Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Straight Flush ❯ First Day Encounters (Part 2) ( Chapter 4 )
Straight Flush
Chapter Four - First Day Encounters (Part 2)
By: Jacquelin Benito
June 2002
Dedicated to my little bro, CJ. Happy Birthday
Disclaimer: ::telephone is heard ringing::
Jackie: *making popcorn* *looks up*
*ring, ring*
Jackie: *picks up phone* Hello?
*dead dial tone*
Jackie: *raises eyebrow* *puts phone down*
::telephone is heard ringing again::
Jackie: *looks at receiver, picks up phone* Hello?
???: I know what you did last summer.
Jackie: *blink* Last summer eh? Yeah, I remember too.
???: *sweatdrop*
Jackie: Um… who is this?
???: Do you want to know?
Jackie: Duh! Why do you think I asked?
???: Uh… your worst nightmare.
Jackie: My worst nightmare? Nah, you can't be it. My worst nightmare would be Relena Peacecraft coming alive and ruling the world as a pacifist queen. *shivers insanely* So, unless you're Relena Peacecreaft, you ain't my worst nightmare.
???: ::whispers heard in background::
~Evil Lawyer 1: C'mon! You're supposed to be freaking her out into saying the disclaimer! Not making her tell you about her worst night mare! *groans* I'm friggin paying in cash!
~???: Stupid old git…
Jackie: 'lo? You still there?
???: Uh yeah. So what are you doing right now?
Jackie: Um… making popcorn and about to watched taped re-runs of Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon.
???: *sweatdrop* Okay… so what's your favorite scary movie?
Jackie: Scary movie? Hmm… Oh! Scary Movie 2! That was hilarious!
???: AGH!!! Do you not know where this is leading? Have you watched the movie Scream?
Jackie: Yeah. Oh hold on.
???: Fine!
Jackie: *pops tape into the VCR* *Gundam Wing theme song is heard in the background* *takes popcorn off the stove* *picks phone up* Heh… Sorry about that. What were you going to say again?
???: AGH!!! Will you turn on the light for your backyard patio?
Jackie: Uh, okay. *turns backlight on* *tiny pop is heard* *SCREAMS*
???: Heh, I take it you saw the disclaimer?
Jackie: Huh? What disclaimer? No, the back light just burnt out. Oh! You were going to say to change the lightbulb! Is that what you were trying to tell me? How thoughtful!
???: But you just screamed!
Jackie: Yeah, what's it to you? So I'm afraid of the dark!
???: AGH!!! You do it! I quit!
Jackie: Do what?
~Evil Lawyer 1: You can't quit! You signed a contract!
~???: Screw the contract!
*hangs up*
Jackie: *looks at phone oddly* Okay… that was weird… *hangs up*
::door bell is heard::
Jackie: *presses pause on the VCR*
::doorbell is heard again::
Jackie: AGH!! What is with this day?! *yanks open the door*
Officer: Hello ma'am. Someone reported hearing a scream at this house.
Jackie: Yeah. Sorry about that. *sweatdrop*
Officer: Is everything alright?
Jackie: *smiles* Yeah. I just got some weird ass call.
Officer: Call?
Jackie: Yeah. It was really weird. Some guy-
::cell phone ring is heard::
Jackie: *wide eyed*
Officer: *tears off mask* ::It's HEERO!!!::
Officer Heero (^_^()): *pulls out gun* Say the disclaimer!
Jackie: *gasp* It's Heero! *glomp* ^_^
Heero: Get off! *throws me to the ground*
Jackie: Oww….
Heero: *points gun at me*
Jackie: Heh… can't we resolve this over a friendly conversation and cocoa?
Heero: Hn. *click, safety comes off*
Jackie: *gulp* Why does this feel like de ja vu?
Heero: Well?
Jackie: FINE! I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. *Blows rasberry* Mean ass lawyers and their damn disclaimers… But I do own this story and plot!
(Heh, I don't own this Scream/Scary Movie entry either)
If these people were someone Usagi didn't know, she would have smiled warmly at them and ushered them inside the house, taking off their jackets and such. But Usagi DID know this people and these people also knew her. She all she could do was merely gape at the guests.
But when her pet named echoed in her ears, she meekly glanced up toward the visitors.
The one phrase wanting to come out of her mouth didn't come out. Instead it only echoed within her mind.
Finally, finding her voice she gazed into the sky blue eyes of her friend. "Hello Haruka."
Usagi let out a nervous laugh as she looked at the shocked expression of the sandy-haired woman's companion.
"Usagi?" Michiru softly exclaimed as she took in the Usagi's current outfit.
By now, Usagi had grown extremely anxious and irritated. Hel-LO?! Were they blind or something? Did they HAVE to keep on murmuring her name just to get the damn point across? Well… I guess they did.
"Usagi?!" Usagi raised an eyebrow at the manly-dressed woman. Fighting the urge to slam the door in their faces in nervousness, Usagi plastered on a fake smile as she opened the door to its fullest extent.
"Hello Haruka, Michiru," Usagi choked out with a little more confidence as the two woman entered the corridor. Chatter was now faintly heard echoing the corridor as servants rushed to put on the finish up touches.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?!!" The confidence as had been slowly building up in her disappeared. Usagi gulped, as Haruka's eyes seemed to be boring a hole into her.
Oh how she wished that Minako didn't place that bet the night before. Oh how she wished this skirt was longer. OH HOW SHE WISHED, Haruka Ten'oh, the most protective of her senshi wasn't standing before her, gaping silently as she glared accusingly at the bystanders, some of the men eyeing the petite blonde appreciatively. Usagi held in a sigh as she wished. Heh… too bad those wishes weren't coming true. A nervous giggle escaped her throat, her breath becoming short.
"Uh… Heh… well… Welcome to the Winner Estate?" Usagi welcomed weakly, feeling a bit faint. Grabbing their wrists, she pulled them in the corridor, stopping only in front of an elaborately decorated large archway. Shoving the guests inside, she called out phrases as she quickly scampered from the area.
"Bye! Have a good time! DON'T TELL DAD!!!" Her last comment frantically being called out. Her voice grew faint as she quickly entered and exited new hallways, dodging a few workers here and there. Usagi entered a rather dimly lit room.
She finally slowed down as her chest heaved up and down from the lack of oxygen. Regaining more of her breath, she leaned against a wall for support. Taking in a long deep breath, she released the air slowly as she finally looked up and gazed at her surroundings.
The room was rather dark, but no one could miss the two large machines that she shockingly gaped at.
"Oh. My. God." Usagi murmured quietly to herself as she gaped at the tall Gundams. Their stern faces faced forward expressionless as Usagi seemed to be the only thing in the room showing some sort of visible emotion. Regaining her senses, she rushed out of the room.
"USAGI!!! Where are you?!" A chipper voice called out, the voice echoing in the empty corridor. Duo turned the corner as he entered the guest wing. Voices were loudly heard as constant shrieking of dismay echoed through the hallway. Curiosity got the best of him as he followed the source of the voices. He stopped, surprised as he read the label of the room. The Maple Room.
'Isn't Minako staying here?' He pondered for a second, a cute face popping up as he appeared deep in thought. Another shriek made its way to his ears as he snapped out of his trance. Raising as eyebrow, he lifted his hand and knocked on the door.
The bawling stopped immediately as Makoto stopped herself from yelling at the blonde for a moment as she realized someone was knocking on the door. The cards that were currently situated on the four-post bed fluttered to the floor as Duo stepped into the room.
Minako held her deck of cards behind her back innocently as Makoto did the same. They looked surprised at Duo when they saw him enter the room.
Duo's indigo eyes surveyed the room. His eyes caught the lone ace card as he bent down and picked it up. He spotted a pile of money in the center, half-hidden by Minako's body.
"Well, well. What do we have here?" Duo asked accusingly as he eyed the girls playfully.
"Um… a card?" Minako replied, Makoto holding back a snicker.
Grinning, Duo plopped on the bed beside the girls.
"Heh… deal me in."
Haruka stubbornly sat down in a seat. Her face was a bit red from the earlier encounter with Usagi. Breathing heavily, she loosened the tie from her neck. "Stiff red necks. Why the hell do we have to wear these damn suits?" Haruka muttered as Michiru gave a sharp glance towards her partner.
"Haruka…" Michiru warned her, her tone dropping to a more serious one from her usual light cheery one. The teal haired violinist gave a sigh.
"I just don't get it! What the hell is koneko doing here? And dressed like some maid-hooker!" Haruka exploded lightly as some of the invited delegates glanced toward Haruka.
"Even I don't know. None of the girls ever said anything about Usagi working here," Michiru pointed out.
Haruka grunted. "I don't think Usagi would be working in a get up like that. See? Those maids are wearing something decent," Haruka pointed toward the maids offering some drinks. Indeed, their uniforms were a bit more dignified.
One of the leaders approached the couple. "Are you Michiru Kai'oh?"
"You are the one that suggested sending a probe to the planet Neptune?" He asked.
Haruka's senses perked up as she eavesdropped on the conversation. 'When did Michiru ask to send a probe to Neptune?' She silently asked as she listened to the small briefing.
Usagi frantically ran through the deserted halls in search of Quatre. It seemed that she was just going in circles. What the hell were GUNDAMS of all things doing in his mansion? Was one of his Magnuacs (sp?) a Gundam pilot?
Wham! Usagi fell to the floor dazed as Trowa fell as well. Seeing that it was Trowa, she jumped to her feet. She gasped for breath as she got a couple words out.
"Gundams, -breathe- two, -breathe- there!" She gasped out, waving her arms frantically as she pointed down the hall. Suddenly, a hand clasped over her mouth as she struggled to get some air. A handkerchief was held in the hand doused with sleeping gas.
Usagi's vision became vague as she fell limply into her captors arms.
Trowa's eyes registered shock as he glanced toward Heero, then down at golden haired goddess.
"She knows about the Gundams," Heero said, stating the obvious.
"We can't kill her!" Trowa protested as she saw Heero taking his gin out of its holster.
"Why not?" Heero argued.
Trowa stayed silent. He couldn't saw to him that he actually liked one of Usagi's friends, Makoto. His emerald eye flashed as he eyes narrowed. "Don't kill her,"
Heero's gaze fought Trowa's as they glared at each other. Usagi shifted a bit in his arms as slowly dropped her to the floor. He looked at her alarmed.
"We'll talk to the other in the morning. Get her to her room," Heero's voice echoed as he left the hallway.
Trowa scooped the girl in his arms as he left for the Opal Room.
Duo closed the door silently behind him as she quietly slinked away from the room. Once a bit away from the girls room's, he began to whistle innocently as he stuck his hands in his pockets, feeling the money he had won from the card games. You'd think that with what had happened yesterday, they would have known better. Duo chuckled.
But his laughter stopped short as he saw his girlfriend lie limply in his friend's arms. He rushed to their side.
"What happened?" Duo's eyes flashed worrily as he possessively wrapped his arms around Usagi, bringing her into his embrace.
"She knows," Trowa said bluntly. Duo looked up at him surprised.
"I suppose she was just wandering the halls and came across the room. I told Quatre to put more security in that area," Trowa said, him leading the group to Usagi's room.
"But he placed all the security to guard for that function he had tonight," Duo pointed out as he brushed a bit loose hair from Usagi's face.
"How'd she get unconscious?" He demanded, his indigo eyes flashing dangerously, turning them to a colbat color.
"Heero knocked her out with some sleeping gas," Trowa avoided Duo's shocked expression as they stopped in front of a door labeled the Opal Room.
"When I get my hands on that guy…" Duo muttered incoherent things as Trowa stayed by the door, looking at him worrily.
Trowa exited the room, while Duo stayed to take care of Usagi. Slowly closing the slightly creaking door, he muttered under his breath. "Don't do anything stupid…"
Well, I think this is a nice place to stop. Usagi now knows about the Gundams and Haruka's still as furious as ever ^_^(). Heh, poor Usagi-chan. What'll happen when she finds out about Duo…??? Lol. And to think Minako and Makoto STILL didn't learn their lesson about gambling with what happened last time. Good thing they didn't wager themselves again… or did they? *cough, cough*
You now know that this will now be a Trowa/Makoto ficcy also. I'll announce who Minako got paired up with next chapter. ^_^ This means that voting is done. No more votes please!
Yeah, yeah. I know the disclaimers a tad long, but you get the idea. Lol.
Anyway, remember to review! Ja ne!