Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Mortally Corrupted ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

sailor c. ryoko

Title: Mortally Corrupted

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: be warned- NCS!! pain. angst. action. Lina POV. Duo POV.

Archive:, [under sailor c. ryoko].

*blah* = emphasis

02~*~02 = scene change


Chapter 3:


I began to proceed down the second flight of stairs in silence, originally intending to go all the way down to the last underground floor, nonstop. A voice, however, shattered that once soothing stillness, and called out from behind me. I wanted nothing more than to execute this mission from then on in silence, but I can see that it wasn't going to happen. Trying my luck, I did all but respond to the voice, thus, not halting nor reducing my pace one bit either. The person, obviously though, did not understand my unspoken message that I wanted to be left alone for he shouted out for me to stop- which was, I might add, rather slurred. So apparently, the line of thought about implementing that particular objective of mine was highly unlikely. That once full blown smirk that had still been lingering on my petite face was now diminished into a silent scowl because of this. . . . .nuisance.

With my now emotionless guise, I turned around and faced the Oz soldier that was drunkenly making his way towards me from the empty corridor on the second underground floor. I resisted the urge to glare at the brunette. "Sir?" Gee, and here I thought my voice was cold and deadly before. But being as totally wasted as he was, I wouldn't doubt for a second that he had no idea that something was out of the ordinary.

" `Ey, du~de. Y'dink y'can sho' me vhere da westwoom iz? I. . .I vreally gotta go ma~n." He slurred as he staggered against towards the open doorway.

"I'm a new recruit. I have no idea where the restroom's at." I glowered at him, but he was still oblivious to it. Makes me wonder if he ever heard me in the first place. A snort. I doubt it.

He wasn't even looking at me anyway. The stupid Oz soldier was attempting- who knows how many times -to get a grip on the door knob so that he can lean on it. But every time he reached out to grab it, he missed.

"Huh?" Gee, it finally clicked in his slow, puny brain that I'd said something. My brow twitched. "Vwhat'dchu say?"

And he turned back to try to lean on the opened door again, seeing that I wasn't going to answer him anytime soon. Thinking he actually got it this time, he propped his elbow on the knob but when the door swung away from him due to the force resting against it, he tumbled before he even registered that he hadn't gotten ahold of the knob in the first place. Plummeting face first to the solid tiled floor, his eyes rolled back, losing total consciousness then and there. "And I didn't even need to lift a finger to knock `im out." I rolled my eyes.

Alerting myself to the mission I'd come here to accomplish in the first place, I walked around a bit, my orbs scanning the perimeters to see if there were any witnesses. Glad that the coast was clear, my eyes halted on an unlabeled door just on the second floor, first door to the right. I unconsciously glided en route the door in stealth mode and tested the knob after one last cautious glance around. To my utter surprise- and pure luck -, the door knob rotated; it was unlocked. Now I had to raise a brow at that.

"Geez. You'd think that since this is a rather imperative organization, the Oz soldiers would actually be a little bit more. . . . .I dunno. . .`organized'." My voice was just flooding with cynicism. "They are so damn careless." I sighed and shook my head, but then paused. "Not that I'm complainin' or nothin' y'know. . . But this. . .this is just-" A grunt. And I left it at that.

Slightly opening the door, I stuck my head inside, at the same time being anything other than grateful because the damned door creaked. Try as I might, I was half-surprised that I succeeded in doing so and with a brief scan of the room, my mind confirmed that this was, indeed, the control room that monitored the base in case of intruders breaking in or any mishaps that could transpire. It was currently occupied by one technician, but I didn't have to worry since the person that was supposed to be keeping an eye out for people like me had his back against me. . .with ear phones on. Not ta mention, I could hear the music from the fifteen feet of so distance between us, and he was swaying to the tune. Glancing at the number of screens for a split second, my eyes were enticed to one of the screens in the middle. A lady on the screen- that I'd learn to recognize as the Commander of this organization: Une, -was locking a door before stuffing the key into her pocket. But what really caught my attention was the evil glint you could visibly see in her eyes and the unsettling smirk on her damned face. The four soldiers around her saluted and she gave a curt nod before turning to her left and walking down the passageway. My eyes narrowed in reaction. I don't know what the hell she's up to but I can assure you that it ain't anything good, that's fer sure.

I stepped back and quietly closed the door behind me again. Walking back to the unconscious dimwit, I dragged him by his legs back to the control room near the door. Releasing his feet from my grip, I was about to place my hand on the handle to knock out the soldier in there. . .but then I thought otherwise. I lifted up my hand and knocked on the door instead. Since I didn't exactly knock loud nor did I knock that soft either, I was surprised that the soldier actually heard after only three knocks as I heard the footsteps becoming a tad bit louder than the last with each step. Just as I could pretty much sense that he was about to open the door any second now, I unconsciously readied myself, my right hand positioned currently in a clenched fist. And just as I'd expected, the door flew open within the next second or two and that was my cue. My fist connected with his jaw, rather hard I might add. . . .well, harder than intended anyway, thoroughly wiping that irritated look he wore- probably for the reason that he'd been disturbed -off his face. I was satisfied to know that I'd knocked him out since a thud followed not long after and he showed no signs, whatsoever, of recovering from that punch anytime soon. Trying possibly not to waste any time, I dragged the wasted soldier by his legs again into the room and dumped him by a corner. The only thing I had to do about the other one was just move him a bit so that he wasn't in between the doorway. Then I'd set my mind on disconnecting or shutting down the security system altogether.

At first upon entering this room in the first place, I had planned on slipping in without notice and knock him out while his back was to me. However, then the predicament popped into mind thinking that I'd still have to go back outside and drag the bozo in here anyways. Go in, come back out, and then go in again. I didn't have much time on my hands and I'd intended to use every second without waste. I sat down on the cushioned chair and with the wheels on the legs of the chairs, I then slid to my right where all the controls and monitors were at.

I admit that since the dimension I was living on for the last decade or so isn't exactly what you'd call that'd focus much on technology, I wasn't one that was a genius in using a computer. Even before I'd been. . . .taken to the dimension that predominantly revolves around magic-- be it shaman, white, or dark magic -I was only a kid then. Not to mention, just a brat on the streets of L2 before that only knowing nothing but survival. We were even lucky that there were actually some books at the Maxwell Church in the first place, even though they were old and but a few. So even *thinking* about being able to use, let alone *afford* a used computer was utterly out of the question. Even though the church was, more or so, and orphanage, we barely had enough money to buy the necessary supplies. Many times not even enough.

Now even though I've never exactly used a computer before, I'm not *that* ignorant as to not know how to use it somewhat. I'd say I pretty much know the basics from the brief period of time at the damned school while staying with Father Maxwell and Sister Helen, but I can't say that I still remember everything since it *was* a couple of years ago. . . . .`Sides, how hard could it possibly be jus' ta disable some alarms and security cameras?


"How hard can it be?" my voice mocked with a rather annoyingly squeaky and whiny pitch. My brow twitched in irritation at that line I'd thought only moments before. "Obviously, harder than expected." I growled. The frown that's been pasted on my face for who knows how long was still there, and I don't think it'd be going away anytime soon either with the situation I'm in. Trying to figure out how to shut down all of the cameras and alarms for the past 15 minutes had irritated the hell outta me. I was seriously tempted to just blast the goddamn controls and screens into pieces with a burst flare spell or even a simple fireball, but I knew that that would definitely attract unwanted attention. And knowing that consequence did none other than piss the hell outta me even more if that was even possible. I didn't think it'd be *this* complicated to just disable a few stupid cameras and alarms. I'd hate to say this but I know that it was wrong to underestimate technology (boy, that sounds funny) and now if I didn't hurry, I wouldn't be the only one to pay the price of my mistake; five others would too to be exact.

There was a blueprint of the base taped to the wall on the left side of the monitors which brightened me up, even if it was but a mere second or two. I was grateful for the atlas, that I can admit, because from what I'd seen from roof-to-roof jaunt trying to get here, I was able to see this huge base from. . . .well, ok. I didn't know the exact distance, but it *was* from afar, let's just put it that way. I scolded myself for carelessly not catching sight of the blueprint in the first place before snatching the map off the wall, determined to study and memorize it in a small amount of time if possible. My eyes glanced a number of times from focusing on the screens to the blueprint and back to the screens in confirmation of the locations of the exits and other important areas. Having a blueprint of a base was definitely good but then again, seeing exactly how a location looked like, for example a certain hallway, made the whole situation in knowing the base even better. I still planned to take the map with me, that being a fact, but I figured that at least knowing the major areas or such beforehand would make the upcoming situation better. I mean, I can always try to follow the map to the closest, and perhaps safest, exit while we're on the run, but that'd only make the circumstances more difficult for us. Since the Oz soldiers were well acquainted with this base, given that they've been here longer than us, it's only logical that they'd have the upper hand of this obstacle when the time approaches.

Efficiently memorizing the blueprint in hand, I immediately folded it up a few times before stuffing in into my pocket. My eyes flew back to the screen and of all twenty, there were only three monitors left that were on. I propped back into the chair and then typed in the password that'd taken me a while to figure out. I wasn't exactly familiar with Oz so it'd taken longer than expected. But I have to admit, thanks to my anger, I'd have absolutely blown this room up already if it weren't for the fact that I'd slammed my fist down on the keyboard earlier, thus, accidentally typing in the password into the screen. A window popped up on one of the three screens, this one being to the left, and it'd begun to shut down.

That was another thing that irritated the hell outta me. The process the stupid computer goes through just to shut down a damn camera. I mean, I could care less. . .*if* the shit went faster! I was-am not one that has patience, `specially for occasions such as these, so having to wait for the damned percentage to reach a hundred for seventeen times already, this being the eighteenth, was not on `things-to-do' list, be it the first thing or the twenty-fifth.

I groaned rather loudly as my eyes flew to the screen, narrowing at once as they halted on the words. "17 percent," my monotonous tone grounded out. "17 goddamn percent!" I now hissed in frustration, at the same time raising my fists. The sudden urge to just angrily slam my fists down onto the table almost became unbearable. But then again, the other rather tempting alternative to simply drive my fist through the damned monitor then and there wasn't far behind from the former preference either. Even so, I distinctly knew that I'd regret doing any of the two choices- after a dragging moment of satisfaction -in the long run. Now a snarl seeped through my once tightened jaw that I didn't even bother to prevent from creating. Goddamn it! Why can't the friggin computer go any faster?! And soon enough- without a least bit of surprise -I found myself glaring daggers at the damned screen with my brows twitching every so often. I wouldn't be surprised if the monitor suddenly flinched from my fixed glare. . .

How much time had passed, I wasn't so sure since the `staring-at-the-goddamn-screen-in-a-half-droning-half-daydreaming-like-stat e' sure passed time. And if it hadn't been for the flashing window that popped up on the monitor, telling me that the disablement of that cam was complete, I'd still be in that boring state if you ask me. My head had jerked to some extent at the notification that it was done and I blinked several times before quickly coming back to my senses. I then began on the nineteenth cam and repeated the same process as I had done. . . eighteen. goddamn. times. before. The sulking frown once again crawled and found its way back on my face again. I sighed, counting the holes in the ceiling as the second hand of the clock ticked by, second after second.

As I clicked `ok' to confirm that the final camera was, at long last, rendered inoperative, I practically leaped from my seat and just about shouted with glee. Was I happy or what? And well, I would've shouted with glee anyway. . . But I was more. . .controlled than that; at least, I knew when to be in a given time and situation anyway.

I dashed towards the door and opened the exit slowly, the damned thing creaking yet again which did none other than aggravate me. Taking a peek outside, I heard not even the sound of a pin drop nor did I see any signs of anyone outside. Talk about weird. It kinda seemed like as if it were deserted. One would think that since this base does hold five infamous terrorists, it would have more soldiers around. . . . But then again, it is after all, rather late and presumably having it be more likely than not, I wouldn't even bat an eyelash in surprise if more than half of the men here are currently dozing off in bed.

I slipped through the door with such grace that I wasn't even aware of and headed back towards the stairs. Seeing that no one was at the steps, my steps downwards were silent and though moved with caution, were lithe and sinuous. I really couldn't help it since old instincts and habits began to automatically kick in and my eyes instinctively scanned the area more times than not. Plus with the training I'd acquired from becoming the talented sorceress I am, that blended easily with those skills a born street rat would be very well acquainted with.

The echoing sound of boots against the tiled floor coming from the bottom underground floor made me halt in my tracks for a mere second before leaping the wall, away from sight. Whoever the person was, I have to admit (to myself), he or she is vigilant But this person is quick-witted, that I know. I could tell from the brief pause- which was so brief that I could've sworn I almost never heard it had I not been paying close attention and concentrating -in the trend of the footsteps that the person either suspected that someone was also present or the person knew. Either way, I wasn't gonna let `im get away.

As the person approached closer and soon made the right turn, I immediately threw a kick to his-correction: *her* face before she could have any time to react. Though I could tell that she most likely expected a sudden attack, my swiftness momentarily startled her and she ducked barely in time to avoid one helluva stinging and swollen boot mark on her face. Her brief bewilderment, however, departed and she countered with a swing that cut threw nothing but air and then a instant withdrawal of her firearm substituted the previous missed blow. I flipped into the air behind her as she clicked off the safety. She rapidly turned and while I was landing, she pulled the trigger at the same time I had hurled my fisted hand towards her. My hard clout connected with her face while the projectile grazed two centimeters deep in approximation of my left arm. But I knew I'd won this round though since her gaze wrench away from meeting mines and she collapsed onto her stomach. Unconscious.

I hissed at my own pain, my hand gripping my bleeding arm not long after. Trying to ignore the soreness, I'd thought that the unconscious figure had looked familiar somehow. Because the cap had been on the whole time, I didn't really I walked around towards the face and rapidly glared at the lady who I've come to known as, Une. A smirk of brisk satisfaction crawled onto my face and I suddenly remembered from watching the monitor earlier that it was Une who had the key to the cell. Letting go of the grip I had on my arm, I wiped my bloody gloves onto the back of her shirt and searched for the key, soon finding it after checking in a few pockets. Shoving that into my pocket, I then got up from my crouched position and though I didn't bother to take my minor wound into account, I couldn't help but wince even but a bit. Some voices hollering and footsteps running was approaching my way and I knew that I wouldn't be able to run and hide in time no matter how good or healthy I was, or may be. Instead, I pushed my back against the wall once again and just simply. . .waited. My orbs stayed focused on their oncoming shadows and I licked my dry lips, my knuckles softly cracking. "C'mon. . . . Just a little more. . ." I faintly murmured.

The instant one of the soldiers were in my presence, I swung my good arm at the Oz soldier's chest, successfully knocking the air out of him. The force of the swing plus the surprise of the sudden attack completely knocked him off his feet and landing on the three others that were directly behind him. That last one, that the other three had landed on, hit his head against the tiled floor and thus, effectively knocking him out cold. As the other trio hurriedly got up, I saw that they were scrambling across the floor towards their gun that they'd dropped and I immediately reached for my own gun and pulled it out at them.

"Don't move!" I said unyieldingly in a stern voice.

Both who had barely picked up their guns froze and I clicked off the safety, just as how I'd seen Une do so. The sound of the click made these three goons- whom, with the other unconscious one, were the quartet that were guarding the cell I was heading for -flinched and were beginning to tremble with fear. "Drop the pistols and lift your hands into the air where I can see `em." My tone was once again detached and my eyes hardened. ". . . .And don't even think about pullin' any trick or move on me, `cause just three pulls on this thing and the y'all be gone before y'can scream." That ended in a tone that's barely above a whisper.

That sent a shiver down their spine and they did as I commanded. "Turn around and face the wall. . . with still your hands in the air where I can see `em." They walked over to the wall, side by side, and stood their, quivering every now and then. Seeing that these cowards weren't gonna pull anything funny on me, I swiftly struck them on the head with the butt of the gun and they collapsed in a small heap.

Nodding to myself that they were, indeed, "down for the count", I ran down the empty corridor, simultaneously clicking off the safety and then shoving the gun back into my pocket again. I reached into my left pocket and winced at the wound that was soaking the uniform. It's weird though. . . I didn't even really acknowledge the injury when I was putting up with those goons back then. I shrugged. Skidding to a halt, I reached into the pocket and pulled out the key. Inserting the key into it's rightful place, I unlocked the door and prayed to L-sama that that my childhood friend was really in there. I turned the knob- with gratitude for the reason that it didn't creak -and pushed the door open. . .only to find that it didn't budge. Man! Damn shit was stuck! Scowling at the damned thing, I took a step back and inhaled one big breath in attempt to clam myself down from the mixed apprehension and excitement in the air. I slowly lifted my right leg into the air and taking one quick breath, I put all of my force into that leg and gave it one hard kick.


The eerie echo that emitted from the result of the metal door being shut immediately loaded my ears; a sudden response of an involuntary shudder abruptly penetrated my resisting barrier. I hesitantly dared to lift my head a bit and cast a brief glance towards my friends' way, wondering if they had lip read or heard what Une and her lapdogs were talking about. Seeing their exposed stares of suspicion and heated fury, I was torn between thinking that they either did know or did not. The sound of footsteps broke my thoughts and my gaze turned to Jeff and Randall who were coming towards our way. . .stopping only after a few steps. With a profound effort, I pushed myself- to the best of *my* maximum potential at the moment anyway -, focusing as much as I could on healing myself. I felt, more or so, exposed and vulnerable lying on my side as how I'd been doing so, and not to mention, dreadfully uneasy. Trying to ignore the flip flops my stomach was doing, I pushed myself up on my elbows. With my functioning limbs and the unbroken leg, I scooted back against the wall with a rather great deal of effort no less, at the same time trying to ignore the pains my body was practically screaming out. I did succeed in leaning against the wall though, with my head resting on Heero's leg, but I knew I was panting hard, trying to catch my breath. I closed my eyes and my hand unconsciously rubbed at my torso. My chest ached again. . . K'so.

Soft exchanges reached my ears from the two assholes that were still pretty much near the door. I took one small peek at them out of cautiousness and then closed my lids again. I could feel four pairs of concern eyes trained on me but I made no move to show them that I'd acknowledged their fixed gaze. Instead, I brought my attention back to getting myself to full health, or enough to be able to defend myself and the others anyway. And when I have that capability, I swear I'll *personally* kill those mother fuckers who dared to cross my path. . . in cold blood.

I don't know how much time had passed- few seconds or a few minutes -as I sat there trying to restore myself back to full health, but hell, I ain't gonna complain. Shoot. As far as I can tell, the longer they have their lil' chit chat, the better.

"Duo. . . ." Heero's voice was so soft, I almost missed it. . . .So soft, yet so full of emotion. If one don't understand `im the way I do, one wouldn'ta been able ta distinguish the small fact that he actually *had* emotions behind that cold guise.

" `Just need a lil' rest `ero," I paused, catching my breath, " `n I'll be back ta my ol' self in no time." He didn't say anything. I know he wouldn't, but I could feel his gaze on me and that told me much more than words could ever say.

A minute or two passed by in silence until the whispering died down and the two of `em faced us five again. I heard Trowa's voice speak up. "What do you two plan to do with us?" Slowly opening my eyelids, I glanced at my comrade. Hm. . .cold and straight to the point. That's Trowa fer ya. I smirked.

Jeff raised a brow at Trowa. "Zero three. . . I have to say, I'm rather surprised it was you who's the first one to make any comment about this. Frankly, I expected the brat here," throwing his thumb at me, "to be the first to make a snide remark about all of this."

I knew talking more at the moment was not an option since that would make me more exhausted and that warn't something I was lookin' forward to if you ask me. So for once, much to my disliking that is, I stayed silent. That apparently, did anything but satisfy him though. . . . .Tch. Like I give a damn.

"What?" Jeff demanded. "No snide remarks now brat?!"

God, do you know how hard it is to not respond to any taunts of his?? Man, it was *so* tempting to snap something back at him. . .

"Huh?! Ran out of sardonic remarks to say now is it?" He smiled smugly, obviously satisfied with himself.

Oh hell, he crossed the line. " `Sardonic' remarks, did you say?" I raised a brow, smirking at him. "I never knew a low class foot soldier would *actually* have such a big word in the little to nothing vocabulary of his. Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"Why you fuckin' whore! We're gonna beat the fuckin' shit out of you and your fuckin' friends watch!" He roared.

I was so furious. How dare he. . . "Fuck you!" I bellowed.

"Fuck me?" His angry face suddenly changed, and he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, now only but a smugly looking smile on his face once again.

This was bad. . .

". .No, no slut. Now that's where you're wrong. `Cause see, I'd rather fuck you." My blood froze. cold. I had hoped that what I'd heard earlier wasn't what I'd thought. I had hoped that I'd, for once, heard wrong and that the two bitches were only staying for another round of thrash and pound the gundam pilot. This time, I really hated being wrong.

I could hear my friends gasp in horror and Heero had immediately become rigid. That was but a brief moment though, before I could feel him shaking with fury. "You wouldn't dare!" bellowed Wufei. "That's utterly unjust and just completely atrocious." he spat with disgust.

Jeff raised a brow. "Wouldn't I?. . I've been wanting to be in that tight, sweet ass of his the second I laid my eyes on him. Pity I wasn't able to attain this prize sooner. If I'd done that without consent, then that wouldn't be too good for me now would it?"

"Without. . .consent. . . .?" Quatre's voice sounded so confused but then realization dawned on him and he gasped, eyes narrowing darkly right after.

"Randall, grab him." Jeff commanded, determined. "I'm sick and tired of this delay. I won't leave here until I get what I want."

"But I want a piece of him too." Randall complained.

Jeff grinned darkly. "But of course. . ."

"You fuckin' touch him and I'll rip to fuckin' shreds!!" Heero threatened, anger flaring.

"In your position?" snorted Jeff. "You wish."

I was pale all over, I knew I was. Fear was practically written on me from head to toe. And for once throughout the whole conversation, I was as silent as death.

Someone's burly and plump hands grabbed onto my ankles and pulled hard, dragging me away from the wall. . and away from Heero. I heard some shouts of my name from my comrades but the fear in my gut had raised another notch as I was dragged farther away from them, at the same time wincing as my back scraped against the floor. I was cursing like hell and demanding for my adversary to let go and get the fuck away from me as gut instinct made me lash out blindly at my adversary. However, I was only able to get in but one or two punches and kicks before my arms and legs were restrained and a new weight fell upon me. I completely froze and opened my eyes, staring directly into a pair of blue, lustful eyes.

Fuck, I was definitely in deep shit.

But before I could do anything, he took me by surprise and his mouth savagely claimed mines. Thrusting his tongue into my mouth, he roughly explored little thing in my mouth, not leaving anything behind. His hands were roaming up and down my sides and I suddenly felt my arms being pinned over my head by another set of meaty hands, preventing me from struggling anymore.

Oh god oh god oh god. . . This could not be happening!! My mind screamed in fear and panic.

The mouth that claimed mines now pulled away and he wanted panting really hard, his erection poking at me through his pants. I was panting too but I knew it was because of fear. Jeff grinned and his hands now made its way towards the front of my shirt, brutally tearing the shirt open and revealing the vulnerable flesh and nasty bruises to him. His eyes raked over my body and if it were possible, his eyes looked more lustful than before.

"Even with the bruises. . just beautiful. . ." He tongue traced over his teeth hungrily. Oh god, I seriously wanted to vomit.

His mouth captured mines again but then moved across my jaw to suckle at the base of my neck. A sharp pain radiated from my neck as his teeth sank down onto my exposed flesh but I held it in. He continued his way down, invisibly leaving-marking a trail over every flesh he'd covered, only pausing his trail when he'd gotten to my left nipple. I could feel him sucking at it until I knew it was an angry red and a strong shiver of unwanted pleasure overcame me as his teeth ground into it.

I felt a lump in my throat. I couldn't have felt more disgusted with myself.

He pulled back again and faintly, I heard curses and some struggling in the near distance but I didn't think too much of it. Jeff flashed an evil grin, not at anyone in particular I would think (since he wasn't looking at anybody), as he scoot back a bit and began undoing my pants.

Fear began to rise up within me and I struggled even harder. I won't let him get the better of me, my teeth grit. I won't! Somehow, though I didn't really care how, I managed to kick Jeff offa me (with a nice `oomph' when he landed on his back I might add) while I still had my pants on, but the top had become unbuttoned. I swung my legs over me to try to get Randall in the face but when my feet came up, a pair of hands clamped down hard on my ankles. The sudden jerk on my ankle on my broken leg sent jolts of pain throughout the rest of my body. Fuckin' sonuva bitch! Shit, the jackass must've known I was going to kick and lash out on automatic because he swiftly flipped me over onto my stomach; Randall had followed his movements his hands meaty hands still holding my arms in place.

An unintended small groan escaped my lips, but seriously? I didn't really care at the moment. The slam from the flip had brought more pain to my ribs again and my leg. . .

"You'll pay for that, ya bitch!" I could feel Jeff's glare drilling a hole into my back. "No more mister nice guy."

"Nice??!" I asked incredulously. "If you were ever nice, I'll be a fuckin' saint!" God, I had no idea where that remark came from but I couldn't stop myself. Nice my fuckin' ass. . .

Jeff snarled in anger and I wasn't prepared for it, I knew I wasn't-I never was prepared for any of this in the first place. With a swift move, he'd pulled my pants down to my ankles before throwing my feet into the air and landing a kick to my abdomen. Bitch, I hate it when they punch or kick my stomach. Damn, I swear that's the worse kinda pain ever. Assholes. . .

On gut reaction when my leg handed back on the metal floor, I tucked my folded legs under me as to try to stop the pain in my stomach but I knew it was of no use. I didn't know what to expect next-I didn't wanna think what was coming next. But it came. And god did it ever fuckin' *hurt*.

Two hands grabbed my ass and practically pried it open as I felt something else at my virgin opening. I knew what it was but god, I didn't wanna believe this was true. I felt it leave for a mere second before a pain so excruciating-so fuckin' unbearable-tore through me like no other. I threw my head back and opened my mouth. . but no sound came out.

The side of my face landed limply onto to the floor. I dunno whether it was a conscious feeling in me or not but for some strange reason, I was thankful when I faced nothing but the blank wall on the other side of the room when I'd opened my eyes.

The pain. . the pain was always there though. No matter how much I wanted to hide from it, how much I willed myself to run as far away as possible from it and to block out the pain. . . it never went away. The pain would sometimes lessen a bit but then what came next was double the agony from the previous one.

God. . I just wish the pain would go away. . .


I think I must've blacked out for a moment because for a few merciful seconds there, I really did feel no pain. It came back like a huge wave though when the shit's dick pulled out from me with much haste, making me have to bit my lip from crying out. I faintly heard some fight going on but at the moment, I paid it no heed. I scrambled quickly away from the fight in front of me to the nearest wall-the one adjacent to where Heero and the others were being restrained to-and at the same time, pulling up my pants and buttoning what I could button for my shirt.

Leaning against the wall and letting myself rest from the exhaustion of the pain inflicted upon me and from the struggle I had to endure moving towards the wall.. I watched the fight before me.

Randall was charging head-on at a girl with red-orange colored hair in Oz uniform who had thrown a kick at Jeff that sent him landing on his back as the boot connected with his chin. The fool was still tryin' to button his pants as he checked to make sure his jaw wasn't broken. Whipping around immediately, the girl barely dodged the fist thrown at her face and the jump-kick that was aiming for her head. She did a back jab with her elbow at his stomach that made him bow slightly, before kicking him in the chest and sending him flying across the room. Randall slammed into the same wall I was leaning against but two feet to my left. Before he could slump down onto the floor, a smooth whoosh flew across the room and embedded itself in Randall's chest; the weapon seemed to be the girl's sword. The no-brainer died on the spot.

Nice... I smirked.

I watched the chick glare at the corpse hanging on the wall and a small glint caught my eye from behind her.

"Hey watch out!" I warned her.

She did a back flip as a click quickly followed and a bang echoed in the room. I barely had any time to move my head as the bullet embedded itself half an inch to my left.

Shit, that was close.

I heard her and Heero growl in anger and a `Why you?!' escape from her mouth as she whipped out her own gun. Jeff fired another shot and she rolled out of the way of that projectile and a few others that Jeff had shot at her while rolling away and ending in a crouch. Two shots were heard this time and for a few seconds, none of them moved. I couldn't tell if both had been hit or if only one; the dimness of the light made it impossible to tell. I was suddenly afraid that she had been shot-been killed but then, all fears dispersed when Jeff lifted a hand up to his neck and slumped over. Dead.

The girl heaved a loud sigh in relief. "Thank L-sama that shot connected." She shook her head and then gripped her left arm.

She got up and came towards me. Surprisingly, the only thing I could see on her face when she crouched down and stared at me was nervousness. But that was gone when she saw my condition, replaced by anger.

I shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. She noticed the movement and apologized, turning away. When she turned back again, her nervousness was back too. "..You're Duo right?"

I looked at her, startled at how she knew my name. She did somehow look familiar though.. but I couldn't pinpoint where I'd seen her. I didn't know if I should show a suspicious look as to how she knew my name, so I settled for a frown. I opened my mouth to answer but Heero's voice interrupted me.

"We don't have time for chit chat. Hurry up and get us out of these manacles." He snapped. Oh yeah.. that's the usual cold and grumpy Heero fer ya.

"Oh, right. Gomen." She got up and retrieved her sword before walking to Heero and `em and cutting the chains with her sword, sheathing it afterwards.

Heero was at my side before I knew it, face filled with more concern than I'd ever seen. He wanted to ask me if I was okay, I could tell, but he knew that was the dumbest question ta ask in our condition.

For some reason, I couldn't answer him back-couldn't try to soothe him that I was okay. Maybe it was because I wasn't.. or maybe it was because I couldn't face him. I turned away from his gaze.

I was ashamed with myself at what had happened.

His fingers that were suddenly on my chin guided my eyes back to land on his face-to land on his eyes. He looked so pained yet so determined. "Don't." I wasn't sure if he meant `don't turn away from him' or `don't be ashamed'.

"We'd better get going quickly before more Oz soldiers show up." we heard Trowa say. And he was right; we *had* to get going.

"We appreciate the help." Wufei sounded grateful, that I have to admit, but he sounded suspicious too.

"Hn. Don't mention it." She answered.

"Your arm-" Quatre started but she interrupted and finished for him.

"-is of no big worry. The bullet merely grazed it."


Heero took hold of my arm and helped me up, for which I was glad and thankful for. I had felt enough shame already; I didn't wanna lose whatever pride I left as well. "Can you walk?" Heero asked.

I knew I wasn't exactly in any position to, but my pride prevented me from showing my any weakness, even if I were in a situation as this. Every now and then, I sure hate my pride, but then again. . .sometimes, pride is the only thing I've got. I may not be proud of many things about myself in my life but. . .that's why pride *is* there in the first place. To cover up for weaknesses and to fool yourself about some truth you don't want to reveal. And that's exactly what I needed at the moment. I know I'd be lying to myself, but then again, I am a lie in the first place. And to me, if that's the case, I wouldn't as to so much consider that as lyin', would you?

I shot Heero a grateful look that he'd asked me if I could walk instead of just carryin' me in his arms or over his shoulder. I mean, I would greatly appreciate it if he were to do that but pride wins over. . .everything. Well, for most of the time anyway. But. . . that's one the reasons why I love him so much. He may not understand everything about me, but he does mostly. `Sides, I don't think anybody can *completely* understand another person even though they say that they do. I mean, for the most part, yea, but not *completely*. I don't think so anyways. There would prob'ly be some tiny little shit that your soul mate doesn't understand or can't relate to y'know. But anyways, like mentioned, that's one of the most important things that I love about Heero. Even *if* your lover had just come out of a bad situation, you'd still have to consider your soul mate's pride and feelings and all, y'know, even when you would honestly hate doing so. Heero. . . he understands me like that, and I am forever grateful. I inwardly smile a true smile at that. One thing I know though, is that Heero feels the same way about this whole pride thing like me, which is why he even asked in the first place.

Inwardly, I sighed. It's times like these where I begin to doubt myself whether I'm even worthy of having someone as great as Heero or not. Hm. . I guess in truth, I don't deserve him. And that makes me wonder even more what he ever saw in me in the first place. . . . No, that ain't right. The one he loves is Duo Maxwell, not Shinigami. . And now I know why. . . I can't blame him though, I never could even if I tried. It was after all, my decision I'd made to not tell anyone who I really was-am.

My heart twisted painfully at that fact. I wouldn't be able to take it if they were to reject me. But. . . I can't stop lying to him anymore. . .to *them* anymore either. They are my lover and friends, even family. And I'd been hiding my biggest secret from them. What kinduva fuckin' friend and lover am I?

God.. how I loathe and despise myself even more. . .

Heero's arm around my waist startled me out of my thoughts as he lifted my arm and settled it around his neck, on his shoulder. I half-limped-the other half being carried slightly across the metal cubicle, towards the closed door that said exit all over.

The girl had thrown her gun to Trowa who caught it without any effort as she unsheathed her sword, preparing for battle. Quatre picked up Jeff's handgun and checked to see if there were any bullets left in the gun; there was: Three. Wufei had strolled over to Randall and took his gun after glaring at the dead man. I glared at him too then glared even more darkly at Jeff.


"You just take care of Duo, Heero," Quatre looked at Heero. "and we'll cover you guys." Heero nodded.

"Let's go." Wufei nodded to us and we nodded back in agreement. The six of us approached the door and Wufei, being closest to the exit, swung open the door and clicked off the safety, facing the gun outside.

Everyone froze.

We were greeted with a sea of barrels from handguns to rifles that were locked straight with our eyes. I was half-surprised that the bastard, Kinyu, was there too, but more or so, astonished that the other two assholes weren't with him since the *three* of `em had set the trap on us, not just him. With that damned fuckin' self-satisfied grin on his ugly face, he stepped up towards us with his gun in raised in hand. My eyes boldly met his in a silent clash of my wrath and of his irritating arrogance; I did the best I could to ignore the mob of soldiers behind him. Nothing was needed to be said and the silence went on as such, almost deafening in a way. He later broke the silence as a dark smirk came across his face, the soft click of the safety being clicked off ringing in the air. ". .Game. .over. . ."




Um.. what did you guys think of it? I hope you guys won't kill me for the um.. NCS on Duo's part. ::winces:: Please review!! ^__^