Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ One Legend, Two Destinies ❯ Players Take Their Places ( Chapter 7 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Green, the 12th Moon
“Lord Folken, the scouts have returned from the Zaibach borders.”
“And?” Folken growled.
“They found a campfire. There must have been five people following him. Best guess, they chased him further into the woods.”
“Any signs of a body?” Folken pressed.
“No. That's the odd thing. No signs of a struggle, no blood. The tracks stop in the middle of nowhere. Either he doubled back, or he started flying.” The guard hypothesized.
“Not likely.” Folken dismissed the notion. Sighing, he continued. “If he had started flying, he would have turned around and caught up with Star Blaze. Now if he had simply doubled back, he would have seen the scout party and joined them.” Growling, Folken yanked his hair in front of him. “This is so nerve wracking. Where did he go?”
Hesitantly, the guard offered another option. “Perhaps, my Lord, he acquired some injuries, managed to hide by skipping across the treetops, and had passed out, thereby unable to have seen the search party.”
“An idea of merit.” Folken replied, absently. Still solemn in demeanor, mind racing through the possibilities, Folken sighed in frustration. “Have the scouts sent back out, double in number. Inform them of your theory and have them investigate every tree in that forest, every cave in the hillside. Every hiding place is to be checked. I want my brother found.”
“As do we all, Lord Folken.” The guard bowed out respectfully.
Biting his lip, closing his eyes for a brief moment, Folken peered out into the night sky. `Oh god, Van. Now I understand why you hated me so much. Here I am, a full-grown adult, and I am barely able to hold my tears. I just wish you hadn't disappeared. This reunification is shaky at best. Without you here, I don't think I can hold it in your stead. Please, Van. I don't want to lose you so soon after you accepted me back into your heart.
`Where are you, brother?' Silent tears once more slid down his pale cheeks. Sighing, Folken turned his attention back to the papers set before him.
Had he looked out again, he would have witnessed a flash, as bright as a star, upon the dark side of the Mystic Moon.
After Colony 195, February 12
Dr. J chuckled to the cavernous observation room. `This candidate is very strong! I believe I have found one fitting to be a Perfect Weapon against all of human nature.' J watched as the still nameless subject completed yet another simulation with minimal error. `If I had more time, I would make him do everything in reality. How unfortunate that time is not at my disposal.'