Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Thanks ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi Everyone, I know it's been a long time since i posted my fanfic "Turning Away" but i've been VERY VERY busy with collge and my new puppy plus work....sigh...and I also had some trouble finding the "perfect song" for the sequel. Thank you for all that haven't given up on me :)

Disclamer: Like before I DO NOT own Gundam Wing OR Sailor Moon and Even less the song from Bon Jovi "Thank you for loving me"

Now on with the story

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~

My Thanks

At the very top of a tall building, standing by the window of the penthouse was a small shadow, everytime that shadow moved a glint of silver could be seen flashing, almost like a star. A woman of about 5'6 with shoulder lenght black hair and purple highlights wearing a black and dark purple silk nightgown with 2 slits near the shoulder blades could be seen staring at the silver full moon. Her dark violet eyes were glazed over as if she were lost in her memories, different emotions could be seen flashing across them, there a second, gone the next. Slowly as if in a trance her hand went to rest on the cool window just beside the moon, her body started swaying slightly to some imaginary music only she could hear.

It's hard for me to say the things

I want to say sometimes

There's no one here but you and me

And that broken old street light


Hotaru and Duo were walking down the dark street, in comfortable silence under the yellow light of the street lights . Nobody was around, it was to late at night, sounds of passing cars were heard once in a while,late nighters wanting to get home. But Hotaru and her companion weren't hurrying....they had spent the day at a small café down the street from the building she had met Duo. They talked and drank coffee and talked some more...they had so much in common and Hotaru was happy, truly happy for once. They stopped near the park where her bike was parked under the broken street light facing each other.


Lock the doors

We'll leave the world outside

All I've got to give to you

Are these five words when I...


Hotaru had met Duo 2 weeks ago, he had told her yesterday under the stars that he loved her even after she told him of her passed he told her he loved her even more. Hotaru had been honest with herself and him, she loved him from the first day they had met with him standing over her spralled form. She cried when he huged and kissed her....finally, she didn't have to turn away and be alone anymore.


Thank you for loving me

For being my eyes

When I couldn't see


Hotaru was sitting on a park bench facing the lake, it was late afternoon and everybody was home eating some nice probably homecooked meal with their family. Gazing at the lake she couldn't help but think back to when she and her "family" would have been doing the same thing....little did she know of what they had been thinking at the time. It still hurt to think about the conversation she had overheard between the scouts, even more from the mouths of her own "parents" the ones that had raised her. It hurt to think it had been only a front to keep a close watch on her. A lonely tear slowly slid down her face unoticed. She was hurting so much inside. A pair of warm muscles arms come around her in a hug and a warm voice whispered in her ear.

" Hotaru I know what you're thinking about, it was nothing you did, they were blinded by their prejudice about you. You're a great person Hotaru, it was them that lost you, not the other way around, open your eyes and see Hotaru, stop feeling guilt and pain."

She smiled and turned into the warm embrace, " You're right Duo, I'll stop beating myself over it, I can't change who and what I am" And together they walked hand in hand to their home.


For parting my lips

When I couldn't breathe

Thank you for loving me

Thank you for loving me


"NOOOOO!" Hotaru woke up with a scream and sat upright in her bed breathing heavily, sweat clinging to her temple. She had dreamt the scouts had found her alone in the park and embushed her, she hadn't had time to transformed before a love chain had wrapped around her holding her down. She had struggled in vain when she watched in horror as all the most powerful attacks of the scouts and come towards her. Sighing she closed her eyes and powerful arms pull her close to Duo's warm chest. "It's only a dream Hotaru, you're safe with me, nothing will ever happen to you while i'm around" He pulled her down slowly and wrapped her close to his heart making soothing sounds. She curled up to him and slowly drift off to a peaceful sleep.


I never knew I had a dream

Until that dream was you

When I look into your eyes

The sky's a different blue


Hotaru was thinking about Duo again, never in her life she had imagined someone out there for her, waiting, that could understand her. She always thought she was destined to be alone, utherly alone, a soulmate only a childhood fantasy. Ever since she had met him it was as though she was being reborn, seeing the world from a different light.


Cross my heart

I wear no disguise

If I tried, you'd make believe

That you believed my lies


Hotaru was nervous today was the day, THE day, with a capital D. She would tell Duo her secret, she didn't want him to be afraid and leave her but she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she kept this from him. She saw him coming towards her and she motioned for him to sit down. They were in an isolated part of the park she took a deep breath and said to him " Duo I have something to tell you, don't interrupt me until i'm done, please" Duo looked at her and nodded. Slowly at first she started to talk about the Silver Millenium, her quest and powers the inners and the outers, the princess, the quuen, the destruction of the Silver Era. (A.N. I don't want to type it out but i'm sure you know the story) She talked until she came to when she met him, including her horrible childhood and the pain her "friends" and "family" had caused her. "There is one thing they don't know though, and would try to destroy me even more if they did. Like there is Light there is also Darkness, not Evil like most people think just Darkness. Like Princess Serenity is the Angel of Light and bringer of Hope I am her counter part, the Angel of Death. We are sisters, she knows what i am because we are the same in a way. I have lived since the beginning of time, being reborn with full memories to do my duty, I am immortal, the Angel of Death, the Messiah of Silence, Goddess of Destruction and Rebirth, weilder of the Silence Glaive and Gardien of the Gates of Hades also known as the Gates of Hell. It is a burden I have to bear on my shoulders not even Setsuna, the time gardien knew of this, only the gods (AN Serenity is also a Goddess so she knows). Until I reach my ultimate form I am at risk. So you see Duo, that is my duty. The other scouts only know me as the Scout of Saturn and it's princess, except for Serenity, they only know that i can destroy this world with 3 little words, they think i die if i do, they are wrong, I could destroy this galaxy without a thought and barely feel drain. If they knew this they would try to seal me since I can't be killed" Duo looked at her and smiled while Hotaru looked confused "Hotaru, I have a secret too, I am a gundam pilot, but not only that, I am also Shinigami, the God of Death, I am immortal Hotaru. I knew of the legendary Gardien of the Gates of Hell in my kingdom but i never would have thought it was you, so you see beloved, we make the perfect couple." Hotaru just smiled and threw herself into his arms.


Thank you for loving me

For being my eyes

When I couldn't see

For parting my lips

When I couldn't breathe

Thank you for loving me


Meeting the rest of Duo's friend was something, Hotaru thought. Quatre Raberta Winner, owner of the largest company and now the richess man on earth, or close to. Former Gundam pilot of Sandrock, code name Desert Prince, retired assasin and key player in the war to bring peace. Trowa Barton, partner with Quatre, owner of a world famous circus, former Gundam pilot of Heavyarms, code name The Silencer, also a retired assasin and key player in the war. From what Duo was saying, he still doesn't talk much. Heero Yui, also partner with Quatre, also works with the Preventers on occasions. Former Gundam pilot of Wing Zero, code name Perfect Soldier, assasin (never retires) hero in the war, and from what Duo is saying he still disapears for days (probably on missions) and still threatens people with his best friend (gun) doesn't talk except for occasional "Hnn" and finally got rid of Relena Peacecraft. Finally Wufei Chang, works full time with the Preventers, also partner with Quatre and the rest, former Gundam pilot of Nataku, code name Dragon, now retired assasin and key player in the war. Still thinks Woman are weak...I can't wait to show him what i got...My attention was brought back by Duo. "Hey Wu-Man! you dating Sally Po?" he laughed

"MAXWELL!!! INJUSTICE, I would never date a weak Onna!" unsheets his trusty Katana "GET BACK HERE MAXWELL I'LL CHOP OFF THAT BRAID OF YOURS!" You could hear a squeal and running Duo zoomed by screaming "NOT THE BRAID"


You pick me up when I fall down

You ring the bell before they count me out

If I was drowning you would part the sea

And risk your own life to rescue me


Hotaru and Duo were watching the sun rise, he was olding her close to his heart, he suddenly tightens his hold on her. "What's wrong Duo?" "Hotaru you know i'd never let anything happen to you right, that i'll never let you go, you're mine for all eternity, I`m not Shinigami for nothing" and he kissed her


Lock the doors

We'll leave the world outside

All I've got to give to you

Are these five words when I


They stood inside the door admiring their new home. They had just bought a new appartement they would share together. He was her family now, she wasn't alone. together they could do anything. Duo smiled and picked her up princess style and carried her to the bedroom


Thank you for loving me

For being my eyes

When I couldn't see

You parted my lips

When I couldn't breathe

Thank you for loving me


Together they stood outside Rei's temple, today they would tell them who and what she was and also who he was if they tried anything. She was afraid but she new he would protect her he was Shinigami after all. Taking a seep breath she called them out.


Next thing they knew flashes of every color of the rainbow were seen and the sailor scout appeared in front of them in battle stance. Every one of them was transform with the exception of Usagi or Serenity to some, no one seen to notice at the moment for she was in the back of the group watching sadly the scene that was to unfold.

" Hotaru, what are you doing here leave now before we destroy you, I can sense your darkness, together we can defeat you" (AN Guess who! lol for the slower readers it`s Rei)

Hotaru seem to grow in size as she spoke with a regal tone none had ever heard from the meak Hotaru (cept Usagi of course)

"I will not leave until you have heard what i have to say is that clear? Then i will gladly leave your pathetic presence" (AN I do like the scout but i needed some betrayal alright they are ALL cool, *runs and hide* Don`t flame me!)

"Talk fast before i slit your throat" the wind senshi growled

" I am here to tell you of who i really am so you will never dare hunt me or any future family and friends I might have...."

"Like we would ever listen to you!" the Thunder senshi yelled out

"SILENCE!" Taru started to glow a deep purple color, half the symbol of infinity glowed overlaped by her saturn sign, everything became silent as she was lifted up by an unknown force, a tight daring dark purple dress with a black dragon design coiling around her body and a open back replaced her everyday clothes, giant black angel wings sprouted open with magestic glory from her back. The senshi stood in awe as Taru looked down on them and extended her hand, her Silence Glaive appeared ready to do has his Mistress commanded. " You WILL stay silent while I speak or you will face my wrath!" Duo looked at his love and grinned, gone was the meek Hotaru people liked to push over and in her place stood Hotaru in her ultimate form with the confidance she had laked before.Still he stood ready to assist if anything went wrong, after all no one would be fool enough to cross Shinigami. The senshi gaped up at her and blinked. "I will tell you who I am and would will wish you had never crossed me. This is my ultimate form, I am Hotaru Tomoe, Princess of Saturn and its senshi...." You ain't telling us nothing we don`t know Hotaru!" yelled the senshi of time." I TOLD YOU TO KEEP SILENCE SENSHI! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING PLUTO" What are you talking about I`m the senshi of time I know all!!!!! " NO YOU DO NOT!! Did you know I am the immortal Angel of Death, the Messiah of Silence, Goddess of Destruction and Rebirth, weilder of the Silence Glaive and Gardien of the Gates of Hades also known at the Gates of Hell.!!"

Taru saw Pluto pale "It can't be, it`s only a legend....." I can assure you Pluto, I am quite really! she spat. "No matter, we will find a way to destroy you......"

"YOU WILL NOT!" a voice yelled. The senshi looked over to Duo that had started glowing with a black color, his clothes melted to a black armor with purple trimmings, bat wings grew from his back, he extended his hand and a scythe appeared ready for battle. " I am Shinigami, the God of Death and no one will harm my love while I`m here! And I tell you now, you do not want me as an enemy for when you die your soul is mine!"

The Senshi look ready for battle and Pluto palled even more "no, it can't be, why did I not know of this.....i know everything" she mumbled "You did not know because only Gods knew of this, you cannot see what we don`t want you to see" a voice called from the back. They turned in surprise to look at Usagi, she closed her eyes and started to glow silver, the other half of the infinity symbol overlaped with a nine pointed star shown brightly on her forehead as she was lifted like Hotaru in the air. A silver dress appeared with another black dragon design coiled around her body, white angel wings sprouted from her back. The Senshi once again gaped at this new turn of event. "I will not let you harm my sister, I have stood by long enough and I tell you now senshi, you might be my friends but i will not hesitate to strip you of your power if you ever make a move toward Taru or her future family. My word WILL be obeyed! for I am the Angel of light and hope, Messiah of Purity, Goddess of the Heavens, Lady of the Star, Sailor Cosmos, the ultimate senshi, Gardian and Ruler of the Univers. I rule the living and my sister rule the dead, we are one!" Serenity smiled at Hotaru. Go Hotaru, they will never bother you again sister. Duo make her happy if not you will face my wrath! I will come and visit" Taru smiled and floated down to Duo, they both bowed to Serenity and changed into their civilian form. Together hand in hand they left the temple. (AN: I won`t go into what the senshi said to Serenity after that since that`s not their story)


When I couldn't fly

Oh, you gave me wings

You parted my lips

When I couldn't breathe.......


Today was the day, she and Duo had been together for 2 years, a wonderful 2 years and she was happy. Duo was taking her out to an expensive restaurent downtown Tokyo. She heard a knock, he was here, picking up her bag she hurried to meet him. Opening the door they admired each other, he was wearing a black tux with a dark purple undershirt, his hair was pulled into his usual waist lenght brown braid and was held together by a plack band. Needless to say he looked more than handsome. She saw Duo run his colbat eyes over her slim figure, she new she looked good in her floor lenght dark purple cocktail dress, it had black dragons on the left side and had no straps, she wore a black choker with the saturn symbol in the middle, she had let her hair down like usual. Duo smiled and gave her his arm.

After their supper (A.N. I hate description you can use your imagination it's not important) Duo brought her to a cliff overlooking all of Tokyo, it was beautiful under the stars. Duo turned to her and got on his knee "Hotaru you're everything to me, please save this Shinigami from a lonely eternity and marry me, I love you" Taru smiled and threw herself at him kissing his face all over "I`ll take that as a yes"


Hotaru stopped swaying the the music in her mind and smiled as she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist.

"what are you doing up so late love?"

"Thinking, you know I love you Duo, my husband. I can`t believe it's been 2 years already"

"I know, our vacation from the Underworld is almost over Taru and Serenity is coming to visit tomorrow, what do you say we go for a flight while we can?" Hotaru smiled and stepped back "Let`s go lover" Two black angel wings with over 20 feet span appeared threw the two slits in the back of her dress (AN, There`s always a reason for everything) while a pair of bat wings came from Duo's back. He pushed open the giant glass window and took Hotaru's hand. He kissed her glittering diamond ring "Lead the way my Queen" "With pleasure my King" and together they flew off over the glittering lights of Tokyo City.

......Thank you for loving me

THE END!!!!!!