Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Quatre's One and Only ❯ Chapter 1 ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Quatre's One and Only

Rating:PG (May be PG-13 later on.)
WARNING: Severe Relena bashing, severe Darien bashing, severe stupidity, sick (as in gross not perverted) jokes, & OOCness. That is all. Enjoy!!^^ *****
A.N.:OK!! Go ahead and call me stupid! I have only seen the first four eps. of GW and half of Endless Waltz. I'm pathetic!! Go ahead and flame me!!! Now on to the story!! Oh and I don't own GW or SM.
Usagi Tsukino was your normal average 13-year-old. All except she happened to be the Champion of Justice, Sailor Moon. That was not normal and her friends just so happened to be her inner and outer senshi and her royal court. But that's beside the point of this story. Now in a totally different dimension in a huge ( and I mean HUGE) mansion lived 5 ordinary 16-year-olds. OK. So I'm lying. There wasn't anything ordinary or normal about these young men. They were Gundam Pilots and damn good ones, too. Currently though, the war they fought in was over and the Gundams were gone forever. The 5 men were:Quatre Raberba Winner, he's blonde and is the peacemaker, he's rich and it's his mansion the 5 stay in; Trowa Barton, he's in the circus and is the most puzzling of the group,don't get him pissed or he might sick his lions on ya!!;Chang Wufei, a Chinese martial arts warrior pitted against "weak women" ...and Duo;Heero Yuy, the perfect soldier showing absolutely no emotion; and finally Duo Maxwell, a wide-eyed cheerful fellow who likes to play pranks on the Chinese one. Anywho, it was a beautiful fall day but coming somewhere from the Winner mansion was crying. And what do ya know, it's Quatre! What's wrong you poor, poor blondie? Awww........
"I just....just feel so bad for having the scientists send my baby to a different dimension!! Does this make me a bad parent?..."Quatre yelled , losing his breath. Setsuna and Trowa were the only ones there to comfort him. Everybody else was smart enogh to get outta the house. Even the maid. "Sire, please. It was for the best. The war may again start. What would you do with the baby? She must first pass a test in this other dimension. You will see her again soon. I must go now." Setsuna said disappearing bit by bit until she was completely gone. "She's right, you know. It is for the best. Now we'll just sit it out and soon you'll see her in no time. Besides, she's probably thinking about you right now." Trowa said comforting the blondie.
How wrong our little circus acrobat was! In fact, 13-year-old Usagi was far from thinking about Quatre. "Mommy, I'm hungry!" yelled Usagi down the stairs. Feel a sweatdrop forming? Cool! So do I! Now her mom was cooking faster and faster and faster and faster until....."OWW!!!!! Usagi, I burned my arm off! You either have to cook for yourself or eat my fried arm!!! Wait! Fried arm?! AHHHHH!!!!!"yelled Usagi's mom. "Uh...bye!" yelled Usagi, running right smack dab into the door.
"MAXWELL!!!!!!!!!" yelled our little Chinese enemy. Uh-Oh! What'd poor D-man do now? Another prank! "Would you believe me if I said it was Heero's Nazi laptop?!?!" said Duo picking up Heero's Nazi laptop. Wufei slashed down the computer. "Holy Hitler!!!(A.N.'Holy Hitler' is my own personal property and should not be taken unless you ask!!^^) Omae o korosu!!"yelled Heero, pulling out a big bazooka. Where does he keep that? Never mind. Don't answer that!!! ^^; Quatre, hearing all the commotion and who wasn't feeling well, came slowly thumping down the stairs, looking way paler than usual. The three, chasing each other still, ran by the stairs and passed right under Quatre who barfed all over them. They slipped, slid, and finally fell right on their bums. Trowa hysterically laughed which was way unlike him. The 3 looked pissed at him. Quatre came to stand next to Trowa chuckling slightly, which in turn caused him to barf all over Trowa. Now the other 3 laughed their heads off.

END.....for now!
This is the end until I get some reviews!!!!!!