Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Where To Turn ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon…too bad huh? Then I could actually make my fan fictions become real…and Hotaru and Heero would be going out, and everything would go my way! I'm adding Usagi and Rei to this fic, making it automatically Usagi/Duo and Rei/Wufei…got a problem with that?

Where to turn-Chapter 4…YAY!

***Sailor Moon Time***

"Forgive me, Usagi." Thoughts whirled in Mamoru's mind as he fought hard to keep a clear head. Clearly remembering the letter he received that morning, as well as the threat it held, he pulled out the gun. Aiming the weapon straight at her head, he pulled the trigger. At the last minute, his hand had shaken so much that it wouldn't have hit the broad side of a barn. Usagi broke out of her frozen state.

"Mamo-chan! What are you doing! Don't you love me? Why?" A wave of doubt flooded her mind. With choked sobs and tears, she cried out, "There is someone else…isn't there? I knew you didn't love me! You were just trying to get rid of me!" Mamoru desperately wanted to explain his situation to Usagi, but he knew what he must do. He must let her think that. Closing his eyes briefly, he opened them to see the girl he had been going out with for the past few years. Sighing, he loaded the gun once more and took careful aim.

He shot the gun, and the bullet whizzed towards Usagi with remarkable speed.

"Time Stop." A soft voice commanded, and Pluto appeared. Quickly taking Usagi by the hand, she drew her away from Darien's bullet.

"Come with me." She said. Walking out the door, Pluto teleported them to her house

"Setsuna!" She wailed. "Why doesn't he love me anymore?" Shaking her head, the green-haired time guardian didn't have an answer.

"If you want to get away for a while, then perhaps you can ask one other senshi to accompany you to Hotaru's time period. You are needed there, anyway. However, let me remind you that in her time period, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn's powers override yours by far, so you need to keep your ego in check. I have already used much of my power, so therefore I can no longer upgrade your powers. The Imperium Silver Crystal will not be as powerful…if you still want to go, my offer is still standing." Standing up, Usagi had a determined look on her face. "I would like to go help…I owe Hotaru that much. Also, I wish to bring Rei along…but what about Makoto?" Standing up as well, Setsuna showed Usagi an ad for a cooking job overseas. "Makoto showed this to me yesterday…she badly wanted to go, but was afraid that Rei and you would miss her. She was already pre-chosen, so all she needed was the `OK' from you and Rei." Grinning, Usagi was back to her happy self as she exclaimed, "LET'S PARTY THEN!"

***Gundam Wing Dimension***

It was the weekends, and for that Hotaru was thankful. Grabbing her jacket, she motioned for Grace to come with her. Seeing that Ami was in the study and Minako was on a date with Quarte, Hotaru quietly teleported to the road outside of Quarte's mansion. Seeing that no one saw her, she ran up to the door and proceeded to knock. The moment that she lifted her arm, the door opened, surprising her. Heero lifted an eyebrow.

"Yes?" he inquired.

"Is Duo home?" Frowning slightly, (Jealous, are we? Lol) Heero stepped out and said, "He's in the back. I was going there anyway…Come on." After getting a strange look about her black panther, Hotaru nervously laughed saying, "Pet?" Shooting a questioning look, he eventually shrugged it off. Walking with her towards the garage, they heard Duo singing a song…judging by the words, one dedicated to Relena.

"You make me come. You make me complete. You make me completely miserable." Laughing inside, Hotaru sighed and said, "Some things never change…" Heero heard her, and wondered how she knew about Duo's odd habits. Entering the garage, Hotaru noted that they seemed as well off as she was, and thought it ironic that her brother's wealth was the same as hers.

"Duo," she announced, "I want you to meet Grace." His head popped up at the name and he stared at the panther. As Grace sauntered towards Duo, he asked, "Is this who I think it is?" Heero walked to the back of the garage, forgotten, but intended to watch. Suddenly a voice spoke in Duo's mind.

"Hello, brother. I would talk to you normally, but it seems that someone without his memories is in this garage. I must keep my low profile. My spirit got reborn, while my body did not. Currently, the laws require me to find a mistress, so I naturally picked Hotaru. What else is better than protecting your little sister? Besides, now I can make sure you stay out of trouble." Duo laughed out loud after hearing of his sister's concerns. Heero frowned even more, as Hotaru's panther curled up at Duo's feet, and saw how Hotaru was so at ease with Duo.

"Heero? Duo? Where are those guys? They're probably in the garage." Walking with Minako to the garage, Quarte smiled as he thought of his lunch date with her. It had gone smoothly, and nothing could ruin his day. As he heard Duo's laughter, he thought, "Bingo." He opened the door for Minako and she giggled slightly. Minako stopped when she saw Hotaru and a panther with Duo. Artemis jumped down from her shoulders and Hotaru said, "Is that Artemis? Minako, what is he doing here?" Shrugging, Minako looked at the panther.

"Where did this come from? The Silver Millennium?" Duo's head snapped to the left and glared at Minako sharply. Minako suddenly remembered that Quarte was there and blushed slightly.

"Shall we all go inside for tea?" Quarte pleasantly asked.

"I think that you are addicted to tea, Quarte." Minako stated. Playing with a strand of hair, he replied, "I think that I am addicted to spending my time with you." As he kissed her lightly on the cheek. Duo grinned at their exchange of words, and his eyes were dancing with mischief. A sudden, "NO DUO!" in his mind made him forget his scheme, as Grace noticed his reaction.

Everyone ended up sitting at a round table. The two cats sat along the side, as if talking, while the five people sat down. Minako sat next to Duo and Quarte. (Quarte sat next to Heero. Heero sat next to Hotaru. Hotaru sat next to Duo. Duo sat next to Minako.) Grabbing a cookie, Duo asked, "So what did you do today, Q-man?" Blushing slightly, Quarte answered, "Nothing that would interest you, I'm sure."

"Oh really?" Duo retorted. After getting a swift kick in the side of his leg, compliments of Hotaru, Duo shut up and leaned into his chair, watching the Princess of Venus and her lover flirt.

"Just like old times." He thought out loud. All eyes were upon him, and Heero and Quarte looked at him strangely.

"Hee hee…um…did I just say that out loud?" he asked. Minako giggled and Hotaru tried to glare at Duo, but failed miserably, as she found it quite funny that he always forgot to think before he spoke. Finally defeated, she smiled. Instantly a voice in her head inquired, "You're smiling, Taru-chan? Wow…maybe spending time with your idiotic brother has done you good…"

"HEY! I RESENT THAT! I AM NOT IDIOTIC!" Duo proclaimed, standing up quickly from his chair. Hotaru tried to think why Duo would hear Grace's voice, but stopped when she remembered that anyone that had their full memories could hear her voice.

"Duo, no one is saying that you are idiotic." Quarte said, trying to calm Duo down. Duo sat down and mumbles something that sounded like, "You'd be surprised."

In the end, Duo did calm down, and his little incident was forgotten, but was remembered as Grace started teasing Hotaru. Knowing that this was getting out of hand, and that Hotaru would soon blow up at her sister, Minako said, "You two, out." Shooing the two cats.

Obeying Minako's command, the two cats stood up and left the room, but not before Grace could look disapprovingly at Hotaru. Hotaru looked at her watch, and said, "We really should be going. Perhaps we can have dinner at the Cheesecake Factory tomorrow? Our treat, of course…so that means, Duo, more free food."

Minako planted a kiss on Quarte's nose, and then waved goodbye to Duo and Heero. Hotaru stood up, then stiffly said her good-byes, but loosened up when Duo grinned at her, saying, "Let it go, just live, Hotaru. It will do you good. Worry about problems as they arise, not before." Stepping out of the mansion, the two girls and their guardians teleported to their own mansion. As Duo walked up the stairs to take his shower, Heero stopped him.

"What is going on, Duo? We still haven't talked to them about the Sailor Senshi, and it seems to me that you don't care. Why?" Duo looked at Heero curiously. Then, deciding that it was for the best, he led Heero to his room. Closing the door and making sure that Quarte, Wufei, and Trowa couldn't hear, he pulled out his scythe from his sub-space pocket.

"Don't be alarmed." Said Duo, his voice serious.

"You will not feel fear, as I will not permit it now." After commanding Heero, he used his power to remove the hidden feelings from Heero's body. Duo lowered his scythe and let it touch Heero's forehead. Heero was lifted from the ground as a bright silver light erupted from his body, covering him completely. As Heero landed on the ground, his eyes opened and he looked at his best friend.

"Thanks." Said Heero, now Odin. Grabbing the edge of his cape and flipping it upwards, his cape covered his entire body. When the cape fell, Odin was not transformed, and the cape had disappeared. Duo threw his scythe up at the ceiling, and a hole opened up and stored it in a safe place.

"So, looking forward to seeing everyone with new eyes, Odin?" Eyes dancing with happiness, he thought of Hotaru. Finally, he understood why he felt so attracted to her…he had always been. Happy that he had his memories back, Odin uncharacteristically smiled at Duo, saying, "Thank you for everything, buddy." Shocked, Duo asked, "Is this your old personality resurfacing…or has Heero gone crazy?" Rolling his eyes, Heero walked out the door. Duo dropped his jaw…the perfect soldier rolled his eyes…and smiled genuinely…in one day…within five minutes…Duo fainted.

***At the Cheesecake Factory***

"Where is Hotaru, Minako, and Ami? They said they would be here." Mused Quarte. Then, the door opened and the girls walked in. Spying the table that the boys were sitting at, they walked over. When Heero saw Hotaru approaching, he leapt from his seat and met her halfway. Not used to his friend's behavior, Quarte looked at Trowa and Wufei for an explanation.

"Hello, princess." Heero whispered to Hotaru. Hotaru quickly searched his face, and then deciding that he had his memories, knew what she had to do...she had talked to Artemis and Pluto earlier that day.

"I'm no princess." She coldly retorted. Then, ignoring Heero, she calmly sat in her seat, which was unfortunately the one next to Heero. Ignoring her brother's questioning stare and Heero's confused look; Hotaru ordered her ice tea. Closing her eyes briefly, she hoped that she could pull of her act without crumbling. Dropping her head, she shook head, to clear out her thoughts. Finally looking up at Duo, she whispered, "Serenity is coming back to help." Minako and Ami stood up and knew what Hotaru wanted them to do. The two of them left and put up a magic shield around their table. Duo, Heero, and Hotaru stood up and walked towards Trowa, Wufei, and Quarte. Summoning their glaive, scythe, and sword, they walked up to one person and let it touch his forehead.

"Prince Triton." Hotaru said, while bowing slightly.

"Protector Quarte." Duo said, while Heero said, "Protector Wufei." A green light surrounded Triton, a gold light surrounded Quarte, and a red light surrounded Wufei.

After de-transforming, the two girls ran back to disable the shield. Upon seeing their fiancés, Triton and Quarte quickly kissed Minako's and Ami's hand. Seeing the girls react positively, Heero felt his anger begin to grow.

"Why didn't Hotaru act like that?" he pondered.

"INJUSTICE! WHERE IS THAT WEAK WOMAN?!" Wufei ordered. Smirking Duo asked, "Why are you looking for Rei? Are you going to make out with her?" Wufei glared, but his glare softened as he saw Minako and Quarte doing just that.

"Yes, in a matter of fact, Maxwell, I do." He admitted. Ami looked at Trowa, and asked, "How long can they hold their breath?" Trowa looked at Ami and whispered, "How long can you hold yours?" before taking her lips in his own.

Hotaru looked up from her ice tea and saw Duo and Wufei dreaming about their princesses, Minako and Quarte make out, as well as Ami and Trowa, and Heero was still looking straight at her… Unable to think under his gaze, she stood up and announced, "I'm going to check up on our food." Heero knitted his brows and began trying to figure out what he did wrong.

***Back at the guy's mansion***

Everyone was sitting in the living room talking about the past, except for Hotaru. She was in the meeting room, looking out the window. Heero noticed her absence and went off to find her. Duo watched sadly as Heero left. Heero reached the room that Hotaru was at and slowly pushed open the door. He sat down next to her on the window seat and covered her hand with his.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?" he softly asked. Seeing Hotaru shake her head, Heero grew angry.

"Won't you even talk to me?" he pleaded. Hotaru looked away and replied, "There is nothing to talk about." Now very angry, Heero stood up and demanded, "Why not? Why isn't there anything to say to me?"

Hotaru got up as well and shrugged. Before she made it out of the door, Heero grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer.

"Why? Just tell me." Hotaru struggled and then managed to free herself from his grasp. He walked towards her, and she backed up, until her back hit the wall.

"Hotaru, just tell me." Still shaking her head, she looked away, but her head snapped back to Heero as he yelled out, "WHY NOT? I'M YOUR FIANCÉ FOR SATURN'S SAKE! WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT IS BOTHERING YOU? DAMN IT!"

Duo ran into the room as he heard Heero yelling. Seeing tears on Hotaru's face, he grew very furious and he immediately summoned his scythe.

"What did you do to my sister, Yuy?" Heero's anger subsided, for he was now trying to get away from the over protective brother. Hotaru stepped in front of Heero and used her body to shield him from Duo.

"It's not his fault, Duo." She explained. Duo cocked his head to the side and asked, "Then whose fault is it?" Closing her eyes, she whispered, "Serenity." Duo's shoulders dropped and he walked over to the chair.

"What did she do to you?" Hotaru shook her head saying, "You don't want to hear it…you really don't, brother." Duo's eyes bore a hole in a Hotaru's head, before she finally caved in. Cursing lightly, she explained, "I was the Senshi of Destruction and Rebirth, and I still am. They are going to kill me for it. I'm destined to bring a change to their time, and they are going to kill me for it. There is another person…another being inside me that wants control. She…she tried to kill me…and she still wants to. She's coming back, brother. I…I might have to leave again. I don't want anyone to get attached to me…"

Her legs collapsed underneath her, and Heero easily caught her. He carried her over to the couch, where they both sat down, Heero still supporting her. Duo rubbed his temples. He was truly torn between his sister and his love. True, they could never be together, but Duo still loved Serenity. Sighing, he walked out of the room and left Heero and Hotaru in the room. When Duo left, Hotaru rose, to follow. Heero lightly tugged on her hand, asking her to stay.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Hotaru. You know I love you…just let me into your world." Hotaru's violet eyes looked into Heero's desperate eyes and sat back down.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all." Heero pulled her into a warm embrace while he stroked her hair.

"I won't get hurt, Hotaru. I'll understand that you will have to do what you have to do." Switching his position, he cupped her face with one hand and used his thumb to dry her tears. Hotaru's eyes closed as Heero's face drew closer. Heero leaned in and finally his lips captured hers in one sweet kiss. When they broke apart, Hotaru sighed happily and put her arms around Heero's neck, while he put his around her waist. Placing his head on top of hers, he breathed in the smell of sweet lavenders and violets. Nearby, Duo and Wufei were watching in the shadows, envying the happy couple.

"How much longer until the others come?" Duo complained.

"Stop whining, Maxwell."


Sorry for the short chapter…more next time, okay? Um…Usagi and Rei will be coming in the next chapter. I STILL NEED TO FIGURE OUT AN ANIMAL FOR AMI!!!!! Should Luna come? If Luna comes, then that means that Rei will need a animal as well…I'm thinking a phoenix…I dunno.