Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ UnReality: A Slayers-Gundam Wing Story ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
UnReality, a Slayers-Gundam Wing Crossover

Disclaimers: I don't own Slayers or Gundam Wing.

Warnings: None yet. Maybe latter. Currently rated G.

Pairings: Unknown as of yet.

It was a bright and snowy mid-morning. All was peaceful in the dense pine-forest that surrounded the lonely Oz research base. A few birds chirped in the trees, a herd of deer froliced through a meadow, and a lone wolf stalked a hare near the edge of the forest. Peaceful, serene, but not for long.

The sunshine glittered merrily upon the ice and snow and the guards shivered at their posts, wishing for something to happen, anything to break the tedium. It was really too bad they were to get that wish.

Considering the general setting and the fact that this is obviously taking place sometime during the war of AC195 (unless this is one of those AU where the war lasts longer or Oz was never truly defeated) an observer could easily guess just what was going to happen. They'd think: 'Oh too bad for those poor soldiers; the Gundams are going to attack and probably kill them all'. This would possibly be followed by the idle thought that 'those 'poor soldiers' probably wished they had listened to their parents and became lawyers or doctors... or even stand-up comedians'- but that isn't very revelent to this story. The fact of the matter was that the Gundam pilots weren't going to attack this particular Oz base on this peaceful happy day. Maybe the next day when it was snowing badly, Zechs Merquise and Treize Khushrenada arrived for undetermined reasons, and the whole place was riddled with angst, but not this one. No, those 'poor soldiers' were in for a worse fate than probable death... but I won't reveal what this is yet. Just remember this peaceful happy Oz base in the mid-morning sunshine on the day before things were supposed to get interesting.

~/~~\~~/~~\~~/~~\~Scene Change~/~~\~~/~~\~~/~~\~

It was a dark and rainy afternoon in the kingdom of Seyruin. The pristine white marble of the captital city, also named Seyruin, gleamed slightly- but in a kind of gloomy way that made going outside a really lousy idea. If one was looking at the city from a long ways away they might possibly think, 'oh what a peaceful city!' and for the most part it was, but then they might see the explosions coming from the palace and have second thoughts. See, what this observer might not have known was that the princess Amelia was home from her most recent adventure and that she'd brought her friends with her. Yes, them. The Slayers: Lina Inverse, Enemy of all who live, and companions. If the observer had know this he or she would have immedietly panicked and left the kingdom for somewhere safer... like say the Pit of Doom.

Back to the explosions though. Because of all that dratted rain Lina and Co didn't want to leave the Palace, but they didn't really want to stay either. Each had their own reasons for wanting to be elsewhere of course, the foremost being because they didn't want to be responsible for the destruction of one of the few places they were usually actually welcome at. And if Lina didn't find something to do soon that was exactly what was going to happen. They'd tried distracting the bored and dangerous sorceress with food- and that worked for a while- but even Lina Inverse could get full. Then Xellos had 'accidently' arranged for a mazoku to attack. That had kept them busy for bit, thus the explosions; but, considering the fact that this particular group of people were some of the most powerful, lucky, and chaotic in this particular universe, this distraction didn't last very long. It also succeded in blowing up a good portion of the palace and now they were quickly loosing thier welcome. But it was still raining.

So it was that, when Gourry asked if there was any way to use magic to 'make the rain go away', they were bored and desperate enough to try it. Nevermind the fact that weather-magic was nearly as dangerous and unpredictable as the Laguna Blade. Nevermind that no one in their right mind had attempted it in centuries, and that, as weather was an element of Chaos, this type of magic fell under the domain of L-sama. Boredom and bad weather shouldn't be mixed with magic. But the Slayers had left behind things like 'common sense' and 'sanity' long ago so this wasn't really that big a deal for them. Besides, it might just be interesting. And hey! Since Lina already knew the spell anyway it should also be easy. Right?

So the lot of them: Gourry, Amelia, Zelgadis (who was probably the only one with enough sense to realize this was probably a bad idea), and Xellos; gathered on a palace balcony to watch Lina cast her Weather spell. It involved a bunch of chanting, some neat hand gestures, and calling on L-sama. Then, with absolutly no fanfare the rain stopped.

Everyone blinked. "That's it?" complained Lina, stepping outside to glare at the suddenly blue sky above. She turned back to the others, "I was expecting something a bit more... flashy."

There wasn't really anything to be said about this, because so had everyone else. Xellos stepped out to join her on the balcony, almost frowning. "It was a bit anti-climatic; L-sama's spells are usually a bit more dramatic. Hmm."

Of course this was exactly when the world flashed with a billion colors and lights, the weather went crazy, and the rest of the Slayers found themselves propelled back into the palace by hurricane-strength winds. Then, a moment latter it was all sunny and nice again. Gourry was the first to regain his vision from the lights and notice that neither Lina nor Xellos were with them. Or outside, or anywhere in sight. They'd disapeared with the light. This was probably not a good thing.

~/~~\~~/~~\~~/~~\~Scene Change~/~~\~~/~~\~~/~~\~

In the Sea of Chaos a blonde girl was laughing... or rather She was cackling evilly. L-sama, also known as the Lord of Nightmares or occasionally LoNi, had been waiting a long time for an opportunity like this. An opportunity to send two of Her favorite people dimension hopping without bringing the rest of them along. Well actually, all She really needed was Lina, but Xellos would fit in perfectly with another plan She had. And She did leave a note for their friends...

~/~~\~~/~~\~~/~~\~Scene Change~/~~\~~/~~\~~/~~\~

Said note had just been found by Amelia. "Er... guys? I know where they are now..."

It said:

To: Amelia, Gourry, and Zelgadis. I've temprarily borrowed Lina and Xellos to make things interesting in another dimension. Have fun with the nice weather. From: the Lord of Nightmares.

And so, as there really wasn't anything to be done about it, the three of them decided to use this absence of Lina and Xellos to throw a nice party and generally relax.

~/~~\~~/~~\~~/~~\~Scene Change~/~~\~~/~~\~~/~~\~

Remember the peaceful happy Oz base in the mid-morning sunshine on the day before things were supposed to get interesting? Well it was going to get interesting a day early.

End Prolouge.


Please reveiw and tell me if you'd like me to continue with this.