Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Pure Blood ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vision of Escaflowne or Gundam Wing. They are owned by Sunrise and Bandi and their own respective creators.

Author's Notes: I am working on another Esca/Gundam crossover called EscaGundam with my koibotio and partner, BatBarnes. This is entirely different in tone and setting. I hope you enjoy.

Timing: Van had just slaughtered the Dragon Slayers in Esca and in GW, right after Endless Waltz.

Pure Blood: Prologue

Folken de Fanel rested uncomfortably on his chair. The blurred image of Emperor Dornkirk flickered in front of his face. He watched the old wizard as he looked at the fallen prince. Folken asked, "What is it, My Lord?"

"I have seen a tool that I need to complete my task," Dornkirk replied in his wizened voice.

Folken asked, "What is it?" He was curious. All the Dragon Slayers had been killed by his younger brother, the true crown prince of Fanalia, Van. He wondered what was up the old sorcer's sleeve.

"A Draconian's blood," Dornkirk replied, a smile playing on his blurred features.

Folken froze momentarily. He was half Draconian by birth. His silvery white wings were definite proof of this. To his knowledge, all the Draconian's had been hunted down and slaughtered after his mother's death, except for Van and himself.

Van, he thought in anger, his mechanical hand curling in rage. His brother out did him in anything that he could. He was a warrior and a ruler, Folken had been more of a scholer. His mother had always been more protective of young Van than him.

"Not yours. You and the Dragon are corrupted by human blood. I know of a pure Draconian," Dornkirk replied with a faint smile.

Folken was automatically intrigued. He asked, "Who is this person?"


Heero Yuy looked at the ruined remains of his Gundam. He smiled at the irony that his weapon had feathered wings, just as he did. He had the urge to close his eyes, shed his ever-present tank top and take to the sky on his silvery wings.

He wasn't from this world. He was fully aware of that. It had been a secret that he had kept from everyone, even Dr. J. He came from a hidden world called Gaea, where both the moon and the Earth shone from above. He could still remember it, even if he could not recall his parents.

He turned away from the ruined weapon and started to walk away. He was fully aware that each pilot was living their own lives now. Trowa had the circus. Quatre was working full time to help the colonies. Wufei was now a Preventer. Relena was still a diplomat, stalling her education till further notice. Zechs and Noin went off to Mars for the Teraforming project. Duo was still in charge of his scrap yard, making a good living.

He was the only one without a place to go. He still watched Relena from afar sometimes, keeping a promise that he made to himself a long time ago to protect her. He had thought many times to go and talk to her, but he simply could not. That was taken from him a long time ago.

He was sort of misplaced here, he realized as he turned to look back up at the Gundam. He was put here for his own protection, but what good would that do him? He needed no protection. He was a warrior.

He thought he didn't belong anywhere.


Hitomi Kanazaki gasped and closed her eyes. She felt the vision coming on her, just under the surface. She clutched her pendent automatically and let it wash over her.

The boy was handsome, slender, well built. Muscles rippled with every graceful movement. He sat in a harness, with thousands of levers, devices and keypads all around him. He worked them with the greatest ease.

Unruly, dark brown hair fell into dark, fathomless blue eyes. He showed no emotion as the seat and the room he was sitting in began to shake. Then, suddenly, he was standing on a ledge, looking down at a choppy, dark sea.

He shead the green tank top that he was wearing and arched his back. He clinched his fist and closed his eyes as a pair of magnificent, silvery white wings emerged. Feathers floated around him as he straitened his body back. He leapt, his wings flapping, moving his body up into the sky.

Then the image changed once again. The teenager was held by heavy shackles, spread eagled in the center of some machine. Blood dripped in crimson rivulets down his arms, his legs, his chest. His dark eyes were clouded in pain, but he made no move to scream.

Then, below the machine, standing on a catwalk, was Folken, Dilandeu, and an old man that looked strikingly like Leonardo de Vinci. The old man looked sharply satisfied as he watched the teenager, clinch and unclinch his fist in pain. Finally, the boy opened his mouth to shriek.

"Hitomi," Allan's voice called her out of her vision, as well as a pair of strong arms shaking her shoulders. "Hitomi!" Van's voice, more insisting, more panicked, shouted at her. She blinked and swayed, placing a hand to her throbbing forehead.

Van asked, "Hitomi, what happened? What did you see?"

"A Draconian," Hitome answered, looking directly at Van. "And Zaibach wants him."

To Be Continued!