Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. Please don't sue.

Quote of the Week: "What is built endures and what is loved endures." ~ Delenn, "Babylon 5"

Hugs and chocolate to the people who reviewed. Please be a responsible reader and review!!!!!!!!!!!

Moving On - Chapter 10
By Eternal Rose

"I mean serious trouble." The senshi of time took a deep breath and looked at their cheerful faces. Gods, she didn't want to ruin all of their fun, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and the fate of the universe lay in the hands of her princess. "Princess, Beryl is back and Endymion has rejoined her."

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Thunderous shrieks quickly filled the room as everyone stopped whatever they were doing to stare at Pluto. Serenity sank into a nearby chair, a shocked expression on her face.

"I had hoped…" she whispered, but couldn't manage to say the rest of whatever it was she wanted to. Tears filled her beautiful blue eyes, and her shoulders shook. Heero quickly sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. In response, Serenity turned and buried her face in his chest. A shell-shocked silence permeated the room. No one knew quite what to say to comfort the obviously distressed princess.

"Why?" She sobbed. "Why does Endymion have to be so power hungry? Couldn't he have just been happy with Beryl and Earth? Why did he have to take my best friend and warp her mind so? Why?"

Heero said nothing, merely held her tighter. One of his hands gently undid her meatballs and then he ran it through her long, silky hair, trying to relax her. She rewarded his efforts with a watery smile.

"Princess, I'm afraid it gets worse." Setsuna said quietly. All of the pilots turned to stare at her.

"You mean there's more?" Quatre marveled aloud. He looked at Serenity, trying to concentrate his support of her into something tangible for her. She glanced back knowingly and reopened the old telepathic link that had been created between them at the time of their conception. 'I'll be fine.'

"Setsuna, how much more of this is there?" Motoki asked. His features were extremely worried.

"Not much more. The problem is simply this." Setsuna took a deep breath. She seemed almost - afraid. It was quite unnerving for them to see her frightened of something. "The Gates of Time have almost closed and have refused to allow me to see more than a few moments into the future. However, I have seen one last thing. Beryl has sent her most capable and powerful servant to gather energy by attacking a nearby park."

"Why must they always drag innocents into these battles? It is a great injustice that they commit, and they only show their lack of honor!" Wufei declared. For once, no one remarked upon his seemingly compulsive remarks about honor. Everyone aside from Serenity and Heero rose and headed for the door.

"Koneko-chan, I'm sorry about this." Haruka said. Then she pushed everyone else out the door and left quickly. Within moments, an old spell had been cast upon the room.

During the Silver Millennium, there were many defenses established to protect the princess from harm. The most efficient of these was a rather simple spell, although it was near impossible to break. The spell involved the combining of the powers of any four senshi to form a protective barrier around a room that allowed no one to either enter or exit until four senshi took down the barrier or the threat was gone. Thus, the princess would remain unharmed, regardless of what happened. She would be unable to run out to their rescue, regardless of how much she wanted to.

Serenity wrapped her arms around Heero and prayed for the safety of her friends, tears streaming down her face. When she no longer had any tears left with in her, Serenity dropped into a healing sleep. Heero merely sat there, running a hand through her hair until the room suddenly lit up with yet another of those infamous flashes of bright light.

~* Dimension SM *~

After all had been said and done, Luna accepted that her princess was still alive and could still be saved. She had calmed down greatly once it had all been explained, and the whole story exposed.

"So what do we do now?" Makoto asked when there was a lull in the conversation. The Hikaware Shrine was now filled with brilliant moonlight, as the moon returned from its brief hiatus.

"Now we all get some rest and wait for Serenity to make the next move." Ami said. "She trusted us to wait, and so I really think we ought to do as she requested, however indirect the request was."

"Ami, we can't do that!" Rei exclaimed. "These youma are ridiculously strong! There's no way we'll survive another of their attacks without Usagi's help. Is there any way that we could teleport to wherever she is?"

"Well…" The genius hesitated.

"Ami, as much as it tears me apart to do this to Usagi, Rei's right." Minako said. "Without her, we'll be up a creek without a boat the next time a youma attacks."

Ami nodded her head in acquiescence. "We need to make a circle like we usually do for a teleport. Then, we must focus all of our energies on the princess. When you can feel her essence, lock in on it and call your planet's powers. When everyone has called for their planet, we must all say together, 'Take us to the one who we live to protect and would gladly die for but who more than anyone has taught us to live. Take us to the Princess Serenity!' We'll be there in moments."

"I'm not sure you girls should try this." Artemis said as the senshi transformed and made a circle. "The last attempt you four made landed you on Earth, in the middle of a pond miles from the castle, where Usagi was staying."

"Artemis, it's the only way, and we can't just sit here and do nothing while the world is destroyed." Luna told him calmly. He bowed his head, and then stepped into the center of the circle the senshi had formed, Luna joining him,

Makoto sent her mind out searching for the friendly girl she loved to bake cookies for. The girl who had wept over the loss of her darling prince more than once, as he constantly broke her heart. The brave girl who showed no fear even when a reputation had prevented anyone else from approaching her all of that first day at Juuban. Her mind locked and she called out.

"Jupiter Planet Power!"

Ami searched for the kind girl who even when everyone else called her a nerd showed no pity and refused to allow her to pity herself. The vibrant, happy friend who had pulled her out of books and into life. The twin of her dear Quatre who would do anything for a friend. Her voice filled the air.

"Mercury Planet Power!"

Minako reached out a hand to the one who was always there to pick her up when she was down, her vibrant spirit piercing through the shadows of the Venusian's previous experiences. The girl who had giggled with her over how adorable Motoki was, and who had never once failed to back her up. The lovely young woman who trusted her to lead her protectors, and although she allowed them to protect her had always protected them in return. Her voice swiftly joined the others.

"Venus Planet Power!"

Mars sought the free spirit that had a fire to rival her own, always up for a lively argument about anything at all. She searched for the princess who it was her duty to protect, and who she cared about no matter how annoying she was. Mars looked for the one who had taught her that love could conquer anything, and that friendship was one of the strongest kinds of love. She looked for her best friend, the one who had pierced the veil around her heart, leading her to all the happiness of the worlds. Mars found her, and called aloud.

"Mars Planet Power!"

"Take us to the one who we live to protect and would gladly die for but who more than anyone has taught us to live. Take us to the Princess Serenity!" They all yelled together.

The rainbow beam that was the senshi flashed away from the shrine.

~* The GW Park *~

"That won't work." A familiar voice called out to them as the monster turned and moved towards the two. Hidden in the shadows, the voice spoke again. "Oh look, you made it mad. Guess you'll just have to die now. Pity."

Both Sally and Noin shrieked as the youma wrapped its tail around them, binding them tightly.

"Neptune Deep Submerge!" The two dropped to the ground, unconscious. Their energy had been almost completely siphoned away, leaving them feeling very exhausted.

"Well, well, well, I was wondering if you'd show up or not." The Gundam boys all gasped, staring in the direction the voice had come from. An all too easily recognized woman stepped into their view. "Too bad really. If you had stayed away, you might have actually lived to see the new era that will be ushered in when the King and Queen take over this dimension."

"Relena!" They all gasped.

She yawned, looking almost bored. "Tell you what, I have to take the large amount of energy I got from those two back to the other realm. I'll make you a deal. If you defeat the youma before I get back, you can live for now.

Without another word, Relena disappeared into the shadows. Slowly, the Gundam boys picked up their mouths as Hotaru shot a Silence Glaive Surprise at the youma and killed him.

"This is such a tremendous injustice!" Wufei exclaimed. "I actually thought that onna was worthy of my respect. She had an intelligence that and devotion to peace that gave me faith in her. I disgrace myself by blindly trusting such a dishonorable, weak woman."

"Say Wu-man, what's up with your obsession with those words? I do not think they mean what you think they mean." Duo said in a thinly veiled attempt to lighten the atmosphere. He was rewarded by several weak chuckles.

"We should probably get back to the apartment before something happens to Serenity." Michiru remarked.

"No." Quatre said firmly. "She'll be fine with the protection around her that you guys set up earlier. Right now we need to make sure everyone here will be all right."

"He's right." Motoki agreed.

"Why not?" said Trowa. "Heero will protect her."

It is both shocking and appalling to consider the negative results that such generous and kind actions wrought upon these noble people and the ones they loved.

~* The GW Apartment *~

The light slowly faded from their eyes, and there stood four familiar senshi. They all smiled warmly at those before them, and ran to hug their princess.

"Usagi, you're all right!" They collectively shrieked. Their voices were only barely distinguishable from one another, and although each person said something different, no one knew who said what after it was all said. "How are you? You were crying, what happened? Who's the guy? He looks like my old- Makoto, don't even think about saying it! We're all together again, just like greenbeans in a pod! Oh, I'm so glad you're ok!"

"Guys!" Serenity finally yelled above the din. "How did you get here?"

"An old teleportation trick." Luna said, a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. "They focused on your essence and directed their planets to bring them to you. I'm so glad it actually worked this time!"

"I'll say!" Serenity giggled and turned to Heero. "Do you remember the last time, when I was visiting you and they came looking for me? They were all soggy when they finally got to the palace."

"Wait!" Rei said. "How would he know about that? You were visiting Endymion when that happened."

"His power holds even in this dimension?" Serenity exclaimed. Heero merely looked down, a scowl on his face. "Well, no matter, I can easily fix it this time, ne Heero?"

He grunted an affirmative response, and she laughed, whispering in his ear, "When this is all over, you owe me a real smile."

"When this is all over, you'll get more than that." Heero said, and he gave her ear a butterfly kiss. Serenity blushed, then turned her attention back to the shocked senshi. She immediately pulled out her crystal and transformed back to her princess stage.

"Serenity, there's no need to use the Crystal now! Everything is fine, and it will only hurt you… or us." Ami whispered softly.

"Do you really want us to forget badly enough that you would risk your life for it?" Makoto asked, hurt filling her voice.

"Guys, relax. I promise everything will be fine." Serenity raised the Crystal and declared, "Crystal, break Endymion's spell. Show them the one I truly love, and all of the things that really happened in the past, instead of the lies Endymion showed them."

The light flared, and when it faded, the senshi and cats had all fallen to the floor, knocked out by the power of the memories. Both Heero and Serenity were stunned when another voice invaded the room.

"My oh my, what have we here?" The sarcastic tones filled the room, and Heero looked up at the woman with a growl.


~* Realm of Nightmares *~

"If all goes according to plan, Serenity and Heero will fall to us within a day." Endymion declared as he tasted Beryl's neck, nibbling it delicately. She was seated comfortably on his lap, and sighed, leaning back against him. If the plan worked, she would not have to be involved at all in her once-friend's destruction.

"I'm glad." Beryl responded. "Very very glad."

~* End Chapter 10 *~