Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Meeting of the Empaths ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thanks for the reviews! And, thanks my friends for reviewin'!

Disclaimer: I'm getting tired of this...*sigh* I don't own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon.

Sheltered Heart

Ch.9-Meeting of the Empaths

Usagi slowly got dressed, not wanting to face the day and a certain someone. Luckily, it was Saturday and there was no school on the weekends.(duh!) As she attempted to sneak out of the dorm to get some food, she heard the monotone voice of Heero Yuy.

"I've already made breakfast, so you don't have to go out."

"Umm... okay. Thanks." said the girl as she walked into the kitchen.

She sat and ate quietly as she looked down at her food. She didn't want to look at Heero from what happened yesterday. Heck, if someone saw her holding their hand will they were sleeping, she would have wanted to go jump off a bridge. However, she kept her thoughts to herself as she ate quickly.

Heero sat at his desk, which was in front of the kitchen, as he searched on the computer for information on Censhind Kingdom. He inconspicuously looked at the girl in the reflection of the laptop screen. Although extremely embarrassed at to what happened, he never showed it. He spoke quietly to himself as he skimmed through the programs. There was absolutely no information on Censhind Kingdom and he didn't like how this kingdom was hidden from even him.

The doorbell rang, ending the silent barrier between the two people. Heero quickly stood up and answered the door, already knowing who it was. Quatre came in and politely greeted him and asked where Usagi was. Heero directed him towards her and silently left when Quatre found Usagi.

"Hello Miss Usagi." the sincere boy said.

"Hello. I'm guessing your another of my guardians?" she said as she looked up at the boy.

Quatre and Usagi mentally gasped. There was a certain vibe that came from magical people and they realized that the other was one of them. (confusing ne?) Quatre quietly sat down and said,

"I guess you have magic. I didn't realize that."

"Hai. I have the skill of telekinesis, telepathy, psyche, transforming, empathy, shielding, and others. What about you?" she said nonchalantly.

Quatre gaped at the girl in front of him. That list proved that she was very strong and the bright silver aura that he sensed from her did also. He then realized that she was staring at him and waiting for him to answer her question.

"Oh. Umm...I'm not very strong in offensive and defensive magic, but I have strong empathic powers." he said.

"I can tell you're being modest because I sense a strong blue aura from you, unlike Heero and Trowa. They have really faint ones of gold and green. I guess they will get stronger when my mother grants them magic." Usagi said with sudden interest.

As she tried to reach into his "emotional bank", (corney eh?) she came across a barrier. Her eyes widened in shock. There weren't many people who could block her out. They had to have a lot of magic. Even Heero couldn't stop her from feeling his emotions. She wondered to herself about this new revelation.

~I wonder if my guardians are as strong as me... Maybe when the others get their magic granted, they will be very powerful in magic. This Quatre is really strong, even though he doesn't have the powers from my mother. I wonder...~

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft clearing of the throat. She blushed lightly as she remembered the person in front of her that was forgotten. Quatre straightened himself in his chair and spoke.

"I was wondering if you could tell me of your past, please. Since Heero and Trowa already heard it, I was hoping I could too, to better understand what we're up against."


And, for the next thirty minutes, Usagi slowly told Quatre of her past. He felt the feelings of pain and remorse when she spoke of what happened. They both felt somewhat connected from the common magic they shared. And as they spoke, Heero sat near the kitchen, extremely displeased as he saw the somewhat intimate acknowledgement between Usagi and a certain blonde-haired boy.

Somewhere Else (I'm so specific! Don't worry! You'll find out later!)

A pair of midnight blue eyes glared at what they saw. The owner of those eyes was extremely pissed off as he watched Usagi and Quatre speak intimately. He didn't like what was going on. She was supposed to have died or have belonged to him, but from mistakes, (which he didn't admit were his,) she now had three guardians.

Mamoru had summoned his pet wolf and told him to go after Usagi and bring her back, but the wolf's instincts took over when it saw Usagi as the bunny and tried to kill her. And, if that wasn't bad enough, (for him! HeHe...) the first guardian found her and nursed her back to health.

~Heero Yuy... I think I'll enjoy killing you...~ He smirked evilly as he thought of a new plan to rule all the kingdoms with Usagi by his side. He was going to get his Usako back.

Back in Heero's dorm.

Usagi finished her story and asked Heero to join them and also called Trowa to come over. Soon, they all sat together and discussed their plans.

"I've believe that tonight, Wu Fei or Duo will be told of their guardianships. So, we still have two more days before all of us will be appointed and we must be on guard until then." said Quatre.

"What about the class at school where Usagi is with Wu Fei and Duo?" Trowa said in quiet, yet almost worried voice.

"Duo will protect Usagi because he likes her and Trowa is there so there's no worry." said Heero with no emotion, but Quatre and Usagi felt jealousy coming from him.

"Okay. We've got that covered, but now I have to help you guys with strengthening your auras. They're really weak, except Quatre." Usagi said as she flashed a smile at Quatre and he blushed red while Trowa and Heero were deeply jealous.

Quatre shrank under the glares thrown at him by the other two boys. Usagi, of course, didn't notice and continued talking.

"Even though my mother hasn't given you guys your powers, you have to realize that what she is giving you is somewhat of a boost. If you didn't have any magic, it wouldn't do anything, but you guys have really faint auras that prove you have magic. So, we'll train until she gives you guys your booster shots." She giggled at her own joke and the boys inwardly sweat-dropped.

The boys all agreed to begin the next day and went off to their own respected places. As Usagi slept, Heero reviewed what happened that day and almost desired for Usagi to ask him again to sleep with her.

I'm done with the chapter!!! YaY! I'm going to get out number 10 really soon, hopefully. Anyhoo, if yah want to review or flame, do it! I posted a few messages on the review board and you might want to read them. *wink* Arigatou and Ja Ne!