Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Thawing ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sally Po studied the large crystals before turning to the small group that had appeared at her apartment. Already there wasn't enough room to breath in much less to walk around and study the objects.

"Why did you bring them to me?" she finally asked. She felt a bit uneasy.

"We need your help in thawing them out" Doctor J stared at her.

"Thawing them?"

"Don't you know who they are?" the surface of Doctor J's eyes gleamed.

"Of course. The Sailor Scouts" Sally glanced at him. Her eyes widen a bit. "You're not thinking about using them in the war?!!!"

"We can win with their help"

"No!!!" she told him flatly.

"The war will ended quicker" Doctor J persuaded. "OZ will be eliminated."


"Hey! Why do you need her help?" Duo looked confused. "You're the scientist, she's just a doctor"

"She has more knowledge on the Sailor Scouts than I do" Doctor J studied the young doctor. "You know everything about them, don't you?" Sally shook her head.

"You're an old senile fool" She told him. "The war must be affecting you more than I thought. You can't just thaw them. Didn't you think of the consequence of what you're doing? If you thaw them out, they'll be in a world where nothing is familiar to them."

"They'll learn" Sally Po shook her head.

"You just don't understand" She glanced towards her bedroom. "It's getting late. I think you should leave"

"Very well" Doctor J stood up. He gestured for the pilots to bring the crystals. "If you change your mind, you know where to find me" Sally gave a sighed of relief when they were finally gone. She quietly sat down in a chair. She needed some time to think. Absentmindedly, she petted the soft bundle of fur that had leap onto her lap.

"Did I do the right thing?" she asked. She looked into a pair of dark eyes for reassurances. "Tell me, Luna. Did I do the right thing?"

"I'm sure you did" Luna glanced towards the door. "Usagi must know by now"

"Yes, I'm sure she does" Sally quickly got up and head toward the balcony. The stars were out tonight and she could make out the full moon. The rush of the breezes suddenly brought back memories of happier times that she had. "When did life get so complicated, Luna?" she asked sadly. "Everything used to be so simple." She leaned against the railing.

"It was, wasn't it?" a voice murmured. Sally smiled a bit as a pair of warm arms wrapped itself around her.

"How is she?"

"She felt it when the scouts were moved" Sapphire glanced up at the stars. "She fainted"

"Is she alright?"

"She's fine. She just needs some rest" Silently, they stared up at the moon.

"I can't help you," she told him quietly.

"I know." Sapphire gave her a small smile. " We're on difference sides of the war." Sally gave him a sad smile before leaning up. Silently, they shared a loving kiss under the moonlight.