Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: I don't own it. Except the plot. Please don't sue me.

*huggles minna* Thanks for the reviews!!! Let's do a repeat this time!! ^_^

WARNING! - This is the last chapter before the epilogue. Don't say I didn't tell you ahead of time. (One of my beta readers got mad at me for not warning her. Also - Violence!!!!! That said, ENJOY AND REVIEW!!!!!!

Moving On - Chapter 12
By: Eternal Rose

~* The Dimension GW Park *~

"Something's wrong." Michiru whispered quietly. "There is a disturbance in the seas. They rage and foam as though something has gone horribly wrong."

"Yes." Haruka agreed. "The winds seem lost and confused, unsure of which direction to go because the balance has been upset."

"Ummmm…" Duo scratched the back of his head. "What are you two talking about?"

"You don't think…?" Hotaru couldn't finish the sentence, and her voice trailed off. Something was undeniably wrong. Trowa came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Quatre and Motoki, meanwhile, had let their heads suddenly snap up, as though hearing something in the distance. Their expressions became sober.

"I must go to the time gates." Setsuna said, transforming. "There is something which I must take care of. I have already intervened too much in this path of time, and if I continue to do so this reality will collapse and take all of you with it. Good luck."

"Her disappearing act only shows her lack of honor." Wufei said as Pluto disappeared into one of her infamous portals. "But I am glad she has accepted her responsibilities and learned not to muddle the time stream because she desires a different outcome from that which she is shown."

"Hey! What's wrong with him?" Duo exclaimed as Quatre fell to the ground. He looked up at them through pain filled eyes.

"Quatre, what's wrong?" Motoki asked. "Was that Serenity I just felt? The message was unclear, but something's wrong with them, isn't it? What happened?"

"Serenity… Heero… must… get back to them." He managed to say before he could not continue talking any longer. Quatre's eyes held panic and fear, but he could say nothing. Wordlessly, Motoki scooped him up.

"Let's go." He said, before turning and running back to the apartment. After checking to make sure the police would take care of the people injured during Relena's earlier attack, they followed.

~* The Dimension GW Apartment *~

Heero had been kidnapped. Serenity felt her world crumble around her. He was gone. Missing. Taken by the dark side. She could feel him missing her, feel his heartache for her, and knew without a doubt that Endymion had him. A sharp pain in her side brought her crashing to her knees. The corruption of her home was spreading through her veins. They were creating nightmares from the beautiful dreams of people. Knowing there was only one thing she could do, Serenity allowed her eyes to close and drifted off to the far away plane where they would battle.

"Serenity!" The inner senshi screamed. Venus raced towards her, Mercury not far behind her and Mars valiantly trying to get to her friend. Jupiter lay on the floor, her eyes wide. Mercury frantically tried to activate her visor as she called directions to the two able senshi.

"Get a cool cloth for her forehead! We have to do something!" She shouted. Silently, she made a deal with the gods. 'Let Usagi live, and we will always respect her wishes and do our best to help and protect her.'

"Rei? What are you doing here?" A startled voice filled the room, and they all turned to see the open door, the outer senshi, and their once loves. Wufei had been addressing his beautiful fire maiden, and strode across the room to make sure it was really her. When he was positive, he wrapped his arms around her and urgently repeated, "What happened?"

"Heero. Serenity. Oh gods!" Rei gasped out. Her mind was reeling, and her face was shocked. She buried her head in Wufei's shoulder and began to sob. "It's such an injustice against them. All they have ever wanted was to be normal and in love? Why did fate conspire against them in this way?"

"Wow, someone as obsessed with justice as Wu-man… Hey wait a minute! Rei?" Duo looked shocked. His eyes quickly canvassed the room, and grew wide when he saw his beloved lying prone on the floor. He quickly ran to her. "Makoto! Are you all right?"

Jupiter's eyes softened, and she attempted a smile at him, the black shadow freezing her body in place. She made frantic glances towards Serenity, and Duo immediately figured out what she wanted. He lifted his love into the air and carried her to Serenity. His eyes became gloomy as he saw his beloved charge, the lady who he was supposed to protect, lying on the floor.

Meanwhile, Motoki was already seated beside Minako, frantically trying to make his baby sister open her eyes. The sun prince and Venusian princess shared a glance, and hope sprang up in both their eyes. Joy penetrated the heavy veil of sorrow that was filling the room for a brief moment, and they shared a quick kiss and a smile before turning worried faces back to the inert princess.

Quatre lay on the floor right next to his twin, and he stretched out a hand to lend her his strength. He saw his love looking down on him, and smiled up at Ami. Her dark blue eyes shone with love for the two of them, and he was grateful for her strength and assistance. He did not doubt that they would be needed.

Hotaru and Trowa stood in the doorway and watched silently with Haruka and Michiru. The two couples had separated into pairs, each person wrapped in their lover's arms. No one was happy, all the faces were filled with despair. The world was in danger, and it was up to Serenity and Heero alone to save them all.

Suddenly, the twin's bodies began to jerk back and forth. Quatre's eyes filled with pain, and he seemed to be watching something the rest of them could not see.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Michiru whispered. "Must we simply stand by and watch this happen again?"

"Everything must happen as fate planned." Hotaru said. Each person sensed it - this battle was not theirs. It was a war between the two couples, and only one pair could survive. Regardless of how greatly they desired to intervene, the fight was being waged on a plane they could not reach, a place destined to be remembered forever for this dark battle that would so scar it.

A brilliant light filled the room, and nothing could have prepared them for what was revealed when the light faded.

~* The Realm of Nightmares *~

Although Heero had been fully unconscious when he was brought in, it took him mere moments to awaken. Thankfully, he had still been unaware at the moment his brother's foot impacted against his side, and so he had not called out. The moment the two rulers of the realm had exited the room, Heero snapped back into action and knocked out the two guards who were holding him. Heero could sense Serenity calling him, and was stunned when he felt it - she had followed him into the realm.

"My foolish, brave princess." He whispered. Immediately, Heero felt the transformation called him. In a flash, the traditional tank top and shorts were gone, replaced by the ancient armor that was his battle gear. Unlike Endymion's dark, foreboding armor, his was of a pale gray, with white and silver touches to brighten it. He looked every bit the knight in shining armor of the old fables. Instantly he took off running, following the link of love that bound him to Serenity.

~* Beryl & Endymion's Chambers *~

A flash of brilliant light filled the room, and as it faded the Astral Princess reentered her realm. On her face was a ferocious expression, but Endymion merely smirked. Beryl looked up, and glared at her former friend.

"Beryl." Serenity said, and her features softened. "Why did you have to join him? Would it not have been enough to simply rule over Earth with him? Couldn't you convince him?"

"Serenity, you are evil." Beryl said. "Everything Endymion told me about you and his brother is true. All either of you wishes is power and glory for yourselves."

"Beryl, you know me better than that!" Serenity pleaded. She didn't want to hurt her best friend from childhood. "Why can't you see that he is using you? Are you so blinded by your own delusions of love that you can't see what's happening right in front of your face?"

Heero entered the room, and stalked quickly over to Serenity's side. They shared a look, before Beryl spoke again.

"Serenity, you killed my daughter!" Beryl screamed, and the pain in her voice was raw. "Relena was the daughter every mother wishes for, obedient, respectful, and kind. You took away her life, the life of an innocent, and have shown your true colors in the doing! I lost not only a daughter but a best friend today. And now, you and he are going to pay for what you've done!"

Serenity and Heero had both fallen silent in shock. Relena was Beryl and Endymion's daughter? Obviously, her father had had a tremendous effect on her upbringing. They were so absorbed that neither saw the attack until it was almost too late. At the last second, Heero noticed it coming for them, and shoved Serenity to the side,.

"No!" He screamed. They both fell out of the way, but Heero came up limping badly, barely able to stand. Serenity was horrified, and stared at her long lost friend momentarily before glaring at Endymion.

"The time has come when all must be set right!" She declared. "Beryl, please, you must listen to me!"

"I won't!" Another bolt of black energy flew at Serenity, and she dodged to the right before moving slowly forward, one hand extended in front of her. Beryl continued to speak, "I can't forgive you for this! She was my first, my only child!"

"Beryl, you must listen to me! Endymion has been lying to you, and even now, he tells you false things." Serenity looked into her friend's eyes, and winced as the barrage of energy finally began to hit its mark. "Don't you trust me? I would never do such a thing!"

"You're lying!" The scream was so filled with pain, devastation and loss, that it would echo throughout time.

"Beryl!" Serenity yelled in desperation, still not attacking or defending herself. "Beryl, Relena isn't dead!"

"She - what?" the evil queen's voice held a kind of hope that had not been there in centuries. Was it really possible that her daughter still lived? Had her friend always been on her side, even when she had not realized it? She stopped attacking.

"Beryl, all you have to do to learn the truth is one thing." Serenity placed her hands in front of her chest, and the Imperium Silver Crystal appeared. She extended gracefully. "Touch the crystal. Tell it to heal you and your daughter. I won't give it any commands, all it will do is what you want. If you don't believe me, than take it and kill me. I'd rather die than lose you to him and his greed."

"You would do that for me? Even after all this?" Beryl said. She gingerly reached out and took the shining gem. "My daughter is really still alive?"


"Crystal, heal my daughter and myself, and show me the truth of all that has happened!" A white light exploded and Beryl dropped to the ground, near exhaustion. She smiled sadly. "The… purification… too much… evil…"

"Don't, Beryl. You're too weak to be talking right now." Serenity pleaded, tears in her eyes. She had gotten her best friend back, only to lose her again.

"Sorry Serenity." Beryl apologized, gasping for breath. "Take care of Relena for me… won't you? Bring her up… the way… she should be…"

"Always." Serenity said, rivers appearing on her cheeks. With a content sigh, the evil queen closed her eyes for the last time.

Meanwhile, Heero and Endymion were not exactly having a friendly reunion on the other side of the room. Both had drawn swords. Slowly, they paced around in a circle, Heero moving a fair cry slower than his older brother, but looking nonetheless ready and able to fight.

"My, my, brother, you're injured!" Endymion said, false sympathy oozing from his voice. "Perhaps you had best see a doctor about that leg of yours."

"I think you've got it wrong." Heero replied coolly. "I think you ought to have a doctor look at your head. They say pathological lying can be a major problem, as well as dreams of grandeur and self delusions."

"Why you - !" Whatever Endymion wanted to say never made it out of his mouth as the two began to fight fiercely. They parried, and lunged, each calling upon century old training.

"Hn." Heero grunted in pain as Endymion's sword glanced across his stomach. He returned the favor by using the flat edge of his sword to sweep Endymion off his feet. Endymion swiftly flipped back up, taking the tip of Heero's blade to his left arm. They fought the elegant dance of a sword fight, neither winning or losing.

Suddenly, Endymion lunged at Heero, and he was forced to take a step back. His weak leg could no longer support the fight, and Heero dropped to the ground, his sword falling just out of his reach. Endymion raised his sword and was about to strike a deadly blow when one word froze him.

"Don't." Serenity had transformed into the princess that she was, the crystal held high above her head. "Endymion, you have taken those dear from me more times than I care to think about. Your crimes are great, and I will no longer tolerate your deplorable presence. It's time to restore the balance again."

"RENITY!" Heero suddenly screamed. "DON'T! You're too weak right now! It will kill you!"

"I'm so sorry Heero." Serenity whispered. She smiled at him through her tears before giving a command. "Silver Crystal, I call upon your service. Destroy this evil, which has plagued our world for so long and return those I love to a place of safety. Rid the universe of this realm of nightmares, that it may never bother anyone again!"

There was a blaze of glorious light, and Endymion shrieked as it hit him and he disintegrated. The realm fell apart around his ashes, but no one was there to see it as the Crystal granted the last wish of Tsukino Usagi, the former princess Serenity.

~* GW Apartment *~

When the light cleared, Heero had reappeared, as had the once evil Beryl and Relena. However, their hair and clothes had changed. Both Beryl and Relena now had long, chestnut brown hair, and dresses of green and blue respectively. They turned and embraced each other as never before.

Heero immediately looked for Serenity, and was in time to catch one more glimpse of her. Slowly, her body dissolved into beautiful silver and gold sparkles that danced merrily into the universe.

A cry of anguish such as the one he released then has never been heard before or since.

~* End Chapter 12 *~

Heehee, my beta readers threatened to kill me for this one. Just the epilogue left now! REVIEW!!!!

