Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One ❯ Chapter 1a: An Agent on the Fritz ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ditzy Freak - "Konichiwa Minna-san, I hope you like my story"

Oddball - "Ahem"

Ditzy Freak - "Sorry our story."

Oddball - "Arigato"
Suddenly the door opens to revel

Ob/Df - "Hii-" 'Click'

Hiiro - "I have a request."

Ob/Df - 'gulp' "Ok."

Hiiro - "I don't want to change."

Ditzy Freak - "Change? Like your clothes."

Hiiro - 'Rolls eyes' "No genius. Not my clothes, I don't want some ditzy girl to affect me
like that. I am the perfect soldier remember."

Ditzy Freak - "But Hiiro, I already wrote it." 'With unshed tears in her eyes and a quiver
in her voice.'

Hiiro - 'Takes off the safety and points his gun at oddball's head.' "Change it"

Oddball - 'Nods head furiously, and begins to type.'
Rei walks into see Hiiro holding a gun to one of the writer's head. "Disguise power, put
Hiiro in a frilly pink dress." 'Pop'
Hirro looks down to see himself in a frilly pink dress. 'Glares at Rei.'
Ditzy freak is laughing uncontrollably at Hiiro.

Oddball - "Rei where did you get the Luna Pen?"

Rei - "Well, I borrowed it from Minako, who borrowed it from Makoto, who borrowed it from Ami,
who borrowed it from Usagi."

Oddball - "Oh!"

Ditzy Freak - "Rei where did you get the Luna Pen?" She asks through her laughter.

Rei looks at Oddball. "Is she serious?"

Oddball nods head. "I'm afraid so."

Rei rolls her eyes and walks out, she pokes her head back in. "Hiiro be nice or next time
it will be a …" Hiiro gulps and quickly puts the gun away.

Oddball sighs in relief. "And now to the story"

Ditzy Freak - "Ya, but what about the disclaimer?"

Oddball - "Oh, you actually thought of that, wow maybe you're not such a ditz after all."

Ditzy Freak - "Hey I resent that."

Oddball - "Fine you are a ditz."

Ditzy Freak - "And darn proud of it."

Oddball laughs. "We don't own SM or GW, we just own the idea for this story."

Ditzy Freak - "Ya so don't sue us cause…" Looks over to Oddball. "Cause why?"

Oddball - " Never mind you wouldn't get it anyway."

Ditzy Freak - "Oh, ok, On with the show."


*An Agent on the Fritz


"Minako, there you are. How's my star today?" Minako's ever annoying agent walked into her
dressing room.

"I'm fine, Eddie." She replied, trying not to yawn. She hadn't been getting a lot of sleep
lately. Chaos' youmas were still alive and seemed to be multiplying around the globe. She'd
barely been able to drag herself to work the last few days and was having increasing
difficulty covering her wounds.

"Glad to hear it, Sugar. I've got a surprise for you." Minako groaned inwardly. She hated
his surprises. They always ended up trouble for her. Last time he'd set her up with 'dinner
with a (crazed) fan' -she'd spent every night for a week eating dinner with scary creeps and
mindless idiots-. She'd nearly missed an important battle because she couldn't get away. The
time before, a 3-day "cruise" with Hollywood's finest. It wasn't bad except for the jerk that
wouldn't leave her alone and that horrible case of seasickness. There were more, many more.
Those were just the nice stories. Somehow his 'surprises' always involved her and crazed
fans/conceded jerks, whether she was supposed to date them or be hit on by them or just talk
to them, they were always horrid. She truly hated his surprises. She sighed,

"Alright, what is it this time?"
He grinned,

"Come with me, doll." Standing she followed him out. She was still in her sweats and a baggy
shirt that had a picture of Sailor Venus on it. Her make-up wasn't done, neither was her hair,
but she hoped that fact would help drive away the next prospect. She really didn't have the
strength to deal with another gold digging male.

"Minako, this is Hiiro Yuy. He's..." Minako tuned him out; she'd heard this speech before.
She turned her attention instead to the man before her: unruly brown hair, Parisian blue eyes,
reasonably well built. He wasn't bad, ("Ahem." "Okay, okay.") So he was gorgeous, but there
was something about him. She couldn't quite place it but there was definitely something. It
unnerved her.

"Well," Eddie said interrupting her thoughts, "I'll leave you two to get acquainted.
I'm sure you'll be spending a lot of time together." Eddie turned and walked away. Mina
rolled her eyes. "Oh, Minako, Camera roles in one hour. Don't forget, Kay."

"I won't Eddie. In fact I'm looking forward too it." She added under her breath.
Hiiro caught it and wondered just what she meant. Turning she looked at her new what ever he
was, she hadn't really caught it. He was looking at her, she nearly smirked, 'typical', but
he didn't seem to be impressed. "What?" She asked curious, her attire temporarily forgotten.
He didn't reply. Minako, who didn't like the silent treatment, started to get a bit
annoyed. "Well, you seem unimpressed. I'd like to know why." He didn't answer her. She glared
but his expression didn't change. Minako could feel her nerves starting to snap. She was not
having a good day, and he wasn't helping anything.

"Look, I don't know why you're here, Eddie may not have told you but I already have a
boyfriend and we're happy. I'm not about to dump him and I certainly don't want another.
And any other reason you could possibly have for being here, forget it, I'm not interested."
She stated trying not to let her emotions get away from her.

"I'm not here to ask you out." He replied in his usual tone.

"Oh," she said slightly shocked, almost everyone Eddie brought around wanted to ask her out.
"Why then?" Hiiro rolled his eyes,
'Can she really be that dense? We just went over that.' Minako was scowling,
"Look, why you're here I really don't know, but I have a movie to shoot and I really need to
go, so if you have something to say, say it. Otherwise, I'm going to go get ready." She waited
a moment and watched his reaction, nothing. She was tired and cranky and leaving.
She turned and walked down the hall. 'I have got to talk to that man. Now he's added a new
level of freak to the list. I really don't have time for this. Calm down Mina, you've got a
shoot in less then an hour, don't let this get to you.' Suddenly she felt a presence following
her. She paused and turned only to see Hiiro a few feet away.

"What do you want?" She asked a little more harshly then she would have liked.
The guy was creepy though. Hiiro remained silent. "Look buddy, I'll call security. If you want
something say so or go." He continued to stair at her. 'This guy is nuts. I'm leaving.'
Turning once again she walked away. He followed. Sensing something still wasn't right she
turned around. "Hey, what are you doing? I meant what I said about security, if you want
something say so or I'll have you escorted out of the building." He gave her the same
emotionless stair but she could see humor flicker in his eyes. She cooked her head,
'he looks kinda sexy when he does that. Minako!' she mentally slapped her self,
'what are you thinking. Oh right.' "Security!" She yelled, trying to get the icky thoughts
out of her head. 'He's a creep and a jerk just like the others. Don't even think it.'
Hiiro leaned against the wall, 'This should be interesting.' It wasn't long before two guards
came rushing down the hall.

"Yes miss, what's the problem?"

"He is. He's following me. I want him escorted out of here at once." They looked at the
young man and shrugged,

"Why are you following Miss Anio?" Wordlessly he passed them his ID. The guards looked at it.
"I'm sorry miss there's nothing we can do.
As your bodyguard he has the authority to through us out."

"What! He's not my bodyguard! I don't have a bodyguard!"

"Well according to this you do. And he's it." Minako grabbed the ID from the guards and
looked at it. Her eyes grew wide and Hiiro smirked. Minako stormed down the hall, this was

"I'm going to kill him! A bodyguard. What makes him think I need a bodyguard?" The guards
shrugged at the departing actress, she wasn't the first and she wouldn't be the last.
Nodding to Hiiro they returned to their posts. Hiiro followed his new mission.
"Eddie!" Minako yelled as she flung open the door to his office. Her agent looked up as the
door collided with the wall, creating a loud 'bang'.

"Yes doll." he said cheerfully, totally ignoring the look of death on her face.

"What is the meaning of this?" she yelled with venom in her voice as she pointed at Hiiro.
Hiiro glared, he did not like being referred to as a 'this'. Eddie looked from the fuming
actress to the glaring bodyguard and then back to his star. He'd been expecting this, it was a
little late though, and he didn't understand why she hadn't said anything when her first
introduced the two.

"What?" he asked, "Didn't you hear me? Before. When I told you. About Hiiro. Being your new
bodyguard?" He said the words slowly in a 'are you really that stupid?' tone of voice, and
pausing to accent her stupidity. Mina glared at her agent, she wasn't dumb, she'd just stopped
listening. She figured it was the same old story, NOT a new disaster.

"No, I didn't hear you. I thought he was another moron you wanted me to go out with. I never
dreamed you would pull something as stupid as this. I'm a big girl Eddie I don't need a
bodyguard. Nor do I want one!" In the background an annoyed Hiiro mumbled something about
childish behavior. He didn't think he'd said it very loud but Minako's expert hearing picked
it up. Spinning around she slapped him across the face with all her might. A slightly shocked
Hiiro clutched a burning cheek with a large red handprint as Minako once again launched into
her speech.

"I AM NOT A CHILD!!! And I do not need a bodyguard. Do you have any idea what my life is like?
Do you? No, I didn't think so. Well let me tell you, it's crazy, and the last thing I need is
some freak who thinks he's a gundam pilot following me around and getting himself killed!"
She fumed and was about to storm out of the room when Eddie tapped her on the shoulder,

"Ah, he was a gundam pilot." The color started to drain from Minako's face and then returned
with amazing rapidity.

"Oh...uh...opps...well...oh, would you look at the time, I have a shoot in five minutes.
Gotta jet." Mina cried as she dashed for the door, she wanted to be very far away right then.
Pausing quickly she turned, "Eddie, fire him." she stated in a 'no nonsense Minako's serious'
kinda tone and dashed out the door. Eddie and Hiiro watched her depart then looked at each
other. Walking over Hiiro closed the door.
"We need to talk." He said flatly, Eddie nodded.


At the set

"Minako! Telephone!" Eddie's secretary called. Minako smiled happily as she took the phone.

"Hello?" She asked cheerly.

"Minako, it's Ami."

"Hey Ami Whats up?"

"I have found new information on the youma's. Luna has ordered us to have a meeting.
I have contacted Rei and Makoto already but I need you to tell Trya."

"What? Why?"

"Well...Rei and Matoko don't even want her there and she kinda freaks me out. So...Please"
Minako laughs.
"Ok, so where are we going to meet?" Ami gives Minako all the information than hangs up.
Minako turns around to go back to work. While trying to figure out a way to contact Trya.
'Well...Maybe I could contact Pluto, she might
be able to tell me where she is. Or...' A figure walks up to Minako and hands her a contract.

"Sign here." The blonde nodded as she signed the thick booklet of papers, still trying to
figure out a way to tell Trya. As she handed the booklet back, a very annoying and loud voice
called telling her to get back to work. Hours later, after Minako has finished for the day.
She walked to her car only to see a Mr. Hiiro Yui standing next to it.

"What are you still doing here!" She yelled. 'I thought I had gotten rid of the dweeb.'
Silently he handed her a laminated contract.

"What's this." as she scanned the top pages she heard.

"Your agreement allowing me to protect you. Signed by you." he said in monotone but she could
hear a hint of smugness in his voice.

"What, I signed no such thing!" Minako tossed the papers back to him, clearly annoyed.

"Yes you did, earlier today remember?" Her eyes slightly bulged as she went pale.
'I vaguely recall that.'

"In the room, after I talked to Ami?" Hiiro nodded to her question. "But...But." For once
she didn't know what to say. A smirk appeared on Hiiro's face. "You tricked me!"
she yelled defensively. Hiiro as always was emotionless. "I was distracted and you tricked me.
You took advantage of me when my mind was elsewhere and had me sign this stupid contract."
Hiiro barely blinked. She glared at him.

"You know you shouldn't do that." Hiiro told her, "Your face might get stuck and then what
would you do?" Minako went red, 'who does he think he is. He can't talk to me like that!'

"I don't believe you. You…you creep. Your FIRED!" Hiiro just looks at her.

"You can't fire me I work for Eddie." Minako growled.

"I am stopping this right now!" she turned around and headed back to the building.

"Eddie left." Hiiro's cold voice stopped Minako dead in her tracks.

"What?" She asked, whipping around.

"He went home." Hiiro repeated. Minako fumed. Hiiro smirked, this girl could be quite amusing.

"I don't believe this. First he springs this on me out of nowhere, then he doesn't fire you,
then you trick me into signing my life away. There must be a law against this" Hiiro opened
the rear door and lead the fuming girl in. On the way home, Minako tries to make conversation.
But Hiiro remains silent. He drove straight to her building. Minako was shocked that he even
knew where she lived. Jumping out she rushed threw the glass doors, locking Hiiro out. She
breathed a sigh of relief, until the doors got opened by Bobby, the doorman.

"What are you doing?" Minako yelled to the poor man.

"He is your bodyguard, isn't he?"

"No he is not my bodyguard, I have no need for a bodyguard." Minako turned and stormed off
towards the elevators. She got in and shut the door quickly. "Ha!" Minako smiled happily as
she thought she was finally rid of the pest. Her smile was wiped from her face as the doors
opened to reveal Hiiro. "How…How did you get up here?"

"Stairs." He answered plainly

"Grrrr." Minako angrily walks past him. Upon entering the apartment, Hiiro immediately goes to
Minako's room, and starts setting up cameras. Minako freaks out (of course wouldn't you?)
"You can't put those in here! This is my bedroom." Hiiro ignored her as he continued to put
up the surveillance equipment. The fuming Minako left the room, only to return with a frying
pan in hand. She bashed the security cameras and in the process 'accidentally' hit Hiiro.
All he saw was something round and black before it made contact with his face, and knocked
him off the chair. The surprised Minako began to laugh as she helped him up. She tried to
stifle the laugh, but failed. Hiiro rubbed his throbbing head as he glared at the giggling
girl. "Oh..ha..I am…laugh…so sorry."

"Sure." He coldly replied. Minako stopped laughing and glared at him.

"Hey, I was apologizing the least you could do is accept it." He slightly rolled his eyes,
allowing her to help him walk. "That's better!" She cried happily. "Here sit down." She
pointed to what seemed to be a couch covered with an assortment of pillows. "Would you like
something to eat or drink?" Hiiro gave her an odd look. "What! If I have to be with you 24/7
we might as well get along." As she entered the kitchen she smirked. "Oh and no surveillance
cameras in my room! Ok." While Minako made some tea and defrosted one of the many tins of
food that Makoto gave her. Hiiro took the liberty of sitting down on the couch. Only to be
flipped over, hit his head on the wall and land face down on the tiled floor. Once Minako
finished putting together a small snack for them she went back into the main room to find it
empty. "Hiiro?" she called softly as she placed the tray down. "Hiiro?" Minako was about to
go into another room when she heard a low, muffled moan. Looking around she saw a stocking
foot peeking out of a mountain of pillows. "Hiiro!" The blond rushed towards the slightly
moving pile and began to take the pillows off her guardian. "Hiiro are you ok?"

"What was that?" Hiiro asked, after he remembered where he was.

"Oh, that's just my hammock."

"Why do you have a hammock in your sitting room?"

"Cause my bedroom is full. Besides doesn't everyone have one?" Hiiro looked at her like she
was a nut. "What?"


"What is going on here?" an emotionless voice asked, not expecting an answer.
"They should have been destroyed with Chaos." Another 'x' appeared on the computer screen.
"How is this possible? They shouldn't be multiplying?" Lavender hair fell into her eyes as
she scanned the screen again.
"He must be alive."