Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Transformers Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pandora's Box ❯ The Meeting pat I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: ok you guys probably are wondering what in the heck am I doing, right? Well I wanted to make sure both you and me could keep track of the stories that were connected with each other and those that weren't. So I removed them and reposted them as one big story. Alright, enough of my talking on to the story.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters of Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, Sango, etc. I also do own any characters, items that are mentioned in my fic not relating to Inuyasha. However Starkaro (Star-ka-row) is my original character. I do not have any money so please don't sue, thanks.
The Meeting Part 1:
Guest Starring:
Starscream's Ghost as Starkaro
Night had fallen and the sky twinkled with hundreds of stars as Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo sat around a camp fire. The fire was burning bright and all was quite. A dark figure watches the group undetected perched on a tree limb. A rustle comes from the bushes.
"What was that" Inuyasha said with alarm. Kagome had been resting on his shoulder and was now awake.
"I don't know" said Miroku "But there have been suspicious things going on lately."
"Yeah like all those falling stars a few nights ago." piped in Sango.
"Don't forget about the really loud noises we heard." stated Shippo.
"Those noises were awfully weird weren't they" said Kagome.
"I don't think you need to be alarmed Inuyasha, it was probably some branches falling." said Miroku.
Meanwhile the dark figure in the tree was muttering in a shrilled, yet whispered voice, to himself.
"Yes falling branches that's all it was, you pathetic fools." the figure continued talking to himself"I know what you seek, you foolish, humans, he he he."
The next day Inuyasha and the group were walking in the forest on the trail of another Shikon jewel shard when suddenly out of nowhere they were attacked.
"Ha ha ha ha pathetic fools" exclaimed the figure from the previous night as he catapulted himself from the deeper forest.
"What the" said Inuyasha
"Look at how high he went" exclaimed Kagome.
"Amazing." said Sango.
"You will not pass me, Inuyasha" said the figure as he landed"now die"
The figure leveled out his right arm and bent his wrist downward. Immediately after that a pink laser shot from the top of his wrist and nearly hit and killed Inuyasha, but he blocked it with his Tetsusaiga.
"I am not so easily defeated." said Inuyasha. He went to attack the figure, but, the figure flew like lighting into the sky and gently touched down.
"Where did this guy learn to fly like that" asked Shippo. Inuyasha continued to attack the dark figure but to of no avail. Eventually the figure jumped and gave Inuyasha a kick right to the face and sent the half demon to the ground.
"You are beaten, Inuyasha, now hand over the Shikon jewel shards that you posses." demanded the figure. Inuyasha could do nothing but prop himself up on his elbows and stare at his mysterious attacker with hatred.
To Be Continued
Next time: The mysterious attacker reveals his true identity, but Naraku and Kagura attack them, and the Shikon jewel shards are stolen. The group track Naraku and Kagura to their hideout, and are confronted by Naraku's newest henchman: Sesshomaru all in the next episode of Inuyasha: The Meeting.