Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Promenade ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


By: Camigwen

- Prologue -

She growled in annoyance. The future world was such a bitter place and so unlike the one she had grown up in. They had grown up in. Only now, they were gone. Everyone else had left Earth and returned to their home planets.

One senshi remained out of the original 9 that were sent to Earth by Queen Serenity so long ago. Herself, Haruka Tenoh, Sailor Uranus.

Back on Uranus during the days of the Silver Millennium, the people disliked the royal family and blamed them for every problem they had. In truth, it was partly the royal family's fault, for Haruka's real father had been cruel and selfish. Haruka had decided that it was best she not return, out of hate for her family and fear of what the people of Uranus would think of her.

She'd kept in contact with the other senshi for a while, but eventually they all stopped writing, even her once beloved Michiru, the senshi of Neptune.

Shortly after Michiru had returned to Neptune, she'd met a Neptunian man whose father had been a member of the Neptune Royal Guard before the end of the Silver Millennium. The two had fallen in love quickly, and Michiru had thought it best to end her relationship with Haruka.

During the war that took place mostly in AC 195, Haruka had laid low and hid from the world, not wanting to be dragged into the fighting.

Yes, she was one of the Earth's guardians, but she was only meant to guard and protect it from outside forces. This matter was strictly between the Earth and the Earth's Colonies. She decided to say out of it shortly after it began,

having spent most of her immortal life fighting. She needed a bit of a break.

Now, 8 years later in AC 203, she stood a few feet away from the main entrance to the Copenhagen Preventer base. She herself didn't quite know exactly why she had chosen to join the Preventers 2 years ago. Boredom, she had told herself for a while, but in truth, she was feeling a little useless. She wanted to help keep the peace, even though she had a hunch that it wouldn't last for very long.

Glancing down at her watch briefly, she climbed the stone steps and pushed the swinging glass doors open. Her nostrils flared and a groan emitted from her throat as she saw that annoying Private Hawkins make his way towards her.

She looked around the corridor and quickly ducked into a nearby office and shut the door, not wanting to listen or put up with Hawkins's crap today. The man had been stalking her, trying to convince her to put in a good word for him with Lady Une. Haruka laughed, the man would get that promotion he wanted the day Setsuna turned the Gate of Time into an amusement park. In other words, fat chance Hawkins.

She peered through the small window on the door and watched Hawkins glance around the room hoping to spot her, before giving up and continuing on his way down the corridor. She sighed in relief and turned to press her back against the door. Next time Hawkins came to her with his begging for that good word impute with Lady Une, she was seriously considering finding out what World Shaking would do to a human, namely, him.

"Hiding from someone?"

Haruka gasped and nearly hit the ceiling. She hadn't realized someone was in here. In her haste to get out of Hawkins's sight, she had spaced out and forgotten that usually there's a person in an office. Duh, Haruka. Turning brain on now.

When the 'intruder' didn't respond, the person behind the desk glanced up from his paperwork and opened his mouth to say more, but Haruka had vanished. He blinked and shook his head, turning back to his paperwork to finish signing the reports.


Haruka materialized insider her own office two floors up, embarrassed and angry with herself. She shouldn't have teleported like that. It was a stroke of good luck on her part that the person whose office she had barged into was concentrating on his paperwork to see her disappear in a flash of blue light.

Sighing, she strode over to her desk and took her Preventer jacket off, tossing it onto the back of her chair before plopping down into it.

She smiled slightly; realizing that the teleporting stunt she had just pulled had been the first time she'd used her powers in nearly 3 years. The last time she'd used them was to retrieve he keys from her car after she stupidly locked them in.

But, that had been simple telekinesis, which most Uranians can do naturally. She hadn't even tapped into her senshi abilities. Maybe on one of her days off, she'd transform and go out to a deserted colony and test out some of her attacks to see if they still worked, just incase she ever needed to use them again.

Her computer beeped, signaling an incoming e-mail and pulled her out of her thoughts. Curious, she grabbed the mouse and clicked on the icon to her inbox, and then on the new message.

A gasp escaped her lips and her eyes widened in shock and surprise. The message was from Michiru. She was

coming to Earth in three weeks for a visit, with her new husband.


To be continued…

Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing belong to their respective owners and I do not have delusions of owning them.
