Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ The Astro Girls ( Chapter 23 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon. However, I do own Naora, Tsuya, Kiyoko, Megumi, everyone's outfits, the g-boyz' attack names, and the g-boyz' symbols. Arigatou for respectin my wishes and not stealin them! On to the ficcie!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.23- The Astro Girls

"Mamoru!?!" Usagi screamed.

All of the boys turned their heads towards the scream and their eyes widened in panic as they saw Usagi in their enemy's clutches. The girls also looked in the same direction and immediately didn't like the person.

"So Usako, just like old times, ne?" he said with a smirk.

Usagi spat in his face and struggled to get out of his arms. His smirk faded and was replaced by a scowl. In that brief moment, the gundam boys and the astro girls got the rest to evacuate the building with help from Duo, and the boys stood before Mamoru with their weapons drawn.

Then, the girls heard a calming voice in their head.

~Descendants of the Royal Censhind Family... touch your necklaces and call for your weapons...~

The girls glanced at each other and briefly nodded. Reaching for their necklaces, they each touched the trinket hanging from them. Suddenly, they were each holding the weapon that was shown on their necklace and stared at the weapons in fascination.

Naora's weapon was a pair of daggers that had the insignia of the nova on the bottom of the handle. She fortunately had taken martial arts and learned to handle small weapons like daggers, but her motions seemed to be more fluid as she twisted her wrists to cut at the air. The grips were a platinum shade and they shone dangerously.

Tsuya's weapon was the same boomerang that was on her necklace, only bigger. It had a comet in the middle that blazed brightly. She wasn't sure how to use it, but she then realized that it had the same style as the American boomerang. Luckily, playing with her dog had taught her how to throw it. It was made of gold, yet it didn't feel heavy at all.

Kiyoko was holding a thin sword that was a beautiful copper color on the grip. Her insignia, the sun, was on the top of the grip and glowed with warmth. She swung it carefully, noticing that she could easily handle it even though she never touched a sword before. Smiling, she got in a stance that she felt was normal.

In Megumi's hands was a completely silver crossbow with an arrow ready. She touched her star insignia gingerly, right where the end of the crossbow's handle was. The star still glimmered in the shaded club and she felt she could use the weapon with little trouble. Aiming it towards Mamoru, she felt the weapon in her hand was familiar.

Mamoru still held Usagi, but with wary. He was against the nine other people in the club and didn't like his odds. Wanting to escape with Usagi, he held her in his left arm while he reached for his sword.

Megumi saw that Mamoru left his right side exposed and shot the silver arrow at his arm. The arrow hit its spot and he groaned in pain. Weakening his grip on Usagi, she struggled out of his arm and she ran towards the group. They stood protectively in front of her and realized that now Mamoru was open to attack.

"Deadly Yellow Winds!" shouted Duo.

"Merciless Blue Tsunami!" said Quatre.

"Scorching Purple Meteors!" Heero said.

"Blazing Red Flames!" shouted Wu Fei.

"Crushing Green Earthquake!" Trowa said.

Mamoru screamed as the five attacks hit him dead on. He crumpled to the ground, but then a sizzling sound was heard and he stood up, completely healed with a smirk on his face.

"Is that all you got?" he said mockingly.

The g-boys growled and glared at him in anger and hate and he took a step closer for he knew that the boys used up their energy to attack. The girls' eyes widened at the enemy approaching but then, they heard the same voice in their heads again.

~Girls, you must protect Usagi and attack! Call on your hearts and shout the words that come to your head!~ said the voice commandingly.

Then, the girls pointed their weapons at Mamoru before shouting separately,

"Scorching Comet Flare!" (Tsuya)

"Blinding Star Shower!" (Megumi)

"Destroying Nova Blast!" (Naora)

"Glaring Sun Flash!" (Kiyoko)

Mamoru's eyes widened at the unknown attacks and screamed again as he got burned by hot comets, cut by sharp stars, hit by large novas, and blinded by bright suns. He weakly used his magic to leave and disappeared, leaving ten really tired people.

Usagi gasped at she saw the glowing insignias on the girls' foreheads and saw that Tsuya's was a golden comet, Megumi's was a silver star, Naora's was a platinum nova, and Kiyoko's was a copper sun.

They all hurried out the back door to avoid the crowd and police, and ran to the dorms. Reaching there, they sat down with deep breaths and began to discuss the a-girls new-found magic attacks.

"So, you never did attacks like that before?" asked Usagi.

The girls shook their heads, saying no. Usagi thought to herself and remembered that her mother had said something about the a-girls being descendants of the Censhind Kingdom.

~Well, that would explain everything... everyone from Censhind Kingdom possesses at least a little magic. These girls must have more...~ she thought to herself.

"I'm sorry Usagi, but you're wrong." said a new voice.

The g-boys and Usagi turned to the voice and recognized Queen Serenity. The girls also looked at her and gasped quietly when they had flashes of memories.

"Usagi, meet your Cousin Megumi and Tsuya on my side," she said as she gestured politely towards Megumi and Tsuya.

"Your Cousin Kiyoko on your father's side," she gestured to Kiyoko.

"And your twin sister, Naora." she waved to Naora with a motherly smile.

Usagi and Naora slowly processed that and realized what her mother had said.

"We're twin sisters?!?" they shouted as they jumped up.

Another cliffie, but not as bad as the last one, ne? Review and I'll post the next chapter soon!