Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Why a Rose has it's Thorns ❯ confusion ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Deb: Yay we're currently at 494 viewings!! I love that greatly trust me, knowing that people are reading my work. Please review though; you have no idea how inspiring just a little word of encouragement can be

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Last time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"You realize that we're not going to live past this right?" Amara clenched her eyes tight, opening them surprised when a soft hand gripped hers. She opened her eyes to look at Michiru who was freely crying.

"I know Amara, but at least we'll die together." Michiru whispered softly.

"Michiru I.." Amara shook, gripping her lover's hand tighter.

"I know Amara.. I know." Michiru gave a sad smile and they both turned to wait for the monsters arrival, knowing that they were about to face their final battle.

'NOOO! PLEASE STOP!' Rose yelled, gripping her head as she was sobbing so hard and gasping for air. 'Why do they have to die? What about the girls?' But instead of being shown the little girls like she expected, she was just swallowed by the darkness.

!~~~~~~~~~~end dream~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Chapter 3~~~~~~~


~~~~~~~~~~~~~Why a rose has its thorns, Chap 4~~~~~~~~

Rose sat up in her sleep, shaking with tears streaming down her face. She sat there for a moment until she heard someone clear their throat next to her. Rose looked over to where the noise had come from and looked to see a tall young man with long blonde hair down to his waist, and cool blue eyes. He wore a deep red uniform with gold trimming; he picked up the clipboard at the end of her bed and looked at it.

"Rose is it? My name is Milliardo Peacecraft, I came here to see a few of my men and noticed you were having difficulties sleeping." He looked at her and Rose looked down, blushing at her only wearing a nightgown and pulled up the hospital blanket.

"Would you care to tell me why you're here? Or should I just keep reading this?" Milliardo held the clipboard casually in one hand. Rose sat and watched him for a long moment thinking back to what the doctor had said before she fell asleep.

`A baby is inside me.' Rose opened her eyes wide as she remembered and rested her hands on her stomach.

"Miss are you alright?" Milliardo asked as he watched her movements, she had yet to respond to what he had said.

"Yes, I'm fine. My stomach is just bothering me a little bit. Could I ask you to get me a cup of water?" Rose asked softly, her voice tainted with an edge of coldness.

"Sure, I'll go get it for you, be careful with your baby." Milliardo gave her a smile before walking off in search of a glass and water. Rose lay back on her bed, rubbing her cheek against the clean, hard hospital pillows. She pulled her blankets up to her chin, gently running her hands over her stomach that stuck out just a little bit.

"I wonder who the father is." Rose whispered and shut her eyes, she gasped as an image of a man with hard cold blue eyes and white hair. He had an evil grin on his face as he turned to look at her, standing in his position within the dark void of this image.

"I see you there my live, you will be with me again. I'm coming for you, and will destroy anyone who dares to be this close to you." He moved to cup her chin but before he could touch her Rose opened her eyes startled, and gasping for air.

"Rose? Are you awake?" Duo's voice came from the door way as he poked his head into the room and smiled, seeing her sitting up. "How are you doing? I brought you a present." Duo walked over to her bed, holding something behind his back. "Ta da!" Rose opened the lid and looked down at the brown rich treats, picking up one carefully and bringing it to her lips, taking a small bite.

"They're good." She smiled up at him as she finished off the piece of chocolate. Duo sat down at the edge of the bed and popped a piece into his mouth.

"Hey these are good, I made a good choice." Duo chuckled making Rose smile at him. They sat there for awhile, eating and talking for until Rose remembered just what she was wearing.

"Duo could I send you out of the room for a moment, please? I would like to get dressed." Rose slid carefully out of the bed, making sure that her nightgown covered everything right. Duo nodded and quickly walked out of the room, shutting the door as he went. Rose changed quickly, but paused as she saw the glass of water sitting on the table beside her bed.

`That man must have come back.' She smiled to herself and took a quick drink of the water, sitting the glass back down on the table. She heard a knock on the door and fixed her skirt. "Come in." Rose called and watched the doctor and Noin walk into the room, Noin carrying a large suitcase.

"Well Miss Rose, we really don't see why we should keep you here any longer." The doctor gave her a soft smile. "We're sending you on home with the guys, but I'd like to have you come back in a few weeks so I can see how you and the baby are doing."

"I brought you some clothing that should fit you; you'll have to get different clothing when you get more along in your pregnancy." Noin sat the bag down and Rose moved to pick it up.

"Miss Rose you're not picking up that bag." Quatre walked into the room with a stern look on his face as he walked over and picked up the bag. "You're in no condition to be lifting such things."

!~~~~~~~~~~~Warning! Lemon!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Diamond sat back in his throne room with a smug look on his face, he sipped from a glass of deep red wine before setting it down on the hard arm rest.

"So my dear Setsuna at last you have shown your face to me." Diamond uncrossed his legs and stood, walking towards the door at the end of a long hallway. He walked into the bedroom of one of his servants and climbed over her slumbering from. Diamond quickly pulled the blankets off of her and ripped open her nightgown.

"What? What's going on!?" The woman cried and Diamond's lips crushed over hers, smothering her cries of protest. Diamond brought a hand down her front and brought it to cup her core, pushing her panties aside and shoving two fingers into her as he cupped her breast hard in his mauling free hand. "Prince Diamond?" She whispered, her breath coming out in short pants as Diamond trailed his mouth down from hers, nipping his way down her chin and to her neck.

"Shut up bitch! You will only speak when I command you!" Diamond growled as he bit down on her neck, causing her to bleed a bit. The woman just moaned as she thrust her hips upwards in time with his fingers pounding into her. Diamond moved his way down her form, bringing his mouth to wrap tight over the bud of her breast, suckling hard while he groped and squeezed her other breast. She cried out in pleasure as he slipped another finger into her, opening her legs up as an invitation to him. "Yes that's a good whore, you're mine; only mine."

She whimpered as his mouth left her breast but moaned in contentment as he moved back up to kiss her, his tongue entering her mouth and harshly mimicking the movement of his fingers with his tongue. Diamond quickly pulled his hand out of her, bringing it up to her lips.

"Suck it off; I want to watch you suck off your own juices." Diamond ordered and the servant opened her mouth, wrapping her lips around his fingers and suckling hard. Once he had deemed them clean enough he pulled his hands away and forced them under her knees, bringing her legs to be up over his shoulders. He pressed his hard erection against her entrance, grinning as he watched her body beg for him. "What do you want whore?"

"Please! Please prince Diamond!" She pressed up her hips against his, moaning as his tip brushed up against her pearl. Diamond growled out a moan as he shoved himself all the way up to the hilt in her, pounding away at her mercilessly. "D-D-Diamond!! …harder!... faster please!" She cried out, sweat covering her naked form panting as Diamond continued to force himself in and out of her as hard as he could. "I… I'm!" She groaned as she climaxed around him, sighing in contentment.

"We're not done yet." Diamond growled and pushed away from her, forcing her to turn onto her stomach and pulling her up onto her hands and knees. He moved over her form, shoving his erection into her, and reaching up to grope her breasts while he kissed and nipped at her neck. "Oh yes.. you please me so well!" He increased his pace as he reached the point of his own release.

"Diamond!" She cried out as she reached another climax, stars in her eyes.

"Setsuna!" Diamond groaned out as he collapsed on the servants form, rolling to the side and pulling her form against him, him still inside her as he started pumping away again. The servant kept her movement against him, an angry look on her face


Rose sat on a large bed, looking around at the gorgeous room that she had been given at the Winner mansion. Her bed was made of beautiful ebony wood and covered with heavy, yet silky soft scarlet blankets. She stood up and made her way over to the large window on the other side of the room, looking down at the beautiful gardens and frowned as she saw the young man called Trowa reading in a gazebo, the gazebo and the surrounding area covered with roses of many different sizes and colors. She turned away from the window and walked out of the room, looking around and picking a direction to start walking in. She finally made her way down to the main floor, remembering the route Quatre told her that led outside to the gardens.

"Trowa…?" Rose asked quietly as she approached the gazebo. She walked inside the shaded building covered in rose blossoms and looked to the man who was sitting down his book and turned to look at her.

"Why do you come to see me Rose? Even after what I did to you before." Trowa looked at her and patted the bench next to him, motioning her to sit down next to him. Rose sat down next to him, looking at a bunch of roses before looking at him.

"Because I understand why you would do it, you were concerned about the well being of your friends. Anyone with a kind heart would do the same." She looked over at him with a smile and held out her hand. "Would you be willing to start over Mr. Barton?"

"I believe I would." Trowa smiled and instead of reaching to shake her hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Chapter!~~~~~~~~~~~~