Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Sibling ❯ Missing Sibling X ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey you guys! Guess what! I'm ba-ack! Aren't you happy for me? Well, I guess you are probably upset for my lack of chapters, but I know you want the story, I guess it's time to let you read the story.


Missing Sibling

Chapter X


***Last Time***

This outburst shocked even Duo. However, his face went from extremely shocked to extremely happy. He smiled and said, "Let's find the mansion, and then we can hide in the woods."

Minako smiled and said, "Let's go!"

***This Time***

Usagi refused to go to sleep until she was sure that her friends were all safe. She was the one who set up the little 'joke,' but she didn't want anyone to become lost or hurt. She was happy to see that, eventually, one by one, her friends walked in. None of them would speak to her because they knew she was the one to do it, and Wufei had even threatened her. Rei almost let him go through with it, but at the last minute, she stopped him.

However, Minako and Duo never showed up. This worried Usagi to no end. No matter what Quatre said about Duo probably playing a trick on them, which he didn't really believe, nothing would get her to calm down. She was walking back and forth causing her hair to flow behind her. She was wearing a silver and pink T-shirt and a simple pair of jeans.

She looked at the three boys that were in the room with her and for the first time that morning, she actually looked at them. She was so tired that she was nearly seeing double, but she wouldn't go to sleep until she knew that Minako was safe. The first person that she looked at was Hiiro who was wearing his normal shirt and spandex.

She looked over at Trowa who was wearing a dark green shirt and a pair of black jeans. Finally, her gaze came to Quatre. He was wearing something a little more unusual for him than the other two. He was wearing a black short-sleeved black shirt and a pair of blue jeans. (A.N. I know that I'm not being very creative with the clothes, but I have to get going with the rest of the story and I have postponed the updating long enough. As for Quatre's clothes, they are a little bit different from what I've seen him wear.)

The pressure of waiting finally became too much for her, so she said, "I'm going to look for them!" After that, she walked out the door.

Quatre didn't want her to get hurt or anything else so he grabbed his jean jacket and followed her out. The girls followed, but the boys didn't. They knew that Quatre and Duo could take care of the girls. However, no one knew what was going to happen.

Twenty minutes later, the entire group found themselves separated and lost, that is, with the exception of Quatre. He knew the woods by heart because he had been there so many times as a child. This was like his second home; he came here every summer. Since he had no friends, he would always go exploring the woods around the mansion. That was his friend. He loved to come into the woods.

Minako and Duo showed up at the mansion twenty-five minutes after the group had left. That caused problems with the boys because Duo and Minako came back alone.

"Where in the world are those bakas?!" was Wufei's reply.

"What in the world were you thinking, Duo no baka?" Minako cried.

Duo stared at her in shock and said, "YOU did it too!"

"So what!" she exclaimed. "It was YOUR idea, and YOU are the male, and YOU are the one responsible for that."

Duo pouted and said, "You have got to be kidding me! I didn't do this alone. It takes two to do something like this. I didn't hold a gun to your head and say that you had to do it!"

Wufei was tired of listening to this and said, "What in the world are you two talking about?"

Minako and Duo stopped pointing fingers at each other and looked and Wufei and both pointed at the other and said, "It was his/her idea!"

"It was you," Minako said,

"Na ah! It was you," Duo replied, and they went back and forth between each other.

This got on everyone's nerves, but the one to stop it was the least expected. No, not Wufei, not even Hiiro, but Trowa yelled, "SHUT UP! Tell me exactly what you two are talking about!"

They both stuttered for a moment before they bowed their heads in shame and Minako spoke up. "Well," she started, "we thought that we could get back at Usagi for playing such an evil trick on us by staying out all night and making her worry about us, so we didn't come back last night. Now, I'm afraid that Usagi may be lost in the woods because we thought we heard someone yelling after her as we were coming back. We didn't know that she had gone after us, so we just pushed it away and came back."

Trowa didn't wait to hear anything else; he just went to find her. He wasn't about to let something happen to her. She was all that he had. Everyone immediately followed him.

They needed to make sure that everyone was ok because the woods were very large, and if a person gets lost in there, they may not be found for somewhere between a day and a month. They needed to find them as soon as possible and Trowa knew something that none of the others knew. He knew that Usagi was in danger if they didn't find her soon.

Meanwhile, Quatre had managed to find Ami, but he still couldn't find any of the others. He and Ami had kept together, and they were calling out everyone's names, but no one was answering. Ami had left her communicator at the mansion with the others because she was in the midst of updating them so that they would be able to communicate across time and space.

They needed to find everyone else because no one knew exactly what was in the woods. Ami stopped in her tracks and gasped. Quatre turned towards her and said, "What's wrong?"

Ami looked at him and said, "I just had a horrible thought. If what I think is true, then Usagi is in terrible danger."

Quatre decided that he would get an explanation later, but for now, he needed to find Usagi. This was not supposed to happen.

Somewhere else in the woods, Rei and Makoto had managed to find each other. However, both were completely lost. Neither knew if they were going away from the mansion, or towards it. They were just walking in silence trying to figure out what to do, and thinking of creative ways to kill the couple that had gotten them into this mess.

Again, somewhere else, Usagi was walking alone. She was lost and cold, but she wasn't about to give up on finding her best friend. It was her fault that the two people were lost out here. She had wanted to get them back for the office trick, but she didn't want to loose them. She just kept walking and calling out their names.

She saw a large pond, or small lake depending on how you looked at it, and decided to go check it out. She walked along the edge of it hoping against hope that Minako and Duo were somewhere around it. About half way around it, someone grabbed Usagi from behind, covering her mouth and her waist.

"Don't scream," the male voice whispered, "and I will let your mouth go."

Usagi knew who it was, how couldn't she? It was her 'soul mate' if you want to call him that. It was the man that had hurt her time and time again. The one that she hadn't seen hide or hair of since she had met her brother and his friends. She was not happy with him. As a matter of fact, she never wanted to see him again. She nodded her head and he let go of her mouth. "What do you want?" she spat at him, anger soaking every word.

"I want to know why you don't want me anymore," he said. She was shocked he sounded almost sincere. She wasn't in the mood for one of his games, so she said, "Because I don't want to be hurt anymore. No let me go."

"Are you sure that you won't give me another chance?" Mamoru asked.

"I'm absolutely sure!" Usagi said with defiance being the dominant emotion evident in her voice.

Usagi saw the real Mamoru at that moment, and his anger cause his entire body to tense up. He was still holding her waist close to him, so she could feel his body tense as soon as she said the words. "Fine," he said angrily. "If I can't have you, then NO ONE WILL!" At that, he pushed her into the water.

Usagi screamed as she fell from the five-foot high cliff into the deep, ice cold, water.

Quatre and Ami were walking through the woods. Their voices didn't want to call out anymore, but every now and then they would. Suddenly, a piercing scream broke through the air. "That sounded like Usagi!" Ami said, and both broke out into an immediate run towards it.

When they made it there, Ami found Usagi's locket necklace that Quatre had given her laying on the ground at the edge of the cliff. She showed it to Quatre who immediately took off his jacket and dived over the cliff. The water felt like knives piercing his skin, but he wouldn't give up until he found her. There was no way that he was going to loose her now.

Up on the service, Rei and Makoto ran out of the trees to find Ami standing looking over the edge and holding something close to her heart. Rei said, "What happened?"

"Oh!" Ami said as she turned towards them. "You guys scared me."

"What happened?" Makoto repeated the question.

"Quatre is down there searching for Usagi. We heard her scream and ran here as fast as we could. We found this necklace, and Quatre dived in to find Usagi."

Quatre was still searching, and finally found her unconsciously tangled in seaweed and other aquatic plants. He quickly untangled her and tried to pull her to the service. Blackness was surrounding him quickly when a bubble appeared around them both and carried them to the surface.

As they reached the surface, Quatre, Usagi and Ami all fell to the ground. Quatre and Usagi were both suffering from hypothermia and Ami because she had used her powers outside of her transformation to get them out of the water.

Quatre pulled himself up beside Usagi and collapsed. That was definitely not a good thing since he was the only one who knew the way out. Makoto looked to Rei and said, "Do you think that since our guide just passed out that you could use your powers to start a fire. I'm sure that you're as cold as the rest of us."

Rei nodded and said, "I am." She concentrated, and before them where they had already tried to start a fire, a fire appeared. They pulled the two that were passed out up by it, and then surrounded it themselves. The sun was setting, and they were all cold lost and hungry not to mention that they had two people who needed to be taken to the hospital.

Trowa, Hiiro, Wufei, Duo, and Minako were all out looking for the group that had gotten themselves lost in the woods. Minako was upset thinking that it was her fault. Duo was trying to find them and comfort her at the same time, not to mention his own feelings of guilt since it was his idea.

Ami had long since passed out, and Rei was more asleep than awake, but Makoto heard the voices calling in the distance. She started calling back waking Ami and Rei, but the other two were fast asleep.

Duo heard Makoto calling them and said, "Guys! Over here!"

They found the group pretty quickly after that and took Usagi and Quatre to the hospital. The doctor there told them that both Usagi and Quatre suffered from medium hypothermia, but they should be fine after a couple of days, perhaps a cold or two, but nothing more.

In the hospital room, which the two shared, Quatre was the first to awake. He knew that both of them had suffered hypothermia, and he was glad to see Usagi lying beside him. As he was watching her, she turned to him and opened her eyes. She smiled for a moment, and then frowned.

The doctor came in and smiled to see the two awake. "So how are we this morning?"

He got two grunts of 'ok' from the two lying in the room. They were both feeling better than anything else was.

The doctor smiled and said, "Well, I hope that you two feel better because a policeman will be here in twenty minutes to find out what happened."

Usagi smiled and said, "Good."

Quatre looked at her confused and said, "What did happen?" The doctor left so that they could talk. He was sure that he would find out in the newspaper.

Usagi frowned and said, "Mamoru was there, and I told him that I didn't want to ever see him again. He said that if he couldn't have me, then no one would, and threw me into the water. I really don't know what happened between then and now."

The policeman showed up and took her statement, and Mamoru was arrested. He was found guilty of attempted murder and assault and sentenced to twenty years in the federal penitentiary with hard labor.

Usagi and Quatre went home the next day, and they succeeded in getting all of their friends together. One by one, they got married, and everyone lived happily ever after.

The end.

I hope that everyone enjoyed this story. It took me forever to finish it, but it is the second story that I have finished. I am soooo happy. Please, review!.