Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Thawing ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Usagi POV

"The stars are beautiful," I think as I'm standing there on the balcony. It's when the stars are sparking, when I feel the loneliest. There was no one with me to enjoy the stars or the Moon…

"You should come back inside, your majesty" a soft voice came at my right. "You could freeze,"

"I'm not cold," I told him as the wind gust suddenly blew a strand of hair in my face.

"Please come inside"


"Usagi-chan" Sapphire sighed as he placed a cloak over my shoulders. "Little sister, come inside" His pleading tone, melted my resolves.

"Fine" I sighed. Of all the time I've been here, I've grown to trust Sapphire. He was the big brother I never had, always looking out for me and being there when I need him the most. He was also my protector and my best friend in this desolate world. Any advice he gave me was to ensure that I was happy and safe.

"Diamond's coming home tonight" he told me as we walked in. "He said he has a big surprise for you" Sapphire grinned.

"Really?" I couldn't help smile a bit sadly at the thought of Diamond. He always tried to hard to please me…buying me things I didn't need or didn't want. What was I suppose to do with the British crowned jewels anyway? Sapphire voice caught my attention.

"What did you say?!!!"


"What did you say?" I tried not to shout.

"I was telling you the news around the kingdom"

"What was the last thing you said?"

"Someone had discovered a grave site. Nine large corpses in large crystals"

"Where?" I couldn't help pale. Diamond assured me that no one would disturb that spot. He even placed a protective barrier it for me!

"In a cave, Where Tokyo use to be…Usagi!!!" The last thing I remember was hitting the floor and everything glowing black.