Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: Thanks to the people who reviewed.
Hugs chocolate, and congratulations to Krys Yuy
and my beta reader Janine for identifying the most
dimensions. Krys scored a 4 out of 6, and Janine went
5 for 6. They were: Dragon Ball Z (anime), The Black
Unicorn by Terry Brooks, Fushigi Yugi (anime), Ally
McBeal (television), DC Comics (cartoons), and Harry
Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J K Rowling.
Honorable mention goes to Zpan Sven for trying, as
well as the person who emailed me. I'm so sorry but I
accidentally deleted it! Email me again and I'll put
your name in the next chapter. Nice work you four!!

My apologies to Krys and Janine, but if I had with held
this chapter so you could have it a day in advance, it
would not have been posted until Sunday (and today is
Tuesday after all.) What I'll do instead is send you
Chapter 5 early. Again, I'm very sorry.

I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. I have money
right now, but I need it for Christmas presents and I'd
really prefer not to give it up, so please don't sue.
Aligatou, Takeuchi Naoko and person-who-owns-GW-

Hugs and chocolate to Lady Cosmos and Lady Crystal,
who are hosting my fic on their website. I love the
template, its so pretty!!!! It fits my name, too. (It has
my name with red roses around it on a green background!)

Hugs and chocolate to my beta readers Cheryl and
Janine! PLEASE review. REMEMBER! - When I use "Quat",
pronounce it mentally as "Kat".

Moving On Chapter 4
By: Eternal Rose

A blinding white light faded from Usagi's eyes,
and she was suddenly standing in the arcade. It was
totally wrecked, and Motoki was lying unconscious on
the floor. She was in her senshi form, and so Usagi picked
him up and brought him to the hospital. He was in a coma
for two weeks before finally waking up.

Many years later, the senshi still wondered
what had happened to their leader during that short
time between the end of the battle and her reappearance,
but they never questioned it. Iie, they were good little
senshi, and they would never do something like that.

Endymion didn't care. She was back with him,
and that was all that mattered. He and Usagi were eventually
wed, ruled Crystal Tokyo, and had a daughter who they named
Chibi-Usagi after her mother.

Usagi lived a long life, and died at the ripe old
age of 100.

If you think that's actually the ending I would
write, or the one that you prefer, stop here. Otherwise, read
the rest of the story and see what other crazy things I'll
come up with.


~* Dimension GW *~

"What'd ya mean, 'There's nothing you can do?'
C'mon Trowa, we need them! You have to do something!"
Duo was angry, and it was quite audible in his voice. Trowa's
answer was much more composed.

"Duo, they are comatose. Neither I nor you can do
anything aside from keeping them alive long enough for them
to decide to wake up." Duo started towards him, when
suddenly, a bright white light filled the room.

Gradually, the brightness faded from their eyes.
Duo, Trowa, and Wufei gasped as two people appeared in the
room. The first was a tall man with blonde hair and deep
sapphire eyes. He was dressed in an elegant white suit with
a faint glow to it. He was holding a yellow rose in front of
his face, and petals danced around him. However, it was the
woman standing next to the man who shocked them most.

Her face was extremely serene, though her eyes
were closed. She was dressed in a glowing silver gown that
glimmered as though made of dancing moonbeams. It had a
tight bodice but flowed out to her ankles in layers of fabric.
The spaghetti straps and low neckline accentuated the
beautiful package that was her body. Her hair was as long
as her dress and it shone silver from the meatballs it was
tied up in. Clasped in her hands were three roses, one white,
one yellow, and one a brilliant shade of scarlet. An air of
grace and tranquillity flowed from her and filled the room.
The three had only a moment to stare at her before she
collapsed to the floor.

"Serenity!" The man screamed, dropping his rose
and rushing to her, catching her just before she hit the
ground. He quickly checked for a pulse and then began to
speak to her in a quiet voice, his lips near her ear. "Renity,
we just found you, you're not allowed to leave us yet! Wake
up, please! You can't do this to me, Quat, and Heero as soon
as we finally locate each other again."

"Who are you?" Wufei asked. "And why are you
going all to pieces over that weak woman?"

"That woman is not weak." Quatre's voice was
stronger than usual, commanding almost. His sudden
speech drew the eyes of his fellow pilots, who were stunned
by his appearance. Quatre's Arabian clothing had been
transformed into a suit similar to that of the stranger,
although his was purest silver, the cloth seeming to be the
same as the woman. In his hand were a yellow and a white rose.
"She is the strongest person in the universe, male or female,
and you would do good to remember that."

"Quatre!" Duo announced. "Man, what happened
to you? Trowa said you were comatose, whatever that means."

"First things first." Quatre told him. He moved over
to wear the woman, Serenity the stranger had called her, and
started to talk to her as well. "Renity, Renity, you know what?
If you wake up right now, I won't ever complain again about your
hairstyle. I swear, not even as a random joke once in a while. Just
please, please, wake up."

The stranger turned to face him. "Quatre, is there
anything we can do for her?"

"I don't know Motoki, I really hope so. Trowa, would
you get a wet cloth for her forehead please? Duo and Wufei, I'd
really appreciate it if you'd keep an eye on Heero for a while."
Quatre glanced up from his staring at the woman while the three
were shocked into following his commands. "This shouldn't have
happened. Mother said our dimensional move here would be
instantaneous, why is it affecting them like this?"

"I wish I knew. Maybe it's just a reaction to their
memories coming back. I'm certain you remember how deep
the feelings went, how strong they were. If we hadn't
already been unconscious, I'm not so sure we wouldn't have
ended up just like this. Besides, real love is stronger than
the love of siblings, and they definitely had a lot of
memories to regain." Motoki smiled at his younger sibling.
"It's great to see you again in real life, Quatre. Guess
Renity chose right."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Quatre replied.
"She always was the smartest of the three of us."

Trowa re-entered the room and handed the cloth
to Quatre. Duo and Wufei, who had been shocked into
submission, suddenly regained their voices. Wufei turned
to finally look at Heero, as did Duo. Both of them gasped.
Heero looked extremely handsome, and was now dressed in
a pale gray suit with a white shirt. His right hand was
entwined with a red rose. More shocking even then this
was his face. It held an expression of genuine peace and
happiness, something neither Duo nor Trowa had ever seen
or expected to see there.

"Hey, Quatre, what's going on here?" Duo asked.
"How did your clothes change, and what about Heero's? Do
you know these two people? And you, mister, how'd you get

"I'm sorry." The stranger apologized. "My name is
Motoki, and this is my younger sister, Serenity. Quatre is
Renity's twin. As to how we got here and the clothing
change, that's a much longer story."

"We have time." Wufei stated. The three boys'
already shocked expressions had grown even stranger
when Motoki told them Quatre was a twin. All of their
attention was completely focused on the three, and they
were blatantly ignoring Heero, who not five minutes ago
had been the center of their concerns. Quatre left the
woman's side to watch over Heero, putting his faith in
Motoki's abilities to take care of his sister.

"Quatre, what year is it here?" Motoki asked.
Eyebrows were raised, but surprise kept the pilots quiet.

"It's after colony 196, so the Millennium was
about two thousand years ago." Quatre responded simply.
(AN - Ignore Gundam details in relation to years, I have no
idea what I'm doing.)

"OK, then our story begins about two thousand
five hundred years ago. A time of great peace filled all
of outer space. It was named the Silver Millennium. During
this peace, civilizations developed on all of the various
planets, including the Moon of Earth. The Moon became a
symbol of peace, and was the leading force in the creation
of an alliance between the planets known as the Silver
Alliance. As with most places, the Moon had a royal family,
and the head of this family ruled over the Alliance and the
Millennium. It came to pass that the royal families of the Sun
and Moon merged through the marriage of Hyperion of the
Sun and Serenity of the Moon." Motoki paused and took a deep
breath, checking Serenity's pulse again. Quatre took over the
telling of the tale.

"The kingdom that they created was known as
the Moon-Star Kingdom, for at that time the Sun held
dominion over all of the stars in the universe. Hyperion and
Serenity were very happy with what had been created, as were
the rest of the people. They had three children, the oldest was
Motoki -" Quatre paused and glanced at his brother. "And they
also had a set of twins, a daughter they named Serenity and a son
they named Quatre."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! Are you saying that
you -" Duo pointed at Quatre "And these two -" he indicated
Motoki and Serenity "are not only all related, but are the
children of some long gone kingdom from a couple thousand
years ago?" Quatre nodded. "Cool! But if that's true, how
are you here?"

"Shut up for a minute weakling and maybe they'll
tell you." (AN - Do I really have to tell you who said that?)
Wufei said. The braided one snorted and leaned back against
the wall.

"One day, a great evil called Metallia came. It slew
the mighty Hyperion, and his son Motoki who was fighting
bravely beside him. Then Metallia attacked the Moon Kingdom."
Quatre's voice quivered as he recalled his father and brother's
death, as well as his own. "Metallia was strong, and the attack
was unexpected. Before Queen Serenity managed to lock away
the evil with the magnificent power of her Silver Crystal, both
twins, their protectors, their loves, and almost everyone on the
Moon or any planet aside from Earth was destroyed. With the
last of her strength, she sent all of those killed by Metallia
into the future to be reborn."

"Something unexpected happened though." Motoki's
voice cut in quietly. "For some unknown reason, the Crystal
separated the people into two dimensions, to be forever
separated until the day when she who was destined to rule
over all dimensions, times, and spaces, was ready to accept
herself, her powers, and her destiny. That time came only
a few short hours ago, when Serenity accurately pulled
together her feelings of her past life and this life, at long
last reuniting all of us in the dimension we were intended
to be born again in."

"That weak woman is destined to rule over us
all!" Wufei interjected. "I don't believe it. She couldn't
even handle the journey here without collapsing."

"You still haven't explained the changes to Heero."
Trowa remarked quietly.

"Heero was the prince of Earth, and he and Serenity
were in love during the Silver Millennium. He was visiting her
on the Moon the day of the attack, and perished with us." None
of the other three pilots could stop their jaws from dropping at
Quatre's statement.

"Serenity…" A weak mumble from Heero's direction
caught their attention.

~* The Realm of Dreaming *~

A bright white light flashed before their eyes, and
Usagi felt a tremendous ripping sensation. She faded for a
moment before reappearing in her astral form. Heero looked
at her, and for a moment the mask of his eyes dropped,
revealing tranquillity and joy. He walked over and held
her in a tight embrace (hug) as the memories raced through
their minds. There was so much to their history!

The first meeting… Serenity had been required
to welcome all of the new delegates to the Moon, as they
were all the future rulers of their planets. Even though
Motoki was the oldest, the Silver Crystal always chose
the oldest female to rule. From the moment the handsome
boy with the Prussian eyes walked into the room, they both
knew it was meant to be. He had given her the traditional
courtesies, but had not smiled or shown any interest in her.
Still, she somehow knew that he wasn't the type to do such
things. The prince, Heero was his name, was not a very vocal
person, and Serenity knew it.

The confession of feelings… Heero and
Serenity had met in the garden to discuss plans for
Earth's joining the Alliance. As they were strolling
past the roses, Serenity had paused to enjoy their
smell. When she had turned to offer him one, he had
taken it, but did not let go of her hand. She had
stared deep into his eyes, and an understanding had
passed unspoken between them.

Faster and faster the images whirled
before them, showing each and every time they had
ever been together or apart. Serenity could now
recall all of her lessons and instruction, and
Heero finally understood what it was that had
made him so quiet. His face actually held a sad
expression as he recalled the painful memory,
and Serenity nestled closer to him as it transcended
her mind.

Finally, the memory they knew was coming
arrived. Serenity and Heero were out in the garden.
The day had been passed pleasantly talking, or in
Heero's case sitting, with all of Serenity's guards
and family. They had all been among the roses once
again, picnicking. They had taken a group picture of
Usagi and those closest to her heart holding roses.
Motoki held a yellow rose, Quatre had both a yellow
and a white rose, Heero grasped a red rose, and Serenity
clutched one of each color. Afterwards, Heero and
Serenity went out for a walk. They never came back.
Beryl had attacked them first, but Heero dove in front
of Serenity and saved her. He died in her arms, and she,
in tremendous grief, had killed herself with the small
dagger he constantly kept in the pocket of his jacket.

"You shouldn't have done that." Heero scolded
her. "You should have just forgotten about me Serenity.
Life is something that's cheap, especially my life."

She just held him tighter. "I could never
have forgotten you. You're too important to me,
always have been and always will be."

"Serenity…" his voice came out as a whisper.
"You're the only person who's ever completely understood
me. I'm glad you're back."

"My Heero…" Serenity sighed. "We should
probably go back. They'll be worrying about us now."

Heero didn't answer aloud, merely closed
his eyes and vanished back to where he had come from.
Serenity shrugged softly, then giggled.

"Same old Heero." She said before winking
out after him.

~* Dimension GW *~

"Serenity…" A weak mumble from Heero's
direction caught their attention. He sat up swiftly
and looked for her, but Quatre pushed him back down.

"Heero…" Serenity's beautiful cerulean eyes
opened to find Motoki staring down at her. "You're not

"Renity, gods, you scared us! What
happened?" Motoki looked at her urgently, but
she was too busy looking around her new

"Duo! Trowa! Wufei!" She said happily,
and sprang to her feet in spite of Motoki's protesting
arms trying to hold her down. As she ran and gave a
hug to each one, she proclaimed, "I'm so happy you
guys made it here too!"

~* End Chapter 3 *~

Yes, I know you all hate cliffhangers, but how else
am I supposed to keep you interested in the story? I
know, I know, this is mostly a romance so far, but I
swear the action is coming soon! I don't know when
the next chapter will be out because my older sister
just got home from college, and to say the least
she'll be limiting my online and computer usage time
severely. I'll try to have it up ASAP.

