Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Surprising Events ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon!!! *crazy laughter echoes throughout the room...* Ok, I think I'm insane...I don't own G-Wing and S-Moon!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.2-Surprising Events

As Heero walked out of his room in his tank top and black shorts, he seemed oblivious to the cold biting into his skin. He and the rest of the ex-pilots were staying at one of Quatre's many mansions. They wanted to finish the school year so no one would get suspicious. As he left the building, he saw no one on guard

~ I guess Quatre is too nice to make them work at night.~

He just kept on walking with thousands of thoughts flying around his head toward the forest. No one would notice he was completely confused unless they looked into his dark prussian blue eyes and peered into his soul. However, by then you would probably be dead with a bullet through your body or you would be in the process of dying, because in this case, looks can actually kill. Heero held a air of no emotions around him and no one could break his sheltered heart. But, could that be changed one day?

"Why me? Why not Quatre because I know that he would treat her good. Out of all of us, she had to choose the most dangerous." he whispered to himself.

He didn't trust himself with her. After seeing that tenshi asking for his help, he assumed that Usagi would be just as innocent and beautiful.

~I don't think anyone can be more beautiful than that tenshi... She looked so sad and helpless when she talked about her daughter, but I can tell she was powerful in every other aspect. Why would she choose a killer like...~

His thoughts were interrupted by a cry of pain and fear. He ran towards the sound and came upon a clearing that he came to often. As he looked around, he saw a small bunny with white fur with a hint of silver blended in. It was bleeding hard and from his observations, was on the brink of death. Animals were his only weakness and he could show emotions to them. He picked it up slowly and saw that it was still alive. As he ran back, he didn't notice the pair of moonlit yellow eyes glaring at him.

Heero ran back to this room with the almost dead bunny in his arms. Although the blood got on his clothes, he didn't care. He only cared about the poor animal in his arms about to die. He didn't even notice that the blood wasn't red, but silver.

When he brought it into his room, he laid it down on his bed and went to get his first aid kit. As he walked to get it, his thoughts were once again jumbled in his mind.

~It looks so helpless. Why did I want to help it so bad? I wonder what happened to it and if it will survive...~

He got the kit and when he went into the room, his eyes briefly widened in shock. The bunny had no more blood on it and was sleeping peacefully in his bed. Since it clearly shouldn't be awakened, Heero walked out of the room and slept on the couch.

*Trowa's Room*

As Trowa slept, he had a very strange dream that was similar to the dream that a certain trigger-happy boy had. He silently wondered where he was.

"Trowa, hello and welcome to my forest."

Trowa looked around and finally noticed his surroundings. He saw beautiful trees that seemed to be made of silver and bushes made of gold. Then, he saw a fountain that poured liquid diamonds to the bottom and a very beautiful woman was sitting by the side.

"Who are you?" asked the boy of little words.

She looked at him and smiled, but it was a smile hiding much pain and that broke his heart.

"That is of no importance, but please sit next to me because I have a favor to ask of you. This is what you must know and you should listen very carefully."

He nodded and sat down.

"What is this favor you need?"

"My daughter, Usagi, is in danger and she needs your help. I wish to appoint you as her guardian as I have done to Heero. Your other friends will join you soon, but I can only do this once a night."


"Something dark and evil is trying to kill Usagi. You and your friends must protect her in secret so that they can not associate you and your friends with her. If I use too much power, they will locate me and it will be fighting a lost battle."

"So, Heero, Duo, Wu Fei, Quatre, and I are going to protect her as guardians?" the boy said, clearly avoiding that topic.

"Yes and once you are all informed, you will gain a small amount of magic to aid you in battles and when you're in trouble. So, will you help guard my daughter?"


"Oh thank you and I bless you, my silent one."

She slowly reached out her hand and moved away the hair that always covered Trowa's eye. She smiled as she noticed the tint of pink on his cheeks.

"You have very handsome eyes. Don't hide them or your emotions. You're not a pilot anymore."

Trowa just sat there in shock and embarrassment as he knew that she figured out his secret. His eyes showed too much emotion and he didn't want to seem so full of emotions when he was a Gundam pilot and but even though he wasn't a pilot anymore, it just stayed like that.

"Goodbye Trowa and good luck!"

She again faded away and he slowly woke up from his dream. He remembered her last words, "You're not a pilot anymore..." and it kept replaying through his mind. He wished that was true.

Konnichiwa Minna! How did ya like this chapter? If yah want, you can review and tell me your opinions and comments! Also, please tell me if I made mistakes! I apologize if ya wanted me to put up a mailing list but I don't think I have the time. Gomen ne! Anyhoo, read the next chapter! Ja Ne!