Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Decisions are Final ( Chapter 31 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing and/or Sailor Moon. I do, however, own Naora, Kiyoko, Megumi, Tsuya, Taiyou, Shizue, all of the characters' clothing, weapons, attacks, attack names, and symbols.

Warning! Although this chapter is romantic, it gets very angsty in certain scenes! However, it is for the plot and it must be there. Also, this is the longest chapter I've written so please prepare some time... And!!! There is finally going to be a reason for why this story is called Sheltered Heart!!! Yay!!! Anyhoo, gomen for the trouble and please continue reading!

Sheltered Heart

Ch. 31- Decisions Are Final

It was at night when the younger members of the group woke to the sight of a hovering ball of white light. In the ball was a miniature hologram of Queen Serenity and then, she clasped her hands together.

Suddenly, Usagi, Naora, Kiyoko, Megumi, Tsuya, Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wu Fei were in a place that was simply white. No animals, plants, windows, or doors. Just brightness that they had seen a few hours before.

"Everyone, it is now time for the test." Serenity said regally.

The group nodded and Serenity spoke again.

"This test will be very challenging, it may even make you a different person. However, if one of the soul-mates do not realize who they belong with, then their counterpart will also suffer."

Then, Serenity again clasped her hands and slowly separated it, creating a large ball of light. As the light expanded, the space around them dramatically changed. The walls became a luminescent gold and ten hallways branched out from where the group was standing.

The hallways each had a plaque that had a member's symbol on it and was in the member's respective color. The plaques hung above the entrance and showed the group where to go.

Serenity nodded to the group, silently beckoning to them to go down a hallway. Usagi, as well as the others, put on a face of determination. They each chose the hallway that had their symbol on the plaque and hurriedly went further from the center.

Queen Serenity then prayed to whatever god was watching over them and said quietly to nothing in sight,

"Please... let them succeed..."

Cleus and Shingo appeared at her side, also extremely concerned for the group that felt like family.

*Usagi's Hallway*

Usagi briskly walked down the hallway until she saw a bright light at the end of the corridor. She ran to the light and then found herself in

The palace of Censhind Kingdom.

~Huh?! Why am I here when I thought it was destroyed?!?~ she thought with extreme nervousness.

She then heard a familiar cry and ran towards the sound. There, she saw a girl with the azure blue eyes and silvery blonde hair who was crying on the balcony. She felt a pain go through her heart as she realized it was herself.

~I-It's me... I remember that time, Endymion or Mamoru had slapped me when I told him to leave me alone and I ran to my room. It was long before the attack...~ she thought.

The Past Usagi, who didn't realize was being watched, pulled out a knife and chut her eyes as she cut her wrists. She then collapsed to the ground and cried. Future Usagi watched with extreme horror as she thought about what she had done and also fell to the ground as she felt the pain that the Past Usagi felt.

Then, a royal advisor came in and saw Usagi bleeding on the ground and her eyes widened in shock. She quickly rushed towards the bleeding Princess and did something with her hands to create a glowing dark blue light that healed the gashes.

~ Haruka... I never knew she was the one to save me...~ Usagi said gratefully and with tears in her eyes.

Then, the past blurred away and Usagi was in a place that she had been no too long ago. It was the forest where Mamoru's minions attacked her in her animal form. Again, did she experience the pain she felt at that moment in time that she was observing.

She painfully watched until she saw Heero run to where she was and carefully pick her up. There, she saw the gentleness of her friend that she knew was there. She smiled at the site and then, the vision blurred away again.

Then, she saw herself in Quatre's library, reading a book quietly. She then saw Trowa come in and sit by her and she leaned her head against his neck. However, she didn't feel the want and love from herself that she felt before. All she felt for Trowa was... a brotherly love that was a little bit stronger than for the other guys.

She gently smiled as she finally realized through her memories who she truly belonged with. The memories faded away and she then drew her staff and made a circle in the ground around her. Then, the circle lit up and transported her back to the center of the hallways. Serenity, Cleus, and Shingo then smiled at her as she nodded and the circle faded away.

"I know." were her words.

Then, her clothes changed to her silver dress and the top of her staff changed to a ring of a unicorn and centaur with their necks locked and with the unicorn in the middle. Usagi then waited for the others to show up and soon, a couple of them did show up.

However, they did not share what happened for it was an extremely private discussion, even though they were very good friends.

*Duo's Hallway*

Duo walked down the hallway without his usual skip in his step. He worriedly thought about what he do if the girl he liked wasn't the one he was to be destined with. Never mind the fact that he wasn't sure who he liked yet...

Duo looked at a bright light that beckoned to him. He walked in and found himself in

The Streets of His Home Colony.

He looked around until he saw a younger version of himself stealthily sneaking into an OZ base and trying to get into the building with the parts. However, his past self was caught and was brutally hit by the soldiers until he was brought into a jail. Future Duo felt each stab and push as he groaned in pain.

Then, his past self was pushed into a cell and knocked unconscious. Future Duo winced in pain but still stayed awake. He watched as the soldiers menacingly jabbed at his curled up body and until they finally went away. Then, a man came in and unlocked the door to his cell. The man picked him up and Duo saw the familiar head of bluish-black hair that he knew.

~Taiyou... I dunno how you knew me back then, but thanks...~ Duo thought gratefully.

The vision blurred away and Duo saw his past self in an arcade room. Future Duo watched as Past Duo lost a game and took out his anger on the machine by punching it very hard. Then, both Duos turned towards the sound of giggling and saw Tsuya trying to stop before her giggles were laughs. However, she was failing miserably.

Past Duo blushed, something the Future Duo found extremely weird and Tsuya then stopped laughing and sighed. She walked up to Duo and healed the bleeding wound that Past Duo had made on his hand. Then, she smiled and left with a wave good-bye.

Duo grinned at the sight of his past self weakly waving good-bye. Then, the vision faded and he looked around to see a library. He saw his past self hiding under a desk and then, Megumi walked in.

She then asked his past self why he was down there and answered with two words, Wu Fei. She then sighed and helped him out from under the desk and had him sit in a chair. Then, she began to read a story and Past Duo got caught up in it. Megumi then gently smiled at him and gave him the book to finish reading.

Future Duo realized that Megumi was the sister that he never had. She gave him things to do and taught him things and showed him the meaning of family. He knew that their relationship didn't go on a deeper level than the love of siblings. The scene blurred and Duo found himself in a white room.

He called upon his weapon and looked at his weapon in amazement. Instead of the blade he had before, light-colored flames danced from the head of a comet and a griffon's tail winded around the comet, with the griffon right next to it. He looked at the flames and touched them but surprisingly, his hand wasn't burnt.

Then, Duo burned a circle in the ground around him and a wave of light washed upward. He then transported himself to the center of the hallways.

*Kiyoko's Hallway*

Kiyoko silently walked down the hallway with no emotion visible on her face. However, inwardly, she was nervous. Then, she came to the end of the hallway and saw a bright light. Stepping inside, she found herself in

Her Room in Her Home Kingdom

Kiyoko's eyes widened in shock as she realized where she was. She watched as her past self looked at herself in the mirror with distaste and with the maids behind her with the same expression. Kiyoko remembered everything, from when she was kidnapped as a baby and then brought back by a nice family eleven years later, and finding out she was a princess.

However, it was not the glamour many figured it to be. Kiyoko hated the life of the princess and even the servants didn't like her or her company. Soon, she became withdrawn and didn't speak freely as she used to. Then, Past Kiyoko was left by herself and with a nod, she opened a window and prepared to jump.

Future Kiyoko looked at her past self with complete understanding. Although her life was horrible, she remembered her friends and family and thought her life was alright but that didn't happen until later. Luckily, before Past Kiyoko could jump, Past Haruka came in and quickly pulled Kiyoko back into the room.

Without even a scold or reprimand, Haruka smiled at Past Kiyoko and sat down with her to talk about normal things. Then, they stood up and left for dinner, each smiling brightly. Future Kiyoko looked at Haruka with gratitude and the vision faded away to another.

Kiyoko looked around and saw herself in a circus. She bit her lip from laughing and giggling for she remembered the circus that came to their kingdom clearly. She scanned the crowd and found a box seat with a family of three, her father, her mother, and her past self.

Quickly walking to the group, she stood behind her past self and watched as the tightrope walkers flipped into the air and did amazing tricks. Then, the knife-thrower came out with a clown. Future Kiyoko narrowed her eyes at the clown and recognized a familiar long bang that belonged to one of her friends.

~Trowa...~ she thought.

After the knife-throwing, out came the lions and the same clown. Both Past and Future Kiyokos watched intensely as he controlled the lions with the crack of a whip. Then, he bowed and the rest of the crew came out and bowed also until the lights came back on the they left the crowd.

Then, Past Kiyoko excused herself from her parents, saying that she needed to go to the bathroom. Future Kiyoko watched as her past self walked to an area that was supposed to be where the bathrooms are. However, a rough-looking man came from behind her and grabbed Past Kiyoko by the waist.

Future Kiyoko wanted to shut her eyes in horror but couldn't. Then, a shadow of a figure appeared behind the man and knocked him out. Past Kiyoko got up and thanked the man who was the clown who was in the show. Trowa.

The image faded and Kiyoko found herself in Quatre's swimming pool. She watched as her past self quietly but quickly swam laps across the large pool and then noticed Quatre coming in. He then saw Past Kiyoko and politely said hello while laying out a towel in a chair.

Past Kiyoko simply acknowledged his presence and nodded. He then went into the pool and began to swim with ease. They then raced and Quatre, of course, lost but it was probably because he let her. Then, Kiyoko stepped out and left with a wave good-bye and he continued to swim.

Future Kiyoko saw all of this but she only saw Quatre as a really good friend, nothing more. Then, the vision blurred away and Kiyoko was left in a white room. She pulled out her thin sword and looked at in amazement.

The sword had the same sun at the top of the grip but now a metallic green basilisk curled around the bottom of the blade. She then drew a circle around herself with the tip of the sword and the circle flared up in light. She transported herself back to the center of the hallways, wondering if he knew if it was her.

*Quatre's Hallway*

Quatre walked down the hallway while nervously biting his lower lip. Looking towards the end of the hallway, he saw a bright light and stepped inside. He then found himself in

His Father's Company

He slowly looked around and almost cried in shock from seeing his father again. His father who had passed away was standing in front of him. However, when he reached to hug him, he only touched air. Future Quatre held back his tears of the pain he had to bear to see his father again but not in real life.

Then, Past Quatre came in and as his father greeted him, he disregarded his welcome. Future Quatre watched with shame as he saw how his past self treated his father. However, he remembered how alone he felt at that age when he had no friends or comfort besides himself which was no biggie.

Then, Past Quatre walked out of the room and went to the hangar where Sandrock was being held. Past Quatre acknowledged Professor H's presence and got into Sandrock to train to become a Gundam pilot. Then, a different mobile suit came and was facing Past Quatre. He attacked it brutally but then, the mobile suit held him and tried to break the arms.

Future Quatre winced in pain as he felt the tightening of the muscles when the mobile suit was hurting his past self. Then, the mobile suit pulled out a dagger from nowhere and stabbed Sandrock in the side. Both Quatre's touched their sides and found blood where the dagger had cut his past self and somehow affected him.

Then, the mobile suit suddenly stopped and was shut down. Future Quatre looked over to where Professor H was but he was nowhere in sight. There, he saw a young man with bluish-black hair and golden eyes.

~Taiyou... Arigatou.~ Quatre thought.

Then, the picture faded away and Quatre found himself in his living room. He saw his past self sitting quietly and reading a book. Then, Megumi walked in and sat at the chess table. She asked Past Quatre to play a game of chess and he agreed.

After a few moves, both Quatre's saw that he regrettably left his king open for checkmate. Then, his past self waited for Megumi to move and take his king but that never happened. He glanced at her eyes and saw that she certainly knew that she could have won but she didn't.

He asked her why and she simply replied, because you shouldn't take advantage of a person's small mistake. She then stood up and said she forfeited so he won. She walked away, leaving two amazed Quatre's.

The vision faded away and Quatre found himself outside in the park at night. Looking around, he found his past self lying on the ground and looking up at the stars. With a sigh, he sat down and watched for anything to happen. Then, Kiyoko came and sat next to Past Quatre.

She gently smiled at him and he happily returned the gesture. They watched the stars as the sun slowly rose but when they got up, Kiyoko hugged Past Quatre from behind and thanked him for a nice night. Then, Past Quatre nodded his head and headed back to the mansion. Kiyoko slowly walking behind him.

Future Quatre watched at the picture with familiarity. When he saw that hug, he thought of Iria and how she always hugged him like that. He then realized how Kiyoko was like a sister to him and nothing more. He had somehow gotten close to her but maybe it was because she reminded him of his sisters.

Then, the picture blurred and Quatre found himself in a white room. Calling his weapons, he looked at his shorters in surprise. Now, the twin dragons held a silver star near their chests and the tails curled around another.

He kneeled and created a circle with the two shorters and stood up afterwards. The circle lighted up and Quatre willed himself to be transported back to the center of the hallway.

*Naora's Hallway*

Naora briskly walked to the bright light that she saw at the end of the hallway. Stepping inside, she found herself in

The Palace of Her Home Kingdom

Looking around the room she was in, she noticed it was her study room that she hated so much. Then, her past self walked in, followed by a cruel-looking woman who held a rough stick with only a smooth grip in her hand. The teacher closed the door behind her, knowing that the room was almost soundproof.

Past Naora quietly sat down and began her schoolwork. The woman, who was her private teacher, looked at her work and made a face of disgust. The teacher hit Past Naora's hands with the stick and made her look up. Then, she slapped her while shouting at her for doing such a horrible job on her writing.

Past Naora fell to the ground from such a strong blow and Future Naora held her hand to her red cheek that she got at the same time as her past self did. Looking down at her hands, she saw that they had her own blood that came from the broken skin that was extremely red.

The teacher than forced her up and made her sit down in her chair. She then made Past Naora put out her hands and arms and began to whip them heavily. Future Naora winced with pain as she watched as each whip appeared on her bare arms. Soon, both Naora's had many cuts on their arms, all of them bleeding but some of them bleeding harder than others.

Then, the door opened and in stepped an angry Haruka. She grabbed the frightened teacher and twisted her arm so the teacher couldn't move. Haruka used a flick of her wrist to send the teacher to where the oblivious king and queen were, with a hologram of herself to tell the story.

Haruka rushed to Naora's side, who had passed out during the whipping and carried her to her room. Future Naora looked at the leaving Haruka with gratitude and then, the vision faded away.

Naora looked around and saw her past self at the koi garden, sitting at the edge of one of the ponds. Then, Past Naora got up and walked over to the large bridge that she loved to walk across. Slowly walking across it, she then accidentally stepped on a wet pebble that she didn't see and slipped.

But, before she could fall, someone caught her and helped her stand back up. She caught a musky scent from the person and could tell it was a male. She turned around to thank the man but he already began to walk away while saying, be more careful next time, onna. She, as well as Future Naora, glared at his back but then Future Naora gasped in shock. At the bottom of the man's hair, she saw a very familiar tie of black hair.

~Wu Fei...~ Naora thought.

Then, the vision blurred and Naora recognized the place as Quatre's summerhouse. Then, her past self walked by and Future Naora followed her. She soon found herself to be in the music room and watched as Past Naora pulled out a zither, one of the ancient instruments, from the glass cabinet. Sitting down, she began to play an old song on the instrument, plucking at the small strings with quick accuracy.

Afterwards, she heard clapping and saw Heero standing by the door. She smiled at him and while getting up, she jokingly bowed. Then, she put the instrument away and grabbed his shoulder to go to the dining room. Future Naora witnessed all of this and saw that she didn't love Heero in a romantic way. When she looked at him, all she saw was a brother that she loved in a sweet way. Then, the vision scene changed and Naora looked around to see a white room.

Pulling out her twin daggers, she gripped them tightly and then looked at the daggers that felt different in her hands. The daggers had the same nova but now a phoenix was curved around the grip and its long tail curled around the nova. She then made a circle with the two daggers and stood in the middle of it.

The circle flared up with light and transported Naora back to the center of the hallways.

*Wu Fei's Hallway*

Wu Fei slowly walked down the hallway, farther and farther from the center of the hallways. Finally, he reached the end and saw a bright light. Stepping inside, he found himself in

His Home Colony

He looked around and almost jumped at the sight of his clan and his clan leader. Then, he saw a younger version of himself step into the room in fighting clothes and get into a fighting stance. A hooded stranger appeared from the opposite door and walked up to Wu Fei, stopping ten feet away from him.

Then, the stranger also got into a fighting stance and the two began a beautiful but deadly dance of perfect kicks, dodges, flips, and other moves. Then, the stranger grabbed Wu Fei by the neck and then.... mussed up his hair.

The stranger pulled off his hood to show bluish-black hair and golden eyes. He was smiling brightly and then bowed to Past Wu Fei. While leaving, Past Wu Fei glared at the back of the teen only a few years older than him. Future Wu Fei, however, had only one thought,


The vision faded away and Wu Fei observed his surroundings, noticing that he was in a small clearing. Then, his past self came into the spot and sat down to meditate. After that, Naora came in with her two daggers already out and began to practice efficiently with the weapons.

Future Wu Fei watched with surprise when Naora accidentally twisted her wrist wrong and cut herself on the leg but still continued without hesitation. However, Past Wu Fei snorted with distaste. With a look of fierce determination, Naora did a large flip and threw the daggers at a nearby tree in midair, lodging them into the middle of the trunk and only a couple inches above Past Wu Fei's head.

With a smirk, Naora called back her daggers and walked away with a wave. Then, Past Wu Fei glared at her back but both him and Future Wu Fei gained respect for the amazing girl. The picture blurred away and Wu Fei found himself to be in a room in Quatre's mansion.

Looking around, he saw Tsuya quietly sitting in the corner with a pad of paper in her hand. He slowly walked up to her and looked at the pad. Surprisingly, he saw a serene and detailed picture of the group sitting under the shade of a small tree. He watched as she focused on the paper and added lines as finishing touches.

Then, Past Wu Fei walked in and Tsuya looked up. Past Wu Fei then told her that it was time for dinner and her personality completely flipped. Gone was the quiet, yet lonely girl and back was the happy and hyper girl.

Putting down the pencil and paper, Tsuya jumped onto Past Wu Fei's back and had him carry her to the door until he dropped her. Future Wu Fei watched with amusement as he saw the little girl of Tsuya emerge once more. He realized at that moment that Tsuya wasn't someone he loved romantically, but sibling-like.

He thought of her only as a little sister, nothing more, and he knew who he belonged with. Then, they left and the scene faded away and Wu Fei was left in a white room. Wu Fei then called upon his katana and quickly looked down at it from the different feel of the sword.

The sword still had the phoenix on the blade but now, a red nova adorned the top of the hilt. Wu Fei made a circle with the end of the blade and the sides flared up with showers of light. Then, he transported himself to the center of the hallways and... to her.

*Megumi's Hallway*

Megumi pushed her glasses back up on the bridge on her nose as she continued to walk farther away from the center of the hallways. Finally, she reached the end of the hallway and saw a bright light. Walking inside, she found herself to be in

The Garden of Her Home Kingdom

Megumi looked around with amazement as she saw the beautiful garden that she missed so much. Then, she saw her past self walk towards where she was and stop at the roses. Future Megumi bit her lower lip as she assumed what her past self would do.

Past Megumi grabbed a white rose by the stem and didn't even care at the sight of the thorns digging into her hand and her own blood dripping freely down her upheld arm. With almost hypnotic eyes, she continued to let the thorns penetrate her skin and enter her blood.

Future Megumi winced at the pain and looked down at her own right hand. She saw the bleeding hand that was identical to her past self's and knew that she would feel her pain.Past Megumi then collapsed to the ground from loss of blood and then a shout was heard.

Haruka came running, obviously searching for the lost princess, and saw Megumi lying on the ground. Haruka covered her mouth in shock and carefully but quickly picked up Megumi while trying to heal her bleeding wounds. Then, Future Megumi looked at her healed hand and wiped away the light tears.

~Thank you so much, Haruka...~ thought Megumi.

Then, the scene blurred and Megumi saw new surroundings. She then realized she was in a coffee house that was almost vacant because it was a late hour. Megumi saw her past self sitting by herself at a table with a book in her left hand and a cup of coffee in the right.

Then, a stranger with a khaki hat walked up to Past Megumi and politely asked her if he could sit at her table, because he liked to have some conversation instead of silence. Past Megumi then nodded and the guy smiled. Soon, they had a heated conversation about the comparisons and contrasts of the politics of the present and the politics of the past and if they had improved.

After a while, Past Megumi stifled a yawn and the guy noticed it and knew that the girl was too polite to simply leave. He then said that it was very nice talking to her but he could see that she was tired for it was very late. He also said that he also was tired from that discussion and jokingly said that she used up all his energy that he had gotten from his coffee.

Then, they both got up and Future Megumi got a glimpse of who the stranger was. Before the picture faded away, all she saw were kind blue eyes and pale skin that seemed to glow with health. She tilted her head as she thought,


Megumi then looked around to see her past self making a midnight snack in the kitchen. Then, a shadow appeared and out of the opposite door came Duo with a loud yawn. Megumi jumped at the sound and quickly turned around, blushing lightly at the sight of Duo only in his boxers.

Duo then saw Megumi and saw the snack in her hands. He then drooled at the sight of the food and Megumi sighed as she put down her plate and began to make another snack. Duo then sat down and began to quietly chat with Megumi until she finally finished the snack and they went their own ways.

Future Megumi watched all of this and pondered why she didn't seem embarrassed at the sight of Duo in his boxers. Then, the vision faded away and Megumi realized why. Duo was like a younger brother to her and she loved him as a student, a friend, a companion, but nothing more.

She pulled out her crossbow and looked at the object in surprise. Now, two dragons went along the sides of the crossbow and their tails joined at the center of the star. The star was now also on the tip of the arrow and was carved in dark blue.

Megumi drew a circle around her with the arrow and closed her eyes as the edges flared up and around her body. Then, she transported herself to the center of the hallways.

*Trowa's Hallway*

Trowa walked almost mechanically as he walked to the end of the hallway and the bright light that he saw from far away. He stepped inside and looked around, realizing that it was

The Hanger of Heavyarms

It was before Operation Meteor, Trowa concluded, when he saw his past self walking by with a tool box in his hand. He followed the younger version of himself, aka Nanashi, and then saw someone come up from behind and grab Trowa by the neck.

It was the real Trowa Barton who obviously not dead at the time and was about to break Nanashi's neck, even though Nanashi maintained a calm face. Then, a loud yell was heard and the real Trowa Bartom fell to the ground. Nanashi and Future Trowa looked at the person but he had already turned away and began to walk farther and farther away.

Future Trowa narrowed his eyes and his eyes widened as he realized who it was...

~Taiyou...~ he thought with shock.

Then, the picture faded and Trowa found himself to be in the circus. He stepped inside the tents and found his past self looking helpless at Catherine and calling her onee-san. He remembered that it was when he had lost his memory that he actually didn't fully remember.

Certain parts that were around the time that he had amnesia were a complete blank but her never told that to anyone. Then, the sound of ringmaster's voice was heard and Catherine and Past Trowa went out. Future Trowa followed and stood by the curtains as he watched what happened.

Then, a girl about his past self's age fell out of one of the very high seat-boxes but she amazingly straightened herself before falling and put herself in a crouched position. Then, Future Trowa watched as Past Trowa ran towards the girl and caught her before she touched the ground.

The crowd saw all of that and began to loudly clap, most assuming it was part of the show. Then, Past Trowa let her down and the girl bowed to him. Future Trowa saw that her short orange hair was strikingly similar to someone else. He then saw the face of the girl from far away but could easily recognize it.

~It's... Kiyoko...~ he thought.

The vision blurred and Trowa looked around to see that he was in a library. He saw himself sitting in a large seat and quietly reading a book. Then, Megumi walked by and saw Trowa. She stopped and waved her hand in front of his face to get his attention and he looked up at her.

She then gently smiled and asked him if he always came here. And then began the polite conversation that Trowa rarely had participated in. Future Trowa saw that Megumi was not trying to make him talk and sometimes was quiet herself and he felt a sibling bond between them.

The vision faded away and Trowa found himself to be in a white room. He drew his whip and saw that it was different. Looking at the grip, he saw that there was the same basilisk but it now had a large sun on its chest.

Trowa then drew a circle with the end of the whip and focused as the light washed over him and transported him to the center of the hallways.

*Tsuya's Hallway*

Tsuya quickly walked down the hallway with an anxious expression on her face. Then, she finally reached a bright light and stepped inside. She saw

Her Home Kingdom.

She noticed it was during a small festival and saw the games and rides and remembered the times that she had. She then heard with her sharp hearing, shouting from far away and quickly went to it. Soon, she found herself in an alley and saw a group of boys surrounded around something.

~Oh no...~ Tsuya thought as she remembered what they were doing.

Coming closer, she saw a younger image of herself that was crying and had her clothes torn and dirty. The boys around her sinisterly laughed and tightened their circle. Tsuya felt the pain and fright that she had felt at that time and collapsed to the ground as small cuts and bruises dotted her body.

Then, a voice was heard and the boys ran away cowardly. There, she saw Haruka standing with a sword in her hand and with a serious face. She watched as Haruka picked up the now unconscious girl and carried her back.

~Thank you... Haruka...~ thought Tsuya as she realized who her savior was.

The scene faded away and Tsuya saw her past self dancing in a night club. Then, she painfully hurt her ankle and Future Tsuya bit back a groan as pain shot through her leg. Then, Future Tsuya watched as no one tried to help her up, until a mysterious figure that was noticeably a male, came up to her and helped her up. The person took her to a table and called a bartender to get a bandage and ointment.

~Why does that voice seem so... familiar?~ thought Tsuya.

Past Tsuya had laid on her back and waited until the stranger was finished with bandaging her foot. Then, as the Past Tsuya got back up, she saw no one in sight. However, Future Tsuya saw the figure quickly leave, an oh-so familiar braid swaying left and right.

~Duo?!?~ thought Tsuya in shock.

The scene blurred and the pain in Tsuya's foot vanished. Then, she saw herself at the beach, with the whole group and before they had seen Haruka and Taiyou. She saw herself playfully splashing everyone near her and someone finally dunked her and stopped her happy splashing.

She saw her past self glare at Wu Fei, the one who so innocently shrugged at her glare. Then, her past self launched herself at him and although Wu Fei had quick reflexes and tried to dodge, a wave came from behind and covered them both.

Wu Fei and Tsuya emerged from the water, Wu Fei blocking her from the wave. However, Future Tsuya felt what she had felt from Haruka and Taiyou. A protectiveness that made her feel safe and warm. Not like the romantic feelings she wanted in a bond.

Future Tsuya saw the others laughing at the sight of Tsuya playfully pushing him and the scene faded away, showing a white room. She bit back a laugh as she knew who she was bonded with.

Tsuya called upon her weapon and drew a circle around herself with the edge of her boomerang. Lights flared from the line and Tsuya transported herself to the center of the hallways. Holding her weapon, she felt a difference in the carvings and looked down at the object.

On each side of the weapon was a griffon who's tail was curled around a flaming comet. And, instead of the smooth sides that the inward sides had, now, there were golden blades that were curved outward from the middle.

Tsuya smiled happily but then remembered her soul-mate. She anxiously prayed that he would also love her as she loved him and more.

*Heero's Hallway*

Heero briskly went down the corridor until he finally reached a bright light and faced...

Doctor J's Training Room.

He watched with hate for the place that took away his adolescence and freedom. However, he probably wouldn't have met everyone so that was the only that made this place worth it.

Heero then saw Doctor J sitting in a chair in front of a window, looking at something. Heero then saw what the doctor was looking at. Himself.

He watched as his Past self endured battling against metal ropes that tightened around his arms and legs until they drew blood. Silent tears rolled down his face as he realized he never cried out at all, even when the ropes were in his skin.

He then felt a pain in his arms and legs and looked down at them in shock. Long gashes in his arms lined his arms and legs and his own blood freely flowed from them. He winced at the pain and clutched the heaviest bleeding cut to make the flow stop. Suddenly, the pain went away and the metal ropes stopped tightening. Heero watched as his past self collapsed to the ground and fell unconscious. He saw Doctor J hovering around the equipment, wondering what had happened and then saw someone standing in the corner.

~Taiyou...~ he thought.

Taiyou walked close to Doctor J and murmured something in his ear that scared Doctor J beyond his wit, which was extremely rare for the old man. Heero curiously watched as Taiyou went inside the room, picked Heero up, and carried him back to the room. Then, the scene faded away and changed to something else.

Then, came out the night and the scenery showed it was Quatre's mansion. Heero looked around and noticed that it was his room. He saw his past self sleeping in his bed. Then, he saw a shadow of a figure come closer to his bed.

He quickly looked at the person and saw that it was Usagi. Surprisingly, she was in her pajamas and quietly walked towards his bed, silent enough that it didn't wake the sleeping Heero up.

She then kneeled in front of his bed and slowly pulled off the bed covers. There, she and Future Heero saw a long cut along the side, one that the Future Heero clearly remembered.

She rose her hands and put them near the cut. Then, a dim light came from her hands and healed the wound. She then wearily got up and almost collapsed at the door but held herself. Hurriedly, but quietly, did she close the door and walk back to her room.

~S-She did that for me?~ Heero thought.

Then, the scene blurred away and another showed up. It was outside the training room that Wu Fei went to so much. However, Past Heero was in the room and was training. Future Heero realized that before the final fight between them and Mamoru and Shizue. Then, he kicked the wooden dummy and heard a crack, not from the dummy but from his foot. Future Heero winced in pain as his foot also hurt.

He then saw Naora walking by and saw her gasp and hurriedly go to his aid. She then used her healing powers to fix Heero's foot and patted him on the shoulder. She then walked away but Future Heero, although grateful, realized that he only thought of Naora as a sister, not as a lover.

Then, the vision faded away and Heero found himself in a white room. He then summoned his weapon and saw that his bow looked different. It had a unicorn and a centaur that reared upward and towards the middle. He gently smiled and then drew a circle, with the arrow, around himself. The circle then flared up and transported him to the center of the hallways.

Done for now! ONLY MORE CHAPTER SO PLEASE REVIEW!!!! anyhoo, this was obviously the longest chapter i wrote so i hoped you liked it! review and i'll continue! and thanks for everyone who hoped i would feel better because those reviews definitely did! Arigatou and Ja Ne!