Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Messed Up Worlds ❯ A New Start ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Messed Up Worlds

By: Megan Riffey

Disclaimer Note: I do not own Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing or Digimon

Author Note: This Chapter is Gundam Wing. Okay again, If you do not like the story please email me at the address given above! Thankz ^_^! Okay, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE CHARACTER'S ATTACKS!!!! UNLESS THEY ARE THE REGULAR ATTACKS! OKAY! THIS CHAPTER IS REALLY HARD TO WRITE!!!! Please, I'm sorry that this is going to be a short chapter. Okay, the Gundam Pilots really don't go to the Sailor Moon world, but Relena has been there. BUT IT WILL TIE OVER WITH THE CROSSOVERS!!!!!

Chapter 3

A New Start

Heero thought about Relena and the other Pilots. He missed them all, even though he had never showed it. He decided to met with the other Pilots. He called Quatre and told him to set up a dinner for everyone including Relena. Quatre set it all up. They were to met at Di Ona. One of the most fancy restaurants on colony L1.

"What should I wear?" He puted out a handsome looking tuxedo. He put it on and heading for the restaurant. He looked inside and saw Relena already there.

"Relena." Relena saw him in the window. He walked into Di Ona. The waiter sat him down at the table that Relena was at.

"Heero, why did you call for this dinner so sudden?"

"I wanted to start my life over. Can I at least do that?"

"Yes, you can. But how would you start over?"

"Well, actually, it's just us for dinner. Relena, you know I like you."

"Well, I love you! Just kiss me Heero! Now!" Heero leaned over to kiss her.

Heero woke up! Sweat running down his face.

"It was only a dream. It was only a dream. It was only a dream!" Heero was happy it was only a dream. He had never kissed anyone before. He wondered what it would be like to kiss Relena. She was married now. He couldn't do anything to stop her love for that other guy. He knew somehow and someway that Relena still loved him. He just wanted to wake up next to her, watch her breath. He wanted that more then ever. He still knew that it could never happen. He wanted to sneak in her room and wake her up. Look at the Stars all night long. Then he thought about what Zechs would do to him if he interfered. He decided not to do any of those things. If so, he would go to Zechs first.

"Okay. I'm going to make a new start. I have to. I still can't believe that I killed all those people. People who didn't deserve to die." Heero didn't know where to go in life. He stopped every once in a while to find out where he was in life. He was only 19. Relena was turning 19 in about 5 days. He wanted to give her a present, like she said when they were 15. He decided it was for the best not to bother her. A knock came on the door.

"Who is it?" Heero asked.

"It's Trowa."

"Come in. So, what are you here for?"

"I'm here to invite you to Relena's birthday party."

"But her birthday isn't for about 5 more days."

"Yeah, but she won't be here in five days. She's going on vacation with her husband."

"Oh. I don't know if I want to go or not."

"Okay, I hope to see you there. It's at five o'clock." Heero thought for a minutes. This was a chance to say sorry to everyone that he had hurt before. He would ask Relena if it was all right. It was soon five o'clock. Trowa again came by and grabbed Heero.

"Okay, are you going to pull anything? So this way I can start spreading the word about it?"

"I'm not going to pull anything. There is one thing, but I can't tell you Trowa. You wouldn't understand why I'm doing this."

"Fine." Trowa said as they entered Relena's birthday party. People were staring at Heero. They couldn't believe he showed up. The other Pilots were there too. Heero saw Relena.

"Relena." Relena looked over and saw Heero and Trowa.


"Um.. are you sure your not still in love with him?" asked her husband.

"No, I'm not now. I haven't seen him for a couple years. He could have changed."

"And if he didn't? He's still cruel, he doesn't care who he kills, then what will you do?"

"I'm ignore him. That's what I will do. What he should do, is ask me to make an speech saying he's sorry. He always has that flashback, where he killed that girl." Heero looked up and admired the room. Zechs walked over to Heero.

"So, she invited you huh? What a moron?!"

"She's not a moron Zechs! And yes she did invite me. For a min. I didn't want to come and I wasn't going to come."

"What made you come then?!" Zechs was starting to get snappy.

"There's something I have to do, before I can forgive myself." Heero looked at Relena and her husband. He had his arms around her. "Trowa, I will be back." Heero walked over to Relena.

"Heero." she said.

"Relena, can I talk to you?"

"Sure. What is this about?"

"I need to do something. Can I please go on stage? I don't want to make it sudden, and that you won't know about it. It's really important that I do this. This way I can start my life over. And not live my old life as a Gundam Pilot."

"Sure, go a head." Heero walked up on stage and to the microphone. Trowa walked over to the other Pilots.

"He's going to make a fool out of himself." said Wufei.

"No, he's not." said Trowa. "He has to do this. Inside of him, he's got no choice. And this is the perfect time to do it." Everyone out their attention Heero.

"What is he going to do?" Relena's husband asked.

"He's going to do something that he should have done a long time ago."

"Excuse me. My name is Heero Yuy of Colony L1. I was raised under the scientist Dr. J. I was the Gundam Pilot of Gundam 01 and Wing Zero. The reason I am up here is very important to me. I have to forgive myself. Please, I know that a lot of you hate me. I understand that I caused you a lot of pain, and that Relena Peacecraft is cleaning up my mess. I'm sorry for that. I don't do this much, because I don't show emotions. Killing a little girl made me snap. I was sick of killing people, but no matter what I had to do it. If I wouldn't have done it, then we wouldn't have made peace. It made people realized that we don't need Gundam's or any weapons at all. I was also 15 then, but I'm 19 now. Zechs, Milliardo Peacecraft I have caused you the most problems, because we always got in each others way. I'm sorry to all the OZ troops who are here right now. To everyone's families. I didn't mean to cause so much pain and I was careless with my own life. But I would do anything for anyone here if any of you were in trouble. Your thinking, that's a lie. Ask Relena Peacecraft ask any of my fellow Pilots. Anyone that I have fought with," Tears were starting to come down Heero's face. "I look back, at that little girl, thinking if I hadn't messed a mission up, she and other people wouldn't be dead. I remember carrying her little dog. She had given me a flower. I still have that flower. It makes me think, that all the people that I have fought didn't deserve to die. But really in my own heart I did. I've killed hundred of people and never had a regret until that little girl. I never knew my mother or father. I think that's part of why I hid my emotions, until today. I just hope that you all forgive me. And if you don't then that's all right with me. I don't deserved to be forgiven. Quatre, I'm sorry for causing you so much problems with I put the Zero system in, when I knew you couldn't handle it and you too knew you couldn't handle it. Trowa, I'm sorry that I couldn't have intercepted that attack that put you in a coma. That should have been me. Duo, I'm sorry for ignoring you all those times. And for taking parts from your Gundam. Wufei, I'm sorry that we had to fight against each other, because we wanted to see who was stronger. You are though. I can't lie about it now. You all were the stronger people. Zechs, at anytime thank you for helping me out. I never expected it from you. Everyone here deserves to have a great life, but me. After this, I'm going to try and start my life over again. It's still going to be hard for me though. It would have been easier if everyone here had never met me. I'm still sorry for all the pain that I caused you. I hope you all can forgive me." Heero was in full tears now. Looking over at everyone to see if they agreed. He didn't want to look no more. He stepped off the stage.

"I don't believe he did that!" said Relena. She knew that she was in love with Heero for sure. "I love Heero. I'm sorry, it's not going to work out."

"Oh, well, I didn't think it was going to." he pulled out the divorce papers. They both signed it. They gave it to the government. They went on the stage.

"Okay, everyone. I have here the divorce papers for Relena and her ex-husband. She is no longer married." Heero stopped mid-way out.

"I think Relena's going to do it!" said Duo.

"Heero wait!" said Relena. He turned around and faced her. "I want this to be the beginning of your new start. I think that took a lot a guts and I know that my brother, Milliardo would never do that. I found out after you stepped off that stage that I was in love with you!" Everyone was shocked. Relena walked over to Heero and kissed him. Heero was suspired that she would do that for him.

"Relena. Out of all the people, I though you would be the last person to forgive me. But I guess I was wrong."

"Heero, you have changed. You're a changed man. I was waiting for that. It, finally, came. I have a secret, come on!" Heero followed Relena. She lead him to a dark room.

"See that."


"I can use it to travel to different worlds. I visited this one that there were those people called Sailor Scouts. It was scary at first, but I got use to it. Would you like to go to it?"

"Maybe later." Heero got close up to Relena. They kissed again. They started to make-out. None of the other Pilots could believe it except Duo.

"I knew it was a coming." Meanwhile, Relena lead Heero to her room. A couple hours later the party was over. Heero and Relena had made love.

"Yea, that was part of my new start." he said as he kissed her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Your new start, Heero Yuy. And lets make it a good one this time okay?"

"Okay. Maybe we can visit that place you were talking about and I can see what it's like."

"Sure. Sometime." said Relena. The night was over.