Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ytuaeb Gnipeels ❯ A Simple Fairy Tale ( Prologue )
Ytuaeb Gnipeels
Prologue: A Simple Fairy Tale
By: Kolinshar Jackie-chan Benito
October 2002
A Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon Crossover. A Sleeping Beauty Fairy-Tale Twist.
The 'castle,' if one could call it even that, was located near the vicinity of a volcano. The area constantly smelled of fire, smoke, and brimstone, no matter how many plants or fragrances that were brought in to try and relieve the place of the horrible smell. The place itself, was overflowing with exotic species of fragrant plants, the shrubbery being placed in any available space. The castle was almost like a jungle, where one could hide for several days with the hope of not being found.
And this is exactly how Princess Usagi Tsukino liked it.
The princess was no ordinary princess. At her birth, eight of the most powerful witches came to her first birthday. They granted her many gifts and talents which she could have developed herself on her own time, but they gave her the most unrealistic gifts that anyone could receive.
The ability to sing like an angel? Hah! She sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Perfect grace and posture? She belched the alphabet anytime she thought was necessary and was klutzing out most of the time. And did she have beauty that made even Goddess' jealous? Usagi rolled her eyes. Her hair was just a rusty-blonde color, and her eyes seemed like an endless, boring, blue void. The only gift that she enjoyed was from the last of the witches that granted her a gift. It seemed that perfection had already been achieved with her, so she gave her the most influencing of all gifts.
Even though she was a baby, she could still remember Rei's powerful voice echoing dominantly in her ears.
"On her sixteenth birthday, the princess shall be pricked by the point of a spindle needle. When the first drop of blood hits the ground, she will fall in a deadly sleep. The kingdom shall be covered in darkness and the foreboding shadows will forever reign on this land."
But the doors had flew open and in stepped the last and most powerful witch of the land. She had the type of dark beauty, and studied Dark Magic, but her spells were used for only the good.
The counter-curse of Setsuna's voice was still a clear memory in her mind. Already the effects of one of the witch's gifts had come in place. Perfect Sense.
"Yes, the princess will fall to a deadly sleep on the day of her sixteenth birth cycle, and the land will forever fall into darkness. But I shall place everyone in the kingdom under a great sleep to only awaken when the princess arises as well. When a prince of a distant land, come and defeats a great evil within the kingdom's walls, and places a kiss of love onto her lips, the princess shall awaken and the kingdom will rejoice!"
After the 'celebration,' the King had ordered every needle and spindle to be destroyed. Anyone caught with one would be hanged to their death.
So, Usagi made it a point every so often to ask polite questions about spinning needles and spindles.
There was a flaw in the witch Rei's gift. Although the 'perfect' gifts brought much balance within her and their gifts had been made of absolute goodness, the spell of which the witch Rei had cast had been made of absolute hate and evil. Usagi became a rather evil woman when she reached the age of 15.
The witches, were fully known for their great magic powers and rumors spread about them learning the arts of Dark Magic, which were banned in her lands. Thus, they no longer were called witches, but fairies. See, when a person envisions a 'witch,' they picture a horribly ugly hag, black robes and pointy hat included, with a large nose and a big fat wart sitting on top of it. They then envisioned the nasty woman gliding across the dark sky on her broomstick, and a black cat sitting on the edge with superstitious belief of it bringing bad luck.
But when the term 'fairy' comes to mind, people immediately imagine a kind old lady, still with great beauty and a clear complexion, dressed in a layered pink dress. A fairy was the kind of woman that waved around a glittery wand and said musically flowing words, and 'poof!' A magic pumpkin coach appears. Fairies were the kind of woman which were kind, gentle, and seemed terrifyingly fragile.
But 'witch' and 'fairy' have no difference. Any woman with any sort of magical power would then be dubbed as a witch. Depending on their vain looks, they then would be determined as a witch or if they were fairy. There was absolutely no difference. A 'fairy' could be the most loveliest creature to ever grace the planet, but could have the intelligence and power if an overcooked cabbage. A 'witch' could be very hurtful on the eyes, but they could have the most kindred spirit and powerful good spells. Seemingly, there seemed to difference. Yet people still chose to split them into two categories. It was trying to see the opposite side of a two-headed coin.
Yet the power the 'witches' had cast on her did not balance out the amount of virtues within her. Seven of the nine witches had bestowed their gifts made of good. One of the nine had bestowed her not a gift, but a curse. But the last of the nine gifts was a counter-curse. It was made to repel the evil that the curse would place on her, but it did not destroy it.
As the years passed by, Usagi's gifts were showing in her life everyday. Her talents, her wit were all based on the purity of the caster. But the single curse the one witch gave her was pure evil. You cannot have the good without the bad. In this single case, the goodness was dominant over the evil, so the evil that lay within her remained hidden, not showing until her time would come. Her mother, Queen Serenity, had been blessed with seven pure gifts, and unfortunately, could not see through the façade that her daughter put on.
By the age of 13, Usagi's evil power began to grow, starting only with simple fibs, and blanketing it with an innocent smile. But by the age of 14, Usagi began to go under a new name, and with the unbalance of power within her soul, it released its pent up energy. Good and evil must have perfect balance. And with the dominance of good over evil, evil let out its anger with a blast of pure energy by it's user. Magic.
And by the time Usagi was 15, the princess had absolute control over her magical power. It was an exhilarating experience to control the substance, summoning it at will and making it disappear as if it was never there. The evil power that still lay within her only began to show at this point. It knew, that soon, its time would come, and it would fully be able to rule the Princess' actions.
But good and evil are meant to balance out. At the coming of her sixteenth birthday, Usagi would find that all things are not always made equal. In theory, they are, but in reality.. well, the princess, under the govern of rule under which she was taught, good was always meant to conquer over evil. All the lessons she received, all the training she had done, were all for one purpose. To win. Good will always triumph over evil. Not once did she think about what would happen when evil finally triumphed over good.
And the curse began to grow.
(Now, if you want a LESS complicated version of this, read this:
Usagi is good. She really is. But she has an evil manifestation within her that keeps growing, which allows her to the subject of use to her hidden magical powers. Now, because she is of the Royal Family of the Moon, they usually aren't allowed to have magical powers because they have enough power coming from the Silver Imperium Crystal, and its against basic law to have more than that much POWER! But with the manifestation of BOTH good and evil coming from her gifts (and curse), the law was cancelled out and then she was able to revive the magical powers within her, fully controlling it by the age of 15.
*smiles* Sorta get it now? Lol, ask if you have any questions! On with the story!)
..and the curse began to grow. Imagine this. The evil army within Usagi starts building up slowly. But after a couple of years, the evil army has enough power to last a great battle with the good powers within Usagi. Now, the conflicting powers within her slowly begin to try and take control over Usagi's body.
It's almost like a devil-army with their little pitchforks, scythes, and whipping tails, and battling against the armies of the good part of Usagi, angels with their little halo's. I have no clue on how the heck they are going to battle with a harp, so I'm giving them swords.
Usagi is very weak against the outside evil that may penetrate her now. And on the day of her sixteenth birthday, this happens. As the prophecy of Rei's curse happens, a rather odd looking woman comes in and takes Usagi into a separate room. Inside, is the first spindle that Usagi had ever seen. She almost burst out laughing. Her hand-maidens and servants had always told her about the events of which had happened on her first birthday, they day the 'fairies' had come. They always told her to be careful around anything sharp, and never go near anything that looked like a needle.
And this wooden.. wheel thing was supposed to be her doom?
Usagi rolled her eyes and approached it confidently. Rather cockily I may add as well. And then she was stupid enough to prick herself with the needle. Really stupid.
I mean, the thing is SO tiny compared to the rest of the spindle! How could her fingers wander far enough to get pricked by the needle? Again, with the conflicting powers within her and lack of better self judgement. Phsa, talk about needing glasses.
And then, with great dramatized intrest, she fell to the floor in a dead faint. Her pulse was so low, that it seemed undetectable, and the woman that had accompanied Usagi into the room had vanished. Uproar came within the kingdom, and the court now all-too realized what would happen now.
Setsuna, the fairy who had constructed the counter curse of Rei's curse, watched from her position. Every member in the kingdom had fallen under a great spell, and the magnificent kingdom of the moon locked away from prying eyes.
Soon, each of the fairies that had given Usagi a gift, disappeared, never to be seen. Once or twice, they swore they had seen another of their kindred, but fairies were rare even in the day of magical fairy tales.
And so, thousands of years came to pass. Setsuna was puzzled. Nothing yet had happened that would trigger the events of what was yet to come for the timeline. Everything was in order. It just.. well, wasn't HAPPENING! Sighing, she poured over the timelines events. Everything was in order. Jeez! She was the friggin Guardian of time, and an excellent witch to boot. Wait, witch.. spell. She hadn't looked over hey own spell. Maybe there was a loophole or something.. and realization came and her jaw dropped open in shock and horror.
"Yes, the princess will fall to a deadly sleep on the day of her sixteenth birth cycle, and the land will forever fall into darkness. But I shall place everyone in the kingdom under a great sleep to only awaken when the princess arises as well. When a prince of a distant land and time, come and defeats a great evil within the kingdom's walls, and places a kiss of love onto her lips, the princess shall awaken and the kingdom will rejoice!"
"When a prince from a DISTANT LAND AND TIME?!!" She yelped into the black void of her sanctuary. The Time Gates carried her voice down the streams of time, and the sound was forever lost in the empty, yet quiet space.
Setsuna started pacing around nervously. This could greatly affect the time stream's maintenance in this reality. A DISTANT.. how come she didn't say HOW DISTANT?! And a DISTANT LAND AND TIME? Oh god, how could she be SO STUPID? He could be from a whole new universe as far as she could tell! And a Prince? Gack, prince's were hard enough to find on PRESENT DAY EARTH! AHHH!!!!
Okay, Setsuna, BREATH, she instructed herself in a not so calm-like state.
Ahhhhh!! What am I going to do?!!
Unbeknownst to her, the sands of times shifted slightly in the universe she was so carefully monitoring lately.
In another realm, a man stepped into his designated Gundam.
Hehe! I hoped you enjoyed yet.. another one of my tales. Be sure to check out the others okay? Well, g2g! Ask any questions on your way out in the review box.
~KB Jackie-chan