Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Pranks; Fallen Tears ( Chapter 19 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon! Geez! What do I have to do to get the stupid lawyers off my back!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.19- Pranks; Fallen Tears

Usagi woke up and after looking around, silently got up and left the boys to sleep, but before she left, she looked back at the sleeping boys.

~Aww! They look so sweet! even Wu Fei...~ Usagi thought with a grin.

She stealthily pulled out her hidden camera and took pictures of them. She smirked as the drool on Duo's mouth and imagined putting these pictures in a frame. Putting it quickly away, she sneaked out of the room and went to the dark room to develop the pictures. Then, she went outside for a breath of air. And that was the exact moment that the boys decided to wake up.

They looked around, attempting to find the girl that they were supposed to guard. The boys got up quickly and then Quatre heard a small giggle from outside and looked out the mirror.

Usagi was playing in the garden with a few hummingbirds that flew by and giggled when they allowed her to touch them. The birds "hummed" in pleasure before flying off. The boys watched from the window as they watched the innocent girl that they were accustomed to.

Duo rushed out of the room towards Usagi and the others soon followed. They came out and met her by a small fountain. She had a large grin on her face and the boys wondered why.

Then, she took out the pictures that she quickly developed and showed them to the boys. Their eyes widened in extreme horror at the pictures and they attempted to destroy them, but to no avail. (courtesy of Usagi's magic...)

After a few minutes of trying, the boys finally gave up and Usagi snatched the pictures of Duo and Quatre back with a grin. Duo and Quatre reached for her, but she quickly moved out of the way. They then fell into the fountain and frowned at the smiling Usagi.

Then, Usagi grabbed the others and ran off with them. They ran after her and then split up at a crossing. Wu Fei quickly went but then reached a dead end. Looking around, he didn't see her until it was too late. Usagi pulled out a Super Soaker Infinity and got Wu Fei completely soaked. He glared at her but when he reached for her, she teleported away. Wu Fei trudged back to the fountain where Duo and Quatre were.

Trowa searched for Usagi with his very keen eyes. Usagi then teleported behind him and also got him with the Super Soaker. He turned around and couldn't see because his bangs were plastered to his face. Peeling the bangs off, he looked for the mischief-maker. He walked back slowly and then heard a light giggle on the way but when he looked around, there was no one.

Heero walked on the path while wondering where Usagi was. Hearing a small sound, he tensed before quickly pulled out his gun and aimed it towards the sound. Usagi then came out of the hedge and Heero relaxed. Then, Usagi giggled and pointed upwards with her finger. Slowly looking up, he saw a bucket of water suspended in the air and quickly fall on him. While he got wet, Usagi quickly ran away towards the fountain and Heero followed. But when he got there, Usagi was not in sight.

"So... are you guys enjoying your April Fools' pranks?" said a voice.

The boys turned towards the voice and saw Usagi with twinkling eyes and a mischievous smirk. They all glared at her, even Quatre.

"But it's not even April!!!" shouted Wu Fei.

"Oh really? I guess I forgot. Can you forgive me?" said Usagi with a pout.

The boys inwardly groaned. No one can stand her pout. They silently nodded as Usagi grinned again.

"Well, you guys are soaking wet so you better stay out here to dry. See ya!" said Usagi before heading back in.

When she left, the boys silently sat to dry, drifting off to their own thoughts.

~Man! That girl is so good at pranks! She's even better than me 'cuz she doesn't get into trouble! She's funny, beautiful, smart, and mischievous. Usagi sure is somethin' special...~ thought Duo.

~*sigh* Usagi, you're an angel to all of us, even Heero. They're all acting like normal boys, well besides being guardians, and they're learning to have fun. I'm really happy to have you with the boys and I.~ thought Quatre.

~She got me so soaking wet! But, her fiery spirit almost reminds me of Meiran. How does she make me feel so different around her and how does she manage to be so beautiful?~ thought Wu Fei.

~Usagi is so different than anyone I've ever met. She radiates happiness and innocence...I don't know what this feeling is but I feel a warmth in my heart whenever I think about her...~ thought Trowa.

~ I never expected someone to be able sneak up on me like that... She's special in a way that I can't describe. I feel special that I know her and her innocent personality because she's one-of-a-kind...~ thought Heero.

The boys sat there as they dried while Usagi was hacking into Heero's computer and finding out who they really were. After she used her magic to hack through, she finally got all the letters that Heero had deleted. As she read them, she realized who they were.

~They were the Gundam pilots? I finally understand why some of them are that way... They must have experienced horrible things and they still are living...~ thought Usagi as a lone tear slid down her face.

The boys finally realized that they had left Usagi alone for more than an hour and with glances, they rushed upstairs, hoping that Usagi didn't do anything with the pictures. But what they saw wasn't what they expected. There, they found Usagi crying on the ground clutching printed-out newspaper sections.

"Why... Why didn't you tell me!?" she shouted at them.

The boys bowed their heads in shame and Usagi continued to talk.

"I told you everything and you kept secrets from me? I thought you weren't only my guardians, but my friends! I can't even trust you anymore... Damn it! Look at me!" she said as her voice noticeably rose.

The boys looked up and saw Usagi staring at them and waiting for them to talk. Usagi watched them as they fidgeted under her gaze and Quatre spoke up.

"Usagi, we never meant to hurt you. We thought it would be better if you didn't know."

"How, How could it be better?! You all lied to me. I thought you were special, but you're just cold-blooded murderers."

They cringed at her heartless words but Usagi didn't notice it. She continued in a whisper.

"You're just like Endymion. Everything I thought was a lie. I can't even trust you anymore."

Usagi got up and with hesitation, the boys stepped closer to her, but she backed away with terror in her eyes. She then ran out the door and left the boys with heavy hearts. Then, getting over their shock, they ran after the crying girl, following the wet tearstains on the ground.

How was it? It was the most random thing, but I had to add it in somewhere... I have decided that I'm gonna put in original characters. They all have magic, but... wellz, i'm not gonna spoil it for yah so stay tuned for the next chapter of Sheltered Heart!