Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Life With Anime Characters ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter One: The First Five Years

He was born in an military hospital in Ft.Sill, Oklahoma. The first thing his mother knew what that something was immediately wrong with him as he was wisked away before she could barely look upon him. However, one distinguishing feature stood out. Purple eyes. Bright, lovable, purple eyes.

However, she was to never know her baby boy, or so she and the rest of the hospital thought. The baby was small, weak, and two months premature, not to mention born cleft-palate, and had to go into immediately surgery or die.

The surgery was done, and the huge hole in his mouth sewed together. Doctors told the mother that her baby boy had two, three hours to live if he was lucky. The mother wouldn't believe it though. She believed her baby boy had a fighting chance, and as such, she named him 'Yuugi', but his nick name was Hikari, or 'Light'.

Three days later, Yuugi was still alive, and doctors proclaimed it a miracle. The mother said it was love that allowed him to live, and will always allow him to live. The doctors accepted that, as throughout their career, they've seen many a strange thing.

Three months later, after many tests, surgeries, and old fashioned fear, Yuugi was allowed to go home, to stay. There, he was greeted by his older brother, Seto, whom was five, and Seto's best friend, Jounouchi..also five.

Three years went by, most of which was lived with happiness, even though Yuugi's mother and father were strict, in some things. They taught Yuugi from when he was born that he was too do his best, and never let anyone's decision decree how he would survive in the world. Otherwise, Yuugi grew up happily, Seto and Jounouchi always being there when he really needed them.

When Yuugi turned four and Seto turned nine, their father started abusing their mother. At first, it was just slaps, nothing more serious than what Yuugi and Seto got when they misbehaved, like playing with fire, or nearly getting ran over by a car. Deadly things. As they turned five and ten however, it got more serious, with their father drinking more and more, causing him to beat up their mother badly, and Seto to stay over at friends' houses more and more, particularly Jou's house.

Then their mother ran away, taking Seto with her, promising Yuugi she would return for him, one day. This caused his father to turn on him, and Yuugi became withdrawn, hiding the vibrant personality behind a cold, uncaring facade. All this did was cause his father to drink more, and to then beat him up more and more. Luckily, it never got to the point where Yuugi had to go to the hospital, nor did it get to the point of rape.

Two months before Yuugi's sixth birthday, Yuugi was enrolled in the local elementary school. There he saw Jounouchi, an eleven year old outcast, just as he was a six year old outcast. However, they renewed their friendship, and through Jounouchi's coaching, Yuugi's vibrant personality resurfaced, and inflicted happiness everywhere, but at home.

A month before his sixth birthday, a miracle happened. Either God, or Fate, or someone wanted Yuugi and Jounouchi to be happy, because Yuugi's mother returned, with a court order to release Yuugi into her custody and Jounouchi was to come if he wanted. That's when both Yuugi AND Seto found out, Jounouchi was also a victim of child abuse, just not to the extent that Yuugi was.

Yuugi and Jounouchi moved to Texas, where both of them could renew their lives, and Jounouchi could renew his friendship with Seto. They went happily, expecting their lives to change for the better.


Serene> That's chapter one. Dialogue probably won't start for a couple of chapters, but don't hold me to it. Please review and I hope you enjoy the story. Arigato for reading so far.