Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Thawing ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Usagi POV

Nine large life size crystals. Nine frozen graves. Nine times my heart has been broken. I can't help but wondered how things would have been if they were different. If all of my scouts and my love hadn't died against the Dark moon. But the past can't be changed only the future. So I'm here now, looking at the most important people in my life, as they lay dormant. They look so peaceful lying there in their crystals. Unaware that the earth was being slowly darken. I'm not sure how long it would be before the Dark moon fully take control, but it will be soon, so I don't have much time to say good-bye. Slowly, I placed my hand over the first crystal I come too.

"Rei Hino. Beloved priestess and friend." The second crystal.

"Ami Mizuno. Beloved comrade." The third crystal.

"Minako Aino. Beloved companion"

"Mokoto Kino. Beloved ally"

"Hotaru Tomoe. Beloved cohort"

"Haruka Ten'ou. Beloved partner"

"Michiru Kaiou. Beloved colleague."

"Setsuna Meioh. Beloved Guardian" Finally, My eyes roam to the last crystal.

"Mamoru Chiba. Beloved prince" All nine graves for all nine people that I love the most in the world.

"Serenity?!!!" I'm watching as Diamond walked in, his pale hair brightly. Just by him being here, means the Dark Moon had finally won. "Let's go" he's watching me with his blue eyes. My heart is beating as I took one finally look back before walking out. I wish I could use my crystal but Wiseman had hidden it in a place where I can never find it. I'm powerless. But…If I can't help the world by being Sailor Moon or Princess Serenity, then perhaps I can help it by being Neo-Queen Serenity, Queen of Neo-King Diamond. For the world's happiness, I was ready to give up mines.