Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ New Friends and Thoughts ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.20- New Friends and Thoughts

Usagi continued to run and she finally reached the park. She sat down on the bench and silently cried. Then, a girl noticed her and came up to her with a handkerchief. Usagi looked up and saw the brightest red eyes. She gratefully took the item with a quiet thank you and the girl silently sat down next to her.

For the next five minutes, Usagi cried as the girl sat next to her. Although the girl said no words, Usagi felt she was comforting her somehow. She then slowly stopped sniffling and looked at the girl.

The girl had the blackest hair that she had ever seen before and it was tied up halfway and a small heart was pinned to it. The girl then noticed Usagi staring at her and looked her direction.

"There, do you feel better? Sometimes it's just better to cry all you want until to have no more." said the girl in a kind and happy voice.

Usagi nodded and the girl spoke again.

"My name is Naora Ieyasu. What's your's?" she asked politely.

"Umm... Usagi Tsukino. Thank you for staying." she said in a quiet voice.

"I understand. I've been in troubled times too and now that I think about it, it was better to cry it all out instead of bottling it up. Anyway, it's cold out here. Would you like to come with me to a cafe?" she asked on a cheerful note.

Usagi grinned and nodded. They stood up and walked to the cafe as they talked about what they liked and realized that they had a lot in common. Soon, Usagi knew that she had a new friend.

They reached the cafe and walked inside quickly. Usagi looked around the quaint place and immediately liked it. It wasn't one of those places where it seemed gloomy and quiet, but a friendly place with lively music. They sat down and Naora was greeted by many people.

"You must come here a lot. The people here seem to know you very well." said Usagi.

"Yep. We're like a big family..." she stopped as three figures walked in and she stood up to greet them.

The girls smiled and walked over to the table and greeted Usagi.

"Usagi, these are my friends, Kiyoko Akimoto, Megumi Fukushima, and Tsuya Fukushima." Naora said as she introduced her to each one.

Usagi smiled and Naora spoke again.

"And girls, this is Usagi Tsukino. I met her at the park." she said.

Usagi curiously observed the girls as they talked with Naora. Kiyoko was a tall girl with a carrot-top head and bright green eyes. Her hair came to her chin and curved inward. Her eyes sparkled while talking, even though she didn't talk as much as the others. She held a hidden party girl that Usagi could tell was there and Usagi liked her for that.

Tsuya was a brown haired girl at average height and cerulean blue eyes. Her hair came to her shoulders and were loosely curled. She laughed so much that it seemed like her face was going to crack, but Usagi knew that Tsuya also had a darker, serious side that she only showed when necessary.

Megumi was a redhead who was only a little on the short side. Her brown eyes showed her every emotions and Usagi noticed they dulled when she didn't like the conversation. Megumi seemed liked a very smart girl and she had glasses that made her look even smarter. However, she didn't look like a nerd and her hair was loosely tied and went down to her back.

Now Naora was different then the others. In fact, she reminded Usagi of herself and her happy personality proved it. Naora's flaming red eyes always looked happy and her face was always smiling. And her black hair was very long and went to her hips. She had a bubbly personality, but carried an air of wisdom around her.

Usagi smiled as she listened to them chat and then realized that she had nowhere to go for the night. After what she said, the boys wouldn't want her back, and to tell the truth, she really didn't want to either. She felt as though they were now strangers and she couldn't trust them.

~Oh mother... how could you have murderers as my guardians?~ she thought.

The girls were staring at her and Usagi realized that they asked her something.

"Excuse me, could you repeat that?" she politely said.

"I said, do you have to go home anytime soon?" Tsuya said.

"Umm... no, because I'm sleeping at a motel for tonight." Usagi said quickly.

Naora's eyes flashed in understanding and said,

"Well, how would you feel if you slept at my place for tonight?"

"Are you sure you're alright with it? I wouldn't want to be a burden..." said Usagi.

"No, no. My roommate just moved out so I have an extra room at my dorm. It'll be like a sleepover!" she squealed in happiness.

Usagi smiled and nodded her head. Then Naora spoke again.

"Speaking of sleepovers, what about all of us sleepover at my house? We can have a lot of fun!" she asked.

The girls took out their cell-phones and called their parents. Actually, only Megumi and Kyoko called while Tsuya and Naora talked some more. Listening to the call, she then realized that Megumi was Tsuya's older sister. It was funny to think that those totally different girls were related.

Usagi and the girls went to Naora's house and they borrowed her clothes and blankets. They all talked about random things and Usagi thought that they somehow reminded her of the boys. After a while, Kiyoko, Megumi, and Tsuya fell asleep and Naora talked quietly with Usagi.

"Usagi, would it be bad if you would tell me why you were in the park?" Naora asked.

Usagi thought before she answered and realized that deep in her heart, she knew that she could trust these girls with everything.

"Well, it's a really long story, but to make it short, I'm a magical princess of a faraway kingdom and someone killed my family and is after me. Five boys are my magic guardians that my mother entrusted, but I found out they were the infamous Gundam pilots. I got really mad that they didn't tell me and I left." she said quickly.

She awaited for the shocked look on Naora's face, but it never came. She then spoke with a calm voice.

"I thought you were special because I felt a different aura around you. See, I'm a witch, like the others. We occasionally spells and stuff, but only when someone is in danger that we are powerful. But anyway, I think you should go back to the boys because it seems like they were protective of you and didn't want you to suffer about their pasts."

They then heard some agreeing grunts and realized that the girls were awake the whole time. Then, Megumi spoke up.

"We'll, of course, go with you, but you have to remember that what they did is in their past and you can't dwell on it. Many have suffered during the war and you can't think that everyone had a happy life. Imagine what they had to go through..." she quietly said.

"Usagi, don't think that you'll escape them and I don't see why you would want to. If they're really your guardians, they'll always find a way to you." said Kiyoko.

"Well, I'll think about it... Good night." said Usagi in a quiet voice.

The girls silently nodded and fell asleep. Usagi didn't realize that while she was thinking to herself, the boys were looking for her frantically but to no avail. She then fell asleep and had a dream again.

Selenity's Dream (back to Selenity!)

"Selenity... I saw everything and all I have to ask you, what do you think you did?" said her mother in a serious voice.

"Mother, you never told me that they were the Gundam pilots." Selenity said coldly.

Her mother backed off and was shocked by her daughter's voice. Cleus came up to Serenity and stood behind her and said,

"What your mother is trying to say is that it wasn't right for you to do that, honey. Do you know that right now that they are looking for you? They're so scared, not only because they are your guardians, but because you're their friend. Haven't you seen that they've changed? They no longer are held to their past and we thought you could accept that."

Selenity's head bowed in shame and spoke quietly as tears dripped to the ground.

"But, it wasn't about truly about their past, but how they kept secrets form me and I didn't think they ever would..."

Serenity's eyes softened and she slowly embraced her daughter.

"They really love you and they thought they could shield you from pain. But you should accept them because it would break their hearts if you hated them." she said quietly.

Selenity nodded and cried in her mother's arms for a while. Then, Cleus cleared his throat and Serenity let go.

"Selenity, you must know that Naora, Kiyoko, Megumi, and Tsuya are people you can trust." she said.

Selenity nodded and Serenity continued.

"They will help you against Mamoru and you should know that they descended from Censhind people so that's why they have magic. You should tell them everything, as well as Duo because you haven't yet. Do you understand?"

"Hai, but should I allow them to meet the boys?" Selenity asked timidly.

"You should, but it is your own decision. However, when you wake up, I want you to go straight to the dorms, with or without the girls, and talk to the boys. They will be there, I'll make sure of that." Serenity said.

Selenity nodded and silently yawned. Cleus and Serenity affectionately smiled at the young girl and kissed her on the forehead before leaving.

Selenity felt herself drifting away from the world and slept peacefully.

I'm done! That took about forever! Anyhoo, review if yah want another out, but it's gonna take a while. Arigatou and Ja Ne!