could feel what others felt, and someone somewhere was dying.

No. That is not right, she is giving up on life. She is at my home.

He could feel her slipping off the perpetual cliff of life. Her hold was slick and slim. What was there in life worth holding onto anyways? The girl's emotions where so strong that he himself began to contemplate what there was in life worth living for.

But he couldn't give up yet!

Why can't I give up?

Because. He felt the girl searching for something in this world to hold onto.

Life. Life itself was worth living for.

His fingers dug into his palms, drawing blood.

But no one would miss him if he died. No one would care that she was murdered. No one cared what she thought. He would fade away like yesterdays memory.

And he promised me!

What did he promise you? `I am going crazy'

He promised that I would be safe.

Tears began to streak down there faces. They didn't know who they were anymore, they were Usagi/Quatre.

`What about life,' The Quatre part of Usagi/Quatre thought

`I have to live for my parents, I have to avenge them by living!' The Usagi part of Usagi/Quatre thought.

"I CAN"T DIE YET!" They cried in unison as they slowly but surely made their way towards the air that was life. Quatre felt as Usagi took her first breath, felt as she opened her eyes and made her way towards the surface. Hand in hand they left the hole that was death.

And then Quatre heard her speak.

"What is your name?"….


Now Wufei was on the verge of panic. Although he would never admit it, Quatre was beginning to scare him. The blonde boy began to speak in his fit of derangement, yet his voice sounded as if two people where inside of him, fighting to get out.

"Quatre!" He cried out to the boy when he saw blood on his hands. "What the fuck is going on Winner? Answer me!" Abruptly Wufei pulled the car over and jumped out. He stomped over to the passenger door just as Quatre started to speak again.

"She is giving up on life. She is at my home."

The Chinese pilot froze. Never before had he seen the other boy like this. He had heard of the time when Quatre had gone crazy and almost killed Trowa. Then he had scoffed at Trowa and called him weak. But now he saw what Heero and Trowa had meant. Something was terribly wrong with Quatre.

"Quatre what is wrong?" He pleaded with the crazy Arabian.

"Life." Quatre answered.

"This is no time to be joking around Winner! What do you think you are doing trying to scare me like that?" Wufei roared at Quatre.

"He promised me!' Quatre cried tears in his eyes. Still he stared right through Wufei, right at the mansion.

Somehow Wufei got the impression that he should be driving like hell to the mansion.

He pushed the car to its limit, and he ignored the constant murmurings that came from the insane ass kid.

"I CAN"T DIE YET!" Quatre cried out in pain and hope.

`What is going on with this guy?' Wufei thought irritably as he sped into the driveway.

And then out of Quatre's mouth he heard the voice of a woman.

"What is your name?"….

He jumped out of the car and ran to the passenger side, prepared to carry Quatre into the house. He opened the door only to find Quatre unbuckling his seat belt.

There was a look in his eyes that said to back off. Wufei did so willingly.

"Winner that was one hell of a stunt you pulled back there," He cried in anger and embarrassment at being afraid.

Quatre merely opened the double doors to his mansion and gasped, "Usagi!"

Wufei curiously peered around Quatre only to find Duo standing there facing Heero Yue who had his gun aimed at a girl who was on her knees next to a fainted Relena Peacecraft.

"What the hell is going on here?" He cried.

Heero's eyes where opened wide at the girl before him.

She in turn spun around her eyes full of hope.

"It's you!" Quatre cried at the girl who's hands where bound behind her back.

Trowa was there as well, both of his eyes where focused on the girl as well.

Duo however was not frozen like the rest of them.


`I have to be dreaming,' He thought as he heard her speak. Then he felt the doors behind him open, and he saw with his peripheral vision, Wufei and Quatre.

Time seemed to stand still as Usagi whipped around to see who had come to her funeral. Her eyes sparkled with a fire of life that she would grasp forever. `I want to know what makes this girl tick' Duo thought. Resolved to do what he must, Duo strode into the center of the foyer and severed the bindings that held her.


`More people to come see me die, god I should sell tickets.' She thought cynically. But deep down she had hoped perhaps that someone would come and save her.

She searched each of there faces and sighed. No knight in shining armor here.

She hung her head and heard the lonesome `click of a boot heal. Startled she glanced up and saw the most unlikely of people. Duo.

`Didn't he promise none of this would happen?' She thought sadly.

`Has he come to apologize? Or rub it in?' But she was even more surprised when he freed her from her binds.

"What are you doing?" Usagi whispered quietly as he picked her up.

"Letting you live." He said somberly and then he added, "I am very sorry."

Her eyes pricked and stung, "You are forgiven," She rasped out as she fainted dead away in his arms. A lone tear streaking down her face next to a relieved smile.

"Listen, Heero." Duo said to the confused assassin. "How could she have possibly known that we were the Gundam Pilots? She was just kidding around when she said that to Trowa!"

"Relena." Heero said. "Relena could have slipped it to her."

"So what if she did? Who cares?" Duo cried.

That is when Wufei stepped in, "Moron, do you heart yourself? This stupid onna could spell the end of us all!"

"Come on! Who is she going to tell? Oz?" Duo said.

"Well yes you stupid braided idiot!" Wufei said shaking his fists at Duo and the girl in his arms.

At this a fire entered Duo's eyes. "No she wouldn't!"

"How can you stick up for her when she obviously is a threat?" Trowa asked quietly from his corner of the room.

Duo did a double take. `Wow that is the most he has said to anyone in days.' "Well, if it is possible, she hates them as much as I do."

Mockingly Wufei said, "Oh yeah well that's something big. You really don't hate anyone at all. You don't have a thing against Oz, for all I know you could work along side them happily!"

Those last words barely made there way out of his mouth when Duo's fist slammed into his face.

"Don't" He began as he continued to pummel the Chinese boy while still holding the girl.

"Ever," he kicked Wufei while he was on the ground,

"Compare me to those monsters!" He cried out while Wufei was unconscious. He panted slightly from all of the excitement until he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I know she won't give us out." It was Quatre..

"Uh, thanks Q-man." Duo said confusedly.

"She stays." Duo spun back around awkwardly , Usagi's spring dress riding a little higher.

"Hu?" Duo said a little preoccupied with *something * .

"The girl, " Heero repeated , "She stays."

"Great!" Duo said with a goofy smile as he moved his hands further and further down Usagi's back.

Wufei had resumed consciousness and drew his katana, "Injustice Maxwell!" He cried.

Just as he was prepared to chop off Duo's braid, Usagi too, woke up. "HENTAI!" She screamed and smacked Duo repeatedly across the face. "Let me down RIGHT now!" She screamed in his ear.

"Sure thing babe," What is hentai? Duo said with his smileâ"¢ even as his cheek began to swell up enormously. Wufei stood his mouth gaping as he watched the girl Usagi, yank and hit and degrade the braided idiot.

"Yes Yue! She definitely stays!" Wufei said even as Heero stooped to pick up Relena.

"She is staying to ensure that she does not give out any information regarding the Gundams." Heero said as he lifted the Vice Foreign Minister into his arms. After that he said no more and proceeded to take her to her room.

"Is Usagi?" Relena murmured.

"Hn." Heero grunted out in monotone. And for some reason it consoled her.


"You took advantage of me!" Usagi shrieked to Duo.

"I did not!" He screamed back at her.

"You did too! I have had a heck of a day! I fainted and I trusted you!"

Duo's head snapped up, "You did?"

Usagi sniffed, "Hmph! Only to a point! I mean how could I really trust you or any of you after…" She paused.

"What would you call this?"

Not deterred Duo said, "A hostile situation?"

"Well yeah I guess." Usagi sighed. "Where did everyone go?" Then she gasped, "That murderer took off with Relena!" She cried as she began to dart up the stairs.

"Hold the phone little bunny! That murderer is my friend, " He said seriously, "And he said you could stay here with Relena."

"And that is a good thing?" She said sarcastically.

Duo frowned, he had put his life on the line to get this girl in Heero's good graces and she couldn't even say…

Two arms wrapped around him for a minute, "Thanks a lot. Duo, I guess." And just as quickly she had let go. And for some reason Duo was not so happy about that.

He spun around in search of the elusive bunny. "Hello? Aren't you going to show me to my room?" There she is!

"Yeah, come on." He replied. Usagi waited for him to reach the landing she was on. She had expected for him to fly passed her and race to her room. Instead he grabbed her hand.

"Come on.." He said. But for a second she could only blush, "Well? What are you waiting for? Lets go!" And with that Duo raced along the hallways with his little bunny following behind.


He stopped so suddenly that Usagi had no time to catch herself before unceremoniously hitting him on the back and toppling both of the off balance.

"Umph!" She mumbled as she hit the ground, or er.. Duo's stomach. Sometime during the fall, Duo's (super incredible) fast reflexes had allowed him to spin around to soften his and her fall.

"hey babe! I've got you falling for me already." Duo said with his trademark smirk â"¢.

"Fhutava! Moo omfly hish had fash ma ftroof!" Usagi tried to say even as her face was pressed into Duo's chest. He doesn't smell half bad. The stupid idiot.

"What was that?"

"if hanf brief!!!" She tried to gasp.

"My briefs?" He was confused for a millisecond before his hentai grin slapped itself on his face. "Wow, on the first date! Are you sure about this Usagi?"

With all of her might Usagi pushed against the floor where she layed. "I cant breath!" She said even as she sat down looking on at the braided boy's triumphant smirk.

"What?!" She cried out in exasaperation. This guy was really starting to get on her nerves!

But Duo merely folded his hands behind his head, "I can sit here all night long toots." He said suggestively.

It was then that Usagi took her time to notice the position she was in. Duo; laying on his back. Usagi; Stradling Duo with her hands on his chest.

The blood seemed to burst into her head. "Oh my god! You stupid-stupid boy!" She sputtered in embaresment even though a slight blush adorned her face. "Stop your laughing this instant!"

"Haha! Who died and made you queen of the earth?" He said with tears in his eyes.

"Hmph, If it was a queen you wanted, maybe you should be sniffing around Relena's skirt!" She sniffed with her nose turned up.

"A little jealous? Hmm?" He needled as she lifted herself off of his waist.

"Don't kid yourself." She spat. But deep down, Usagi ws beginning to feel the pit in her stomach. It was the pit of loneliness that mad eher yearn for the passion Relena obviously had for Heero Yue. Not that she would ever tell anyone. Because in the end… I will always be alone.


Duo watched for a moment as a sad look shadowed Usagi's cerulean eyes. Now why does that seem a little out of place. He instantly regretted saying anything to her that might have made her feel bad. Which for him was not normal. He was a womanizer, he didn't care about the opposite sexes feelings. "Uh hey, um." Stupidly he searched for something to say that might get her back with the living.

Strange she looks sort of like I do when I look in the mirror. Like she is all alone. "Let me show you your room!" He cried, jumping quickly to his feet. He gently moved her aside and flamboyantly bowed to her.

"May I introduce you to your living quarters milady?" He asked with an English accent.

Usagi giggled and curtsied as well. "Why sir, that is most generous of you!"

"Happily, Duo tossed her a wink and swung wide her doors. Also, he took some great pleasure in her delighted gasp. After all, the guys had reluctantly let him decorate the room. Wufei though had said he pitied the person who would have to stay in it. But then again, Wufei had never seen the room.

"Wow! I really get to stay here?!" She cried happily, bouncing up and down in her excitement. The room consisted of a large queen sized bed that was a dark lavender color. Also, the carpet too, was dark purple. The room had a large ancient looking white vanity that came with a set of brushes. Brushes? She thought a little confused. Then she took a look at Duo's hair.

"Did you?" He turned to her when she began to talk, "Did you do all of this?" She breathed out.

Surprised he nodded, "Yeah, how did you know?" Usagi walked over to the vanity, taking notice that the walls were tinted with a very dark purple as well, almost blue. She also found a door that led to who knows where, and a sliding glass door that opened out to a balcony.

Still she continued to the vanity where she gently picked up one of the soft bristled brushes. She giggled slightly as she picked out a strand of chestnut hair. "Belong to you?" She asked quietly.

"Um, yeah," He said praying that she wouldn't give him any grief about his strange long hair style. "Ya know," He said holding out his braid, "Hard to manage."

Again she chuckled, "Tell me about it," and with that she reached up and undid the buns on her head, letting her hair cascade around her like a waterfall of sunlight.

"Whoa," He gasped when he realized that her locks fell to her ankles. "And I thought I had long hair for my time!" Unable to restrain himself, Duo closed the distance between them and lifted one golden lock of her hair. "And it's real." He murmured too quietly for her to hear him.

"Wow," he whispered to her when he caught the fragrance of Cherry Blossoms wafting from her hair. She laughed at him softly, "Yeah it is pretty, but like you said, it is hell to handle!"

He too smiled and looked up into her eyes for a second. It was only a second but it was enough for him to feel something tug gently at his chest. I think I must be sick. He thought even as he felt himself being lost in her eyes.


I am just stressed out. That's all! Usagi told herself as she leaned wearily on her door. But was it me? Or did Duo and I just have a moment there? She thought. Then just as fast she quickely dismissed the idea. No, no! Of course not! "I could never fall for a guy like him!" She said to herself since Duo had rushed out of her room a long time ago. "Besides!"

I am alone remember?


AN: That is it! Fhew! That was a long chapter! Admit it! Please tell me what you think about it so far!

In response to my fabulouse reviews…..

SANGO1000000__ Thanks for the review! I promise to update super fast!

Alex Girl___ Actually, I didn't have the couples picked yet, but I took your advice to heart and am putting Wufei and Ami together!

I also love Heero and Usagi fics and am planning on writing one soon, hope that you will give me some tips.

A NEW HOSTESS__ OMG! I Also re-read the beginning of the fic. Can you believe that I wrote this crap? I am definitely going to revise and edit a ton! But not until I finish the fic. I am just lazy sorry!.