Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Under A Winged Moon ❯ Chapter One: Time Is Valuable ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Under A Winged Moon
Chapter One: Time Is Valuable
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing. I do own the plot.
Authors Note: I do plan to use the yaoi coupling. i.e. DuoxHeero. But I won't be writing any actual yaoi. No hentai here lol. I had first planned on having this as three long chapters, but now I dunno. I guess we'll just have to see what happens. ^_^
And I'm also using the original Japanese names for the Senshi. This takes place after the Star series.
Chapter One: Time Is Valuable

The sun was shining, delicate rays bounced off the top of the lake. Usagi sat on a bench near the lake and watched the ducks play in the cool water. It was a beautiful day in May. Not a cloud in the sky. She sat there silently, eyes closed, letting the rays soak her soft pale skin. She wondered what everyone was doing on such a beautiful day. She knew the Outer Senshi were somewhere in Europe. There was some championship race that Haruka was supposed to attend. She didn't want to, but Michiru and Hotaru had talked her into it. Of course she had their number, if anything were to happen. They had all vowed their loyalty to her, and they would drop everything to help her. She was greatful for that. But she knew they were having a blast, and she wouldn't interupt that unless it was completely necessary.

She had grown up alot since her fight with Galaxia, which was almost two years ago. She grew to 5'6'' in height. Her body slender and full of curves. She caught every mans eye when she walked down the street. But she just took it as a compliment. Her hair was in it's usual odango style, though there were a few strands of silver here and there. It didnt bother her though. Her hair was such a golden yellow, one could hardly notice.

Her and the girls have grown extremely close this past year. They were like sisters to her. She was always there when they needed her. They all still had their fights. More so now than before. Something didn't seem right, but she shook it off. Though there were times where she felt an emptiness that she couldn't describe. Something was missing. Some how though, over the past year, her and Mamoru seemed to have drifted apart. He was now living in America, somewhere in New York. He wanted to finish the scholarship he had earned. He couldn't make it before, due to Galaxia. So for now, their relationship has taken a back seat in his life. The letters were slowing, and the calls getting shorter and less frequent. She was supposed to get a letter from him this week. It was now Sunday. Still no letter.

She sighed and got up from her bench. She streched slightly and began walking down the park pathway. She was deep in thought over her situation with Mamoru when she suddenly collided with someone. She stumbled back and apologized. The young lady accepted and continued on her way.

"Usagi no baka!" She mumbled to herself.

She kept walking till she came to a crosswalk. She waited paitently for the sign to turn green, then proceeded to cross the street. She turned the corner and started up Cherry Hill Drive. She came to the steps of Hino shrine and paused. She looked up and seen Phobos and Demios perched on the gate. She smiled. 'Always watching over her ne?' The two crows seemed to squawk in agreement. She giggled to herself and made her way up to the large wooden doors. As she drew closer she could hear them giggling and laughing. Wanting to know what was so funny, she quietly pressed her ear to the door. What she heard surprised her and hurt her.

"You know, she still hasn't changed, she still eats like a pig" Mina chuckled.

"I know, you'd think she'd learn to say 'no' or something" Makoto replied.

"Look, we shouldn't be talking like this, what if she comes in and hears us?" Ami said, sounding a little worried.

"Oh don't worry so much Ami, like you've never thought any of this before" Rei stated.

"Well ... I mean ... I .... Well, I never went on about it like this" Ami said, managing not too sound too flustered.

'So they've had these thoughts before?' Usagi thought.

"Oh come off it Ami, there've been many a time you just wanted to smack her with your physics book" Mina said playfully.

"...." Ami just blushed.

"Hey, I'm just surprised Mamoru-san hasn't told her yet. What made him tell you anyways Rei?" Makoto asked.

Usagi's eyes widended. She carefully pressed her ear closer.

"Cuz he can trust me" Rei said, sticking out her tongue.

"Tell you what Rei?" Ami said, sounding particularly interested.

"If I tell you, promise me you won't tell Usa-chan" Rei said.

All three girls nodded in agreement. And gathered closer to Rei. Usagi, wanting to know also, Usagi crept over to window, kneeling slightly under the sill to get a better view.

"Well, he wrote me, telling me about how he's been thinking about Usagi ... and doesn't think this is the right time for them to be together" Rei said.

"What?" Ami said.

"Why would he think that, they've been together for like ... ever" Mina stated.

"I know, I guess it has something to do with not wanting to live a life that is set. He wants to make his own decisions, live his own life. He said he think's it'd be better if it were without Usa-chan" Rei said the last part a little quieter.

Usagi couldn't believe it, why would he do this. Is she telling the truth? He wouldn't do that to her, not to Chibi-Usa. She held back the tears and listened some more.

"I just don't get it. Why couldn't he just tell her himself" Mina asked impatiently.

"Yea, no kidding. This is something that he should be taking up with her, not us" Makoto said.

"I know, I know. But I didn't know what to do, all of a sudden, there's this letter on the desk, how should I know he was gonna dump her" Rei said a little too loudly.

Usagi cringed at this. She just couldn't believe it. She wanted to go in there and yell at them, telling them it wasn't true. But then she would get busted for eavesdropping on them. She didn't know what to do. She sat there for while, listening to their mindless chatter. But not before she heard something that would change their friendship, possibly forever.

"I don't know, sometimes I even wonder if she was good for him" Rei said to no one in particular.

"What do you mean Rei?" Mina asked.

"I mean, she's a crybaby klutzy odango atama. And not too mention he's way older than her, and in college. She could never match to that, not even if she tried" Rei stated.

"You're just jealous Rei, you know you don't mean that" Makoto snapped back.

"Oh c'mon on Mako-chan, I've seen you look at him, you can't tell me you didn't have a crush on him" Rei snapped.

"Oh right, me and every other girl on this side of Tokyo" Mako-chan shouted.

"Guys, c'mon, please stop yelling." Ami asked quietly.

"C'mon Rei, it's not like your gonna get your chance or anything" Mina said.

"And why not, we did go out a few years ago" She stated.

"Yea, before we all found out she was destined to be with him" Mina shot back.

"Yea, but he doesn't want destiny to rule his life, and besides, I'm going to American to visit my aunt this summer, who knows, maybe I'll just drop by and say hi ... or something" Rei said, emphasizing the word 'something'

Usagi just sat there, she couldn't believe what was going on in there. She couldn't belive they all thought that, of her Mamo-chan. No, not hers anymore. With that thought, she let out a small cry, and ran down the steps of the shrine, and made her way home.

"Did you guys hear that?" Mina said as she went to the window.

"Huh? Hear what?" Rei said as her head snapped up.


"Mina ... what was it?" Ami asked.

Mina turned around and sighed, lowering her head. She looked up again and looked at them all before making a small gesture with her hand.

"Usagi...." Was all she needed to say.

>At the Tsukino house<

Usagi searched her room frantically. Tearing everything apart till she could find what she wanted. "Ahah!" She shouted as she grabbed a small key necklace from under her mattress. The key was somewhat small, it was gold with a small crescent moon at the head. It looked like an ancient key that belonged to an ancient gate.

She quickly changed her close and wrote a small note to her mom explaining where she was going. Knowing her mother would understand, after all, she was almost 20 years of age. Definitley old enough to go where she wanted to with out reason, as long as she left some sort of sign. Small price to pay for freedom. She walked downstairs and slipped on her shoes and pink jacket. She looked at herself in the mirror, still contemplating on whether or not to go through with this. She looked down to the key that she held in her hand. She ran her fingers over the grooves of the crescent moon. But soon she seen something else. On the small table by the door lay a letter, for her, from her Mamour. She hesitated before opening and reading. She read it slowly, and slowly her eyes got bigger and started to fill with tears. She angrily stuffed the letter in the envelope and threw it on the table. She whipped open the door and slammed it on the way out.

She ran to the rose garden in the park. This was her special place to be. Espcecially when things were getting her down. She felt it was appropriate her to do this here. She paused a moment before raising the key into the air and shouting.

"Crescent Moon Key, take me to the Time Gate" And in a whirl of silver, gold and purple, she was gone. There was no trace of the sad blonde anywhere in the rose garden.

She opened her eyes and looked around in awe. She couldn't believe this was real, that it actually worked. She got up from her position on the ground and started to walk foward. Before she could go any further, there was a swirl of purple and in it's place stood Sailor Pluto, Senshi of Time.

"Greetings Princess" She said, bowing slightly.

"Hello Setsu-chan" She said as she hugged the Time Senshi briefly.

"I understand why you have come Usagi. Things are not well, are they?" Pluto asked.

Usagi just shook her head and held back the tears.

"Tell me what you are feeling Usagi-chan, maybe I can help" Plut asked softly.

Usagi told her the story of Mamoru and the girls, and what they had said about her and Mamoru. Pluto held the weeping princess, and tried to comfort her. Usagi told her about the way she feels empitness from time to time. Pluto looked up warily, not sure if she should tell the young girl why. But she decided to do so, for soon she would learn one way or the other. And she was certain she rather have it come from her.

Setsuna and Usagi share a certain bond. Almost like that of a mother and daughter. Usagi sometimes feels sorry for Setsuna, because she can't leave the Gate. So once in a while she will come to visit. They talk about almost anything. Usagi knows she can trust Setsuna, more so than she trusts the girls. Especially after what happened today. She knew Setsuna would be able to help her.

"Usagi-chan, there is something I must tell. I wasn't certain if it was the right time, but I guess there never is a right time ne?" She mused.

Usagi sat there, waiting for whatever she needed to say, obviously it was important to her to tell her now. Usagi nodded.

"Usagi-chan, I know why you have been feeling this uncertain loss. This ...emptiness" Pluto started.

"Oh?" Was all Usagi could say at the time.

"I am going to tell you a story, but then I must send you on a mission, for time is valuable" Pluto said, before sitting down next to Usagi.

So whatcha think? Aren't I mean for making the girls think such things about Mamo-chan? I mean, c'mon, how many of us wish that it WAS us at some time or another. ^_- Well, that was Chapter one. Stay tuned for Chapter Two: Millennium Misshap. Usagi finds out she has a brother, and Pluto send her to another timeline to find him.