Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ The Big Yaoi / Yuri Race ❯ Preparations II ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
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A white speed boat raced with a high speed through the harbour. The boat had several green stripes as a decoration at his hull and the name "DEATHSCYTHE HELL" was written there in big green letters. Of course Duo was driving the boat.

It had been several days since the unpleasant incident with the sports car and it was only one week till the Big Race and neither of them knew what kind of vehicle they would take.

"You know what? Why don't we take a Gundam? Then we could shoot our way through the crowd!" Duo replied really depressed.

"Ahem, Duo, maybe you should accelerate a little bit less!" Trowa suggested nervously.

Duo's style of driving brought back bad memories of the drive four days ago, which had ended up into the road ditch.

"Did you say something?" Duo asked when his attention was caught by a yacht full of really pretty bishounen, who waved to him.

"Hey cuties!" Duo shouted seductively and waved back.

Then Trowa nervously nudged at his shoulder.

"Ahem...Duo...If I was you I would look forwards!"


"THAT'S WHY...!" Trowa screamed.

The braided boy looked forwards and suddenly opened his eyes wide.


One second later loud screams, a loud crash and a big explosion could be heard before it started to rain wreck parts.

The ambulance shot with flashing light and sirens through the traffic like a cannon ball. Inside the car was a lamentable mood, which was coming from a certain braided boy's whining and complaining about that he was going to die every second.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch! My poor neck!" Duo whined, lying on a stretcher with a ruff around his neck.

"Oh shut up, Duo! It's your fault that we're here now!" Trowa replied.

He and a lady doctor were sitting next to the stretcher with Duo on it.

"Shut up, Barton! Don't you see that I am dying?" the American continued to lament.

"Like I said, it's your own fault. You had to thunder through this ship, just because you couldn't concentrate on your driving."

Duo didn't answer, but continued to moan and to whine.

So what had happened? Well, let's say so: When Duo was diverted by the yacht of bishounen, he unfortunately oversaw the full ship right before him and thundered with the "Deathscythe Hell" right through the hull.

As a result of the "accident" Duo suffered a slightly sprained neck and a minor head concussion, while Trowa got away with a broken finger. Oh, unnecessary to say that Duo's "Deathscythe Hell" and the other boat were only scrap right now. But now back to the ambulance.

"You were lucky, Mr. Maxwell. The other boat really looked bad. No stern more!" Sally Po, the lady doctor, said and smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!! I'm so lucky! How are you, Trowa?" the longhaired boy grumbled.

"I'll survive it. But please look the next time where you're driving to or you can look for another partner! Unlike you I don't have a death wish."

"Okay, okay, okay, you're right, although I also don't have something like a death wish. I just like fast driving...Gods, when are we finally at the damn hospital? I suffer from inhuman pains." Duo started to whine again.

"Don't worry, Mr. Maxwell. Only 10 more miles until we reach our destination. If you want I'll give some painkillers!"

"Yes, please." The braided boy replied.

"God. 10 miles. That's an eternity!" Trowa groaned.

"Oh no, Mr. Barton. 5 - 10 minutes, then we're there. Or do you think the police will stop us?" the doctor said smirking, mounting a syringe with painkillers for Duo.

The doctor's comment let both young men first look at each other and then forwards, where they could recognize, how the ambulance forced their way through the heavy traffic. Then Trowa and Duo looked at each other, again, while they slowly began to grin until they burst into loud laughter.

Finally they had found the perfect car for the race.

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" the American suddenly screamed, when Sally pushed the syringe into Duo's upper arm with a sadistic smile on her face.

Why weren't they at the hospital yet?


Hong Kong. A TV studio.

The beginning melody of a TV show sounded and the TV camera zoomed past a black Jeep, at whom many coloured, tiny lights were blinking, to the set, where a raised platform was set up, which looked a little bit like a Chinese tea room.

Four people sat at a small black table, on which a few tea bowls were standing, talking with each other lively. At the outer left side a young Chinese boy sat there, his hair bound into a short ponytail. He wore a blue tank top, with a logo on it, and white pants.

Next to him was a young girl with long, brown, curly hair and a red Chinese dress. But the Chinese boy didn't seem to be all too lucky, that the girl was sitting beside him. Next to the girl again a young man with long, platinum-blond hair and a white overall talked with the man, who was sitting in the right corner of the set.

The man wore a casual, but elegant suit and had two really striking split eyebrows.

Then the show began. The host, a mid-aged man, just welcomed the audience at this moment:

"Welcome to our show! As you know, there will be a super race soon and you need a super car to win this super race. And of course a super designer. So please welcome the designer of this super car. Welcome Mr. Howard!"

Applause rang out and an older man in a suit with sunglasses and a half-bald head appeared. The host gave him the microphone and then stayed in the background. Mr. Howard bowed for a moment and then he began to speak:

"Hello and welcome! Today I would like to present my newest car to you. But what would a super car be without a super drive. And so I said to myself: Let's take the best. And here he is: Ladies and Gentlemen - Mr. Wufei "The Rocket" Chang!" he said and sat down beside the young Chinese.

This one nodded his head shortly, but didn't say anything.

"And next to him we have another rocket, a music rocket! Ladies and Gentlemen - Miss Kirari Saijyo!"

Again applause rang out and Kirari waved, while Wufei was muttering something like "Injustice! Why do I have to sit beside an onna?". But Howard didn't hear Wufei's remark. He introduced the platinum-blond man:

"Please welcome also my co-designer - Mr. Zechs Merquise!"

But this one was too busy to flirt with the man next to him, so that Wufei had to bend to him behind Kirari's back and pulled at Zechs' Overall. But since Howard wanted to speak to him he couldn't do anything other, but sitting straight.

"Well, Wufei, please tell us something about the car."

"Okay. The specialties of the car are two strong compressed rockets, which could shoot one almost to the m...o...on..."

Wufei stopped short, when he saw Zechs, who led the other man to the Jeep and let him get into the car.

"Don't worry! Everything is computer-controlled, so there's nothing that can go wrong!" Zechs smiled and pushed some buttons.

"!" Wufei stuttered.

"What's up...?" Howard asked puzzled.

Suddenly a strange sound sounded as if an engine would start. Wufei had a really, really bad feeling about this and jumped up.

"Are you nuts, Merquise? Stop the countdown or else the engine goes off." The Chinese yelled at the platinum-blonde.

"Ah, don't worry, my dragon. Nothing will happen! I have everything under control. You will see! Just trust me!" Zechs tried to calm the furious Chinese.

But this one didn't let himself send away that easy.

"No, TURN THE FUCKING COMPUTER OFF...! ON THE SPOT!" Wufei yelled again.

Both of them began to shout and to argue in a wild mess, but no one noticed that the man in the car pushed the fatal red button and hardly a second later the rockets fired.

The last thing, both young men noticed, was that the brand-new rocket car shot through the wall of the studio. Silent and with really unbelieving eyes everyone in the studio stared at the new hole decorating the wall through which the car had vanished.



Two men, armed and dressed in desert clothes, sat on two camels, held at the rein by a third man.

"Do you know what I need now?" the second man asked the first one.

This one took out a pack of cigarettes and offered the other man one.

"A Camel!"

"I can't hear the word "Camel" anymore!" the second man grumbled, but nevertheless took a cigarette.

At that time a white Rolls Royce came rushed on with an incredible velocity and raced past the three men.

"Such a hoodlum! That had been once my car!" the first man lamented.

"Until the day where Allah gave the big oil as a present!" the third man called out dramatically.

"Yeah, and then he increased the petrol prices! And now he's driving a Rolls Royce and we're sitting on camels!" the second man said.

Both men sighed and dropped their heads.


In the meantime the one, the three men had been speaking about, had arrived at his destination. This destination was a really magnificent villa in the middle of an artificial oasis with a big swimming pool, many palm trees and a big garden.

The driver of the Rolls Royce parked his car in front of the estate and got out. It was a fifteen-year-old blond boy, who wore a really interesting outfit. The most striking features of this outfit were a pink shirt and the blue vest. This was Quatre Raberba Winner, businessman and billionaire.

Quatre now went happily through the gate, which belonged to the wall around the estate, guarded by several body guards.

"How do you do, Your Winner-ness?" the guards greeted the boy.

"Hello Guys! I'm fine. Made another billion today. But I hope you look forward to the race next week. Only my humble self, you and the endless highway. Isn't that great?" Quatre giggled with stars in his eyes.

Then he waved to the men and disappeared inside the villa. The guards looked at each other puzzled and sweatdropped.


Behind the villa was the big garden with pool, at whose edge a desk with a sunshade was. An older man sat at the desk, who drank a cup of tea. Rashid Kurama, the adviser of Quatre. The Arab went to him.

"Hello Rashid!" Quatre said, sat down and poured himself a cup.

"How do you do, Winner-san? I hope your drive was successful."

"Of course. Are you ready with the preparations for the race?"

"Yes sir. All of your 11 cars are up to date and the things also were load. And I have done all organizational things. We can leave tomorrow if you wish, Winner-san."

"That's good to hear. Then I will win this race." Quatre said and slurped his second cup of tea.

(And maybe I'll get my own Fic with lemon if I find a cute boyfriend...) he giggled mentally.

"I'm sure that you'll win. We'll help you." Rashid replied.

"I know, Rashid, I know!"



"And the car will be there on Monday?" Omi Tsukiyono asked his two secretaries, who were standing beside him.

"Yes Sir!" Koji replied, who stand beside Omi's right side and wrote in his notepad.

"And the supervisory board meeting on Monday is also cancelled? I will stay at my castle in Ireland for a week." Omi said and took a sip of his plum wine from his glass.

"Of course, Sir!" Takuto answered, who was standing beside Omi's left side.

"Alright Takuto. I have another favour to ask of you. Please look for an old friend of mine, a certain Mr. Bradley Crawford. He's the best bike mechanic and race driver for long distances I know!"

"Certainly, Tsukiyono-san!" Takuto replied.

Finally the young blond man handed over the empty glass to Koji and put on a pair of black leather gloves.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but the supervisory board asked me to express his worries. Is it possible to change your mind yet?" Takuto asked.

"No. It's my firm and it's only running good, because I'm so convinced of my ideas. Finally I'm allowed to feed my own ego, am I not? And now - out of my way!" Omi said and put his bike helmet on.

Then he started the bike, which he had been sitting on the whole time, while Koji and Takuto withdrew.


"FLLLLYYYYYIIIINNNNGGGG THHHRRROOOUUUGGGHH THHHEEE AIIIIIRRRRR...!" he began to sing and then he jumped with the bike out of the open tail of the plane, which was several thousand meters above the ground.

In a nosedive he raced towards the earth and at the same time left a coloured smoke stripe behind - much to the pleasure of the audience, who were watching this air show.

Finally his parachute opened and Omi sailed gently down to the ground.


Sirens of many police cars at full blast sounded through the area and a few seconds later a red Pick-up could be seen, on whom several times "Relena Rules" were written. This red car now raced across the road, chased by several police cars.

The passengers of the car, a blond and a black-haired woman, seemed to have fun to be chased by the police.

"Hey, the boys are still sticking to our ass!" Lucrezia Noin replied after taking a quick look backwards.

"Don't worry, honey. It won't take long anymore to get rid of him. Just wait!" Relena shouted and pressed the accelerator completely down.

After a few meters she turned right at the motel, where the participants of the stayed, and drove on.

"Where shall we park the car meanwhile?" Lucrezia then asked.

"I have no idea!"

"Hmmm, wait a minute. I remember a place. Beautiful, but difficult to park!"

"Nonsense! We'll find a place." Relena replied.

In the meantime their pursuer came closer and closer and to get rid of him, Relena suddenly took a sharp left turn - with the result, that the bonnet of their car went off into nowhere (^^:*clears her throat* The bonnet only lifted up.) and lessened their sight.

Blind as a bat, Relena raced rather without any orientation through the area until there suddenly was a loud


and the Pick-up had ended up in the motel pool, where it sank quickly. A few seconds later Relena and Lucrezia surfaced and held on to the edge of the pool, both laughing and very wet.

"That was funny!" Relena giggled.

"Yeah! And we got rid of the boys!"

"You're right. But now I'm thirsty. Do you come with me?"

"Of Course! But what are we doing with the car?"

"Doesn't matter! I don't believe that anyone will steal it!"

"True, True!"

With these both women climbed out of the pool to get themselves a drink. The car could also be gotten out of the pool at a later time.

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And here the guest stars from this part:

Kirari Saijyo - Chouja Reideen

Audience: *Applause*

Koji Nanjo / Takuto Izumi - Zetsuai

Audience: *Applause*

^^Terrenis-chan: *giggle* Just wave fine, cuties!

Koji, Takuto, Kirari: *wave*

Audience: *Applause*

Koji: *bows to authoress* Just a little question! Do you need us in the next time?

^^Terrenis-chan: *looks in manuscript* No, provisionally not!

Koji: ^__________________________^ Fine, then I can occupy myself and have some fun with my cute little Izumi-chan. *grabs Izumi and disappears in the back room*

^^Terrenis-chan: O.O *pulls out digital camera* Hey, wait for me! I want photos!!! *sneaks after them*

^^Terrenis-chan: Did you like it? Have you ideas for the further course of the race? Just write me:

Ja ne!

^.^ Terrenis-chan