Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ When All is Forsaken ❯ Past Revelations ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When All is Forsaken

Prologue: Past Revelations

By: Kolinshar Jackie-chan Benito

April 2003



*glares* These things are annoying little buggers aren't they? Lol, sorry, I've been speaking to too many British people lately. O_O. I even got a contact in Brazil now!!! Hmm, well, those bloody lawyers aren't getting a freaking word out of me. Nope! Nuh-uh.

*spots a Matrix-Agent look alike standing near by making a motion with his hands near his throat* *Jackie looks thoroughly disturbed*

Ahh.. well, maybe this time. All standard disclaimers apply.


A Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing Crossover

Warning Note: Slight use of profanity.


A splash of pastel and autumn colors fell across the white wash walls in waves through the balcony's open doors. Dawn had just broken, but there was still one person in the Winner household who was still awake. Fully engrossed in his searching, he failed to actually notice how late he was up, or rather how early. Not that it would matter much to him anyway.

Prussian blue eyes scanned the screen of his laptop, his fingers never failing to pause once in the everlasting clicking sounds of his fingers across the keyboard. The gentle hum of the computer modem soothed his nerves slightly, yet failed to bring him out of his tense position. Having been trained from the very beginning to always be alert and to expect the unexpected, Heero Yui had a hard time breaking out of his down to earth ritual.

Heero's eyes narrowed slightly as he absorbed the information on the screen. Nothing. There was absolutely no information on her. Hmm.., he mused silently as he stopped and flexed his fingers. Leaning back slightly in his swivel chair, he heard the cracking of the stiff vertebrae in his back and felt himself relax a little bit more. The sound of a few more clicking of the mouse swept through the room. Heero's favorite search engine on the internet was downloaded to his laptop computer in a matter of seconds and his fingers danced across the keyboard, as if in tuned to each other and keeping to the beat of a fast paced waltz.

The modem hummed and to Heero's great surprise, one listing popped up for his results. The summary beneath it seemed accurate. But it was too good to be true. He had followed up on hundreds of false alarms in the past two years. For days, weeks, and even months Heero would disappear. As if he just dissolved and never came back. But he always did come back. When he felt himself ready to return back to the others. When the adrenaline rush of his search would finally slow down and more disappointment was weighted down on his heart. It had all started out with the hope of being reunited with her once again, but that hope slowly faded until it reached itself to nothing at all. Every month or so, he felt compelled to bring up another search on her. To see if she was even alive and well, with that smiling grin on her face he remembered seeing on her every time she walked through the door with such innocence. was slightly sickening. He pondered on his thoughts for a moment. What were the chances of him finding her? She had covered her trail very well, and the only relevant information he actually had on her was when he hacked into the Japanese government files and downloaded her profile two years beforehand.

He leaned back in his chair again, feeling the warm, caressing waves of the first tips of light in the horizon. Red and orange streaks kissed his cheeks and face, and Heero welcomed the warmth. He didn't complain or anything, but that night he had been cold.

Hmm.. should've closed the window, he thought. Oh well. What is done, is done.

Sighing, he stared at the only result on the webpage and clicked into it. The page loaded quickly, a small face portrait of her in the top left corner, looking around the age of sixteen. He knew that she was older than she appeared. A list of her personal statistics was stated in the other column. His eyes widened. This was it!! He had finally found her!! An excited shiver erupted into him and he felt himself shake slightly to get rid of the abnormal feeling.

Heero Yui looked at the picture of her. Of his sister. Her heart shaped face was framed in golden curls, two balls wrapped tightly at the top of her head with two streamers coming out from them in a cute fashion. Her pink lips were small, and were shaped in an "o," as if she had been caught by surprise of having her picture taken. Her nose was medium sized and a little narrow, but the most noticing feature about this woman was her eyes. They were a captivating, bright shade of blue that stood out the most against her features. Specks of green and white were also shaded in her irises, but by looking at once at that picture, Heero knew Usagi was much older than she seemed. There was wisdom and history in those eyes. But mixed in it was pain and pleasure. Eyes were said to be the window to a person's soul.

How very true that was.

Heero looked at her current statistics. How this had leaked out onto the colonial wide web where anybody could look at it, he had no clue but he was determined to find out sooner of later.

Name: Usagi Serenity Tsukino.

Heero stared at the piece of information unresponsive. Tsukino. That meant that she hadn't even gotten married yet. What had happened to that collage guy she had been dating when he had run away? He had been pretty rebellious toward his sister as a kid and had only liked the guy because he called Usagi "Meatball Head." Heero snorted, long hidden mirth finally coming out of their dark shells after so many years. He continued to scan the information.

Date of Birth: June 29, 2505.

So that meant that she was 24 at the moment. Heero looked at the bit with a raised eyebrow. Usagi was 24 and still not married? What had happened? Had she taken a vow of celibacy? Heero didn't have to look at her again to know that she was a looker. Their father had constantly beaten off the guys that had come to call on her with a bat and a shotgun. Literally! Usagi didn't know half of how many people had wanted to date her. But Kenji Tsukino was notorious around the Juuban district of Tokyo for keeping his daughter under his wing until he had approved someone. A hidden smile graced his lips again as he remembered that Kenji Tsukino only approved one boy to date his beloved daughter. That braniac and bookworm, Melvin or something to the likes that. But Melvin had been obsessed with Usagi's best friend Naru. Age of 24 and still unmarried? Heero felt himself compelled to snort out again in disbelief, but regained his control over his body. He still remembered when he saw her playing outside with her friends, a pillowcase pulled over her head and a small bouquet of dandelions in her hands.

Currently Located: "Kuillian", Colony 188-79, Location 2

Heero warned himself not to stare at it in disbelief. But he couldn't help but do it. She was on Kuillian. Of all the fucking space colonies located in all five locations, she was on fucking Kuillian. Other wise known as "The Pit" by many of the military officials of the Preventors. Kuillian was well known in the none so wide universe for being the spot to deal with the black-market trading, importing and exporting drugs, the place where escaped criminals went to go and hide from the authorities. Mainly the reason being because nobody ever wanted to go there. The colony of Kuillian was named "The Pit" for good reason. It really did look like a pit! The streets were paved with garbage, dead animals, and sometimes even, rotting human corpses. It was like a war zone that had never been fixed up and had been left to lie there and just get worse and worse. And it had been going on for more than 20 years. Duo had come from that colony actually. To survive there you had to know street smarts and how to slip into the shadows unnoticed. How a blonde bunny could possibly achieve that, Heero did not know.

Immediate Blood Relations:

Birth Parents: Jun Miya Gishana (mother, deceased)

Kazuya Koshi Hamagisha (father, deceased)

Adopted Guardians: Ikuko Himako Tsukino (mother, deceased)

Kenji Shinji Tsukino (father, deceased)

Brothers or Sisters: Shingo Kaji Tsukino (brother, whereabouts unknown)

Chibi-Usa Serenity Tsukino (sister, deceased)

Children: unborn fetus (aborted)

Luella Miko Tsukino (daughter, deceased)

Heero stared at the long list of Usagi's blood relations. All of them were dead.. except one.. Heero stared at it, a strange feeling gripped inside of him. He swallowed and felt his throat constrict painfully against the forced gulp. He had received word about a year ago that his parents had died. An odd sensation flowed through him and her forced down a gulp. He gave a small sigh. He didn't even go to their funeral.

He felt his eyes jump to the last line of the text. Children? Usagi had children? was the only thought going trough his head. The first one she had aborted and the second daughter had.. died? He had been an uncle? Well.. it wasn't like Usagi could go and tell him. She had no idea where he was, let alone if she knew he was even alive!

Shingo Kaji Tsukino.. now that was a very familiar name. He just stared at the monitor, the minutes slowly ticking by uneventfully. Suddenly, his vision started to blur as if a sheet of thick seran wrap was pulled over his eyes and the roll had been wrapped around his head repeatedly. He felt an unfamiliar liquid substance brush against his face and roll down his cheek.

What are these.. things? Heero thought, his eyebrows knitting together as his mind ran though a variety of possibilities.

His throat vibrated as he willed himself to speak.

" i.. crying?" He whispered to the empty room. No one answered his questioning plea.

Shingo Kaji Tsukino.. Heero had known him. Well, had once known him anyway. They even looked alike! Same tousled brown hair and suspicious blue eyes. Shingo had been a boy who had embraced and loved life to the fullest. Heero was a complete 360-degree turn compared to that. He couldn't wait to embrace death.

Shingo Kaji Tsukino..

Heero Lowe Yui..

Yeah.. Heero Yui knew Shingo alright..

..they were one and the same.


Author's Notes:

Hmm, well what did you think? I know.. I know, new story. But once a new idea pops into my head, I just have to write it down. O_O. You should see how many prologues and unfinished chapters I have on my computer from the amount of new plots popping into my head. Straight Flush is coming out soon and Operation: Mr. Right is nearing the number of pages I wanted it to have. I had planned for 20, but I extended it to 25 if I really can. Stay tuned for a new release of my first crossover one shot.. it's really sad. -_-. Oh well.

Ahh, yes. My site, Wind Beneath My Wings has gotten a completely new look and layout from the crappy one it had before hand. *snorts* Admit it. It disgusted even me. I really don't like my graphic program. Oh well. It is a Usagi/Heero shrine, but I am planning to make one for my other favorite Usagi crossover couples. Check it out at Leave a mark with your email and website and I'll tag you back. *wink*

Anyhooz, thanks for reading the prologue of this story, When All is Forsaken. This is quite a different spin from what I usually write. I'm usually pairing up Usagi with Heero. Now they are related. So NO requests of a pairing of Usagi and Heero. Honestly, that would just be plain.. uh.. to put it in light terms, WEIRD. C'mon!! If you still haven't realized, they are BROTHER AND SISTER!!!!

I would REALLY like some feedback on this to know if I should continue it or just take it off my list. It doesn't matter if you are signed in or not. Any sort of review will do. Even some constructive criticism would be helpful. Oh well. This was a pretty short prologue anyway. Review if you please!

Much mahal,

~Kolinshar Jackie-chan Benito